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Bible Study Question


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I came to Christ 5 years ago. Now I'm trying to come to terms with Christianity and all its different forms. I don't know a whole lot about the Bible even though I have studied it but I have a question for you biblical Scholars out there. Was the Bible dictated or inspired. If it was dictated and to be taken verbatim then can you tell me which version of the following is correct. Who exactly came to the empty tomb on Easter morning. A group of women or just Mary Magdalene? Thank you for your time.
Good question. I'm not sure why it could not be a group of women, including Mary Magdalene. It seems reasonable to me that all accounts could be accurate, but not exhaustive in telling all the details of the event. Do you see an irreconcilable difference in the stories?
I came to Christ 5 years ago. Now I'm trying to come to terms with Christianity and all its different forms. I don't know a whole lot about the Bible even though I have studied it but I have a question for you biblical Scholars out there. Was the Bible dictated or inspired. If it was dictated and to be taken verbatim then can you tell me which version of the following is correct. Who exactly came to the empty tomb on Easter morning. A group of women or just Mary Magdalene? Thank you for your time.


A couple issues come from your post:
  1. The Bible was not dictated. This is how Peter stated it happened: ' For prophecy never had its origin in the human will, but prophets, though human, spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit' (2 Pet 1:21 NIV).
  2. As a result, although prophecy of Scripture happened when human beings were moved by the Holy Spirit: 'All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God[a] may be thoroughly equipped for every good work' (2 Tim 3:16-17 NIV).
  3. Since all Scripture in the original documents came from the sinless breath of God, they are infallible. Jesus said: 'John 8:46, NIV: "Can any of you prove me guilty of sin? If I am telling the truth, why don't you believe me?"
Good question. I'm not sure why it could not be a group of women, including Mary Magdalene. It seems reasonable to me that all accounts could be accurate, but not exhaustive in telling all the details of the event. Do you see an irreconcilable difference in the stories?


In Matt 28:5-10, it states that 'the women' hurried to tell the resurrection message to the disciples.

Mark 16:1 states, 'When the Sabbath was over, Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James, and Salome bought spices so that they might go to anoint Jesus’ body....'

Luke 24:1 confirms the message that 'on the first day of the week, very early in the morning, the women took the spices they had prepared and went to the tomb'.

John 20:1 relates, 'Early on the first day of the week, while it was still dark, Mary Magdalene went to the tomb and saw that the stone had been removed from the entrance'.

None of this information is in conflict. One speaks of the women, another of Mary Magdalene (who also is a woman), Mary the mother of James, and Salome. One is more comprehensive than the other but none is in conflict, as I see it.

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If every gospel was an exact duplicate of the other, the gospels would lack credibility. The fact is, since they were all penned by different individuals, they will have variations while the main points remain.

Imagine an investigator interrogating two or more potential suspects and all of their testimonies were word for word exactly the same. What would be the first thing that would come to the investigator's mind? They all conspired together and rehearsed their versions of the story so they would all be identical and therefore they are most likely lying.

Ask any number of witnesses to an event, even today, and you'll get about as many different variations of the story.
I have always been fond of John's description of what happened at the empty tomb. He and I think alike. Thanks for all your answers. Everyone have a nice day.
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I came to Christ 5 years ago. Now I'm trying to come to terms with Christianity and all its different forms. I don't know a whole lot about the Bible even though I have studied it but I have a question for you biblical Scholars out there. Was the Bible dictated or inspired. If it was dictated and to be taken verbatim then can you tell me which version of the following is correct. Who exactly came to the empty tomb on Easter morning. A group of women or just Mary Magdalene? Thank you for your time.
I'm not a biblical scholar!

First of all, welcome to the wonderful world of Christianity!
I believe this to be the true revelation of God to us.
Although there have been other revelations from God...some religions call these "lights"...each one is lacking in some way or other. If one can come to understand Christianity, they will find the best answers for the knowledge of God here.

The bible was not dictated. And God did not sit down at a computer and write the bible either.

The bible is inspired...
What does inspired mean?
1. To animate the mind or emotions.
2. To stimulate and influence.
3. To elicite, create.

Some believe the bible is illumination...
What is illumination?
1. To provide or brighten with light.
2. To clarify.
3. To enlighten...give knowledge, truth or understanding.

source: These Stones will Shout, Mark Link.

Personally, inspired and illuminate means about the same to me.
I feel that the bible provides both.

The Holy Spirit helps men to understand God and they write under this inspiration from God.

1,500 years after the O.T. we find that N.T. writers are referring to the O.T., so we can know that it holds truth, and even historical truth (which has been doubted in the past by the secular world).
2 Timothy 3:16
2 Peter 1:21
Mark 12:36

The bible writers were given special illumination which enabled them to communicate what God wanted to say.

A prophet, BTW, is the oracle of God
AND he also can see or predict the future.
If the prophecies come true...then we know his words were from God. (although it may take even hundreds of years).

Hope this was helpful.
If every gospel was an exact duplicate of the other, the gospels would lack credibility. The fact is, since they were all penned by different individuals, they will have variations while the main points remain.

