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Bible Study First, Second & Third-door


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First, Second & Third-door

There are many that say the first, or the second, or the third door can save you. But I only trust within this one and only first door, which is by only accepting the way of the cross. With the Book of Revelation, bringing forth the forerunner of the Second Coming of Christ. There are many that say that this is a hard book to understand, and that we will have to wait until Christ returns before these mysteries can be explained. The one and only sole purpose of the Bible is to save souls, and guide the determination of the way that man might follow. Then after Christ’s return, then this book will be of no further use, so we will now have to get what we can out of this part of the Bible.
We will have to accept Christ and his Word now, that are before it has become too late, for then the Tribulations shall already be upon us. This wonderful book that we call the Bible will one day become obsolete, it will be of no further use, for then we will then for the first time be witnessing and hearing the one and only true living word of God. This wonderful book that man and Satan has tried to change or destroy down through the many generations, will then go down in dust and ashes, along with the Book of Revelation.

We do not know when this shall be, so we will have to get what we can now out of the Bible before it become too late. When this great day comes then there will be no further use for the Bible, for we will no longer need a guide. We will then be able to sit down and listen to the teachings of our Master, the same as his disciples once did. We will be able to talk with God, the same as Moses did in the days old, as we talk face to face with our maker.
Many believe that the first resurrection will be when the churches shall first be Rapture out before going into the earth’s Tribulations, then the second Resurrection this will be when many Gentiles shall also then be saved during the Tribulations. Then the third resurrection will be when the Jews will also have another chance here on earth, when the earth turns into another Garden of Eden. This is when the churches, shall rule with Christ for a thousand years over the Jews here on earth, which will be known as the millennium. Then this shall be the last resurrection, being the last and finial coming of Christ.

For then Christ will only be coming back, then as our one and only greatest of all King of kings – not as for another sacrifice. Christ’s blood will and shall not then be used as another sacrifice for our sins or forgiveness of our sins, not as another act of forgiveness. For if there should have been any, or another way for us to accept Christ as our King. Then the cross would not have been so important, unto us the children of our one and only Godhead.
Then God would not have had to given his one and only Son for our sins, that he might die on the cross for our sins. For if there should have been any other way, beside the blood of the Lamb. Then God would not for sure have had to sacrifice this his one and only Son, by the way of the cross for our sins unto man. God did not sacrifice his Son on the cross, so that we the Gentiles might be given still another chance, after the Tribulations of the churches, or by looking for the return of our King.

Nor that the Jews might also have another chance, when it comes to the millennium for they rejected this blood the first time, for the blood of the Lamb has already been paid and donated for man’s Salvation, this blood was then sufficient for any and all men. And not only then looking up unto our Master in all his Glory, which we might then ask for his forgiveness for our sins will then be too late. For we will then have already been judged by the Master, when we leave this earth and having met Christ in the sky. For Christ has already returning back to Heaven as our King of kings, to reclaim his Kingdom in Heaven upon his Throne on high.
God sacrificed his Son for the sins of man, which we all might be saved by looking first, and only upon the blood of the Lamb. The only way that we can accept this Kingdom is by only looking to the cross, which is and can only be the one and only door, in which Christ was talking about. For Christ has already opened this door when he was crucified, and not the many doors that are yet to come, which we find many now trying to teach today.

God did not then turn around providing these three doors, in which we might find Salvation. This is something that we must fulfill, before we can look to Christ in all his Glory, for I’m afraid that we will not find these three doors when it come to our Salvation, which is now being taught by many pastors. The Devil is the father of all lies; we even find this back in the beginning of time. This was when the serpent told Eve, Ye should not surely die, for with the mercy and love of your God, he shall surely give you another chance.
We still find this true today with the Devil still saying, why accept the blood of Christ when you are going to be given another chance, when Christ come back in all his power and Glory? Satan is saying that this shall be soon enough to accept Christ in all the Glory of the Godhead, and not from some wooden tree, which only came about from the hands of man. I was about to say that we all know what happen to Eve, but Satan is still trying to get this lie over even today. I heard this women preacher saying on television here lately.

She said that everyone knows that Eve did not die, for it did not happen during this time from what was a natural death, and then it had to have been only from what was from a spiritual death. When God told Adam and Eve that they should surely die, I’m afraid that God knew exactly what he was talking about. When Adam and Eve first sin, they were driven from the Garden of Eden, where they could no longer eat from the tree of life. This put their natural death into motion, this was the process that started their natural death, and with this God knew what he was talking about, when he said that they should surely die.
I also once heard another preacher say, that Adam and Eve could not have been in the Garden of Eden very long, because they wasn’t in the garden long enough to have any children. We all know that the burden of having children, wasn’t place upon Eve until after they were driven out of the Garden of Eden. These are the people that suppose to be receiving their knowledge and message from God, when we find that they haven’t even studied their own Bible, in place of receiving any kind of message from God.

They spoke only from within their high-education, but what good is this with out first the Spoken Word of God, the same as we find in the Book of Proverbs: 6:16-“These six things doth the Lord hate; ye, seven are an abomination unto him;â€Â
6:17-“A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood,â€Â
6:18-“An heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief,â€Â
6:19-“A flse witness that speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord
among brethren.â€Â

Thanks and God Bless You
To all, I like to thank each and everyone for their many kind words

I also have good news for many that has been complaining about my writing, with them wanting to know if I ever took time to proof read my post for spelling and grammar. They said that my English must have been my second language, my English comes only second to the teachings that I received from of the Holy Ghost.
They wanted to know what the Roots of Revelations meant this is the start or foundation to build on, the same as with my hope for my new Church, the Church Of Revelation. This is coming from the roots or foundation of the seven Churches of Asia in the Book of Revelation; this is where Christ gave his likes and dislikes unto the Churches.
As I come to the finish of this great ordeal, I now gladly give each and everyone their well deserves rest.

Thank everyone very much, and God Bless.
To each and everyone

I don’t like to give everyone the opinion that I cannot take criticism from my critic, I only follower where the Holy Spirit lead me. I was first led to start a New Church on the Internet to go before the world, It was only to be based upon the foundation given by our Glorifiedchrist, by going only to the Seven Mother Churches of Asia coming out of the Book of Revelation.
I finished this study only a short while ago, now I’m waiting for the Holy Spirit to map out my next move; this is before I can make my next move, then I will have to go from there. I cannot say what I will, or will not do. If God should want me back on the Internet then I will be here, I will have to wait and see, for I do not know when or where the Holy Spirit will make this known to me.

Thank you and God Bless


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