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Homosexuality is a sin!


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Do you struggle with homosexuality? Have you been seeking ways to change from being a homosexual to a heterosexual, or have you resigned yourself to it? Perhaps you have thought of switching but it seems impossible for you?

In the following study we are going to concern ourselves with some of the most common questions, which appear in this area. At first we will look into the background of homosexuality and finally, what the Bible says about it. Perhaps you have your own opinions concerning this issue, in any case it would be beneficial for you to read the whole text: ... osexuality
I read it, it made some good points, but on the whole, was rather uninsightful. If they are going to mix the teaching of Christ with pyschology, then they need to take a pyshcological approach to the teachings of Christ, but again, they show nothing but limitless faith in every bible quote they could dig up on the matter...which is not conductive to the pyschological process.
Did Jesus Himself even make any reference to homosexuality?
SputnikBoy said:
Did Jesus Himself even make any reference to homosexuality?
Is Jesus the Word of God? Is the Word God? Does the Word of God say that homosexualality is an abomination? Does Jesus change from one generation to the next or does he remain constant? Does Jesus live today and speak to his children through his Word?
That is like asking "Did Jesus Himself ever make a referrence to pedophilia or bestiality?"

The answer is yes...

First of all the writers of the Old and New testament wrote under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit...

For instance when Paul or others write they are the commandments of the Lord.

1 Corinthians 14:37 If any man think himself to be a prophet, or spiritual, let him acknowledge that the things that I write unto you are the commandments of the Lord.

Second Christ personally preached against fornication.

Matthew 19:9 And I say unto you, Whosoever shall put away his wife, except it be for fornication, and shall marry another, committeth adultery: and whoso marrieth her which is put away doth commit adultery.

Porneia - Fornication

1) illicit sexual intercourse

a) adultery, fornication, homosexuality, lesbianism, intercourse with animals etc.
b) sexual intercourse with close relatives; Lev. 18

c) sexual intercourse with a divorced man or woman; Mk. 10:11,12

2) metaph. the worship of idols

a) of the defilement of idolatry, as incurred by eating the sacrifices offered to idols
Solo said:
SputnikBoy said:
Did Jesus Himself even make any reference to homosexuality?
Is Jesus the Word of God? Is the Word God? Does the Word of God say that homosexualality is an abomination? Does Jesus change from one generation to the next or does he remain constant? Does Jesus live today and speak to his children through his Word?

Hebrews 13:8 Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.
You guys should be politicians. My question was: Did Jesus HIMSELF make any reference to homosexuality? Whatever slant you might want to put on this, I simply asked a pertinent question. The answer, by the way is, He didn't.
SputnikBoy said:
You guys should be politicians. My question was: Did Jesus HIMSELF make any reference to homosexuality? Whatever slant you might want to put on this, I simply asked a pertinent question. The answer, by the way is, He didn't.
Jesus is God and the Word is God and the Word says that Homosexualality is an abomination. Do you believe that Jesus existed before his birth on earth? If so, who is he? Did he reveal the Word of God to mankind? Yes, he declared what God's righteousness is. Homosexuality is an abomination to him. Should Christians softsell the homosexual lifestyle so that their feelings are not hurt, or should Christians speak the truth for the sake of their souls?
Jesus did speak against fornication which includes homosexuality.

So, yes He did...
Ah, homosexuality, the token sin that can cause many to feel better about themselves because they are not tempted by it. The one that can make a common sinner a self righteous executioner of all those "sickos" who are under it's grasp.
Solo said:
Lyric's Dad said:
Yeah, it left me bored.

Why did it leave you bored? I thought that it was very informational.
The same old lines. I think it very sad that the Church as a whole has decided to come down so hard on this one sin and seems to just forget about so many others. So many forget their own sins in order to feel justified in judging homosexuals. I guess I just find it disheartening to see fellow sinners calling others names like pervert and sodomite when God does not see one sin different from another. Yeah, I think that until we see things in the Light of Christ we will continue to see more and more just picking and choosing what sins are the worst and more "programs" to cure them, when the only thing that frees anyone is Jesus. Is homosexuality a "choice?" No, not anymore then anyone made any choice to be a sinner.
Lyric's Dad said:
Ah, homosexuality, the token sin that can cause many to feel better about themselves because they are not tempted by it. The one that can make a common sinner a self righteous executioner of all those "sickos" who are under it's grasp.
This is an astute observation, and it is not, lest ye argue otherwise, a statement that homosexuality is not sin. Because the majoroity of us are not tempted by this, we can afford the luxury of over-the-top villification of those who are. People are not all that dumb - they can discern the tone of a post and determine whether the author is humbly, but unapologetically, identifying sin, or is instead adopting a stance of self-righteous condemnation (even if done under the guise of a Biblical mandate).
I will full well admit to my own unrighteousness. I am a person who has struggled with pornography and masterbation, but I am being sanctified by the blood of Christ to stop such activities of sinfulness. That in no way makes homosexuality non-sin. I am not the measuring stick of righteousness. But I will not go along saying that everything is ok with everyone because I myself am a sinner.