Imagine an investigator interrogating two or more potential suspects and all of their testimonies were word for word exactly the same. What would be the first thing that would come to the investigator's mind? They all conspired together and rehearsed their versions of the story so they would all be identical and therefore they are most likely lying.

Ask any number of witnesses to an event, even today, and you'll get about as many different variations of the story.
Thank you Wondering. Before I write an article, I pray "make me an instrument of thy peace." If the writing then flows I believe it has been inspired. If it comes from just my ego it doesn't flow but ir is an effort. I believe the Holy Spirit wants me to separate the wheat from the chaff---to keep the part of transpersonal [faith driven] psychology that helps modern men and women and to discourage the rest of psychology that goes against scripture. When I asked the Holy Spirit why I have had so many diverse ideas and experiences, she said "You are in training. I have something for you to do. Write from the heart about what you have learned and about your salvation through Jesus Christ. I try to fulfill this mission, but I make mistakes. I am learning a lot from these threads. THANK YOU.

P.S. In 1985, I dreamed that God appeared to me and told me to write a book about a rock. I looked it up in the Concordance and the word rock was a metaphor for God. Last week I started writing my memoirs entitled Spirit. Pray for me to hear God's word clearly and without shame.
Thank you Wondering. Before I write an article, I pray "make me an instrument of thy peace." If the writing then flows I believe it has been inspired. If it comes from just my ego it doesn't flow but ir is an effort. I believe the Holy Spirit wants me to separate the wheat from the chaff---to keep the part of transpersonal [faith driven] psychology that helps modern men and women and to discourage the rest of psychology that goes against scripture. When I asked the Holy Spirit why I have had so many diverse ideas and experiences, she said "You are in training. I have something for you to do. Write from the heart about what you have learned and about your salvation through Jesus Christ. I try to fulfill this mission, but I make mistakes. I am learning a lot from these threads. THANK YOU.

P.S. In 1985, I dreamed that God appeared to me and told me to write a book about a rock. I looked it up in the Concordance and the word rock was a metaphor for God. Last week I started writing my memoirs entitled Spirit. Pray for me to hear God's word clearly and without shame.
I've read your articles that are posted on this site and I always enjoy them and find them to be very spiritual.

I'm sure Spirit will be just as good as God is in your heart.

There sure is a lot to know,,,but all one really needs to know is that God loves us and we should love Him back and also His creation, both earth and humans.

BTW, if you want someone to see your post or you're writing to someone in particular, you could "tag" them by using the @ sign and then writing their name right after it. In fact, you'll find that after the first 2 letters their name will come up.

Or you could always use the "post reply" down at the right hand side...I think you know this.
inspired. its also worth noting...The Gospels are the better part of 2,000 years old. We are not dealing with a New York Times account of something that happened 1 week ago. Is it true? Yes, I believe so. Is it designed to provide a journalistic account of events? No, not really. I'm not trying to be harsh...I have to remind myself of that, at times. I imagine there could also be cultural differences, as in...those culture, 2,000 years ago, had their own ways of writing, for those who were able to write, anyway. something like that, anyway. :)
If every gospel was an exact duplicate of the other, the gospels would lack credibility. The fact is, since they were all penned by different individuals, they will have variations while the main points remain.

Imagine an investigator interrogating two or more potential suspects and all of their testimonies were word for word exactly the same. What would be the first thing that would come to the investigator's mind? They all conspired together and rehearsed their versions of the story so they would all be identical and therefore they are most likely lying.

Ask any number of witnesses to an event, even today, and you'll get about as many different variations of the story.

2 Timothy 3:16 All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: 17 That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works.

All things were written by each ones own personal accounts of their witness and their writings testify of God and His Son Christ Jesus within their oral instructions/teachings. Many similar, but yet each their own. Just like we who have witnessed Christ in our life and testify of Him as each one of us has a personal relationship with Him.
Thank you Wondering. Before I write an article, I pray "make me an instrument of thy peace." If the writing then flows I believe it has been inspired. If it comes from just my ego it doesn't flow but ir is an effort. I believe the Holy Spirit wants me to separate the wheat from the chaff---to keep the part of transpersonal [faith driven] psychology that helps modern men and women and to discourage the rest of psychology that goes against scripture. When I asked the Holy Spirit why I have had so many diverse ideas and experiences, she said "You are in training. I have something for you to do. Write from the heart about what you have learned and about your salvation through Jesus Christ. I try to fulfill this mission, but I make mistakes. I am learning a lot from these threads. THANK YOU.

P.S. In 1985, I dreamed that God appeared to me and told me to write a book about a rock. I looked it up in the Concordance and the word rock was a metaphor for God. Last week I started writing my memoirs entitled Spirit. Pray for me to hear God's word clearly and without shame.

We all make mistakes at times, but yet the Holy Spirit sends correction. I love your passion and heart for the Lord and He has only just begun to use you in a mighty way to bring His word to others. It's your openness, honesty and hunger for truth that is going to take you to places you never thought God would send you.

God bless you as you keep seeking after truth. I always tell others to start in the book of John as this is where you will learn of Christ and your relationship with Him. :hug
inspired. its also worth noting...The Gospels are the better part of 2,000 years old. We are not dealing with a New York Times account of something that happened 1 week ago. Is it true? