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So I’m confused.
I guess I can call this as me going through a faith/spiritual/religious crisis. This has been going on months and years now.
I’m going back and forth between belief and non-belief in God, and I just can’t decide. I’m stuck right smack in the middle. It’s the most uncomfortable feeling. I just don’t feel any connection towards God. I’ve asked him multiple time to please help me, help my unbelief. Ive been also just questioning the Bible’s accuracy. What should I do, what should I read, research? Where do I turn? Any advice on how I can deal with this?

I’m just about to give up at this point. I’ve never felt so exhausted.

I’m not sure how much longer I can hold on.
So I’m confused.
I guess I can call this as me going through a faith/spiritual/religious crisis. This has been going on months and years now.
I’m going back and forth between belief and non-belief in God, and I just can’t decide. I’m stuck right smack in the middle. It’s the most uncomfortable feeling. I just don’t feel any connection towards God. I’ve asked him multiple time to please help me, help my unbelief. Ive been also just questioning the Bible’s accuracy. What should I do, what should I read, research? Where do I turn? Any advice on how I can deal with this?

I’m just about to give up at this point. I’ve never felt so exhausted.

I’m not sure how much longer I can hold on.
Hi Tanya.

Not to be antagonistic, but you should know that Christians believe that Satan himself "believes" in God. Maybe you mean something different by belief?

Are you familiar with the rescue God offers us through the work Jesus did?

Regardless if you answer, please know I will pray that God shows you His beauty, goodness, and glory in such a way your heart responds in faith and love. Here's a verse that describes what I am asking Him to do for you:
2 Corinthians 4:6 (ESV)​
For God, who said, “Let light shine out of darkness,” has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.​
I’m going back and forth between belief and non-belief in God, and I just can’t decide. I’m stuck right smack in the middle. It’s the most uncomfortable feeling. I just don’t feel any connection towards God. I’ve asked him multiple time to please help me, help my unbelief. Ive been also just questioning the Bible’s accuracy. What should I do, what should I read, research? Where do I turn? Any advice on how I can deal with this?

Literally sit down and write your reasons he evidence for belief and on another sheet your reasons and evidence for not believing in God.

Then go through them and see which is the most reasonable belief.

Or go and talk to your minister.
So I’m confused.
I guess I can call this as me going through a faith/spiritual/religious crisis. This has been going on months and years now.
I’m going back and forth between belief and non-belief in God, and I just can’t decide. I’m stuck right smack in the middle. It’s the most uncomfortable feeling. I just don’t feel any connection towards God. I’ve asked him multiple time to please help me, help my unbelief. Ive been also just questioning the Bible’s accuracy. What should I do, what should I read, research? Where do I turn? Any advice on how I can deal with this?

I’m just about to give up at this point. I’ve never felt so exhausted.

I’m not sure how much longer I can hold on.
Tanya333, welcome to CFnet and thank you for reaching out to us. As Stovebolts has already pointed out, the doubts you're experiencing are not uncommon. Even Jesus' disciples had doubts although they had spent three years talking to Him, listening to Him, receiving His teaching, and watching as He fed thousands with just a few loaves of bread and few fish, healed the sick, gave sight to the blind, restored hearing to the deaf, gave speech to the dumb, restored physical deformities, and even bringing the dead back to life.
  • In John 20:24-29 we can read about how Thomas doubted Jesus' resurrection until he saw Jesus standing before him.
  • In John 14:7-11 we can read how Philip doubted Jesus' true connection with the Father.
  • In Matthew 14:22-33 we can read how Peter began to doubt and sink while walking on water with Jesus standing there before him.
  • In Mark 14:66-72 we can read how Peter doubted Jesus and denied knowing Him three times just as our Lord predicted he would.
  • In Matthew 26:47-56 we can read how all of Jesus' disciples doubted and abandoned Him when He was arrested in the garden at Gethsemane.
  • In Mark 16:9-11 we can read how all of Jesus' disciples doubted and did not believe He had risen from the dead.
If Jesus' disciples struggled with doubt from time to time, is it not reasonable for us as well? But, what did Jesus say? "Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.” (John 20:29 NKJV)

We are instructed to keep searching. Jesus said, "Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened." (Luke 11:9-10 NKJV) Does this mean that if we casually ask one day it happens? Not necessarily. Jesus also tells us to be persistent (Luke 11:5-10, Luke 18:1-8, 1 Thessalonians 5:17) because God's timing is not always in sync with our own.

