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[__ Prayer __] I feel like throwing in the towel


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I'm tired of cycles. I don't know what I'm trying for. Or if I'm even trying. I just turned 22 recently, and all I can think is "one more year of nothing". I have nothin to look forward to. I don't have many friends. Really all I have is one. And honestly, I feel so unmotivated I don't feel like hanging with him anymore.

I believe in Jesus. I'm just a usesless vessel.

I'm still living with my parents, and I just wanna get out of this house and live my own life away from my family.

Like disappear. Off the grid.
wow. ok since I have had my two day pity party of woe is me over my hobby. uhm, life can always be looked at two ways. it sucks and we only see that, or it sucks or is great and we praise god. we are to praise god for what is good in our life. learn to be thankful for what you have. being that im nearly double your age. I often, though I never have everything you just want. will wish I was that age again. we are never satifisified. when I was 22 I didn't see what I did have. at that age I still had my granddad harry whom I wish I spent more time with and let go of the hurt he and I caused each other. or how I wasn't as bad as I thought I was.i was in far better shape then im in now. try to look for what you do have.
wow. ok since I have had my two day pity party of woe is me over my hobby. uhm, life can always be looked at two ways. it sucks and we only see that, or it sucks or is great and we praise god. we are to praise god for what is good in our life. learn to be thankful for what you have. being that im nearly double your age. I often, though I never have everything you just want. will wish I was that age again. we are never satifisified. when I was 22 I didn't see what I did have. at that age I still had my granddad harry whom I wish I spent more time with and let go of the hurt he and I caused each other. or how I wasn't as bad as I thought I was.i was in far better shape then im in now. try to look for what you do have.

I barely have a good relationship with my family. Couldn't tell you much about anyone.
I barely have a good relationship with my family. Couldn't tell you much about anyone.
then change if it possible. im not saying I don't need to work on the same thing I have told you but trust me there is always something to be rejoicing about. im sure you can find it. im not saying that you aren't in a bad place for you just saying put in perspective.

from one who often feels useless to one who is saying the exact same thing. I have no talents for the lord. sometimes that is when god can use it. when we see that and say ok god. I have nothing. here I am.
Why not be thankful for this time of indecision, YosefHayim ?

Just as we give thanks for the good times, we need to be thankful for the not-so-good times. Why? Because during these times, our Lord is working in our lives.

You're in my prayers, my friend.
pray, and be thankful to god, focus on HIM and try as hard as it is to recall things he has done for you in the past and thank him for that.
I'm tired of cycles. I don't know what I'm trying for. Or if I'm even trying. I just turned 22 recently, and all I can think is "one more year of nothing". I have nothin to look forward to. I don't have many friends. Really all I have is one. And honestly, I feel so unmotivated I don't feel like hanging with him anymore.

I believe in Jesus. I'm just a usesless vessel.

I'm still living with my parents, and I just wanna get out of this house and live my own life away from my family.

Like disappear. Off the grid.
The Hardest thing to do is focus not on us but the Lord and what He is. we all even when things are good fail to focus as we ought.
I'm tired of cycles. I don't know what I'm trying for. Or if I'm even trying. I just turned 22 recently, and all I can think is "one more year of nothing". I have nothin to look forward to. I don't have many friends. Really all I have is one. And honestly, I feel so unmotivated I don't feel like hanging with him anymore.

I believe in Jesus. I'm just a usesless vessel.

I'm still living with my parents, and I just wanna get out of this house and live my own life away from my family.

