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Bible Study Is it possible the Ressurection of Lazurus occured on Purim?


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I personally believe ever Jewish Holiday also has New Testament significance, the Passover-Pentecost season's holidays are well known, I'm currently writing an article about the rest.

Purim is the only one I haven't figured out for certain yet, but right now my hypothesis is that it might make sense for that to have been when Lazarus was Resurrected, the month before the Passover of the Crucifixion (30 A.D.).

Has anymore before me ever argued that that might be the case, my attempts to find out with an internet search have been confusing.
The Old Testament was types and shadows of what was to come and pointed to the coming Messiah, who would be Jesus. Yet many are and were blind and could not see it.

I'm not sure about Purim
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I've written it.

I believe Christians should celebrate Jewish holidays, and in general use the Hebrew Calender.

Not just because we believe in the Hebrew Bible, all of them also have New Testament significance. The relevance of the Passover season (Passover being the Crucifixion, First Fruits the Resurrection, and Pentecost the birth of the Church) is well known, so I want to get into the rest.

John 10:22 tells us that the feast of the Dedication (Hanukkah) is when the narrative in the following verses took place. I don't believe that is incidental, I think it means something. Hanukkah is the one often claimed to have no Old Testament significance, it did originate in the so called "Intertestamental period" but the history behind it is in Bible Prophecy. Mainly Daniel 8 and 11, but Haggai 2 seems to anticipate that time of year becoming a time to rededicate the Temple. And some see Zechariah 4 as anticipating the Hanukkah menorah, the imagery of that Chapter of Zechariah is also affiliated with the 2 witnesses in Revelation 11. One Witness is obviously Elijah, the other is debatable, but I firmly believe it's Enoch as I'll explain in a separate article some day, interestingly in the Hebrew Enoch's name (could also be rendered Henoch) is basically the first syllable of Hanukkah.
There are some things I disagree with there, but it basically explains why I date the Birth of Yeshua to the 1st of Tishri (Trumpets) in 3 BC. It also argues based on the view I agree with on the Star of Bethlehem that the magi presented their 3 gifts to Yeshua on the 3rd day of the Hanukkah festival, the traditional day for gift giving.

Yeshua being born on the 1st of Tishri places his circumcision on the 8th of Tishri, the day in 1 Kings when the initial dedication of Solomon's temple began, before being finished on the 10th (Yom Kippur). But also puts Yeshua's presentation in the Temple when Simon gave his Prophecy and Anna the Prophetess is mentioned on the 10th of Cheshvan.

Also if you study the chronology from Luke's account Yeshua being born on the New Moon of the first month puts his conception and the Annunciation on the New Moon of the 4th month Nine months earlier, same day Esther was made Queen in Esther 2:16. That day is also the 6th or 7th day of Hanukkah depending on exactly how the moon phases. The visitation which was very soon after (Perhaps the last day of the Hanukkah festival) was when Elizabeth was 6 months Pregnant. That means John the Baptist's conception, and Gabriel appearing to his father in the Holy Place was probably on the New Moon of the 10th month. And then John's birth on the New Moon of the 7th month, Nisan, the ceremonial New Year.

What's interesting about the Nativity narrative revolving around those 4 New Moons, is that according to the Apocryphal Book of Jubilees Chapter 6 verse 23 Noah told his sons to observe remembrances on those same 4 New Moons. Now this isn't inspired, but if it's base don a real legend, it's interesting that I believe the Lunar and Solar cycles where still in synch back then (I believe they where still the days of Joshua, possibly all the way to Hezekiah), and that those 4 new moons would have exactly corresponded to the Equinoxes and Solstices. So they equate to the beginnings of each season.

Educated Christians like me love pointing out how the Birth of Yehsua couldn't possibly be in late December/Early January. But as I've shown events from the Nativity narrative did take place around that time, during the Jewish Hanukkah (2 different Hanukkahs separated by 2 years, 4 BC and 2 BC)) festival, so our celebrating it all then isn't unjustified.

I have a hunch Yeshua's Baptism was on Tu B'Av, the 15th (Full Moon) of Av, a day when the unmarried girls of Jerusalem dressed in white garments and went out to dance in the vineyards to seek a husband. Also the day the Tribe of Benjamin was allowed to intermarry with the other tribes after the incident of the Concubine of Gibeah (see Judges chapters 19-21), thus a perfect day to being the process of courting his Bride.

There is a 40 day period in Jewish thought equating to the entire month of Elul and the first 10 days of Tishri when it's believed the Gates of Heaven are open, and is the ideal time to Pray and Repent. Believed to originate with being the 40s days Moses prayed on behalf of Israel over the Golden Calf incident. I believe this is also the 40 day period Yeshua fasted in the wilderness soon after his Baptism. This also placed when Satan tempted him on Yom Kippur, which is interesting since many believe Yom Kippur was the day Serpent Tempted Havah (Eve) and Adam's fall.

That was the Yom Kippur of 28 AD (I place the Crucifixion on the Passover of 30 AD as I'll explain in a future article), the Yom Kippur of 29 AD is references back to in John 11:51, where it refer to the annual Prophecy made by the High Priest.

John chapter 7 clearly defines itself as revolving around the 7 day feast of Tabernacles (Sukkot), it ends with "And every man went unto his own house." referring to their leaving their temporary dwellings. I believe we need to study the feast and it's deeper meanings more to fully comprehend that Chapter. But also I believe John 8, 9 and the first 21 verses of Chapter 10 all take place on Shemini Atzeret/Simchat Torah (In Israel those are the same day). The first part of Chapter 8, the well known story of the Adulteress I believe has an additional typological significance, remember that Israel is often symbolized as an Adulteress (Like in Hosea). It occurred very early that day.

Then when Yeshua blurts out "I am the Light of the World" I believe he was interrupting the key Torah reading of that day. And everything afterwards occurs still on the same day or perhaps into the next by my understanding.

Purim is an interesting holiday, ti's linked to Passover in a sense (The actual climatic sequence of Esther occurs over passover, Haman was hanged on the 17th of Nisan, the day of the Resurrection). I think in John 11 is might have been over the period of Days Purim is observed that the Death and Resurrection of Lazarus took place.

I'm gonna add another page latter getting into the Eschatology aspect, but this is sufficient for now.
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