Do not be dismayed. Trust God and He will give you peace beyond all understanding (Philippians 4:7). You can do it for you can do all things Through Christ Jesus (Philippians 4:13) and all things are possible with God (Matthew 19:26).
Hello and welcome.
What your experiencing is common, and many go through those same thoughts.
I think the first thing to address is this. Was Jesus a real and historical figure? If he was, then was he really nailed to a cross? If this is true, then did he really raise from the dead?

These questions are foundational to our faith. If any of these events are false, then Paul says we are to be pitied above all.

There are a few historical writings from the first century both from the Jews and from Roman authors that attest Jesus was a historical figure and he was put to death on a cross. There is also historical writings from the first century that speak of Christians believing that Christ rose from the grave.

We either believe these things or we don't. It's our choice.

If you believe these things, then that does not mean everything else will make since. John 6 is a perfect example. Jesus tells Jews that unless they eat his flesh and drink his blood, they will not enter the kingdom of God. This goes against every Jewish law at face value. This is another way of saying when we look at current cultural norms, some things just don't make since. Not only do they not make since, but they go against what is culturally acceptable and outwardly appear to be self contridictory.

As John 6 goes on we see many fell away and stopped following him because it simply went to far against their cultural understanding. All that is except his Deciples. Jesus asks them, are you too going to leave? They respond, You hold the words of eternal life. Where else would we go?

This brings me full circle. Do you believe Jesus was a historical figure? Do you believe he died on a cross? Do you believe he rose from the grave?

If you believe these things, then your on solid ground, even when our cultural norms say otherwise. Keep seeking Him.
So I’m confused.
I guess I can call this as me going through a faith/spiritual/religious crisis. This has been going on months and years now.
I’m going back and forth between belief and non-belief in God, and I just can’t decide. I’m stuck right smack in the middle. It’s the most uncomfortable feeling. I just don’t feel any connection towards God. I’ve asked him multiple time to please help me, help my unbelief. Ive been also just questioning the Bible’s accuracy. What should I do, what should I read, research? Where do I turn? Any advice on how I can deal with this?

I’m just about to give up at this point. I’ve never felt so exhausted.

I’m not sure how much longer I can hold on.
I've been through times like you are describing. I can sympathize with you because the way I feel is very important to me, and this really is human nature. What helped me was the question of what was I really looking for in life. For me it was inner peace, and to get that peace, I had to know and understand the nature of my relationship with God.

But how could I do that, if the idea of God was in question? Certainly that has to be resolved. The question of how did I get here in existence has to be answered. Is the idea of random process really believable enough to settle the matter, or is the extreme complexity of life an overwhelming demand to assume God exists?

I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but my ability to know enough one way or the other couldn't resolve the issue, because I had no such ability. All I did know was that I feared the warning about lake of fire judgment. From that beginning point, I pursued knowledge of Christ by reading and studying the Bible. Since then, I've had many encounters with God and even heard Him speaking to me at certain points (because I needed it).

Obviously I am biased toward Christianity now, and very glad I chose that bias, since I have found the inner peace I was first looking for. But that motivation was not the only one to satisfy me, I subsequently found out, since it was merely a step in the right direction. I see the Christian life now as a journey toward an awesome end.

My hope and prayer for you is that you find your ultimate satisfaction in coming to know God through Christ.
Hello. Glad you reached out, cause that is a start. You need to do some soul searching. If you want the truth, then God will show you the truth! This requires you to be vulnerable, vulnerable to Him. He will guide you, comfort you, but also take you where he wants you.....not where you want.

If Jesus is what you consider Love to look like, then I think you will be given understanding. Read the words Jesus spoke/speaks and then take that journey. But, you have to be willing to relinquish your will to Him. Lots of people really do not want to have God guide them, and this is where they end up walking in circles and never feel the purpose they were created for.

