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Bible Study is it normal to preach the gospel in the street? what are the benefits and consequences?

No He didn't!

A common element when Jesus is described as teaching is the great crowds that came to Him. They came, were healed, and were taught. Jesus taught to both sinners and to religous leaders. In the public for all to hear, and in Mathew's crowded home. In at least a few verses it's commented that many believed but some did not. Expecially on some of the harder lessons where many of Jesus's desciples left Him. (Not the 12 desciples that Jesus chose, but many others in the crowds). If you want the verses where these things occure, I'll find them for you. But these things are in the gospels.

Jesus taught that the Kingdom of heaven is like a man scattering seeds on 4 different soils. Jesus later explained the meaning of the parable. But the seed (message of the Kingdom) was scattered on all soils.

And just where did you hear that those were sins???

Mathew 5-7. Looking at a woman lustfully is the same as adultry. Being angry Without cause is compared to murder. Even calling a person a name of contempt or calling them a fool is in danger of punishment. Read Mathew 5-7.

Here is my understanding of the 4 soils.

Here is what I can gather from Jesus's sermon on the mount. (Mathew 5-7)

If you want the verses of Jesus teaching and healing great crowds, let me know. I'll look them up. Hope this helps and encourages your studies in Jesus's teachings. Study the bible so that you are not swept away with false ideas and decitiful whispers.
I think so, it is normal to preach in the street because Jesus did it himself. it reveals that benefits, because in doing so, the hearts are touched by the message either immediately or later, a seed that is sown, will yield harvest.


Are you aware of the international ministry on the streets of Open Air Campaigners? They preach in the open air, using visual aids, wherever people gather. Two weekends ago I was at a conference organised by a retired open air campaigners' couple, Jim & Grace Vine.

There's a ministry around the world an it's operating here in Brisbane. Take a look at what Operation 513 is doing in outdoor outreach in downtown Brisbane. A friend has invited me to go to this outreach and even though it means quite a bit of train travel for me, I'm planning to go to be part of the team in preaching and handing out tracts.

Operation 513 gets its name from Matt 5:13-16 (NIRV):

13 “You are the salt of the earth. But suppose the salt loses its saltiness. How can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything. It will be thrown out. People will walk all over it.

14 “You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill can’t be hidden. 15 Also, people do not light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead, they put it on its stand. Then it gives light to everyone in the house. 16 In the same way, let your light shine so others can see it. Then they will see the good things you do. And they will bring glory to your Father who is in heaven.​

I recommend a read of 'Colossians 4:5 and Street Preaching'.

Should everybody do street preaching? No! Only gifted evangelists and preacher-teachers should preach on the street.

Will you experience resistance? Of course! In the faith chapter of Heb 11 we read:

11:36 And others experienced mocking and flogging, and even chains and imprisonment. 37 They were stoned, sawed apart, murdered with the sword; they went about in sheepskins and goatskins; they were destitute, afflicted, ill-treated 38 (the world was not worthy of them); they wandered in deserts and mountains and caves and openings in the earth (NET).​

If the stalwarts of the faith experienced it, so will you and I.

Josh Buice wrote:

When reading through church history, we see many men who labored in open-air preaching. Perhaps the most famous open-air preacher, in modern history, is George Whitefield. Whitefield shook the world with the gospel. When the doors of churches closed to him and his preaching, he took to the open-air and God filled the fields to hear the man preach. As we read about Whitefield, we see his success. When we look at our modern day church culture and glance at an open-air preacher on the street with no massive crowd gathered, we immediately think it’s not successful, unfruitful and outdated. Charles Spurgeon once said, “I fear that in some of our less enlightened country churches there are conservative individuals who almost believe that to preach anywhere except in the chapel would be a shocking innovation, a sure token of heretical tendencies, and a mark of zeal without knowledge.” (source)​

I'm of the view that the Wycliffe Bible Translators/SIL initiative of story telling (Story the Bible) is a practical demonstration of how to do powerful street preaching. There is a training session on this approach being conducted near where I live shortly. I'm planning to go, but have a clash of appointments that I need to negotiate.

