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Bible Study Hebrews 10:26


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I have heard the word and kept on sinning. I haven't met a person who meets the sinless criteria.

Hebrews 10:26 should be understood from this position -

12 Beware, brethren, lest there be in any of you an evil heart of unbelief in departing from the living God; 13 but exhort one another daily, while it is called“Today,” lest any of you be hardened through the deceitfulness of sin. 14 For we have become partakers of Christ if we hold the beginning of our confidence steadfast to the end, Hebrews 3:12-14

It is the position of those who have turned back to the law of Moses and away from Christ, and are left with no sacrifice for sins.

Thank you for your clarification. I have come to the point that it is wrong to condemn anyone unless you are an elder or pastor of a church, and you are attempting to glorify Jesus in the church as a group of godly men. We do not know all circumstances, but we try to judge with a holy result in mind.

Disagreeing with one's theology is a different matter, and that can be done without "jumping on another person". The point I wanted to make is that being saved does not eradicate our old, sin nature" because Scripture says, "for all have sinned..."

On the other hand, there is no Christian who is condemned for his sins because Romans 8:1 says that clearly. So when we see those two seemingly "contradictory" Scriptures, it is our (sinful?) tendency to such to an "all -or-nothing polarity" that has no support in Scripture. Maintaining those truths is difficult, especially for me. Therefore, I am very reluctant to claim that anyone is not a Christian, unless there is a continued and hard-hearted indifference to the Atonement of Jesus Christ that is biased more on presumption than fact.

Only such an elder or pastor would have to be themselves without sin and that is highly unlikely...they can condemn the sin but not the sinner, only God can do that and there is noe no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus and walk according to the Spirit.
Only such an elder or pastor would have to be themselves without sin and that is highly unlikely...they can condemn the sin but not the sinner, only God can do that and there is noe no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus and walk according to the Spirit.

Of course, you are free to disagree about what I do post. but I ask you not to disagree/ debate about what I do not say.
I maintain that all have sinned... Romans 3:23, and not that any Christian is sinless by virtue of his office.

I posted in direct reply to Smaller's statement "That's also why it's pointless to judge any believer on the basis of sin, because none are sinless, post salvation, by any forms of ritual, practice or belief." and I posted "I have come to the point that it is wrong to condemn anyone unless you are an elder or pastor of a church, and you are attempting to glorify Jesus in the church as a group of godly men. We do not know all circumstances, but we try to judge with a holy result in mind."

That it is indeed the role of the pastor/elders to maintain the church, and if you recall in 1 Corinthians 5, Paul did instruct the Elders of the church to remove a person from the church over the issue of fornication with his father's wife:

1 Corinthians 5:3 For I verily, as absent in body, but present in spirit, have judged already, as though I were present, concerning him that hath so done this deed,
4 In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, when ye are gathered together, and my spirit, with the power of our Lord Jesus Christ,
5 To deliver such an one unto Satan for the destruction of the flesh, that the spirit may be saved in the day of the Lord Jesus.
6 Your glorying is not good. Know ye not that a little leaven leaveneth the whole lump?​

In 2 Corinthians, the man is restored.

We who are pastors/elders have a serious obligation to maintain the unity of the Spirit and the bond of peace. It may seem to be an honor given to us to some people but with that honor comes a responsibility as great as the pastor himself.

Since I never stated that we have to be sinless or perfect, please do not infer that I said that because it does make further communication very complicated, if not hindered. If you do not understand what I post, please ask for a clarification in the future.
Of course, you are free to disagree about what I do post. but I ask you not to disagree/ debate about what I do not say.
I maintain that all have sinned... Romans 3:23, and not that any Christian is sinless by virtue of his office.

I posted in direct reply to Smaller's statement "That's also why it's pointless to judge any believer on the basis of sin, because none are sinless, post salvation, by any forms of ritual, practice or belief." and I posted "I have come to the point that it is wrong to condemn anyone unless you are an elder or pastor of a church, and you are attempting to glorify Jesus in the church as a group of godly men. We do not know all circumstances, but we try to judge with a holy result in mind."

IF we take Paul's lead in this matter, as I previously noted from the scriptures, we should see his own deprecation of his flesh, of sin, and the temptations and lusts that he himself openly exposed as existing with himself.

