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Herbivores by default


It seems that man is created to eat only plants or mainly that, and not meat.

Genesis 1:29 & 30. 29 is clear. Seems 30 sees animals as pets.

Do you even wonder how a cow grazes just grass and survives: as huge as they appear?

Eat healthy fruits.

Google Dr. Mercola.
Verse 30 makes it sound like all animals are supposed to survive on plants, and well...we have animals like cats that absolutely need a meat-based diet to be healthy. In fact, they will (eventually) die without the amino acid taurine, which is found in meat. Commercial pet foods have to add taurine in.
People can live on a vegetarian diet (though supplements will have to be added, from what I understand), but carnivorous animals and pets should not--in the best interest of their health and wellbeing. (Dogs are carnivores as well, but are more adaptable than cats. A diet without meat is still bad for them, though.)

What I've always heard is that before the fall (ie, before Adam and Eve sinned and were cast out), everyone, as in all the species, was a herbivore. So, I'm not sure what happened, perhaps our digestive systems and needs were simply altered as part of the curse. Though, as I recall, we weren't told to eat meat until God told Noah he could do that.
Thanks. It is amazing how cows survive on grass. Wonderful nutrients there: protein, carbohydrates, vitamins, etc all in grass?

I was surprised when someone recommended Splina Liquid Chlorophyll.

God is fantastic!
The vegetable diet was modified in Genesis 9:

Everything that lives and moves about will be food for you. Just as I gave you the green plants, I now give you everything. Genesis 9:3 NIV
I've always wondered about Genesis 3.
"Now the serpent was more crafty than any of the wild animals the Lord had made".
Wild animals, yet Eve sat there and talked to one of them.
In what way were they wild?
I see all wild animals as meat eaters.
Maybe not all, but that's how I think of them.
The Hebrew word used is חַיַּ֣ת The KJV translates it as beasts of the fields. Animals in Eden were created to be companions for Adam, so their nature at that time would have been suitable for this purpose.

The Lord God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him.” Now the Lord God had formed out of the ground all the wild animals and all the birds in the sky. He brought them to the man to see what he would name them; Genesis 2:18-19a NIV

The serpent was more crafty (עָר֔וּם) than the beasts of the field, or subtle as the KJV puts it.
Our teeth do not support that man is a carnivore. Otoh, we have some teeth that can be used for eating meat...In a pinch.

Mmmm, medium rare please.
Our teeth do not support that man is a carnivore. Otoh, we have some teeth that can be used for eating meat...In a pinch.

Mmmm, medium rare please.
Our teeth also do not support getting all the nutrition we need from plants. If we were to do that we would have to eat so much that the amount of chewing we would need to do would wear our teeth right down to our gums long before we ever reached old age. Ever notice the tremendous volume of plants a cow has to eat in a day? Basically when a Herbivore animal is awake, it's either eating or chewing it's cud (another part of the digestive process we don't have but is needed to be a true vegetarian). Also the teeth of true vegetarian animals like cows are designed much differently so they can do all this chewing without wearing them out. It's simply not true that human teeth were also designed for this. Not to mention that herbivorous such as cows have multiple stomachs and other major differences in their digestive systems so they can handle the massive amounts of plants they eat and digest them in a way (such as fermentation) that produces the nutrition they need. That's why humans that try to go against nature and be true vegetarians end up having to take a lot of supplements to stay healthy and properly nourished in the long term. Humans that eat a balanced omnivorous diet as we were intended do not need these supplements and are generally much healthier than vegetarians.

Of course, in a way I really am a vegetarian. Cows eat only vegetables, and I eat cows. So I'm eating vegetables, only with a different delivery system than someone who cooks them in a pot.
Hey, you're a Guru like me.
I bet I become a Swami before you.
What's it take to be a swami? More posts? If so, maybe, cuz I'm on a newish smartphone (:confused2) and its tough n confusing for me. I have more typos now too :mad

Our teeth also do not support getting all the nutrition we need from plants. If we were to do that we would have to eat so much that the amount of chewing we would need to do would wear our teeth right down to our gums long before we ever reached old age. Ever notice the tremendous volume of plants a cow has to eat in a day? Basically when a Herbivore animal is awake, it's either eating or chewing it's cud (another part of the digestive process we don't have but is needed to be a true vegetarian). Also the teeth of true vegetarian animals like cows are designed much differently so they can do all this chewing without wearing them out. It's simply not true that human teeth were also designed for this. Not to mention that herbivorous such as cows have multiple stomachs and other major differences in their digestive systems so they can handle the massive amounts of plants they eat and digest them in a way (such as fermentation) that produces the nutrition they need. That's why humans that try to go against nature and be true vegetarians end up having to take a lot of supplements to stay healthy and properly nourished in the long term. Humans that eat a balanced omnivorous diet as we were intended do not need these supplements and are generally much healthier than vegetarians.

Of course, in a way I really am a vegetarian. Cows eat only vegetables, and I eat cows. So I'm eating vegetables, only with a different delivery system than someone who cooks them in a pot.

I think I heard that before, that our teeth don't really support us being herbivores either.

We never had cows, but the horses teeth were flat. I do see some differences.

So we're not really carnivores or herbivores... Maybe our teeth our custom, for heavenly cuisine?? But we messed up.
What's it take to be a swami? More posts? If so, maybe, cuz I'm on a newish smartphone (:confused2) and its tough n confusing for me. I have more typos now too :mad

I think I heard that before, that our teeth don't really support us being herbivores either.

We never had cows, but the horses teeth were flat. I do see some differences.