Frankly, I'm tired of attending evangelical churches that have no interested in outreach evangelism, except for 'Christianity Explained'. I'm longing to do street preaching and engage in street evangelism and will engage in that ministry shortly in my city.

Even though I'm an old Aussie bloke! :whirl

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A common element when Jesus is described as teaching is the great crowds that came to Him. They came, were healed, and were taught. Jesus taught to both sinners and to religous leaders. In the public for all to hear, and in Mathew's crowded home. In at least a few verses it's commented that many believed but some did not. Expecially on some of the harder lessons where many of Jesus's desciples left Him. (Not the 12 desciples that Jesus chose, but many others in the crowds). If you want the verses where these things occure, I'll find them for you. But these things are in the gospels.

Jesus taught that the Kingdom of heaven is like a man scattering seeds on 4 different soils. Jesus later explained the meaning of the parable. But the seed (message of the Kingdom) was scattered on all soils.

Mathew 5-7. Looking at a woman lustfully is the same as adultry. Being angry Without cause is compared to murder. Even calling a person a name of contempt or calling them a fool is in danger of punishment. Read Mathew 5-7.

This was a note to Esra, to direct his attention to where he got the idea that those things were sins. He got them from the bible, but I was going to tell him that unsaved gentiles, that haven't read the bible, have so idea of sin. Therefore they would have no reason to repent.....!
Not Now Soon,

they had to come to the belief that He was the Son of God. If not by His testimony, at the very least by the works He did in His Fathers name......He didn't teach about being born again, save for Nicodemus. Those disciples left Him because He was talking of drinking blood and eating His flesh. A big no no with a Jew.
From a street or any other preacher of the Word of God .. Haven't you heard

OH I've heard.....
An unsaved gentile, who has never read a bible or heard any street preacher, would have no idea of what sin he would need to repent of. That is all I was saying.

Here is my understanding of the 4 soils.

Here is what I can gather from Jesus's sermon on the mount. (Mathew 5-7)

If you want the verses of Jesus teaching and healing great crowds, let me know. I'll look them up. Hope this helps and encourages your studies in Jesus's teachings. Study the bible so that you are not swept away with false ideas and decitiful whispers.

No I am quite familiar with the WORD. And I have His promise, " that no evil will touch me or my dwelling!" Meaning no false teaching, nor false ideas, nor false preaching.
OH I've heard.....
An unsaved gentile, who has never read a bible or heard any street preacher, would have no idea of what sin he would need to repent of. That is all I was saying.
Rom 1:18 For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness;
Rom 1:19 Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God hath shewed it unto them.
Rom 1:20 For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse:
Are you saying that "repenting" one makes heaven their home?

Repenting does not make ones home heaven, but it is a beginning of acknowledging one is a sinner needing Gods saving grace as we are saved through faith in Christ Jesus alone, Ephesians 2:8, 9 .
As a gentile what are my sins????
I know you addressed this to ezra, but I also would like to answer this. Your answer is found in Romans 3:9-31 as all are justified by faith as all have sinned and come short of the glory of the Lord. All means Jew and Gentile.
Repenting does not make ones home heaven, but it is a beginning of acknowledging one is a sinner needing Gods saving grace as we are saved through faith in Christ Jesus alone, Ephesians 2:8, 9 .

This is an answer to my grand mother who was 70 years a Presbyterian, and had an answer, " if your good!" you can make heaven your home?????
I know you addressed this to ezra, but I also would like to answer this. Your answer is found in Romans 3:9-31 as all are justified by faith as all have sinned and come short of the glory of the Lord. All means Jew and Gentile.
The Jew might have reason to repent, because of their trying to keep the Law, but Gentiles were not given the Law
Rom 1:18 For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness;
Rom 1:19 Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God hath shewed it unto them.
Rom 1:20 For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse:

