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False Teachers


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Matt. 7:15 “Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly are ravening wolves. 16 By their fruits you will know them. Do you gather grapes from thorns, or figs from thistles? 17 Even so, every good tree produces good fruit; but the corrupt tree produces evil fruit. 18 A good tree can’t produce evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree produce good fruit. 19 Every tree that doesn’t grow good fruit is cut down, and thrown into the fire.

Recently, I have run into several false prophets that are attempting to teach on Christian Forum Sites. These teachers run the range from there are Seven Raptures in the Gospel through Christ paid for nobodies sins. These men are of no danger to an old Hog Headed Christian like myself and yet they scare me to no end.

The World, Internet included, is filled with children and gullible adults that will latch onto false teachers so quickly and they hold so tightly that they will drink Poisoned Kool-Aide and help the teacher set fire to the building they are in. On a less dangerous level there is one false teacher that is living in a house that was paid for by the poor of the world and, this being known, he is still, perhaps, the most successful fund raiser in the Christian World. Some will hear nothing that we have to say (the reason many do not speak) and others are so hungry for the knowledge of Spiritual matters that they discard all wisdom and just hear.

I can point you to many scriptures that “command†us to go forth, preaching the Gospel but all I'm using today is the last three verses of the Gospel of Matthew. The Church, that is you and I, is commanded to go forth, by Jesus, to make converts and disciples and yet we just sit there going to church 52 times a year thinking we have done our duty. We leave the church on Sunday and live like Hell, Sunday Afternoon through Sunday Morning.

Some seek to justify their actions with, “I must live in the World to feed my family!†Others will retort. “I am so busy that I don't have he time to go on a Mission Trip!†I've known these and other conditions in the past 21 years as I have walked with my LORD. But, in the USA, at least, we get two fifteen minute Coffee breaks and at least a half an hour Lunch Break, so what do you talk about? What is the passion of your life?
Matthew 24:8 all these are the beginning of sorrows.

God is very specific in Matthew 24 of what things to look out for before the return of the Lord. Yes, we have always had all these things through out the generations, but never on the scale are we seeing today. All across this world including here in the USA we see such devastation in the weather patterns of earthquakes, tsunamis, tornadoes, and cyclones. We have always had wars and rumor of wars, nation against nation, famines, pestilence and those who come claiming they are Christ.

There are so many false prophets out there that are deceiving even the very elect of God and even the government trying to bring it's socialistic agenda to the Church and succeeding with taking over many churches as their agenda is to bring this world into a one world government as the mark of the beast is being set up. Iniquity is abounding more then ever as everyone is against everyone and it's becoming an all about me type of world and what I can gain.

We can look at ministries over in India, Africa, Pakistan, etc. etc. those servants of God are being persecuted even to death for their faith in Christ and the witness of His name. We might not be experiencing most of these things here in America but we need to know it is coming our way and even now is in our country as our government is getting more corrupt then ever and making hidden deals with foreign countries to bring this world into a NWO.

Who should we blame for what is going on in this world, the Government, the Churches, Satan or ourselves? I will say ourselves as if we would put more energy into witnessing Christ to others than we do arguing and debating Gods word we could make a big difference in the world. It truly does not matter who is right or who is wrong through the teachings of theology or doctrine for if we are allowing Gods Spirit minister His word to us then we need to stand by our own convictions of faith in Christ and be that witness that God has called all of us to be so we can get back to basics and take His salvation message out to those who need to hear and will accept Jesus into their hearts and also to help meet the needs of those less fortunate then ourselves.

Are we witnessing Christ to others as the disciples did in simplicity of His word, or are we allowing ourselves to be puffed up like the Pharisees who loved to be seen of others for their ways of vanity? Salvation is not theology or doctrines of the Church, but a conscience desire to want Jesus in your life and how to receive His call to Salvation. People want to clean up others before they come to the Lord, but Jesus says you come as you are and I will change whatever needs changing starting with your heart.
Matthew 24:8 all these are the beginning of sorrows.

God is very specific in Matthew 24 of what things to look out for before the return of the Lord. Yes, we have always had all these things through out the generations, but never on the scale are we seeing today. All across this world including here in the USA we see such devastation in the weather patterns of earthquakes, tsunamis, tornadoes, and cyclones. We have always had wars and rumor of wars, nation against nation, famines, pestilence and those who come claiming they are Christ.

There are so many false prophets out there that are deceiving even the very elect of God and even the government trying to bring it's socialistic agenda to the Church and succeeding with taking over many churches as their agenda is to bring this world into a one world government as the mark of the beast is being set up. Iniquity is abounding more then ever as everyone is against everyone and it's becoming an all about me type of world and what I can gain.

We can look at ministries over in India, Africa, Pakistan, etc. etc. those servants of God are being persecuted even to death for their faith in Christ and the witness of His name. We might not be experiencing most of these things here in America but we need to know it is coming our way and even now is in our country as our government is getting more corrupt then ever and making hidden deals with foreign countries to bring this world into a NWO.

