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[__ Prayer __] Pray for Jasmine.


Hi folks. A fellow Bible College student of mine has a very young Granddaughter (6 yrs. old) who will be undergoing heart surgery soon. Here is an email that I received from Larry.

Hello Praying Partners,

For once I have received good news from my son John. The heart cath has
gone good. No problems. The blood vessels are all good. The
cardiologist said the heart is strong and Jasmine is a trooper. As I
said she has a congenital heart defect where two major arteries are
switched and need to be switched back. The Cardiologist is a very good
one and knows what he is doing. Has done this surgery before so knows
what he is doing. They are talking about doing this surgery sometime
next week. The cardiologist said the success rate is over 90 per cent.
She will always need to see a cardiologist and might not be able to play
sports. You can go to this site to see all about this defect. the
site is
the great arteries /basics/definition/con-20043232.

Thank you my dear friends for your prayers. God is good and He is good
all the time. John sounded very positive and is going to send me a
e-mail showing me what they need to do. Hopefully I can understand it
so can share it with each of you. John knows that prayer are being
answered and are helping them through this. As I told John I would take
Jasmine place anytime so she wouldn't have to go through this. God is
on the throne. He allows us to go through these valleys so we learn to
lean on Him even more, plus to completely trust Him as He knows best.
We just need to pray that His will be done.

Thank you

In Christ,
Larry Y

And today I received this.
Dear Praying Friends this is the video that my son John sent me today so
I could see better what the Heart defect is and what surgery will do and
the prognosis. The Cardiologist has told John and Nicole that Open
Heart Surgery as of right now is scheduled for Wednesday of next week.
It is all day surgery - least ten hours or longer. First they have to
hook Jasmine up to a by pass machine. Have to ice down her body before
surgery to cool the body. There are other things they have to do as
they prepare for surgery and then the surgery itself. One lung right
now has fluid in it so the have put her on a vent. They will or have
done a lung x ray. John and Nicole have gone back to Lake City for the
day to get more clothes and just relax if they can. Nicole's mother is
at the hospital. Please pray that God's will might be done. Pray for
the doctors and nurses who are treating and caring for Jasmine. Pray
for a peace that will come over John, Nicole and the whole family as
they prepare for Wednesday. Pray that we just might trust the Lord
completely that the surgery will turn out well and Jasmine will be able
to go home soon. Thank you for your prayers as they are felt and very
much appreciated.

Love Each of you,
Larry Yeaton

Sorry it's so long but it gives you an opportunity to pray with specifics.
Dear Father, we are told to come boldly before Your throne of grace to find mercy, and find grace in our time of need, and I'm doing that now asking for a great healing to be performed on Larry's granddaughter. Please be with her and her family as they experience Your glory as You deliver her according to Your will in Jesus' name. Amen.
LORD, please place you touch on the child, the Surgeon and the Anesthesiologist. We boldly request your presence because we know your love for all your children.
Thank you all so very much for your prayers. Larry and his wife are precious believers who love Jesus so very much. I have been Larry's prayer warrior for quite a few years....I purposely left Larry's email info. If the Lord so moves you could you please drop Larry a quick note of encouragement. I told him that I would post his email to me on our prayer thread.
I get concerned when a believer writes about what the Doctor said, and not what the Word said.

Did not God say I will perfect those things that concern you?

If God said it, that report trumps all other reports for the elders obtained a good report by faith.

With my own son I gave folks two options when they asked about him. You want to know the truth about what God said? Or you want to know what the doctors are saying?

I never said what the doctors said, as they can say great things and it go horribly wrong or they can say bad things and it go horrible wrong, or come out "OK"

In my case the doctors were not saying good things at all.

If Dad is saying there is a 90% chance it goes great and fully believes that then good, 90% is better than 89%. It's still 10% the murderer, theif and enemy has right and a place to operate though. That is 10% way to much to give that rat. Not over your own child.

However, Jesus said according to our faith, and what we say and believe is what comes to pass.

When the Father came to Jesus for help for his son, Jesus said to him, If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believe. The man was smart and said help mine unbelief. It was not about the will of Jesus, it was about what that man would believe.

If I talked to Larry, I am not sure what I would say (The Holy Spirit knows, and in that Hour) but I would ask how his daughter is doing. If He gives me the doctors report, then I know we have much more talking to do.

Sometimes our Lord heals directly....sometimes He chooses to involve other people in order to do His Will.

Prayers for Jasmine, her family, and the medical team who are involved with her care, both everyday and for the surgery.
Thank You Father for Jasmine! Thank You for loving her and comforting her with You presence. Father we thank You for preparing everything in advance for this precious little one. We thank You that by the stripes of Jesus that she is fully healed and restored! And thank You as two or more are gathered, there You are in their midst. Thank You that You are our Shepherd, and You hear our voices of agreement. In Jesus Name, Amen!
Thank you all so very much for your prayers. Larry and his wife are precious believers who love Jesus so very much. I have been Larry's prayer warrior for quite a few years....I purposely left Larry's email info. If the Lord so moves you could you please drop Larry a quick note of encouragement. I told him that I would post his email to me on our prayer thread.