THIS is where "a christian leader" is meant to stand.

Even though it may have appeared that Paul was holy in the extreme in the "external sense" he assuredly did not present himself that way internally.

By comparison then, EXTERNAL sin is even worse, imho, because it finalizes and shows the internal captivity, and a warrior has lost their battle, at least temporarily. I do not say this to condemn anyone. It's a warning not to lose our effectiveness and our stand in faith.

Believers can and do fall by the score on a number of counts. This does not mean any believer "loses" their "eternal salvation." But it does mean being sidelined when we fall deeper into these various traps and setups that originate on the fact of "internal deception."

When the writer of Hebrews notes in chapter 6, this:

7 For the earth which drinketh in the rain that cometh oft upon it, and bringeth forth herbs meet for them by whom it is dressed, receiveth blessing from God:
8 But that which beareth thorns and briers is rejected, and is nigh unto cursing; whose end is to be burned.

There is a Divine Principle that is in play in this matter, and that is THIS:

That where God's Word is sown, resistance to same does also grow in our own ground. It is the personal obligation of every believer to "tend" to their own weed bed, lest they be over run. The "weeds" need interception and the point of INCEPTION, which is internal.

This power of internal adversity is real. It's even testable by any believer. Paul shows us how, here. And it contains a warning about what happens, bolded below:

Romans 7:
7 What shall we say then? Is the law sin? God forbid. Nay, I had not known sin, but by the law: for I had not known lust, except the law had said, Thou shalt not covet.
8 But sin, taking occasion by the commandment, wrought in me all manner of concupiscence. For without the law sin was dead.
9 For I was alive without the law once: but when the commandment came, sin revived, and I died.
10 And the commandment, which was ordained to life, I found to be unto death.
11 For sin, taking occasion by the commandment, deceived me, and by it slew me.
12 Wherefore the law is holy, and the commandment holy, and just, and good.
13 Was then that which is good made death unto me? God forbid. But sin, that it might appear sin, working death in me by that which is good; that sin by the commandment might become exceeding sinful.

This is the same picture that is observed and noted in Hebrews 6 above.

There is a very certain "strength and power" that comes upon our own contrariness aka SIN in the flesh, when exposed to the Word of God. And yes, it is REAL.

1 Corinthians 15:56
The sting of death is sin; and the strength of sin is the law.

Paul's self deprecations in this matter were meant to take us to the "killing ground" of our flesh, so that we would understand the principle and dynamic involved here.

And it is based on Mark 4:15, that Jesus taught.

Where the Word is sown, Satan DOES enter the heart to deceive. Any believer who considers that their "flesh" is exempt, has in fact already been stolen from and deceived, by Satan.

The "pastor" or "elder" who can not follow Paul's lead on this matter is no pastor or elder of mine. They are just another blind man, and very possibly a religious hypocrite, which is probably the absolute WORST place to land in, as a believer.
But today, who would really listen to any believer like Paul?

I'd dare say there might not even be a church leader on the planet today who teaches as Paul taught. The flock has been deafened.

Would we really LISTEN to this?

Paul did things he did not want to do and in fact did things he hated: Romans 7:15

Paul said that he found doing good, essentially impossible. Romans 7:18

Paul said he did evil. Romans 7:19

Paul said he has 'evil present' with him. Romans 7:21

Paul said he had temptation in his flesh. Galatians 4:14

Paul said he had a messenger of Satan in his flesh. 2 Corinthians 12:7

Paul said he was the chief of sinners, AFTER salvation. 1 Timothy 1:15

This is the trail of the KILLING GROUND that Paul takes us down, to prove the fact that the body is dead because of SIN.

Romans 8:10
And if Christ be in you, the body is dead because of sin; but the Spirit is life because of righteousness.

Colossians 3:3
For ye are dead, and your life is hid with Christ in God.

Colossians 2:20
Wherefore if ye be dead with Christ from the rudiments of the world, why, as though living in the world, are ye subject to ordinances,

These matters I consider to be "CHRISTIAN BASICS." They are NEVER taught!

