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All I know is I was not a fan when in the name of safety the governemnt gave law enforcement the authority to enter peoples private property without a warrant. And that's not saying anything bad about law enforcement itself as I respect law enforcement, but you have to be careful how far you go in the name of safety and security. I mean in the name of safety banning a human being from visiting a family member who was dying and was not allowed to visit them. That's ruthless and people praised it.

What's going on these days, they want climate action in the name of national security, what just come around a say sorry and take away my vehicle or my lawn mower because it's a natuonal security risk and threat?. Im not saying that's true or will happen or making some conspiracy theory out of it, but just saying I think people need think more about themselves and being careful rather than putting all there trust and faith and hope to a handful of humans..
HI King Dan of Great the 1st

Nope! It just says "We the people, in order to form a perfect union."

But people's ideas and fears change as life builds. Do you know that 300 years ago nobody feared getting run over by a car? Just 150 years ago, nobody feared nuclear warfare. In fact, in those days, nobody even knew what either one of those calamities were. But today, well today we have cars speeding down 8 lane highways at 70 mph with only a 14' lane marked off with a paint stripe to keep everybody apart. So, yea, today, we have a lot of laws about cars because they're here and people are afraid of them and what they have the potential to do.

Life changes, my friend. And that's why our form of governance is one of the better ones. It allows for the freedom of 'the people' to make changes based on all those changes that are going to happen in life.

But today, there are millions and millions and millions of people. All with some different ideas about how things should be to make them happy about the place where they live. But 'they' are 'we the people'. Today we have educated several hundred thousand lawyers across the country and they all have to eat. So, all of these millions and millions of people that comprise the 'we the people' of the United States of America, have the power, through our vote and our elected representatives to work to change things that we feel need to be changed.

That's how the system works. Now, we don't any of us, always get our way. But rest assured, things are moving along just as they are supposed to be moving along at this point in God's time. Read the book! We are becoming filled with every king of....

God bless,

I was with my friend and his family im close with and other friends on private property and my friends sisters boyfriend was on the footpath like 1 foot off the property and he got arrested from drinking in public, then my friends dad starting arguing how pathetic it was to the cops and he happened to put his foot from his private property on the public path then he got arrested and he was just putting forward a logical argument not sure what the accusation against him was. It was so ridiculous. A few years before that there was freedom you could walk around minding your own business as a responsible adult individual and have a beer no problem or go the beach and light a fire and sit back and relax with friends and watch the sunset, only trouble makers back then got in trouble.
Unfortunately some people do stupid things and cause trouble and for some pathetic reasons everyone else loses there rights or privileges because of it. Just because some people are trouble makers or do stupid things at different times I dont think is a valid excuse and don't mean everyone else should be punished for it and there rights or privileges should be limited or outright banned because of it.
I tell you one thing I do find ridiculous. We have both a safety sticker and a licence sticker on our vehicles, yet if someone has no licence sticker apparently that is classed as some sort of safety risk. I mean to get a registration sticker is just paying money for the vehicle licence to be valid, nothing more, its nothing to do with safety, thats what the other vehicle safety sticker is for and why people have a drivers licence.
Pay for your registration and it's in the system your vehicle is registered but you just didnt have the sticker displayed. That could be a penalty. Rule breaker. Bad person.
The anxiety technology has caused humanity I belive is put the gate. I mean I know someone who got pulled over after leaving a festival and got randomly drug tested and it come back positive, and they like that's complete BS they dont consume illegal substances, and then took a blood test and it come back negative after days waiting for the results from a lab. But the time and waiting for results when your innocent and alleged to be a posible offender when you know you have done nothing wrong. I mean that causes people mental stress. They lose sleep.

Anyone innocent who is accused or falsely accused or under investigation and its a nothing burger, if they done no wrong, well at least an apology or some compensation maybe would be a good start. Not just a ok you all good now thanks for your time.
A 95 year old woman with dementia is in hospital with a suspected fractured skull and brain bleed after allegedly tasered by police at an aged care facility.

