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Obama wake up call for Christians...


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cupid dave

In this age, when the ball concerning sexual morality has loing been dropped,....

.... and what the women's voters call a War Against Women,...

... the Right must explain WHY the Bible is right about to oppose Gay Marriage, Free church-paid Birth Control devices, and Abortion.

America has not responded to the easy "God said so."

Christioans and Republicans must now explain that 50% of all births in America are illegitimate.

The women must be called out by politicial hopefuls and criticized directly because they have insisted that their body is their own and no laws by men should tell them how to use their body.

Politicians MUST complain about the enormous cost of Welfare and the criminal behavior of kids raised by Single Mothers, since the women say politicians must stay out of the bedroom.

Politics MUST intrude when women, on one hand, insist their sexual behavior is their own business, but demonstrate, on the other hand, the immense tax cost of their actual behavior in regard to Welfare, Taxes, Contracerption, and Criminal children.

No Fault Divorce, shameless pre-marital sex, promotion of promiscuity in Man/man sex, shameless illegitimacy, sanctioned abortions, and free condoms to school kids stamp approval on sexual license to the younger generation who are the people raising our taxes and filling our prisons.

Thisis whythe Bible preaches prudence, because it is econoically and socially prudent.
You have valid points except for one thing --- there's those who give out and there's those who "get". They play the system. Unfortunately, I dread that this nation have more people who are getters than givers, and all they care about are their welfares and food stamps and free medical care and other entitlements. Not to mention burdensome government programs taking income from the workers and redistributing it to "those in need".

So a message of morality and bible will not make any sense to this crooked generation any longer. That's because I'm starting to believe people actually love to live in their filth and mire (of immorality) because that's the way they get their hand-outs, and to change would mean they'd actually have to make themselves useful citizens again.

We are beyond hope. And I actually entertained the idea that the Tribulation is starting or will start soon. Only Yahshua can straighten things out in the end.
In this age, when the ball concerning sexual morality has loing been dropped,....

.... and what the women's voters call a War Against Women,...

... the Right must explain WHY the Bible is right about to oppose Gay Marriage, Free church-paid Birth Control devices, and Abortion.

America has not responded to the easy "God said so."

Christioans and Republicans must now explain that 50% of all births in America are illegitimate.

The women must be called out by politicial hopefuls and criticized directly because they have insisted that their body is their own and no laws by men should tell them how to use their body.

Politicians MUST complain about the enormous cost of Welfare and the criminal behavior of kids raised by Single Mothers, since the women say politicians must stay out of the bedroom.

Politics MUST intrude when women, on one hand, insist their sexual behavior is their own business, but demonstrate, on the other hand, the immense tax cost of their actual behavior in regard to Welfare, Taxes, Contracerption, and Criminal children.

No Fault Divorce, shameless pre-marital sex, promotion of promiscuity in Man/man sex, shameless illegitimacy, sanctioned abortions, and free condoms to school kids stamp approval on sexual license to the younger generation who are the people raising our taxes and filling our prisons.

Thisis whythe Bible preaches prudence, because it is econoically and socially prudent.

There is nothing new under the sun. The whole world LIES IN WICKEDNESS....and whether a Mormom president was elected or not; it would make no difference. I am amazed that Christians on this site believe that IF Mitt Romney had won, the slippery slope of immorality would cease...That is a pipe dream.. The solution to man's problem is Jesus...not a president of USA whether he be Christian or not. The role of the Christian is to be a light. We are pilgrims just travelling along. This world is not our home. The heart of man must be changed to stop this wickedness and believe you is going to get worse... Only Christ can do that.Our pray should be..LORD COME QUICKLY.
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yes, abide but maybe the blatent push towards making christ illegal may not have happen as quickly.

The problems in the USA started long before Obama came on the scene and will continue long after he is gone. Is wickeness only happening now, what about abortions and homosexuality, killings and murders...this went on long before Obama was born. What about the killings of the KKK. This is wickedness too. America was no more Christian before Obama came to power than now. Obama became president four (4) years ago.. Was there not immorality, were people not rejecting Jesus calling him a homosexual, atheist denying God. This is nothing new.

Emmit Till was killed because he DARED whistle at a white girl in 1955. Was not this wickedness.. Obama was not around then...the Republican Party possibly was around ...Look at this picture and then answer the question. of Emmett Till.jpg

I get the impression from some folks here that welfare is a social disease only in America...we have welfare for folks here in Barbados, white folks in Australia, England and Europe get welfare.

Evil and sin is not just characterise by sex outside of marriage or gay relations. Banks that rob folks, people who discriminate against people because of their ethnicity all of this is immoral behaviour too. I think people need to be realistic and stop viewing life through the world view of the USA.. There is a world out there other than the great ole USA.
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i know. but im old enough to know that while this sin isnt new, its never been like this.

Do you read your bible. Matthew 24 talks about the evil that will be done during this time.. the bible predicted that it will get worse.. The problem is people are trying to link the moral behaviour of the USA to Obama which is so idiotic. What about the Christian pastors who have been involved in immorality.