These words of Paul will stick in the craw of every religious hypocrite. They can NOT follow Paul on these steps, personally.

When these things are taught, the notions of "works for salvation" are LAUGHABLE.
Paul delivers only one OUT for any believer who "walks in the SPIRIT." This PROVES the Spirit of Christ in IN THEM.

It is found in Romans 13:8-10, the SPIRIT of the LAW. This is "how" we cast off the works of DARKNESS, personally, by The Spirit of Christ LIVING in us.

12 The night is far spent, the day is at hand: let us therefore cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armour of light.
13 Let us walk honestly-
I've been in a serious season of pressing. God has been dealing with me, teaching me about the fundamentals of grace, and the necessity of pressing and pruning. I have been in situations where God has shown me rather directly that there is nothing at all that I can stand on, that warrants a single thing in His sight, concerning salvation. Whether you labored from the first hour or entered in at the eleventh hour, you still need grace and mercy. It is His good pleasure to give to us the Kingdom, not because we are inherently good by our words, thoughts, or actions -- but because He is good. I am the righteousness of God in Jesus Christ because of Jesus Christ. I am very, very often tempted to stand upon a mountain of righteous works with my arms stretched out to heaven like I'm elect for the sake of my actions. No, I'm becoming ever more convinced that I can only stand on the Rock of Ages and stand at all. He Himself supports me, or nothing supports me at all. My faith is justified because it is alive in good works which bear witness that I am in love with God and He, in His grace, loves me with a perfect love in return. I can't offer up a pile of menstrual rags unto God the Father and say to Him, "Is this enough? Has this added unto me any measure more than what Christ has done for me on the cross?" Surely it couldn't be so. I don't have the power to stand on my own, and nothing that I do in my seasons of spiritual strength come from myself, but rather from the grace of God which enables me. Apart from Him, I can do nothing. I am nothing. I can't stand on my works anymore. I can only put my hope in Jesus Christ.
Now, ask me how many are really "believers" when they seek to eternally destroy another believer on ANY basis, when we see and walk in the Spirit of the Law in Romans 13:8-10, which IS The Spirit of Christ, proven.

Believers who have walked into that ground have been sorely sorely misled about their OWN internal reality. I'll be kind and say I believe they'll be saved anyway. But, I'll keep my distance away and apart from such postures/poses of faith, because they aren't.
I Apart from Him, I can do nothing. I am nothing. I can't stand on my works anymore. I can only put my hope in Jesus Christ.

THAT is the essence of Biblical Christianity, and it is the reason why I made the comment about looking at others. I have enough trouble keeping myself on track without wondering if this or that is wrong in the life of another. However, if it is being brought up in the context of my role among the church leadership, then I am under the obligation before God to seek His face, and then render an opinion based upon what I believe God is telling me, and others.

I can't offer up a pile of menstrual rags unto God the Father and say to Him, "Is this enough? Has this added unto me any measure more than what Christ has done for me on the cross?" Surely it couldn't be so.
Thank you for that accurate (but offensive) statement. I state that because it is a statement "cleaned up" by the translators of the Bible, and the term, "filthy rags" does not quite make the equivalent level of offense that Isaiah wrote about, and how greatly that offends a just, righteous and holy God.

"Nothing of myself I bring, simply to thy cross I cling."
It means exactly what is says
No Reba, due to your previous personal statements, I have a right to ask you if that was a personal jab at me, or not.
The comment was clearly directed at my post, and just as clearly, it had nothing to do with the content of my post
Sorry by Grace maybe I misunderstood the statement. I simply believe no elder or Pastor has the right nor the authority to "condemn" anyone....let him who is without sin cast the first stone. However I have been in a few Holiness churches where Pastors seem to assume this authority. My mistake I am sure....
The letter to the Hebrews/Jews had an agenda... It was all about the new Covenant and why/how it was better and how Jesus was better than any priest.


To continue in the Old Covenant with ritual sacrifices for sins and etc would be to say that Jesus' Crucifixion was not sufficient to save them from their sins.

To continue in the Old Covenant was actually blasphemy of the New Covenant and subsequently God/Holy Spirit himself.

Normal sins that plague mankind are, will, and have been forgiven. The whole sacrificial system was pointing to Jesus' Crucifixion anyway.