It's great when the law enforcement investigates law enforcement themselves. I heard some police officer on the news saying something like law enforcement should never investigate law enforcement, and I agree and thats true because a law enforcement officer should never tazer a 95 year old woman.
I'm sure the elderly have suffered enough over the last few years with covid fear and restrictions and there own family banned from visiting them in aged care. I'm sure the last thing a 95 yo with dementia in a aged care facility wants is to be tasered.
I will never forget the family who's Son he out himself and all the parants wanted to do was see there Son and take him home, and another state in the name of safety said of they enter they have to quarentine. I mean that's so ruthless, your child is dead and all you want to do is enter another state within your own country that you have a passport and see your own child and take them back home and mourn, but if you want to enter first you have to isolate alone and be locked in a cage for a while in the name of safety.
In my opinion that's mental torture. But of course in the name of love and kindness and caring about others many people praised it.
Oh course I remember. I was accused of being a problem, a threat, not to be trusted, people need to wear masks to protect themselves from me, I should be punished, im just acting like a child, screw my freedom, im an idiot who kills people, a lunatic, an ignorant ass, a anti social stupid person who should pay the price, and I should pay more health care even I work and pay taxes.

But hey, each to there own if that's what they believe. I just need reply with one word. Fools.

I'm not sure if I can find in history in a country the mainstream media would call a minority of the people threats, problems, not to be trusted, idiots, and they should be punished.
I know USA has a different system than where I live but some decisions "we the people make" should go to a peoppes vote. Like we have referendums, well not really, yet they allow the public to have a direct voice on changes to the law.
HI again King Dan of Great the 1st

Yea, ours are called something like that, too. But there's a process to get to that point. It's not like the government sends out sticky notes and asks everyone to write down their biggest issue for a public vote.

God bless,
I was with my friend and his family im close with and other friends on private property and my friends sisters boyfriend was on the footpath like 1 foot off the property and he got arrested from drinking in public, then my friends dad starting arguing how pathetic it was to the cops and he happened to put his foot from his private property on the public path then he got arrested and he was just putting forward a logical argument not sure what the accusation against him was. It was so ridiculous. A few years before that there was freedom you could walk around minding your own business as a responsible adult individual and have a beer no problem or go the beach and light a fire and sit back and relax with friends and watch the sunset, only trouble makers back then got in trouble.
Hi King Dan of Great the 1st

While a touching story, cold you be a little more clear as to how this tale connects to our discussion of 'we the people'?

I mean, you have a couple of friends who got busted for public intoxication. Sad story, I suppose, but I don't see the connection.

God bless,
HI again King Dan of Great the 1st

Yea, ours are called something like that, too. But there's a process to get to that point. It's not like the government sends out sticky notes and asks everyone to write down their biggest issue for a public vote.

God bless,

Hi King Dan of Great the 1st

While a touching story, cold you be a little more clear as to how this tale connects to our discussion of 'we the people'?

I mean, you have a couple of friends who got busted for public intoxication. Sad story, I suppose, but I don't see the connection.

God bless,

Must just be my ADDH. Sometimes if I talk about something I end up going off topic and going on and on posting about random things for no reason. I probably should post less and think before I post, no need for me to go on and on about things.

I guess the point I was trying to make about my friends getting arrested is how some people are trouble makers yet the whole town gets a liquor ban when not all people are trouble makers. So a responsible individual who is not drunk or disorderly and having quiet peaceful conversation got arrested sinply for standing on the footpath of the property and the police drove past and seen and stopped and arrested him, then my friends dad argued it and he got taken away, im not sure what for as he doesnt even drink, maybe because he stepped on the footpath and was arguing so was called a public nuisance or something who knows.