Read Ezekiel 16 and see the condemnation that God gives to the pastors. Leaders must be responsible and decent..BUT the primary responsibility is the pastors and preachers. Look at the wickedness of the Catholic church.
i hate the way that is bothered by it or rather sickened but not really suprised.
the church errs with matthew 24. why? because its taught look for thy redemption draweth nigh when it says that isreal isnt saved but rather judged!oops. in genesis God said to eve that the two seeds would fight till the end in a manner of comparing words and verses. why christians seem to think that world would come to christ and love him and then hate him in mass is beyond me when jesus said the world shall always hate jesus and anyone who comes to the Lord.
Obama is a Christian.:shocked
Our post-fall human nature has always been this sinful, but now it is being brought out into the open in our culture. This exposure, while uncomfortable to witness, will eventually openly discredit aberrant behavior that was once hidden or ignored. It is about the slow and painful identification and removal of hipocracy from our culture. The irony of this past election was how many evangelicals were attracted to a mormon spouting ayn-rand's ideals.
Obama is a Christian.:shocked
Our post-fall human nature has always been this sinful, but now it is being brought out into the open in our culture. This exposure, while uncomfortable to witness, will eventually openly discredit aberrant behavior that was once hidden or ignored. It is about the slow and painful identification and removal of hipocracy from our culture. The irony of this past election was how many evangelicals were attracted to a mormon spouting ayn-rand's ideals.

i can say i totally disagree with that.i voted for romney only because of benhazi.
romney like wouldnt have saved my job if he won, but he would made it easier to go into the market and find a decent paying job.
Obama isn't the cause of America's decay. America has, historically, always had higher crime and imprisonment rates, divorce rates, and poverty rates than similarly developed countries, especially those in Europe. I think sometimes we confuse America's secularized version of the Protestant work ethic with actual Christian virtue. Yes, good ole American values are in decline. How could they not be? Values change as society changes. Secular values are, by their very nature, subject to change and review.

From what I've read, America's decay has been in progress for a while. Too many wars, too little funding on education and social programs, too many programs based on getting (re)elected and not on getting results. Happens. A lot of Obama's politics can be traced to money, anyway. He's not the anti-Christ; he's a politician. Gays=money. Minorities who are underserved=votes. See what I'm getting at? I imagine the bailouts (which I don't understand enough to have a firm opinion on) helped secure votes and funds, too.

I think we'd benefit from a multi-party system. Too bad that'll never happen. It also doesn't help that we lock up more people than other countries and keep many former felons from voting. That sort of law and order approach effectively silences massive numbers of people, many of whom were involved in relatively minor crimes once or twice.

Besides, do you think Romney could magically stop moral decay? N-O.
I read this one theory that we're doing what the romans did. Overextended on wars, underinvesting in the nation itself. Made sense, but...I guess we'll see, right? You can't really analyze the collapse of a nation until after the collapse.
America's complete downfall will come in one day. Not something humans will be able to forecast.

Revelation 18
[8] Therefore shall her plagues come in one day, death, and mourning, and famine; and she shall be utterly burned with fire: for strong is the Lord God who judgeth her.
[17] For in one hour so great riches is come to nought. And every shipmaster, and all the company in ships, and sailors, and as many as trade by sea, stood afar off,
Here is the problem and also the answer to the problem. Remember when you point a finger at someone three of those fingers point back to you. Something to think about.

Hosea 4:
1 Hear the word of the LORD, ye children of Israel: for the LORD hath a controversy with the inhabitants of the land, because there is no truth, nor mercy, nor knowledge of God in the land.

2 By swearing, and lying, and killing, and stealing, and committing adultery, they break out, and blood toucheth blood.

3 Therefore shall the land mourn, and every one that dwelleth therein shall languish, with the beasts of the field, and with the fowls of heaven; yea, the fishes of the sea also shall be taken away.

4 Yet let no man strive, nor reprove another: for thy people are as they that strive with the priest.

5 Therefore shalt thou fall in the day, and the prophet also shall fall with thee in the night, and I will destroy thy mother.

6 My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children.

7 As they were increased, so they sinned against me: therefore will I change their glory into shame.

8 They eat up the sin of my people, and they set their heart on their iniquity.
America is blessed by God forever, because it will always protect Israel. After the Rapture four evil angels located at the Euphrates River where they have been in prison for rebelling against God in heaven will be let loose by the sixth Angel from heaven. They will destroy 1/3 of mankind (located in the Middle East) by fire, smoke, and brimstone. This includes the army of 200 million that has advanced towards Israel.

Revelation 12:14 says, The woman (Israel) was given the two wings of a great eagle (USA), so that she might fly to the place prepared for her in the desert, where she would be taken care of for a time, times and half a time, out of the serpent's reach.

The United States will not be as strong with a large military because of the Rapture. The United States will protect Israel for 3 1/2 years with the threat of launching it's Nuclear Weapons.
"There is a world out there other than the great ole USA."- abide

Yeah your right, but there's also one outside Barbados. I think if the things that are currently happening in this country were happening in Barbados, you would be crying out as well. Please don't just throw this all on the USA. I think people are trying to say that things are worse everywhere, and that can clearly be evidenced. Countries live in complete horror because of terror attacks. Iran is extremely close to gaining nuclear power. More and more peoe are persecuting Christians then ever. This is not only happening in the u.s. but all over the world. We're not trying to be self centered, but we are trying to say that all the bad stouthearted happening around the world is happening here too.
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