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How do you NOT judge this?


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Humans will apparently never cease to amaze me. A couple of days ago, a lady from a local SPCA branch went out to a rural area to go and feed some stray dogs. She then came across three children (ages 3, 6 and 12) that seemed to live here.

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What happened to the moral fiber of society? What makes a mother dump her defenseless children in a place like this to fend for themselves? If she didn't want them anymore, could she not just drop them off at an orphanage? These are beautiful children. Look at them.

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How do I not judge their parents? How can you not be angry?

I can only seem to load three images per post but these children are truly beautiful.
Oh I wish I can adopt these darlings ! ... :chicken

Their mother needs help ... :screwloose :rollingpin

... and of course God will judge her if she's a Christian. :shame

Is this in South Africa ?
Yes. And not too far from where I stay either. Maybe an hour's drive. Taken into account that I commute 1.5 hours from work, it really isn't that far. These things happen right under our noses.
Stuff like this is why I hope the Lord is coming soon to collect his Church.

It is just human to judge the people who did this, but more important to use the gifts that God has given us to take care of it.

All will be judged, not just Christians. But we must remind ourselves that only the Lord is worthy to judge. We say "How can stuff like this happen?" But God knows.

I pray for all those who go through something like this that we do not know about. My heart is heavy so I must selfishly ask, "Do you know what became these children?"
its not suprising these days as women and girls are taught then to have a child is bad thing.

not to offend you L'chante did you not once feel that the child in you was a parasite? the lord did he not change you when you came to him? and i praise that he did. tis that thinking that leads women to do this.

we can only pray for this person, we cant judge them like the lord will, but we can cry out for justice and that she serves time for this, and repents.
Very few people can put things into perspective the way you can, Jason. :lol Thanks. I needed that cyber slap.

Michael, there is a big who-ha because the welfare couldn't care less about these children. Unfortunately racism is still alive and doing very well in South Africa. Apparently the lady who found the children wants to adopt them, but because 1. the parents are still alive and 2. the children are white, it will be a daunting task.
Very few people can put things into perspective the way you can, Jason. :lol Thanks. I needed that cyber slap.

Michael, there is a big who-ha because the welfare couldn't care less about these children. Unfortunately racism is still alive and doing very well in South Africa. Apparently the lady who found the children wants to adopt them, but because 1. the parents are still alive and 2. the children are white, it will be a daunting task.

that is sad, because of the race they wont help them. and we often judge those that have the same sin as we do and have done the harshest. i am just as guilty as you. i must remind my self of this when i engage in any gay rights debates.
It is confirmed that both parents are drug addicts. Not confirmed - the mother said that she was wondering where the children were the past week or so. (The 12 year old told the police their mother left them there.)
It is confirmed that both parents are drug addicts. Not confirmed - the mother said that she was wondering where the children were the past week or so. (The 12 year old told the police their mother left them there.)

so then that she shouldnt get her kids back then till she gets here life in order. i do believe the 12yrs old.
Should one actually give these children back, Jason? On paper it always lovely to read about children being re-united with their parents, but we are talking about real children here. Children that will carry scars for the rest of their lives. Do you actually want to take the chance of putting them back in a situation that can very easily go right back where it started?<O:tongue</O:tongue

Does anybody here have child psychology knowledge? Or is someone here a social worker by any chance? What would the best be for the children? <O:tongue</O:tongue
my sister lost her children once and has them back, she wasnt taking could care of them and the state of florida took them and my mom took care of them for a yr.

I have studied child psychology. The children have been traumatized enough by drug addict parents who abandoned them in a filthy place for more than a week. There's no way they are going back to their parents. They will live in fear and expectation that they are going to be abandoned again, even if their parents are only gone for a short while, they will be left wondering if their parents will ever come back for them. They need to be put in proper homes and well taken care of ... In my opinion, the parents are not fit enough to take care of them until and unless they bring their own lives in order.


