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Potatoes.... in Hell?


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I've started to notice a claim that seems to be growing. Apparently people believe that Hell is just a pagan, non-christian doctrine that has distorted context in the Bible.

Pretty much the common claim is that Sheol [Strong's H7585] has nothing to do with hell, and that it simply means grave. Then sometimes I see it along with something along the lines of "Even people from England in the 1600s talked of putting their 'potatoes in hell' when they buried them"

Am I seeing the deception prophesied in 2 Timothy 4:3-4?
For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but wanting to have their ears tickled, they will accumulate for themselves teachers in accordance to their own desires,<sup class="versenum"> </sup>and will turn away their ears from the truth and will turn aside to myths. (NASB)
Am I seeing the deception prophesied in 2 Timothy 4:3-4?

I see a lot of this in our society today....unbelievers, and those that turn to other forms of beliefs or understandings. Those that outright disbelieve, those that fall away indiscriminately and those that are blinded and do not accept the truth and cannot see due to being misled.

In accordance with the scriptures GOD desires...........

1 Timothy 2:1-7

New King James Version (NKJV)

Pray for All Men

2 Therefore I exhort first of all that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks be made for all men, <sup class="versenum">2 </sup>for kings and all who are in authority, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and reverence. <sup class="versenum">3 </sup>For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior, <sup class="versenum">4 </sup>who desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth. <sup class="versenum">5 </sup>For there is one God and one Mediator between God and men, the Man Christ Jesus, <sup class="versenum">6 </sup>who gave Himself a ransom for all, to be testified in due time, <sup class="versenum">7 </sup>for which I was appointed a preacher and an apostle—I am speaking the truth in Christ<sup class="footnote" value='[a]'>[a]</sup> and not lying—a teacher of the Gentiles in faith and truth.

Wisdom in understanding is a gift bestowed indeed to those who seek it.

Praise be to GOD the heavenly father and his son lord JESUS CHRIST forever>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Actually, there is a lot of paganism in Christianity practically since the time of Christ. I don't think it's so much itching ears as much as people finding out the truth and wanting to get back to the truth, but this rubs against the Gentile religious establishment who had power over people for millennia now cowering in fear.

The thing is that Christians try to convert Jews which is oftentimes a strange mixture of bible with pagan myths. Jews will not be subject to that Gentilism and I don't blame them. The original church were Jews who learned that Gentiles could join them in the commonwealth of Israel sharing in the Abrahamic promise of Messiah. Instead, it's been reversed with the Gentiles trying to pull Jews away from Judaism and have the Jews join them and telling the Jews that the "law is done away with" nonsense. Instead they tell them to accept non-kosher ways, strange holidays and a Gentile slant on the scriptures as if they know more than the Jews who were the custodians of Yahweh's Word.

To put it simply, a Christian ought to simply be a Jew (or one who practices such) with the difference is that they believe Yeshua is Messiah. Simple as that.

The ever burning hell, sorry to say, is not Jewish in origin, but pagan. Yes, there is a lake of fire, where sinners are destroyed (perish) but certainly not Dante's hell. And Yahweh will yet give each and every person who ever lived and died opportunity to escape that Second Death. People end up being destroyed by their own choice ultimately.
while I don't fully agree with that, tim. I can see that. why? many a jews these days aren't really that jewish.
Sorry, I shouldn't be laughing on the thread like this and am only doing so at one thing. Claudya, that was funny, made me laugh, just what I needed,. :toofunny Sorry guys.
How can a Christian mess up the concept of eternal punishment? People preaching Doctrines that we go Poof in a little cloud of smoke and it's all over. You can't destroy a spirit!!!!! Hello?

I believe Brussels Sprouts came from Hell, their very existence prove Hell is real.

In old
English,Hell is a hole in the ground; that is why potatoes were buried there. Hades and Sheol are the grave thus the abode of the dead. Gehenna was covered by the word He’ll as well, it was a garbage dump on the south side of Jerusalem. Even bodies of the executed were thrown in there. Fires burned continuously there (thus the unquenched fire) or unquenchable until there was nothing left to consume. The “immortal worms” were maggots that had gathered on the bodies that got caught up on a ledge or rock crevice and became flies.. where their worms diets not.
In old
English,Hell is a hole in the ground; that is why potatoes were buried there. Hades and Sheol are the grave thus the abode of the dead. Gehenna was covered by the word He’ll as well, it was a garbage dump on the south side of Jerusalem. Even bodies of the executed were thrown in there. Fires burned continuously there (thus the unquenched fire) or unquenchable until there was nothing left to consume. The “immortal worms” were maggots that had gathered on the bodies that got caught up on a ledge or rock crevice and became flies.. where their worms diets not.
Sounds like the part of Boston I grew up in.
Lots of maggots everywhere.
It was never really hot where I was unless you are talking about the fires that burned in the souls of men.
I've started to notice a claim that seems to be growing. Apparently people believe that Hell is just a pagan, non-christian doctrine that has distorted context in the Bible.
Pagans do not tell me what they believe. If they believed in hell than they would have to believe in a supreme, God of judgement too.


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