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My girlfriend left me for another girl, worried about her.


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About 5-6 months ago I was introduced to a girl by my best friend Danny through facebook. She lives in California. Right off the bat, sparks flew, and we were extremely infatuated with each other.

Our interests were exactly the same, we were both into each others body type and personality, it was unreal, it was too good to be true. The only thing about her was that she was Agnostic, and I was a Christian, I was willing to look past that since it was my first serious relationship. She is 20 years old btw.

She had been in a nearly abusive relationship before being with me. I was everything he wasn't and more. I went to visit her shortly after I met her, we quickly fell in love. I broke under pressure and had sex with her, we quickly knew we were meant for each other, extremely in love, spitting out words like forever and such.

I went back home and a few months after went to visit her again, things were amazing. We were so comfortable and happy together. After returning home we missed each other terribly, and we would talk about plans for her to move in.

She promised to move in during the summer. So I banked on that. Eventually she said she didnt know if she could do it or not (she has extreme anxiety problems) I became scared and worried. We started having problems, I started to pressure her more and more to visit (my first relationship, I dont know what im doing lol)

I decided to tell her it wasnt working, I was hoping it would get her to make some changes, I figured if she loved me as much as she said she did she would have did something drastic. The next day all during work I couldn't stop thinking about her, constant thoughts of her saying "I love you!!" would flood my head. I realized I made a terrible mistake and I was afraid I could lose her forever.

I called her the next day and I said I understood her situation and her anxiety making her unable to visit me or go through with our plans and the controlling situation her mom had her in, and that I was willing to wait forever. I asked her to forgive me and come back to me and she said she had to think about it.

Days and weeks past, I begged her back and became needy, exactly what pushes a girl away. Eventually she said it wasnt going to work. I asked why and she said she needed to tell me something.

Apparently a girl that she has wanted to be with for several years confessed to her when we were broken off for a short time. She left me for this girl. They've never met, but they have known each other for 10 years, they have such a strong bond/friendship its rediculous.

My ex has never been interested in girls, she thinks they are disgusting, she is completely straight. But she talks as if this girl is the only girl she would ever date. She doesn't even care about gender at this point, its much more than that to her.

I was devastated, it destroyed my heart, I became unable to do the simplest tasks, basically broken heart syndrome. I cried to get her back, begged her, everything. She wanted to be with this girl. I couldnt accept that it was real.

She wanted to stay friends, I wanted to stay friends as well, but after several weeks and a final goodbye I stopped contact with her. I had to block her so I couldn't see her profile or anything to do with her. She was pissed that I did that but talking to her made my heartrate go up to 160 and my chest tighten up with pain.

I am now closer to God than ever before, I am reading scripture on my own for the very first time, and I think it was a great learning experience. I dont think I could be with a non-Christian again.

After calming down and moving on, I feel as though she is going down a path I can't save her from. She is going far from the path of God and I feel like there is nothing I can do to save her.

I will always care for her, even if im not with her technically. I pray for her everyday, I dont know what else I can do for her...
About 5-6 months ago I was introduced to a girl by my best friend Danny through facebook. She lives in California. Right off the bat, sparks flew, and we were extremely infatuated with each other.

Our interests were exactly the same, we were both into each others body type and personality, it was unreal, it was too good to be true. The only thing about her was that she was Agnostic, and I was a Christian, I was willing to look past that since it was my first serious relationship. She is 20 years old btw.

She had been in a nearly abusive relationship before being with me. I was everything he wasn't and more. I went to visit her shortly after I met her, we quickly fell in love. I broke under pressure and had sex with her, we quickly knew we were meant for each other, extremely in love, spitting out words like forever and such.

I went back home and a few months after went to visit her again, things were amazing. We were so comfortable and happy together. After returning home we missed each other terribly, and we would talk about plans for her to move in.

She promised to move in during the summer. So I banked on that. Eventually she said she didnt know if she could do it or not (she has extreme anxiety problems) I became scared and worried. We started having problems, I started to pressure her more and more to visit (my first relationship, I dont know what im doing lol)

I decided to tell her it wasnt working, I was hoping it would get her to make some changes, I figured if she loved me as much as she said she did she would have did something drastic. The next day all during work I couldn't stop thinking about her, constant thoughts of her saying "I love you!!" would flood my head. I realized I made a terrible mistake and I was afraid I could lose her forever.

I called her the next day and I said I understood her situation and her anxiety making her unable to visit me or go through with our plans and the controlling situation her mom had her in, and that I was willing to wait forever. I asked her to forgive me and come back to me and she said she had to think about it.