I have studied child psychology. The children have been traumatized enough by drug addict parents who abandoned them in a filthy place for more than a week. There's no way they are going back to their parents. They will live in fear and expectation that they are going to be abandoned again, even if their parents are only gone for a short while, they will be left wondering if their parents will ever come back for them. They need to be put in proper homes and well taken care of ... In my opinion, the parents are not fit enough to take care of them until and unless they bring their own lives in order.


l'chante this is what i mean by having their lives in order.
I have to say that I believe the parents should never get these children back. They betrayed and abandoned these kids because of selfish reasons, and drug addled brains aren't a valid excuse when you have children under your care. It all comes down to the value we place on human life. These parents put more value on themselves.
I know addiction is hard but I also know addicts experience periods of lucidity. I was an addict so i know whereof I speak.
These poor kids will have a fear of abandonment and a hard time trusting anyone, let alone anyone close to them for the rest of their lives. I also have some personal experience in this area. What they need is to be placed in a situation with truly caring and stable people so they can learn that not all people will let them down. I luckily never had to experience anything near what these poors kids have but I was affected deeply by abandonment and have spent my enitre life dealing with it.
All will be judged, not just Christians. But we must remind ourselves that only the Lord is worthy to judge. We say "How can stuff like this happen?" But God knows.

I do really give the grassroots Catholic church a lot of credit for its message of social justice. They are doing God's work, more than any other denomination.

its not suprising these days as women and girls are taught then to have a child is bad thing.

How so?
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being older then you i have heard girls say that having a child would set them back, and that they want to have fun. and make money.

and that former beilef that attitude that l'chante is well known to me. margarate sanger called children in the womb parasites and she founded planned parenthood.

i can pull up that quote.
you know...while contemplating the thread I thought about this.

At the time of Christs birth. In order to fulfill the prophesies spoken about Him, there was a time of great child slaughter.

Imagine that. I mean, could God not have "planned" it another way?

I think that most of you know as well as me, that it was that way for a reason. And there are times that we just do not understand what God allows to happen.

I have to wonder. I would think that if I were a parent I would do every thing in my power to take my children away from there. To get out of dodge. But we know that most did not. Most had their babies killed right before their eyes.

Then I would have to think I would have taken out half the men that came to kill my child and they would have had to kill me before they ever got to them. But, alas, it more than likely did not happen that way. Parents were forced to give up their children. What a us that is...if we look at it that way...

Then, I have to wonder, how many of those parents Jesus touched. How many of those parents that gave up their children, did Jesus come into contact with. What sorrow He must have had in His heart. What compassion our Savior had on them. What love is this...

Time would drag on if we were to name all the crazy circumstances that surround life. Another one that pops in my head is the man who the disciples asked Jesus who sin made him that way, his own or his parents.

Jesus never told a lie, and sometimes we let that thought slip our mind. It was not just an accident that this man had suffered nearly ALL HIS LIFE in that condition. Jesus said, it was neither. God did this in order to display His work through him.

Imagine that. A whole life of misery, all because God wanted to show His work through that individual. But wait....think about it...what if you were that man...and heard these words....wooooooohhooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!

I mean really. All of a sudden you knew you had this ailment all your life, and never understanding why. People always telling you it was because of your sin, or your parents....

Then, here is this man. Claiming to be the Son of God. And He said it was God who did it. What an emotional time. Then, you hear Him spit. Then you feel the wet mud on your eyes, and He tells you to go wash your face. What!!!! You have just been told, "hey it was not your sin, or your parents, it was God who did this to you", oh....and by the way....I am going to spit on some mud and now I want you to wash your face.

But he did, and then he could see. At that moment do you think that there was any doubt what had taken place in this mans life? He knew full well what he was before, and what he was after. There was no one going to take that understanding from him. I love the exchange that takes place after this.

"Never since the world began has it been heard that anyone opened the eyes of a man born blind."

The man started teaching the men who were renowned for their knowledge of God. I don't know about you, but during this whole account I never heard any negative thing said from him about his situation. Not once. I mean... wouldn't you have at least asked Jesus afterwards..."hey, why me?".

Oh....I think that we too often project what is to be pitied, and not, onto people. Oh....the greater pity is that there are men and women who just do not have anyone to teach them the truth about eternity. We see the temporal...God see's the eternal...and He even tries to show us if we would just open our eyes...if we would just allow Jesus to spit in some mud, and do what He says...

This is a tragedy, but what if we looked for what God might do through the situation with these kids. Seeking His will for the situation, looking to see His power and might displayed in these children. Or...we can sit back and condemn...get mad...let anger build in our heart....

Its our choice...


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