So once a Jew knew because they believed in Jesus, going back to the Old Covenant was blasphemy... And nothing could save them.

That's the crux of what was said and intended. It's not a letter to the Gentiles because of the heavy allusions to sifre and midrash and Talmudic writings...Gentiles (like us) usually know nothing of them.
I agree JohnDB but will add.. we today should not 'lookback' it was not a good thing for Lot's wife the Jews or Christians today...
some of the teaching today says the OT sacrifices will be reestablished i see such as a slap or spit in the face of Christ.

We are not Gentiles we are not heathens we are part of the family of God
Eph_2:19 Now therefore ye are no more strangers and foreigners, but fellowcitizens with the saints, and of the household of God;
Definition of willingly = G1596
  1. voluntarily, willingly, of one's own accord
    1. to sin wilfully as opposed to sins committed inconsiderately, and from ignorance or from weakness
We are weak through temptation, through fear, through ignorance, etc.
This definition of what willfully sinning is NOT, or is opposed to, pretty much covers all sin that a person can commit. So this verse, 10:26, is not talking about normal sin, even murder.
This sin is very specific, trampling on the blood of the One who has made you holy (sanctified).
Read on down to 10:29

Heb 10:29 of how much sorer punishment shall he be counted worthy who the Son of God did trample on, and the blood of the covenant did count a common thing, in which he was sanctified, and to the Spirit of the grace did despite?

What does it mean trampling on the blood as though it is a common thing?
Act_10:14 And Peter said, `Not so, Lord; because at no time did I eat anything common or unclean;'
Act_10:15 and there is a voice again a second time unto him: `What God did cleanse, thou, declare not thou common;'
A common thing is not clean it is not holy.

If a believer were to turn against the Lord and believe that His precious blood is unclean, unholy, and common and treat it and the Spirit of grace as such, they have surely committed this sin.

Personally I believe that this scripture was spoken to the Hebrew people at that time because they were under so much persecution from the unbelieving Jews that they were in danger of losing their faith and returning to the blood of bulls and goats for atonement. The temple was still standing at this time.
I am not saying that it isn't for today as well for all believers as a warning, but this isn't something that would be done without deliberate forethought and it is directed at the Lord Himself by denying who He is and what His shed blood has done.
I agree JohnDB but will add.. we today should not 'lookback' it was not a good thing for Lot's wife the Jews or Christians today...
some of the teaching today says the OT sacrifices will be reestablished i see such as a slap or spit in the face of Christ.

We are not Gentiles we are not heathens we are part of the family of God
Eph_2:19 Now therefore ye are no more strangers and foreigners, but fellowcitizens with the saints, and of the household of God;
You are so right. For what you have laid out here is the only reason I try to be so careful when teaching my position on the Ten Commandments and it is the only reason I try to answer the false accusations that I try to place Christians under the Law again.
Sorry by Grace maybe I misunderstood the statement. I simply believe no elder or Pastor has the right nor the authority to "condemn" anyone....let him who is without sin cast the first stone. However I have been in a few Holiness churches where Pastors seem to assume this authority. My mistake I am sure....
No problem.

We are ALL products of our past. I get my hackles raised when there are "Prophecy Conferences" and the speakers begin to set dates. It all goes back to when a guest speaker said it, and I was hosting him on live TV in our church. Because I was hosting him, I was also endorsing him. What really rankled me was the fact that he had a phony doctorate from a "diploma mill" in Florida.

Back to the issue. When we deliberate, we are throwing out ideas at each other, some of which are contrary to the position one Elder is putting forth. the reason behind that is not to "prove the other fellow wrong" but to arrive at a consensus as to what Holy Spirit tells us so we can build up the church, and build up all people involved. In one recent incident, the fact that we were discussing what needed to be done because one member complained about another member's insults, the fact that we were being deliberate and cautious pressured the erring member to apologize to the one who was offended. We dropped the matter, and the entire church was edified.

Sounds to me that may you have had an experience where the pastor was not acting like a shepherd, but more of a task master.

I do hope that my "push-back" was received as being gentle, and I certainly appreciate your gentle push-back at me!


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