And Reba. that clearly leaves the Atheists, and Agnostics, with a chance, and Carnal Christians out in the cold?
OH I've heard.....
An unsaved gentile, who has never read a bible or heard any street preacher, would have no idea of what sin he would need to repent of. That is all I was saying.
The street preachers people don't like are the ones who shake their bible at you and holler ''Accept Jesus as your savior, you're going to hell unless you repent and accept Jesus as your savior ''.. ''You lukewarm and backsliders come back home'' '','' you filthy mouths, you drunks, you drug abusers, you thieves, you home wreckers, you fornicaters , you murderers and haters in your heart, you who covet you're going straight to hell you snakes'' ... ''Jesus is the Son of God, the Lamb of God, born of a Virgin, died on the cross because of our sin DID YOU HEAR ME, GOD HIMSELF DIED A CRUEL DEATH NAILED ON A CROSS FOR US HE DIDN'T DESERVE then resurrected to prove life after death for us, Jesus loves you and this ain't a game '' .. ''Repent or you're going to hell you bunch of hell bound sinners '' .. ''Jesus loves you and wants to save you from sin and hell'' .. ''Quit hurting yourself, your families and others with your sin or you're going to hell '' .. ''Do it now, do it today friends, I'm begging you, please don't go to hell'' ''Jesus the Son of God loves you and died for you to save you from sin and hell'' .. rinse and repeat .. That'll preach anywhere ..

I'll pray for and slip 20 dollars in one of those guys hands quick ..
The street preachers people don't like are the ones who shake their bible at you and holler ''Accept Jesus as your savior, you're going to hell unless you repent and accept Jesus as your savior ''.. ''You lukewarm and backsliders come back home'' '','' you filthy mouths, you drunks, you drug abusers, you thieves, you home wreckers, you fornicaters , you murderers and haters in your heart, you who covet you're going straight to hell you snakes'' ... ''Jesus is the Son of God, the Lamb of God, born of a Virgin, died on the cross because of our sin DID YOU HEAR ME, GOD HIMSELF DIED A CRUEL DEATH NAILED ON A CROSS FOR US HE DIDN'T DESERVE then resurrected to prove life after death for us, Jesus loves you and this ain't a game '' .. ''Repent or you're going to hell you bunch of hell bound sinners '' .. ''Jesus loves you and wants to save you from sin and hell'' .. ''Quit hurting yourself, your families and others with your sin or you're going to hell '' .. ''Do it now, do it today friends, I'm begging you, please don't go to hell'' ''Jesus the Son of God loves you and died for you to save you from sin and hell'' .. rinse and repeat .. That'll preach anywhere ..

I'll pray for and slip 20 dollars in one of those guys hands quick ..

Ha ha ha ha ha.....Scare the HELL right out of them! That is how you make Holy Water, take water and boil the Hell out of it. ha hah hahaha ah
The Jew might have reason to repent, because of their trying to keep the Law, but Gentiles were not given the Law
Romans 3:9-31 pretty much explains why a gentile needs to repent. You can believe what it says or reject what it says.
To barelohim.

If I am understanding your view correctly. (This is my most reasonable guess). Then where your talking from is the difficulty of preaching to the unsaved. You've said that only preach to good soil; articulated that gentiles will not recognize sin, nor atheists know of God.

These things are reasonable concerns because we do want our efforts to be successful. However they are not an excuse to not preach to the harder cases.

A friend many years ago was in a ministry for youth in high school. He said he was surprised about some of the people who accepted the message. I was in high school at the time and spent time with one guy that was a surprising new believer. That is a lesson in ministry that I'm sure many ministers will be able to agree on. God will reach those you don't expect. It is a lesson I haven't experienced, but one none the less to pay attention to.

If you want one more consideration for preaching to the gentiles, consider the last chapter of Luke. Specifically Luke 24:47 (but also 24:45-49 for context).

"and repentance for the forgiveness of sins will be preached in his name to all nations, beginning at Jerusalem"

All the evidence I am aware of from both scripture and that testimony of my friend point to the idea of preaching to anyone and everyone. To not hold back. Use any opportunity God gives us.

The exception to this rule is not for who to teach to, but for who are the teachers. Paul cautions us that like the body has many parts and not one can say they do not need the other parts. We as christians are the body of the church. Not everyone is a teacher, or a prophet, or miricale worker. Whatever gifts we have been given though we should use. And any time God leads us (even if we are not good in that area) that we should listen to God's leading of us.

Does this make sense?
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