Like disappear. Off the grid.
You sound like someone who needs a changed life. I see you are a Christian, isn't that what we are to be working towards when we come to Christ, a new way of living because the old one stunk? Would you rather have one that is blessed and not cursed? The joy of the Lord is our strength. God takes the lowly and hopeless and turns them into vessels of honor and glory.
But the key is to be a willing subject to be molded, and to apply His Word to your every day life. We are under a covenant of sowing and reaping. What that means is, that what so ever you do for or to others, it is going to come back to you. Rather you do wrong or right, it is all in your hands to choose. Our rewards are in accordance to our actions.
If we want to be loved, we must sow love first, kindness, we must sow kindness, if you give generously, you will be given generously says God.
God wants to mold us, but He can not and will not go against ones will. You must every day get up and not only ask Him to work in you and fill you with His Holy Spirit because that is His desire for you and us all. And thank the Lord continueally throughout your day for all you have been given, no matter how small, for He hates complainers, for complainers shown ungratefulness. He is a rewarded for those who diligently seek His righteous way of going things. We must grow in the Word to begin our blessed life in God. God makes the small Big, and the Big, small, talking about our self image.
Most Christians say they want to receive Christ but then what? We just stand there waiting for something to happen, but we must start walking, meaning following what Jesus said do. Move and grow by getting that Word out and begin to learn of God's ways and renew your mind allowing God to work in you. Ask God to reveal to you His Word and get wisdom, Read Proverbs and allow the wisdom to sink into your heart and begin to walk in these very important teachings. God owns this entire earth and all that is within it, and He gives power and good gifts to those who seek to do things His way. Don't be fooled though, He will be watching your every move. Just think, the Creator of the Universe wants to watch over you as you learn, But beware, He doesn't miss a thing.
I hope you listen to wisdom and begin to walk in a life of faith in God and see what God has in store for you!
I'm tired of cycles. I don't know what I'm trying for. Or if I'm even trying. I just turned 22 recently, and all I can think is "one more year of nothing". I have nothin to look forward to. I don't have many friends. Really all I have is one. And honestly, I feel so unmotivated I don't feel like hanging with him anymore.

I believe in Jesus. I'm just a usesless vessel.
I'm still living with my parents, and I just wanna get out of this house and live my own life away from my family.
Like disappear. Off the grid.
@YosefHayim, yours is not the tale untold. Some such as my pastor became angry with God different times and he said that he had quit preaching several times, but he was still preaching four different messages a week at ninety-four years of age to a sizeable congregation. You are God work in progress, and He isn’t finished with you yet. Jesus learned obedience by the things He suffered; you will too.
Heb 5:8 Though he (Jesus) were a Son, yet learned he obedience by the things which he suffered

Joh 7:5 For neither did his brethren believe in him.
Mar 6:4 But Jesus said unto them, A prophet is not without honour, but in his own country, and among his own kin, and in his own house.
Mat 8:20 And Jesus saith unto him, The foxes have holes, and the birds of the air have nests; but the Son of man hath not where to lay his head.

1 Ki 19:4 But he himself went a day's journey into the wilderness, and came and sat down under a juniper tree: and he requested for himself that he might die; and said, It is enough; now, O LORD, take away my life; for I am not better than my fathers.
1 Ki 19:10 And he said, I have been very jealous for the LORD God of hosts: for the children of Israel have forsaken thy covenant, thrown down thine altars, and slain thy prophets with the sword; and I, even I only, am left; and they seek my life, to take it away.
1 Ki 19:11 And he said, Go forth, and stand upon the mount before the LORD. And, behold, the LORD passed by, and a great and strong wind rent the mountains, and brake in pieces the rocks before the LORD; but the LORD was not in the wind: and after the wind an earthquake; but the LORD was not in the earthquake:
1 Ki 19:12 And after the earthquake a fire; but the LORD was not in the fire: and after the fire a still small voice.

Job 3:3 Let the day perish wherein I was born, and the night in which it was said, There is a man child conceived.

Num 11:14 I am not able to bear all this people alone, because it is too heavy for me.
I'm tired of cycles too. It's like I'm walking in the wilderness when I struggle with the same sin. I am 60 pounds over weight, and I use food to comfort myself. I either eat too much or too little. I either work out hard and then don't work at all. I have had diets of eating only canned fruit, I have eaten only rice, I have eaten only vegetables. I have tried drinking only liquids. Recently I have been doing my best and I have lost 7 pounds. I'm a little embarrassed that I am admitting this to you all, but why should I pretend I'm something I'm not? I wish I could just abstain from food all together, but that's not possible. Or even an option. When you fail, YosefHayim , don't put yourself down. You can't give up! You just have to keep praying and praying. Jesus will help you! He helped me quit smoking! And you know how addictive cigarettes are. And I don't see how you could be useless with the Spirit living in you! Living with your parents is a great way to receive support. Your family loves you, don't trade them for anything. Get good rest tonight, and start fresh in the morning. I will say a prayer.