I don't get involved in these request for prayer threads much. Most answer to prayers are doing what the Lord said do through his Wisdom. Since you requested it Chopper then Here I am.

To pray for someone, I have to take time to put my faith on it and seek God. I just don't throw up some prayer. We can only put our faith on so many things.

For some reason I am not at complete peace about that doctor cutting into that Childs heart. Not saying it will end bad, but I still have that check as if the father needs to get direction from the Lord and listen to his instructions and not just go with what the doctors want to do.

My own daughter busted her tooth in half (ON my watch) and they said she needed to be put under and have surgery. If not, great complications with her mouth would develop.

Something was off inside me though, could not pinpoint it, but I had that "Check" about the surgery. Everything made sense, they said it was a simple thing.

That's my daughter though, I am responsible for her saftey, and she is the seed of Abraham, under my Covenant with God.

The whole family is expecting this surgery, but the morning of the surgery I said NO. Everyone was shocked at me, but I had that "Check" and that is all I had. I asked God but He said nothing in words, so I had to go with what I did have.

I called the doctors up and told them we were going to cancel. They complained, and told me I was making a foolish choice, but I was not going to violate what I had inside. Ignoring those checks have cost me lots in the past. This was my daughter.

My wife and I spoke to that tooth, we said tooth be healed, it's our covenant right and took her to another specialist out of town. Turns out that Doctor said my daughter did not need surgery at all, the tooth would grow out and be fine. He was shocked that the other doctors were even wanting to put my daughter under and operate on her.

The tooth never decayed, never died, grew and fell out like all her other baby teeth. Part of it was missing, but otherwise it was a healthy tooth.

I don't know what the outcome would have been had my daughter had the surgery. I am glad and thankful to the Lord, his direction was strong enough to get my attention and His mercy is forever.

Now we just don't skip taking kids to the doctor using our "Faith" No, what you believe will line up with what the experts say. Kids die this way by foolish presumptous faith that is not really faith.

I am not at full peace with them cutting into the childs heart Chopper. Not saying they shouldent, but the father should double check with God and have peace about all this.

I prayed for her. I do agree with Brother Mike though.

Amen Brother Edward. I prayed for a hour in tongues over this and Nothing, but that the Lord reminded me I was not authority, but the dad was. I get more that Dad needs to hear, and hear quickly. I precieve complications that can be avoided, and I am not convinced the right surgeon is being used. God will go with our faith and this type of thing always needs surgery according to the medical community. No need to doubt that, but it can be surgery with complete peace, knowing 100% (Not 90%) that everything is just fine.

Paul ignored his fellow believers (TWICE) about what the Holy Spirit was directing, it cost him a time in prison and he had to go through things that God never planned for him to go through. Paul still made it out OK, and finished his race. There is no reason that can't be the case here and it should be.
Here is an update on Jasmine....Dear Praying Friends,

Here is a update on Jasmine. She developed a lung infection on Saturday
and had to start her on medications to help fight the infection. As you
know open heart surgery was scheduled for this Wednesday. Because of
the lung infection the doctor wanted her on the medication for a full
week before surgery. So that means probably we at looking at Monday of
next week unless they feel it is in Jasmine best interest to do it this

Here is some Praise reports: The good news that the lung that was
closed because of the infection has now opened back up. So the doctors
are waiting for tomorrow to do another culture to make sure infection is
gone away or lowered the number found in the culture. Her Heart rate
and oxygen level is perfect. Another praise is a church gave John and
Nicole a check to help them out. Another praise they were able to go
home for a few hours so they could check on the house and get some clean
clothes. Also Fastenal Company he works for as manager is giving him
time off with pay. UPS is giving him time off but not with pay. He
works for UPS for a second job at night.

John, Nicole, and I want to thank you for your prayers. Keep praying
as they are being heard and answered. Remember in your prayers besides
Jasmine, John, Nicole and the grandparents the doctors who are treating
Jasmine and the nurses who are caring for her. Praise the Lord for

Will keep you updated when I get updates from John.

In Christian Love,
Larry Yeaton
Thank you for the update Chopper, I will continue to keep the family in my prayers. The praises are wonderful to read and I was reminded of how, when we are in crisis, the smallest of things (your friends being able to go home and check on the home), is not so small anymore.

Blessings to you Chopper, they are blessed to have a friend like you in their lives!
Holy Father God , I pray that you heal Jasmines heart and lungs and anything else that is wrong . That You give the doctor and all involved more skill and understanding than they have ever displayed before . And that you make all understand that this is You . In the name of Jesus Christ ,amen . Thy will be done .