And like I said before I respect law enforcement and its nothing to do with them im talking about as they don't make the rules, they just enforce the rules. Whatever the rules are that's there job to enforce it. I just think there are way too many rules and restrictions in general. I think they do a good job in general.
Hi King Dan of Great the 1st
I guess the point I was trying to make about my friends getting arrested is how some people are trouble makers yet the whole town gets a liquor ban when not all people are trouble makers. So a responsible individual who is not drunk or disorderly and having quiet peaceful conversation got arrested sinply for standing on the footpath of the property and the police drove past and seen and stopped and arrested him, then my friends dad argued it and he got taken away, im not sure what for as he doesnt even drink, maybe because he stepped on the footpath and was arguing so was called a public nuisance or something who knows.
Right, and I would venture that was more a decision that the arresting officer made in that moment and my not having been there, I can't make a value judgement. I've watched a lot of these police body cams, and 9 times out of 10, the perp isn't telling the whole story...truthfully. But these were friends of yours and I assume that you were with them and if they didn't give any mouth to the visiting officers, I don't know why they would have been arrested for such a seemingly innocuous crime...but the crime is on the books, right?

I mean, I've seen police video where a perp taunts the police and the officer might say, you come out here on the sidewalk and say that, and then arrests him for some public charge once he is on the sidewalk. But I'm pretty confident that those kinds of arrests are more for nuisance because the perp had an attitude that set the officer off. Was it right or wrong? I don't know I wasn't there.

However, I think that the issues we're discussing in this thread are slightly more important than where one chooses to wee on the sidewalk. Yes, I think most communities would be up in arms if the police were going around regularly arresting people who stepped out of their yards with a can of beer.
I just think there are way too many rules and restrictions in general. I think they do a good job in general.
Yes, as man's heart becomes more and more wicked and he continually evolves in his ability to do evil, then we get more and more laws to try and control such behavior.

God bless,
Like if a responsible adult is having a beer on the footpath not even intoxicated and talking to someone minding thee own bussiness i do not see a problem, but if someone is drunk and disorderly on the footpath then that is a problem, yet both are classed as a rule breaker because the rules are public drinking ban with zero tolerance. So the police had the right to arrest and they just doing there job. As I was saying I'm not blaming the police for anything just giving my point how a responsible person is labelled a problem simply for having a open beer.
Like if a responsible adult is having a beer on the footpath not even intoxicated and talking to someone minding thee own bussiness i do not see a problem, but if someone is drunk and disorderly on the footpath then that is a problem, yet both are classed as a rule breaker because the rules are public drinking ban with zero tolerance. So the police had the right to arrest and they just doing there job. As I was saying I'm not blaming the police for anything just giving my point how a responsible person is labelled a problem simply for having a open beer.
Hi King Dan of Great the 1st

It's a lot like open container laws. They feel that the only way to police drinking and driving is to prohibit there being any open container of alcohol within the passenger compartment. Unfortunately, that likely came about from people getting stopped and throwing their beer can in the back seat hoping it doesn't get seen or isn't counted against them.

And that's also why we have judges. If the charge was unrighteous, then hopefully a judge will correct it. I see them throw misdemeanor charges out all the time for people who don't have a record or have been clean for a fairly long time.

God bless,
I think it just comes down to personal responsibility. I mean people party in the city they all on the streets and walking around and most are responsible and behave themselves but obviously there are some trouble makers and police do there job and try keep everything under control and orderly and thats good. I mean only trouble makers need get in trouble.
I think it just comes down to personal responsibility. I mean people party in the city they all on the streets and walking around and most are responsible and behave themselves but obviously there are some trouble makers and police do there job and try keep everything under control and orderly and thats good. I mean only trouble makers need get in trouble.
Hi King Dan of Great the 1st

Sure it does. Of course it does. No one in the world would argue that. The problem is that you can't legislate by laws personal accountability. Is that what we tell the parents of these dead children. The killer should have been more personally responsible about his knowledge and understanding of discharging a firearm without clearing down range.

God bless,


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