God Bless you on your journey! ?
Hebrews 11:1 Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.

None of us have ever seen Christ face to face, but we can hear Him speak to our heart through His word when we have fellowship with Him as we develop a personal relationship with Him. How we do this is simply to read His word, as I would suggest starting with the book of John as this will teach you who Jesus is and our relationship with Him, and then go to the book of Acts as this will help teach you about the Holy Spirit. Start first by praying and asking Jesus to reveal himself to you before you begin reading.

It starts by a mustard seed of faith, which means a small amount as compared to a tiny mustard seed that we start to believe in God and His Son Christ Jesus. We build upon faith by reading, studying scripture and begin that personal relationship with Christ Jesus as the Holy Spirit will teach you all that God wants us to learn.

Please do not be afraid to ask us any questions as we are here to help you on the greatest love journey you will ever have knowing the love that God has for you.

God bless you as you seek to know Him.
Hebrews 11:1 Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.

None of us have ever seen Christ face to face, but we can hear Him speak to our heart through His word when we have fellowship with Him as we develop a personal relationship with Him. How we do this is simply to read His word, as I would suggest starting with the book of John as this will teach you who Jesus is and our relationship with Him, and then go to the book of Acts as this will help teach you about the Holy Spirit. Start first by praying and asking Jesus to reveal himself to you before you begin reading.

It starts by a mustard seed of faith, which means a small amount as compared to a tiny mustard seed that we start to believe in God and His Son Christ Jesus. We build upon faith by reading, studying scripture and begin that personal relationship with Christ Jesus as the Holy Spirit will teach you all that God wants us to learn.

Please do not be afraid to ask us any questions as we are here to help you on the greatest love journey you will ever have knowing the love that God has for you.

God bless you as you seek to know Him.
Thanks :) I really appreciate it. I will definitely ask you guys if need be. I know I am not the only one who’s going through this but I still really needed someone’s input. It’s kinda lonely going thru this.

And on talking to God, I did many times. I told him to please help me. Help my unbelief. And nothing.
Lol I wish it was that easy. I’m a very undecisive person myself. Which is why deciding on my beliefs makes it even harder.
By making no decision at all, you deprive yourself of the good stability of either choice.
(Not that ignoring God is a good choice, at all)
But wafflers are just stuck in limbo.
You are reaching out and searching, God likes that.
Don't stop searching.
Consider the creation. Would a 'big bang' result in a world, create rivers, seas, fish, the sun, moon and stars ? Would it make the grass grow, create hundreds of different birds and animals, and even man?
If we evolved from apes, lizards or dolphins etc., why didn't they all evolve, why do we still have those creatures?
How did it all happen?
And on talking to God, I did many times. I told him to please help me. Help my unbelief. And nothing.
Faith and belief go hand in hand as both grow by reading and studying the word of God as first pray and ask the Holy Spirit to give us understanding as this too is God speaking to us through His word where we find all most of our answers.
Thanks :) I really appreciate it. I will definitely ask you guys if need be. I know I am not the only one who’s going through this but I still really needed someone’s input. It’s kinda lonely going thru this.

And on talking to God, I did many times. I told him to please help me. Help my unbelief. And nothing.

Maybe you should stop asking for faith, belief etc and start looking at historical facts.
Start trying to disprove Christianity!
Start reading the coldcasechristianity web site or Lee Strobel the Case for Christ, even answersingenesis.

They all base there belief on historical fact. If something his true what reasons can you give for not believing in it.
Lol I wish it was that easy. I’m a very undecisive person myself. Which is why deciding on my beliefs makes it even harder.
your going to have to accept it by faith ..No body can help you make the decision. as it has done been said you either accept it do your best .keep praying and seeking or Give up and not be saved .the Bible says we walk by faith and not by sight. it also says the Just { those truly saved) shall live by faith i was pastor of a church i had a guy i know who came with his wife. he simply could NOT accept by faith .he wanted physical evidence . he would accept the Bible for how it was . he was very agnostic even to this day not even sure if there is a heaven or hell . unbelief can come in many different ways . when it comes to salvation you either accept by faith or not
your going to have to accept it by faith

Depends what is meant by faith.
I have faith when I click a light switch the light will come on.
I do not have faith if I buy a lottery ticket I will win.
Faith is better called trust.
Because of the historical facts that Jesus lived, was executed, buried and rose from the dead I know my sins are forgiven.
If someone could prove Jesus did not rise from the dead as a physical being I would not have any trust that my sins are forgiven.