Who should we blame for what is going on in this world, the Government, the Churches, Satan or ourselves? I will say ourselves as if we would put more energy into witnessing Christ to others than we do arguing and debating Gods word we could make a big difference in the world. It truly does not matter who is right or who is wrong through the teachings of theology or doctrine for if we are allowing Gods Spirit minister His word to us then we need to stand by our own convictions of faith in Christ and be that witness that God has called all of us to be so we can get back to basics and take His salvation message out to those who need to hear and will accept Jesus into their hearts and also to help meet the needs of those less fortunate then ourselves.

Are we witnessing Christ to others as the disciples did in simplicity of His word, or are we allowing ourselves to be puffed up like the Pharisees who loved to be seen of others for their ways of vanity? Salvation is not theology or doctrines of the Church, but a conscience desire to want Jesus in your life and how to receive His call to Salvation. People want to clean up others before they come to the Lord, but Jesus says you come as you are and I will change whatever needs changing starting with your heart.
Good words my brother.
There are so many false prophets out there that are deceiving even the very elect of God ...

This isn't possible, and here's the proof that it's not.

Matthew:24:24: For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.
"if it were possible." So many folks just read over that and never take notice of it. I, and all believers, are indwelt with the Holy Spirit and as long as we do not quince Him we cannot be fooled by the Deceiver!f it were possible
Very many people get their hearts set on a guy and then just will not accept that he is not what he says. They wish to be right. To admit so and so is a creep makes them duped.

When this happens the leaven starts rising . I love good strong sour dough but not in our churches.
I believe that the Matthew 24 "prophecies" were fulfilled in the first century. I can provide the relevant Biblical arguments, if you like. But, please, only ask for them if you are open to the possibility that these texts mean something other than what you have hitherto supposed. If you are not to actually deal with the arguments, please do not cause me to waste my time.
matter of opinion, and justice. i heard nobody cursing or namecalling................

what do you consider wrong from right?

i know what i do and i know who i am
and i can not! change the facts in my life.
i feel a bit spoken to as i am not the regular christian and i may consider myself more then a prophet.

i would just feel badly if i was to be made out for such thing as a false teacher. which i promise you with all honesty i am not.

so i ask gently tell me where i have stated something that is false or against the good conscience of a mans 'lawfull mind'.

i think it is an insult to many to claim that there is false prphets among us.
let me stand right here in jesus shoes and tell you' to whatch out for the scriptures set by the studied of it and in it, just like jesus.

another question, and go ahead call me a false prophet(which i am not) but if you honestly believe another man will die for your sin (as you learned and studied by whatever way you did) and that you yourself do not have te repent(it's called repent right?) then i wonder where your rightiousness is.

to further say how i feel about this i would love to qoute some biblical verses be paul in which he lays down how he thinks about it. but again that is scripture too!

now all i have to do simply is state that i am a protestant, which means that i do not believe in jesus on a cross as the catholics do.
which at the same times shows if you understand correct that at or about this issue i am not a false prophet, but a protestant. forgive me for following my heart and trying to add my part from out of my opinion heart and mind.

i also red about all things about the prophecy's being said.
let there be no doubt about it that i have not lied a single word on this site.

but what is false and what is truth. i think is a matter of opinion.
and just slaming into the wind if i may say so and claiming that people on this site and elsewhere are false instead of true. how do you know? besides that it is not after your' will?

and if you want the top of the mountain, here is me and i will remain and be.
but i am not looking for followers or trying to wrongdo anybody wether it in the present or in the past..

i rest this here with all the above i said. and if you take it as a bite or so.
who knows maybe 'our father' shall let himself be heard.

leave your mind and your heart open to what is good and true within justice in your self'

and if you are conservative and not open to change or renewel like a brick or so, or acceptence of truth and go calling people false or liars because they have their own opinion or mind that up to each self. i just think it's wrong.

and then i do not mean to talk about people who start their own comminty or begin a sect, however succesfull and big.

i rely on myself and the bible and real life, and the laws of justice which are layed down in everybody's mind since a year or 7000.. and not anything else.

i want to say one more thing that even those who choose to be in a sect or whatever, is their own choose.

but just giving a swing into the wind about False teachers or prophets i think is not fair to anyone. eventhough it get 'me' going though.

here is something which isnt new.. a foundation has ben layed and many has been built upon. set fire to it and we shall see:grumpy

i give up saying i havent heard a wrong word besides calling 'false'.
one more thing if you want people to cling on to old'and keep them souls stupid or win even more souls for a case which in my eyes as protestant believer in jesus christ but myself first, i think is dumb.

last: if you want to get to know truth and me further begin following you conscience and heart. instead of murder:grumpy:yes

very false not?
but god knows what is truth in case you dont..and he know me and i know him.u2

ps btw a way of thinking or teaching or telling experiences in your/mine/a life which you dont like isnt per definition false if you dont like it.

if you have doubts over what i say we can message each other to further detail and explain in this case about me. now dont lay me asides coz i surely posted here things you dont 'like'

ok i stop now:biggrin
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I believe that the Matthew 24 "prophecies" were fulfilled in the first century.

