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If today was your last day


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has anyone ever heard the song by nickelback called if today was your last day? Few songs ever move me like that song and i started thinking today about that subject. I asked God today today for something, i was curious how we would live our lives assuming or considering it was our last day on earth whether by the rapture or death. I wanted to experiment how i would live assuming today could very well be it,Would i truly live for God like never before? would i love others like I have never loved? would I be in deep prayer pouring my heart to God as if its my last prayer?

I have had a wonderful day today with god, We went on a walk and had a wonderful time together and we spent lots of time together and i have felt his presense almost all day. If I ever do only have one day left I want it to be like today a day where i just spend lots of time with him
You should be living everyday like it was your last day.This could be your last second or minute you do not know what is coming in the next minute,hour,day.
I truly believe it would be a day I would be making sure others I love knew where everything of importance were located. Change? I can present nothing of me, but everything in Christ Jesus, and praise God I have the peace that passes understanding He has given me. Face to face with Him who loved me enough to give His life for me should not draw fear from us, nor change that which we are doing because our Father only sees the righteousness of our new nature of Christ in us. What will it be like? I have no idea and when Paul was caught into paradise he saw things so that there were not words available to explain it. Blessings? We absolutely have no idea of the things He has prepared for us. Will the quiet spirited brethren awake in God's presence and be able to utter Hallelujah. I read of silence in heaven for a short span of time; will that be just staring in awe of all surrounds us?
I truly believe it would be a day I would be making sure others I love knew where everything of importance were located. Change? I can present nothing of me, but everything in Christ Jesus, and praise God I have the peace that passes understanding He has given me. Face to face with Him who loved me enough to give His life for me should not draw fear from us, nor change that which we are doing because our Father only sees the righteousness of our new nature of Christ in us. What will it be like? I have no idea and when Paul was caught into paradise he saw things so that there were not words available to explain it. Blessings? We absolutely have no idea of the things He has prepared for us. Will the quiet spirited brethren awake in God's presence and be able to utter Hallelujah. I read of silence in heaven for a short span of time; will that be just staring in awe of all surrounds us?
I thought the 1/2 hour of silence in heaven was because of the destruction that was happening on the earth?
I thought the 1/2 hour of silence in heaven was because of the destruction that was happening on the earth?
Hi Sister Kathi, since this half hour of silence is just prior to the judgments being poured out. I reckon that this might be the lull just before the storm to come as it were, and there is probably amazement in the things lining up right before them, but anything I would say would be pure speculation. Do you have scripture especially pertinent to the half hour of silence? Thanks.
I think if you actually believed you were going to die, your day would've been a lot different. :biggrin

Yeah that's what I thought. :lol
Whenever somebody comes up with that notion that living every day as if it were your last would make your life better somehow I wonder if they have any idea what people go through who really face their death in the near future. They go through a turmoil of emotions, many of which aren't positive. They are scared, have regrets, get angry and confused and have times of deep pain and sadness about their life ending. Many, but not all of them, make peace with their situation eventually, but that's the result of a process that takes a time. And some die bitter, scared and desperate.

If I knew that my life was to end today I'd be (deleted) scared. And I'd do all within my power to avert my fate. I'd probably have little mental resources left to love others or have long talks with God.

Okay, I'm getting the idea. We should live our life being aware and mindful of our mortality, take nothing for granted and waste no time. That's definitely something worth aiming for. But the scenario, what would I do if I knew I'd die today, just doesn't work for getting me closer to that purpose,
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im not going to lie and say that I have faced death as some have but I have faced a few close calls to it. is not god promised us that we would enter into heave if we believe?
Hi Sister Kathi, since this half hour of silence is just prior to the judgments being poured out. I reckon that this might be the lull just before the storm to come as it were, and there is probably amazement in the things lining up right before them, but anything I would say would be pure speculation. Do you have scripture especially pertinent to the half hour of silence? Thanks.
Revelation 8:1 When He opened the seventh seal, there was silence in heaven for about half an hour. 2 And I saw the seven angels who stand before God, and to them were given seven trumpets. 3 Then another angel, having a golden censer, came and stood at the altar. He was given much incense, that he should offer it with the prayers of all the saints upon the golden altar which was before the throne.
I don't think it gives specifics of why.
Some of you may know that I've recently undergone heart surgery (at the start of the month). Now that was nothing like a "near-death" experience. I didn't do anything like you hear about on Television. No drama. But it was a very profound experience for me.

It brings me closer to the understanding that my days are indeed numbered.
Here is something that I learned:
View attachment 4661 and here is something else: View attachment 4662 (prayer works).

