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Do Animals Go To Heaven ?

Boy I forgot about this topic, all kinds of answers. I still don't think that animals of earth go to heaven.
If I may hop in this conversation, I do not think the real issue is whether or not animals go to heaven or hell, but if they will be restored again some day. I think the answer is "yes" as evidenced by Romans 8:19-22. Some may think that it only means the restored creation existing at the time, but I believe this will be from all time because of the initial intent of creation. Otherwise, there would not be a true restoration for all that were corrupted by sin if many animals were lost.
Wow. We may disagree on some matters of theology, but I think you are bang on correct with your analysis here. I would comment further, but I cannot think of any better way of expressing the position than what you have provided.
The answer is no. But you will be surprised at the people who think so. Even Christians today it came up on my site from a friend of mine, I have talked about this before on my old site. But today I did not go into great detail but it came up because of my signature on my site The lion laying down with the lamb, from Isaiah 11: 6-9. I am going to post what I said to him. He is thinking that he might see his dog one day. Like i said I did not go into great detail this time on the subject. But here is what I said.

Now what do some of you think happens to animals at their death ? This is my signature that he saw over there, and scripture that i have over top of it.

This is coming one day.
Isaiah 11:6-7 The wolf also shall dwell with the lamb, and the leopard shall lie down with the kid; and the calf and the young lion and the fatling together; and a little child shall lead them.
7And the cow and the bear shall feed; their young ones shall lie down together: and the lion shall eat straw like the ox.

what you call "heaven" is a completely remade earth, brand new and without sin. i do believe that our pets will be there - not in their current form - but as is said, lion lay down with lamb. It wont have the same predatory instinct (for instance a cat). But will still be the same loving creature we know and love.

I feel this to be true...I dont know if it is. I really hope that it is cos I love my cats and my hamster.
I found this poem by Lord Byron (I added the bolding). It is the epitath on the grave of his dog who died at age 5:

Near this Spot
are deposited the Remains of one
who possessed Beauty without Vanity,
Strength without Insolence,
Courage without Ferosity,
and all the virtues of Man without his Vices.

This praise, which would be unmeaning Flattery
if inscribed over human Ashes,
is but a just tribute to the Memory of
who was born in Newfoundland May 1803
and died at Newstead Nov. 18, 1808.

When some proud Son of Man returns to Earth,
Unknown by Glory, but upheld by Birth,
The sculptor’s art exhausts the pomp of woe,
And storied urns record who rests below.
When all is done, upon the Tomb is seen,
Not what he was, but what he should have been.
But the poor Dog, in life the firmest friend,
The first to welcome, foremost to defend,
Whose honest heart is still his Master’s own,
Who labours, fights, lives, breathes for him alone,
Unhonoured falls, unnoticed all his worth,
Denied in heaven the Soul he held on earth –
While man, vain insect! hopes to be forgiven,
And claims himself a sole exclusive heaven

Oh man! thou feeble tenant of an hour,
Debased by slavery, or corrupt by power –
Who knows thee well must quit thee with disgust,
Degraded mass of animated dust!
Thy love is lust, thy friendship all a cheat,
Thy tongue hypocrisy, thy heart deceit!
By nature vile, ennobled but by name,
Each kindred brute might bid thee blush for shame
Ye, who perchance behold this simple urn,
Pass on – it honors none you wish to mourn.
To mark a friend’s remains these stones arise;
I never knew but one – and here he lies.

I think we would all benefit from a little "modesty" about our (i.e. humanity's) role in God's plan redemption. While God did place man (and man only) "in charge" of His creation, this should, I suggest, in no way lead to the conclusion that "its all about us humans" and that animals are somehow "less valuable".
tim-from-pa said:
If I may hop in this conversation, I do not think the real issue is whether or not animals go to heaven or hell, but if they will be restored again some day. I think the answer is "yes" as evidenced by Romans 8:19-22. Some may think that it only means the restored creation existing at the time, but I believe this will be from all time because of the initial intent of creation. Otherwise, there would not be a true restoration for all that were corrupted by sin if many animals were lost.

Yeah, what he said!
The answer is YES !!

King James Version

Romans 8:18-23

<sup class="versenum" id="en-KJV-28135">18</sup>For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us.
<sup class="versenum" id="en-KJV-28136">19</sup>For the earnest expectation of the creature waiteth for the manifestation of the sons of God.
<sup class="versenum" id="en-KJV-28137">20</sup>For the creature was made subject to vanity, not willingly, but by reason of him who hath subjected the same in hope,
<sup class="versenum" id="en-KJV-28138">21</sup>Because the creature itself also shall be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of God.
<sup class="versenum" id="en-KJV-28139">22</sup>For we know that the whole creation groaneth and travaileth in pain together until now.
<sup class="versenum" id="en-KJV-28140">23</sup>And not only they, but ourselves also, which have the firstfruits of the Spirit, even we ourselves groan within ourselves, waiting for the adoption, to wit, the redemption of our body.
IMO: I think it's best to wait and get all of our questions answered there. Asking this and thinking we know the answer could hurt us. If God wanted us to know all about heaven he would tell us. I think these broad examples in verses I have read do not tell me enough personally to believe 100%.
They do not go to heaven no, this is clear in the Bible. God does however take care of your pets and ensures they are at peace, if not necessarily in Heaven
I would not be so quick to dismiss the fate of animals fate or be as bold as to claim they do not go to heaven or there is no after life for them. While there certainly is no definite scripture one way or another on this topic, I am reminded of the prophetic verses in Revelations that describe animals in the millennium period, the lion resting near the lamb, etc. Certainly animals are present during the millennium period and we simply do not know any thing further then that. :)
i agree, our personal animals, all animals of the present earth will not be going to heaven. I am sure there will be animals there but not animals going there from earth. If you considering mankind an animal.. then yes only mankind is going to heaven, those who are redeemed.
laughing? not nice.... I believe people should get their view of Heaven from the Bible. Animals are not of the redeemed and are not going to be transported to Heaven. Animals have no knowlege where they would miss Heaven or long for Heaven.
animals live to eat. Whoever feeds them gets there full unjudgemtn attention. Earth animals are not going to be transported to Heaven. The animals in Heaven will only know of Heaven.