Days and weeks past, I begged her back and became needy, exactly what pushes a girl away. Eventually she said it wasnt going to work. I asked why and she said she needed to tell me something.

Apparently a girl that she has wanted to be with for several years confessed to her when we were broken off for a short time. She left me for this girl. They've never met, but they have known each other for 10 years, they have such a strong bond/friendship its rediculous.

My ex has never been interested in girls, she thinks they are disgusting, she is completely straight. But she talks as if this girl is the only girl she would ever date. She doesn't even care about gender at this point, its much more than that to her.

I was devastated, it destroyed my heart, I became unable to do the simplest tasks, basically broken heart syndrome. I cried to get her back, begged her, everything. She wanted to be with this girl. I couldnt accept that it was real.

She wanted to stay friends, I wanted to stay friends as well, but after several weeks and a final goodbye I stopped contact with her. I had to block her so I couldn't see her profile or anything to do with her. She was pissed that I did that but talking to her made my heartrate go up to 160 and my chest tighten up with pain.

I am now closer to God than ever before, I am reading scripture on my own for the very first time, and I think it was a great learning experience. I dont think I could be with a non-Christian again.

After calming down and moving on, I feel as though she is going down a path I can't save her from. She is going far from the path of God and I feel like there is nothing I can do to save her.

I will always care for her, even if im not with her technically. I pray for her everyday, I dont know what else I can do for her...

Don't want to sound harsh, but I think you have some maturing to do, and she's confused. When love is based on such a flimsy platform, it turns out this way, especially in young people.

Chalk it up to a bad experience and move on. Try to get your stability you need in the Lord and mature (esp older) Christian figureheads. This way you will always have a feeling of being loved despite relationships, whether they are good or bad.

Most of us have gone thru several before we met the real thing.
Try to get your stability you need in the Lord and mature (esp older) Christian figureheads.

Most of us have gone thru several before we met the real thing.

Amen to that Tim. It feels like forever but not that long ago I met the man who whooped me into shape. He was the grandfather of my girlfriend (she turned out to be my wife). Before him I had no idea how much God could use one man.

Ok Z, here’s my advice. Get to church and find a men group for your age. It helped me figure out who I was both as a man and a Christian. Also, don’t let your first relationship shake you too much. We all get burned on occasion. Learn what you can from it and walk away a little wiser.
I am now closer to God than ever before, I am reading scripture on my own for the very first time, and I think it was a great learning experience. I dont think I could be with a non-Christian again.

After calming down and moving on, I feel as though she is going down a path I can't save her from. She is going far from the path of God and I feel like there is nothing I can do to save her.

I will always care for her, even if im not with her technically. I pray for her everyday, I dont know what else I can do for her...

Thank you my brother for posting and blessing me.

To think, AFTER going through and experiencing what you did . . . You conclude it was a great learning experience.

You demonstrated the fact that one can deeply care about a person, yes even in estranged relationships and realize there comes a time to move on. There are limitations in our lives; our resources run dry.

It's not that we hold them back or they have been depleted; But rather, sometimes even the best we've got isn't enough.

You still care; so you do pray. Though we are limited, He is not.

And when all is said and done, You declare thay you are closer to God than ever before! How awesome is that?!

You have your affections on Him. And that blesses all of us.

Be blessed, more importantly, Stay blessed!
lesbianism is a rather difficult thing to understand if one has never been gay. i was bi and i understand some of it. its self-destructive but one cant be with them when they are like that. let go and pray for that women that is all you can do.
lesbianism is a rather difficult thing to understand if one has never been gay. i was bi and i understand some of it. its self-destructive but one cant be with them when they are like that. let go and pray for that women that is all you can do.

explain what you mean by 'difficult to understand'? i am not gay and never have been but i have often wondered if its true that people really are born that way.. is it not true that the brains of gays and bisexuals are wired differently? i have friends that are gay and i have a really hard time thinking they are going to go to hell because of the way they were born (the way GOD made them??) thoughts? it would be interesting to hear from a christian who has been there

Zeon.. it sounds to me like the girl is confused and it is in your best interest to leave it alone. I know it is hard but sometimes we have to cut ties with people for a short time in order to get back in line with God. I am having to do that now with a guy I had an inappropriate sexual relationship with.. we have to see each other here and there because we have mutual friends but we NEVER talk or see each other alone. its so hard and i hate it.. but the point is sometimes we have to do what we dont want to out of nothing more than an act of obedience to God.