You'll be alright. :)
Father, thank You for Yosefhayim! Thank You for giving him a purpose, and surrounding him with Your presence and comfort! We all know that he has a heart for You and that You are the giver of life for all that seek You. Thank You for giving him eyes to see and ears to hear what You have in store for those who love You (which is him). Thank You Father for giving him a dream to fulfill that only he can fulfill with Your help. Thank You Father for blessing him beyond all that he could ever ask or think! As he commits all of his plans unto You, i thank You for causing his thoughts to line up with Your will, so that his plans will be established and succeed.
In Jesus Name, i pray, Amen
Meditate on Jeremiah 29:11-13. And read Jeremiah 18...about the potter, and as Matthew 6:33 says seek first the kingdom of God (His ways of doing things) and allow Him to add unto your life His purpose for your life!
Blessings unto you my friend!

Hello and Hang on,
Please read this as it is written, ( in Love )
I have been there before so many times BUT I will not ever return there.
The problem is that your focussed to much on the problems and not enough in Jesus...Shhh please wait.....

It is so easy to get caught up in discouragement and dismay especially in this day and age. It is the desire of our enemy the devil to keep you there. His aim is to keep all your attention on the things that pull you down and until you take a stand against this he will continue to lead you down that path.

There is a way out and it is so easy but hard.
Get into praise and worship. Worship God and sing to Him. Look I know it sounds stupid when you feel the way you do but LOOK they dont call it the sacrifise of praise for nothing. Some times you have to force your self to start and to keep going. Just like if your sink is piled up with dishes, even though there are no clean ones every time you look at the sink full of dishes you think man thats too much and it seems such a bother or dificult thing to do. The hardest part is making up your mind to start and once you start they are done before you know it.

It is the same for Praising God when you feel the way you do. Look it is written that the JOY of the LORD is our strength.....This is so very true and that is why it seems so hard to do. The enemy and your flesh want nothing to do with it for there is power over them in it.

Fill your self with Joy in the Lord. Pray and aks Him what is your will in this situation for me. It may be God allowing these things to happen so you will run out of options and seek Him or it is just the enemy but you wont know until you do something about it. You can stay the way you are and slowly slide downward if you choose but it sounds like you are not to thrilled in the state. So why not do something that can change everything.

Read His word and meditate on His promises for you. Believe them and pray them and do what ever the word says to do to get them in your life. YOU are the only one who can make this choice. God is NOT going to do it for you. Draw near to God and He will draw near to you.

God does not see you as worthless but the DEVIL DOES AND HAS BEEN WISPERING THOUGHTS IN YOUR EARS AND YOUR BUYING THEM..... Make the choice to do something about it. God can and will do more for you in days then you can in life time.....Make the choice and Get your Joy in the Lord Back......then watch things change.

Praying for you both
Seek Him Please..............
For 6 years i have been in the wilderness. God has used this time to mold me, and remove those things in my life that did not line up with what He has in store for my future, and things that grieved His heart and like the children of Israel, prepare me for the promised land. He has taught me a lot about His Word and His ways. He loved me so very much that He decided that He was not going to leave me where i was at, and when i fully submitted to Him, He began the process of becoming my potter, taking this marred, and broken vessel, and turning it into something that He can be proud of. And i'm still learning and being shaped.

Yousefhaim and Angel, you both have just begun the process (that will be completed when God calls us home). And as time goes by, you will look back and see how far you have come. We all in this life have times of retraining. Times when it seems as if nothing is changing, but in all reality, it's things on the inside that God is working on and that only He can see. So please do not give up hope. Trust in Jesus who is the author and finisher of your faith!
Be at peace resting in God's unending love for you!
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