So we're not really carnivores or herbivores... Maybe our teeth our custom, for heavenly cuisine?? But we messed up.

Yeah omnivores. Is many animals omnivores? I know dogs are. I had a dog once that would eat salad...
What's it take to be a swami? More posts? If so, maybe, cuz I'm on a newish smartphone (:confused2) and its tough n confusing for me. I have more typos now too :mad

I think I heard that before, that our teeth don't really support us being herbivores either.

We never had cows, but the horses teeth were flat. I do see some differences.

So we're not really carnivores or herbivores... Maybe our teeth our custom, for heavenly cuisine?? But we messed up.
Yes, they not only have more teeth designed for grinding plants than we do, but their enamel is also much thicker and harder so they don't wear out so fast when chewing for most of their waking hours every day of their lives. And even with all that, most of them don't live anywhere near the 80 to 100 years that we do. So their total chewing time would be much less than ours would be if we actually were vegetarians.
WARNING: Possible evolutionary ideas ahead. Thou has been warned.

Herbivores like cows have long and complex digestive tracts designed to extract and absorb all the trace nutrients from seemingly simple diets such as grass and little else. A slow and sedentary lifestyle then supports muscle mass-building with relatively little energy relegated to high-energy activities such as hunting and predation.

Carnivores tend to have shorter digestive tracks as there is much less "converting" to do. They capture and injest prey that is histologically already similar to their own.

Man is kind of a last-minute omnivore. Our digestive tracts are relatively longish, supporting herbivorist metabolism, and as already pointed out, our teeth definitely has an herbivore architecture. Carnivorism seems to be a late add-on, and allowed pushing a mainly herbivorous system into a wider niche, or dual niches, for added adaptative capability. We can gather and eat a vegetarian diet, or hunt and harvest live prey. The double option affords us a valuable extra degree of freedom in the scramble up the food chain.

We'd probably be healthier, and see much less disease, if we returned to a largely vegetarian diet. That said, I had meatloaf for lunch. Hey, my Mom's meatloaf!
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Adam and Eve were herbivores in the Garden of Eden. Their diet was switched to omnivore sometime after the ground was cursed. Who knows how the curse affected vegetative nutrition.

"Cursed is the ground because of you; through painful toil you will eat food from it all the days of your life. Genesis 3:17b NIV

Then too, the animals inside the garden were specifically created as companions for Adam. It would have been wrong for Adam to eat his pets that kept him company, and at least one even talked to Adam. Once outside the garden, non companion Genesis 1 type creatures may have been the norm.
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Adam and Eve were herbivores in the Garden of Eden. Their diet was switched to omnivore sometime after the ground was cursed. Who knows how the curse affected vegetative nutrition.

I think it affected it a lot. It may have been after the flood the turned omnivore. They say before the flood the oxygen was richer and plants & fruits grew much bigger than post flood conditions. So with the diminished food supply and hungry families...thats probably when thr critters started lookin tasty.

Wow, we messed up this planet bad. Imagine feeding the whole family dinner with one tomato! With leftovers too, prolly lol. Yes I think there was a huge effect on the vegetation after the curse, but I bet when Yashua comes back for his millennial reign here, that he restores the earth to its original lush vegetation!
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WARNING: Possible evolutionary ideas ahead. Thou has been warned.

Herbivores like cows have long and complex digestive tracts designed to extract and absorb all the trace nutrients from seemingly simple diets such as grass and little else. A slow and sedentary lifestyle then supports muscle mass-building with relatively little energy relegated to high-energy activities such as hunting and predation.

Carnivores tend to have shorter digestive tracks as there is much less "converting" to do. They capture and injest prey that is histologically already similar to their own.

Man is kind of a last-minute omnivore. Our digestive tracts are relatively longish, supporting herbivorist metabolism, and as already pointed out, our teeth definitely has an herbivore architecture. Carnivorism seems to be a late add-on, and allowed pushing a mainly herbivorous system into a wider niche, or dual niches, for added adaptative capability. We can gather and eat a vegetarian diet, or hunt and harvest live prey. The double option affords us a valuable extra degree of freedom in the scramble up the food chain.

We'd probably be healthier, and see much less disease, if we returned to a largely vegetarian diet. That said, I had meatloaf for lunch. Hey, my Mom's meatloaf!

Another option for man as he scrambles up the food chain .
Back up the food chain you mean? Lol. Before the fall I bet no animal could give man a hard time! We were still fully functioning spiritual beings...
WARNING: Possible evolutionary ideas ahead. Thou has been warned.

Herbivores like cows have long and complex digestive tracts designed to extract and absorb all the trace nutrients from seemingly simple diets such as grass and little else. A slow and sedentary lifestyle then supports muscle mass-building with relatively little energy relegated to high-energy activities such as hunting and predation.

Carnivores tend to have shorter digestive tracks as there is much less "converting" to do. They capture and injest prey that is histologically already similar to their own.

Man is kind of a last-minute omnivore. Our digestive tracts are relatively longish, supporting herbivorist metabolism, and as already pointed out, our teeth definitely has an herbivore architecture. Carnivorism seems to be a late add-on, and allowed pushing a mainly herbivorous system into a wider niche, or dual niches, for added adaptative capability. We can gather and eat a vegetarian diet, or hunt and harvest live prey. The double option affords us a valuable extra degree of freedom in the scramble up the food chain.

We'd probably be healthier, and see much less disease, if we returned to a largely vegetarian diet. That said, I had meatloaf for lunch. Hey, my Mom's meatloaf!
Dogs are the opposite: meat-based, but will eat vegetation in a pinch. Not gonna say that's good for their digestive system, but eh.