When you miss her or get the idea to contact/talk to her just stop what you are doing, give it to God and ask for HIS guidance. He WILL comfort you and tell you what to do. God will not allow us to keep things in our lives that hurt our relationship with Him.

God will take care of this and take care of you, if you act obediently and let Him.. come back and update...
Playing a game? I'm not sure what you mean by that, but this really happened. Sometimes I am in disbelief that it actually happened. The thought of her being with a girl makes me sick to my stomach.

Yes, I have matured greatly, amazingly even. God sometimes pushes us in a corner for us to get closer to him. I know he has someone out there for me, so i'm not too worried about it.

On a side note, I feel as though God is filling me with love when I sing his song's of praise and I read his word. Also reading the book "Undressed" by Jason Illian. It talks about relationships and why choosing someone with godly qualities is so important.

Ill admit, shes still on my mind a good majority of most days, but time is making it better. My emotions change from here to there, sometimes its depression, a want to be loved, anger towards her or myself, regret. I am replacing her with Jesus though, and the healing process is becoming easier.

I am 23 years old, its about time I went through something like this so I could grow from the experience. I have learned so much. Love you guys! Thanks for your loving support!
My heart is now filling with the love of Jesus Christ, my relationship is now not with a woman, but with Jesus, the son of god. My healing has RAPIDLY increased since I have been devoting myself to learning more about Jesus and his teachings.

Ive forgiven her completely, and she has told me several times during our relationship that I could not convert her from agnosticism, this pains my heart. I feel I should talk to her and tell her to repent, do something to reach out to her. The thought of her experiencing the terrible torment of hell makes me agonize with regret and hurt. I have been praying constantly for her, "In Jesus name, please save her Jesus! Please get her closer to God!"

If I was to contact her now and tell her about Jesus, I believe she would get offended, or tell me something to push me away, could I get some assistance brothers and sisters? Could I possibly ask of anyone that is willing to pray for her to do so? Her name is Sarah.
I'll pray for her with you, sure.

Just wanted to say that I think it's real brave of you for even wanting to help her like that, I mean personally talking to her and all. I personally know a girl who I felt real strongly for, still do, but I can't talk to her because I just worked so hard to put that behind me and I don't think I could do it a second time.
I don't plan on talking to her. It wouldn't do any good, I know this for a fact. When I did talk to her though, nightmares followed the next night, and another week of getting over the experience would then follow. It's in God's hands now.
explain what you mean by 'difficult to understand'? i am not gay and never have been but i have often wondered if its true that people really are born that way.. is it not true that the brains of gays and bisexuals are wired differently? i have friends that are gay and i have a really hard time thinking they are going to go to hell because of the way they were born (the way GOD made them??) thoughts? it would be interesting to hear from a christian who has been there

Zeon.. it sounds to me like the girl is confused and it is in your best interest to leave it alone. I know it is hard but sometimes we have to cut ties with people for a short time in order to get back in line with God. I am having to do that now with a guy I had an inappropriate sexual relationship with.. we have to see each other here and there because we have mutual friends but we NEVER talk or see each other alone. its so hard and i hate it.. but the point is sometimes we have to do what we dont want to out of nothing more than an act of obedience to God.

When you miss her or get the idea to contact/talk to her just stop what you are doing, give it to God and ask for HIS guidance. He WILL comfort you and tell you what to do. God will not allow us to keep things in our lives that hurt our relationship with Him.

God will take care of this and take care of you, if you act obediently and let Him.. come back and update...
pm me on my former bi nature.
I don't plan on talking to her. It wouldn't do any good, I know this for a fact. When I did talk to her though, nightmares followed the next night, and another week of getting over the experience would then follow. It's in God's hands now.
Hey, if seeds are sowed in bad soil they will not grow. Not your fault. And no one blames you for not wanting to till the soil. I sure wouldn't if I were in your shoes, she has obviously been removed from your life, it's back in God's court. :thumbsup
Hey, if seeds are sowed in bad soil they will not grow. Not your fault. And no one blames you for not wanting to till the soil. I sure wouldn't if I were in your shoes, she has obviously been removed from your life, it's back in God's court. :thumbsup

Well, I have definetely learned that waiting till marriage for sexual intimacy is pretty much something I have to live by now. I completely understand why God said it was so important. It creates too much of a connection, and can screw you up bad mentally. I am a testimony to this! I try to live by the word as much as possible more than ever now.


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