What if today is my last? It means that I am away from this body and WITH THE LORD! (see 2Cor 5:8)
Some of you may know that I've recently undergone heart surgery (at the start of the month). Now that was nothing like a "near-death" experience. I didn't do anything like you hear about on Television. No drama. But it was a very profound experience for me.

It brings me closer to the understanding that my days are indeed numbered.
Here is something that I learned:
View attachment 4661 and here is something else: View attachment 4662 (prayer works).

What if today is my last? It means that I am away from this body and WITH THE LORD! (see 2Cor 5:8)
Yes,it is a difficult experience indeed.How are you feeling?
Kathi, thanks for asking and I am feeling better than I have in decades. Mostly that's because I quit smoking and there is a hope now born in my lungs, a hope of revival... of life(!) and that's something that I had all but forgotten.

You know how when you go from "I give up" :missyou to ...
"Hey! This is new!" :dancing

Right? Add to that how the Doctors surgically renewed the blood supply to the heart (C.A.B.G.), and then? (and this deserves to be higher on the list) all the prayers of the saints being offered ...

So, what I'm doing is controlling myself daily. Eating better than I ever have in my lifetime, learning to cook (again) and doing my doctor prescribed exercises. There is a full team of support people who are eager to help me (at the hospital) and my family near -- and all just a phone call away. Diabetes educators, Cardiac rehab physical therapists, Respiration Therapy. Mostly, my 30 year old son who stepped up to the challenge of taking care of the ol' man (it's not easy!) and it's quite amazing how many advances have been made scientifically, medically, and somehow I feel like it's all for me!

I know better of course, and what I am trying to say is that I feel an almost overwhelming sense of gratitude. The Lord is good! It's difficult to express except to say, "Thank God!" (I feel like I can dance again! -- 'cause I can! That's why). :woot2


PS - I'm not the only Mod around here to have stopped the habit. Chopper too. The Lord is doing marvelous things for us! Breaking bonds and shackles that have been in place for too many years.
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I think...I'd have a real in depth discussion about repentance with my parents. Apologize to people for any bad things I'd done or bad blood between us. Pray a lot. Have a in the Gospels...get ready for the end of 1 chapter and the beginning of another...

I mean, what is there to do? This world is not our home.
Amen! That's something right there. We do not belong here. That nagging feeling that something just isn't right is there because something ISN'T right. Yet there comes that day, promised of old, where every tear is wiped away.

"This world is not our home."

That is a mouthful of truth you just said right there!
Kathi, thanks for asking and I am feeling better than I have in decades. Mostly that's because I quit smoking and there is a hope now born in my lungs, a hope of revival... of life(!) and that's something that I had all but forgotten.

You know how when you go from "I give up" :missyou to ...
"Hey! This is new!" :dancing

Right? Add to that how the Doctors surgically renewed the blood supply to the heart (C.A.B.G.), and then? (and this deserves to be higher on the list) all the prayers of the saints being offered ...

So, what I'm doing is controlling myself daily. Eating better than I ever have in my lifetime, learning to cook (again) and doing my doctor prescribed exercises. There is a full team of support people who are eager to help me (at the hospital) and my family near -- and all just a phone call away. Diabetes educators, Cardiac rehab physical therapists, Respiration Therapy. Mostly, my 30 year old son who stepped up to the challenge of taking care of the ol' man (it's not easy!) and it's quite amazing how many advances have been made scientifically, medically, and somehow I feel like it's all for me!

I know better of course, and what I am trying to say is that I feel an almost overwhelming sense of gratitude. The Lord is good! It's difficult to express except to say, "Thank God!" (I feel like I can dance again! -- 'cause I can! That's why). :woot2


PS - I'm not the only Mod around here to have stopped the habit. Chopper too. The Lord is doing marvelous things for us! Breaking bonds and shackles that have been in place for too many years.
How many by-passes did you have?I am glad that you feel better and that everything is progressing well :thumbsup
Lol - okay :idea I'll tell you the story...

You see, it all started one fine day in May. Routine blood draw (or so I thought). [Queue the ominous music]. Followup appointment with my PCP (Primary Care Physician). Full disclosure includes a very healthy body for almost all of my life no matter how much abuse I've thrown at it. I call it "lucky" but really? It more like blessed. But then, about 4 years ago, my body started "complaining" and I started listening. What choice did I have?

Words like "Type 2 Diabetes" and "Hyper-Tense" and "High Blood Pressure" and "Blood Glucose Levels" were familiar to me because those were the kind of things that other members of my family had. But not me. Well, not that I knew of until 2010.