I believe in similitudes of prophecy. Also, I don't believe that there ever has been, or that there ever will be, a time when the elect of God can be deceived. God isn't weak, he can save to the uttermost. In fact here's proof.

Mark:13:27: And then shall he send his angels, and shall gather together his elect from the four winds, from the uttermost part of the earth to the uttermost part of heaven.
Also, there's this scripture.

John:10:28: And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand.
Re: matter of opinion, and justice. i heard nobody cursing or namecalling............

what do you consider wrong from right?

i know what i do and i know who i am
and i can not! change the facts in my life.
i feel a bit spoken to as i am not the regular christian and i may consider myself more then a prophet.

i would just feel badly if i was to be made out for such thing as a false teacher. which i promise you with all honesty i am not.

so i ask gently tell me where i have stated something that is false or against the good conscience of a mans 'lawfull mind'.

i think it is an insult to many to claim that there is false prphets among us.
let me stand right here in jesus shoes and tell you' to whatch out for the scriptures set by the studied of it and in it, just like jesus.

another question, and go ahead call me a false prophet(which i am not) but if you honestly believe another man will die for your sin (as you learned and studied by whatever way you did) and that you yourself do not have te repent(it's called repent right?) then i wonder where your rightiousness is.

to further say how i feel about this i would love to qoute some biblical verses be paul in which he lays down how he thinks about it. but again that is scripture too!

now all i have to do simply is state that i am a protestant, which means that i do not believe in jesus on a cross as the catholics do.
which at the same times shows if you understand correct that at or about this issue i am not a false prophet, but a protestant. forgive me for following my heart and trying to add my part from out of my opinion heart and mind.

i also red about all things about the prophecy's being said.
let there be no doubt about it that i have not lied a single word on this site.

but what is false and what is truth. i think is a matter of opinion.
and just slaming into the wind if i may say so and claiming that people on this site and elsewhere are false instead of true. how do you know? besides that it is not after your' will?

and if you want the top of the mountain, here is me and i will remain and be.
but i am not looking for followers or trying to wrongdo anybody wether it in the present or in the past..

i rest this here with all the above i said. and if you take it as a bite or so.
who knows maybe 'our father' shall let himself be heard.

leave your mind and your heart open to what is good and true within justice in your self'

and if you are conservative and not open to change or renewel like a brick or so, or acceptence of truth and go calling people false or liars because they have their own opinion or mind that up to each self. i just think it's wrong.

and then i do not mean to talk about people who start their own comminty or begin a sect, however succesfull and big.

i rely on myself and the bible and real life, and the laws of justice which are layed down in everybody's mind since a year or 7000.. and not anything else.

i want to say one more thing that even those who choose to be in a sect or whatever, is their own choose.

but just giving a swing into the wind about False teachers or prophets i think is not fair to anyone. eventhough it get 'me' going though.

here is something which isnt new.. a foundation has ben layed and many has been built upon. set fire to it and we shall see:grumpy

i give up saying i havent heard a wrong word besides calling 'false'.
one more thing if you want people to cling on to old'and keep them souls stupid or win even more souls for a case which in my eyes as protestant believer in jesus christ but myself first, i think is dumb.

last: if you want to get to know truth and me further begin following you conscience and heart. instead of murder:grumpy:yes

very false not?
but god knows what is truth in case you dont..and he know me and i know him.u2

ps btw a way of thinking or teaching or telling experiences in your/mine/a life which you dont like isnt per definition false if you dont like it.

if you have doubts over what i say we can message each other to further detail and explain in this case about me. now dont lay me asides coz i surely posted here things you dont 'like'

ok i stop now:biggrin
brother, they aren't talking about you being a false teacher. they're discussing other people who are really false teaching, not you.
Very many people get their hearts set on a guy and then just will not accept that he is not what he says. They wish to be right. To admit so and so is a creep makes them duped.

When this happens the leaven starts rising . I love good strong sour dough but not in our churches.

Hi, it seems about the same history repeated today as God states TWICE as [fact] in Eccl. 1:9-10 + Eccl. 3:15.

[1] Now Korah, the son of Izhar, the son of Kohath, the son of Levi, and Dathan and Abiram, the sons of Eliab, and On, the son of Peleth, sons of Reuben, took men:
[2] And they rose up before Moses, with certain of the children of Israel, two hundred and fifty princes of the assembly, famous in the congregation, men of renown:
[3] And they gathered themselves together against Moses and against Aaron, and said unto them, Ye take too much upon you, seeing all the congregation are holy, every one of them, and the LORD is among them: wherefore then lift ye up yourselves above the congregation of the LORD?

I believe that the Matthew 24 "prophecies" were fulfilled in the first century. I can provide the relevant Biblical arguments, if you like. But, please, only ask for them if you are open to the possibility that these texts mean something other than what you have hitherto supposed. If you are not to actually deal with the arguments, please do not cause me to waste my time.

Ah, a Preterist. I see.:study


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