I will not place myself above a homosexual either. We both struggle with sin, but we both need to repent and correct the situation of our sin by stopping the sinful activity.

It isn't what you have done, it is what you are doing now. Repenting of the sin or embracing and taking pride in the sin?
Tony Campolo writes in his book '20 Hot Potatoes Christians Are Afraid To Touch' ..."We are all sinners and it is ludicrous to suggest that God has a special ax to grind with 'gays' that he does not have with the rest of us . . .I fail to see why anybody would think that adultery could be less of a sin than homosexual intercourse . . .I have a hard time believing that turning our backs on starving children in the pursuit of an affluent lifestyle is a less serious crime in the eyes of God than is the 'making out' of homosexual lovers. Those who claim that homosexuals are somehow more wicked than the rest of us deceive themselves. The sexual infidelity that is wrecking America's marriages and traumatizing millions of children cannot be any better than that which homosexuals might do to each other."

I don't recall any threads on this forum concerning any of the above issues. Even if there were they would probably die a quick death since these topics are nearly as 'popular' with Christians as those dealing with homosexuality.

'Lying lips' is an abomination to God (Proverbs 12:22). The electronic media is responsible for the domination of countless human minds, more so today than ever before in earth's history. And yet, there is nary a whisper from Christians ...probably because most are too busy 'glued' to the TV themselves. While it's none of my business what someone wants to watch on the TV/DVDs/movies ...I'm inwardly appalled by some of the content that Christians show their approval for by either viewing the content themselves or not speaking against it. The 'lies' that bombard the Christian mind on a daily basis through the popular media are the result of an industry that relies on 'lying' and sensationalism for its very existence.

Some brands of Christianity that speak with 'lying lips' are also responsible for the domination of human minds on a scale that should be very disconcerting for most of us. Why - of all things - should not Christians be frothing at the mouths over the charlatans and the liars that are deceiving SO many with this abomination? Oh yes, occasionally a thread opens that deals with this issue but the response is never as passionate as that given to homosexuality. Homosexuality has taken on a life of its own. It has become the 'favorite' abomination of Christianity.

Politicians, greedy banks and oil companies, big business that exploits third-world countries, lawyers, doctors, pharmaceutical companies, etc. etc. so blatantly lie their way to huge financial gain but are all but ignored by society in general. These 'abominations to God' are somehow not as abominable to Christians as is homosexuality. Why? Why is it that two people of the same gender who may have a sexual attraction for each other is given more 'sin priority' by Christians than all of the above 'abominations' that affect us ALL? It's because so many Christians truly DO show their hypocrisy by approving or disapproving of 'sins' based on matters of preference or convenience.

As I've referenced previously, I don't wonder that Ghandi made the comment, "I might even become a Christian if it were not for Christians."
Drew said:
Greetings SputnikBoy:

Regarding the "wealth can be sin" issue, I suggest that you consider reading the following thread:

I suspect that you will find it to be most illuminating......

Thanks Drew. Yes, I did find it illuminating. I also found the comments from someone currently participating in this thread topic that opposed your view. This person referred to it as 'badgering' and putting the guilt trip on people for having anything at all.
Homosexuality again.
Is shacking up a sin? Ooops, I mean living together. No, I mean co-habitation.
There we go. Something a bit more PC.
My point is shacking up is a sin. Yet, over the years it's not even talked about anymore. Still a sin though. Something to do with fornication or some such thing. But, it's gotten so common people don't even think twice about it. Oh yes, christians still oppose it but nothing like they used to.
Homosexuality will run it's course in like manner. Still a sin, but too common to get anywhere opposing it.
Those that are married do they look down their noses at those who shack up?

Lyric's Dad said:
Because the majoroity of us are not tempted by this, we can afford the luxury of over-the-top villification of those who are.