Skip to 2014 and the Month of May: Results from the blood draw mentioned above come back. I get a phone call: It's my doc, "We've noticed your Creatinine Levels are higher than normal... " (It's an indicator of Kidney function). So... off I go. The Ultrasound Technician was very nice. Since then I've been ultra-sounded quite a few times -- and I've no clue how this happens but each time by a different Technician. And each time the Ultrasound Tech is female. And each time the female technician is pregnant. I love pregnant ladies. Just something about them, you know? But I digress...

My PCP gets the results and says, "While they were looking at your kidneys they noticed that you have an aneurysm of the aorta," and as that little tid-bit of information sunk in the Doctor (also a friend) said, "I'm going to refer you to a Vascular Surgeon." Turns out that aneurysms of this nature also run in the family and are one of the leading causes of death in US Males (the 13th largest cause). So there I go. My PCP refers me to Colleen (Vascular Surgeon) and she is a sheer wonder! How can such an amazing mind be so compassionate and understanding? I am impressed by her.

She tells me all about the options available for repair of the Triple A or AAA (Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm) and I nod my head all the while drinking in every word so that I might go home and figure stuff out (I like Google - Google is my friend). She also schedules another routine test -- an Echo Cardiogram. Basically it's a stress test and ultra-sound of the heart. They want to know if my heart is healthy enough for me to be able to survive the AAA procedure.

And then...

After the routine examination I meet another couple doctors. One of them a heart surgeon with very impressive credentials. He examines me completely and uses the term "asymptomatic" because I don't have any of the usual symptoms associated with CAD (Cardiac Artery Disease). "I understand that you came in asymptomatic so I am very sorry to tell you that you are an emergency..."

He scheduled me for surgery on July 1st. I started praying and asking all my friends, families, loved ones to pray. Then just to be sure that we were all knocking on heaven's door with my name on our lips? I asked that others ask their friends and prayer partners to lift me to the Great Physician as I trusted Him to provide... I owe a great debt of gratitude to many. Every single moderator here. Many of their friends. My family. Church members. Even fellow students. And here's the thing. I can never repay. All I can do is look to Jesus and ask him to be faithful (like that's a problem for Him or something? HA!) but to be faithful to repay for me, to bring their reward with Him... I do love Him so and have grown closer and closer as He draws me and us)... I'm starting to see by revelation just how much each person means to our Lord God. It's too much but shhhhh... sacred secrets are difficult to speak of...

Back to the story... They (the surgeons) told me that I could expect 5 to 8 days of recovery. Prayer works. I was admitted on July 1st. I was discharged on the 4th of July. You don't count the Day of Surgery so I had 3 days of recovery. And I felt good. Still feel good. In fact, I've felt better each day. I test myself, test my lung capacity, test my endurance (how long can I walk? 2 minutes in the hospital then need rest? Okay.

Yesterday? Two 17-minute back-to-back (walking to the grocery store, shopping and back) and carrying 10 lbs (my lift restriction is 10 lbs) with a slight uphill at the end... FEELING LIKE I COULD DO IT AGAIN! but no. Don't press. Who are you trying to impress anyway? Just accept the healthy with thanks. One step at a time. Continue and run the race with an eye toward crossing the finish line. The race does not go to the fastest... I've heard these things in church and in Bible college and all my life. I'm guessing that so have you.

So that's that. My creatinine levels have come down while in the hospital. They are slightly above normal but no alarm. I've been seen by a Nephrologist (kidney doctor). I've got another appointment with him in 3 months. The heart? There were 2 by-passes performed. Nothing but admiration in me for the great job they did. My mom was a nurse and my sis was a Medical Transcriptionist. I grew up with an appreciation for all things medical and it has only grown by what I've seen. Top notch professional and also? The Lord let me see secret things, like the fact that they also know His Word and are serving Him from the heart. So many brothers and sisters in the Lord we have. They are hidden for a moment but shall be revealed... (Psst... so are you!)

The future as I see it today? Sure: On the 11th of August I'll go back to Connie (the Vascular Surgeon) and I'm betting she will be all gung-ho to go for the Triple A repair. That's fine by me. My prayer? Well, I'm a 61 year old male and a student at the local community college currently studying for my degree in CyberSecurity. My prayer has been and is ---> that I am somehow able to continue my education come September and the Fall Quarter. I want to go back to the campus healthier than I left it last June and I believe that's exactly what will happen.

Either that or maybe the Lord will come for me in another way and I will understand what 2 Cor 5:8 is about. Being confident. Actually preferring to be absent from this body and present with the Lord... but I think no. There are many great assurances given and I am hearing a call... not to come home but rather to serve with all my heart. Not sure how that's gonna happen except that if it does and I am blessed in it I know who to blame. Jesus, the GREAT Physician. Because I know that He likes to heal the whole man. So I suspect that God willing, I'll hit the campus running come this fall.

So far? I'm right on track and very, very grateful.:yes
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