Yes we have to have faith or trust in Jesus, but it is a trust or faith in what we know is certain, it is not a leap into the dark hoping there's something to land on.
Depends what is meant by faith.
I have faith when I click a light switch the light will come on.
I do not have faith if I buy a lottery ticket I will win.
Faith is better called trust.
Because of the historical facts that Jesus lived, was executed, buried and rose from the dead I know my sins are forgiven.
If someone could prove Jesus did not rise from the dead as a physical being I would not have any trust that my sins are forgiven.

Yes we have to have faith or trust in Jesus, but it is a trust or faith in what we know is certain, it is not a leap into the dark hoping there's something to land on.
I think you make a good point that faith is not a hope in the dark but an assurance or confidence of what one believes.
What really cemented my faith years ago in large part was the realization that there was really no alternative to belief in God. We can disbelieve a building standing before us, but in the end it does not change the tangible structure. This becomes a bit more muddy when we cant see or talk to God the way were normally used to with each other, and thus its confusing at times.

I was raised in church and for the most part didnt question Gods existence,but it certainly didnt show in my thoughts and actions. One day I got curious as to why atheists so militantly defended their perspective so I hung out in some chat forums, talking and debating until I realized I didnt have any answers for some of the harder questions. I had no rebuttal to evolution (and at the time accepted it due to years of public school indoctrination), no idea how to answer many other questions posed. This put me on my heels a bit and for the first time made me question my faith.

I figured that if God were real there had to be some factual basis for faith whether its archaeological evidence, science based info,etc. This really put me down a road to find out and over the next couple of years I came to the point where I never doubted again. I discovered the many holes in the theory of evolution, the ton of archaeological evidence that supports the bible as well as learning philosophically why certain things panned out the way they did.

As pointed out by others, Christ is a historical figure who was crucified and later rose as testified by roman historians. Lets not forget that Jesus was sentenced by a roman governor to that crucifixion, so its particularly noteworthy in my eyes when your enemy basically testifies on your behalf.

If its evidence you seek,it exists in abundance. But you have to ask the critical questions and do the legwork to reach the answers. What it sounds like though is that youre not as skeptical as you may believe..and I could be wrong I fully admit. It sounds as if you know God exists but *want* to doubt because you dont have the intense emotional connection that you picture as being part of the package.To that end, all I can offer you is the truth. And that truth is simply that our current reality doesnt live up to the imaginative warm and fuzzies normally associated with belief in God.

Some do experience this, dont get me wrong. The average person goes through life with no particularly noteworthy event such as a miracle,direct communication,etc. Many are accepting of the bible for various reasons and some like to stand on a bit more solid intellectual ground. I wish things were different,it would make it alot easier to prove and display for both atheists and those like yourself. When we hear people on the TV and radio talk, its usually accompanied by these touching scenarios and promises of inner peace and joy associated with belief. Again (in my experience), this normally isnt the case. We simply go through day to day life with brief glimpses at this promised peace and joy.

Bear in mind that the human experience varies wildly from person to person. One guy might live a great life, needs fulfilled and smooth sailing. The next may struggle for everything, and another more desperate than he. Our various circumstances can have alot to do with our desire to acknowledge God and/or live up to the responsibility that comes with belief. I can use my current situation as example. The last 5 years have not been kind. Ive lost a marriage, a job that paid very well, my house, etc. The jobs i have worked are run by people that behave like enormous pricks. And to top it off,Ive basically given up on people in general. I know there are good people, but its just not worth it anymore to mess with most of them. In my current state, the questions creep in. Is this really all there is? Why do things have to be like this? Etc. And yet each time Im immediately reminded of the answers I received in the past. I know God is there. I know the promises made will be kept. I have zero doubt that Christ awaits me on the other side. I just know that I have to keep moving to get there. Excuse the long post, but hopefully something there helps.


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