Even secular married folk back then were in the position of "the luxury of over-the-top villification of those who are." ... that is, those who were shacking up.

See how these things go? After time the opposition subsides, the general populace takes things as ho-hum and on we go. Still sin. Nothing changed but the passing of time.

And so it went with cussing, taking the Lord's name in vain. Still sin. But time passed and not many are put off by it. Nothing changed but time. Still a sin to take the Lord's name in vain though. That never changed.

So how is it that time only becomes the ultimate factor of what sin is? It doesn't. 50 years ago shacking up was shunned, why? Bigotry against those that did it? No, recognition or rather the acceptance it was/is sin. But over time co-ed and co-this and co-that numbed the sensitivity to the transgression.

You pro-gay advocates out there. Take heart. Remember, time is on your side. Won't matter if it's a sin or not, time will take care of that. Only time will change, not the sin. But who will care after time has taken care of the opposition? The sin won't change. People will.
Food for thought, PotLuck. The conditioning process is what it's all about and Satan knows this process better than anyone.

However, having known several males over the years who had no (sexual) desire for females but rather had a (sexual) attraction for certain other males, I still can't bring myself to condemn 'the orientation' itself. The truth is, I don't even try. As far as I know, none of them had ever had sexual relations with anyone and all appeared to have the desire to 'will themselves' out of the orientation if it were possible.

One even talked of putting an end to his life because he somehow felt 'evil'. None of them had put in a request to be 'different' in this respect as far as I know. One particular young person I know presently doesn't appear to have much of a (sexual) interest in either gender. Because of this he feels that he must therefore be 'gay'. Most of his peers have girlfriends and he often feels ostracized from his group because he doesn't. He will probably seek a girl out eventually if only for appearance sake. It's safer to do that.

You see, within Christian circles, if a young man doesn't have a girlfriend after a while, some begin to whisper. It's expected for male and female to 'pair off' and, unless they do, something is obviously wrong. Human beings are expected to perform like a piece of dough from a cookie mold. Christians are absolutely no exception. On the contrary, Christians are expected to be more 'cookie-like' than non-Christians. They have the Bible and - by golly - THIS is how we are to think and act. There is no room for any perceived 'radical behavior or deviants' within Christian circles!

Parents get excited when their son/daughter starts to show an interest in the opposite sex. When the kids get engaged the parents are 'over the moon'. Everything and everyone is expected to run like clockwork. That makes us happy. There are 'norms' that are required to be fulfilled. If they are not, people become suspicious and start to apply 'labels'. Christians are probably worse than anyone in this regard. You see, Christians have the Bible. To deviate from the ‘Christian norm’ is condemned by the Bible in some way or another. Some Christians don't seem to be able to put one foot in front of the other without the Bible showing them how it should be done.

Even those Christians who admit to being sinners themselves really don't believe that. We see this all the time on the forum. This doesn't slow the confessed sinner down at all, in fact, as he/she hurls some scripture of condemnation at some other sinner. It might be an almost humorous state of affairs if it didn't seriously affect so many others. Some human being - NOT a label - is always on the other end of the condemnation.

So, Christians are not allowed to be 'different'. And, if somehow you have 'always' felt an attraction toward the same sex, then you need to get rid of that feeling right now! Who says? Well, there are two or three scriptures that condemn you to hell unless you do. You see, you are what is known as 'a pervert'. Yes, admittedly there ARE also scriptures that condemn EVERY sinner (that's ALL of us) to hell but those ones really don't concern us right now. So, you need to repent of these 'nasty' feelings while there is still time. Once probation is up, then you're a goner.

For those of us that are concerned for your eternal soul we will continue to condemn you with those two or three scriptures until you turn 'straight' ...y'hear? And we do this because we love you and want you to be with the rest of us righteous ones in eternity. We don't want to hear this nonsense about your 'feeling different' for as far back as you remember. We don't even believe this and if you keep trying to talk to us about it we're going to put our fingers in our ears until you quit. The Bible is quite specific in that God made Adam and Eve, NOT Adam and Steve. Never heard that one before? Hmmm. So, you better get your life in order right now because I'm getting really irate about this and once you get a Christian mad you better watch out!

I'm not sorry for the rant but I am getting tired and should probably quit. I've reached the point where I'm sick to death of Christian hypocrisy as well as their total lack of understanding for anyone who might be different from them. I've also reached the point where even the scriptures are beginning to bore me. Beam me up, Scotty ...please.

By the way, your post was fine, PotLuck, and I agree with it for the most part.


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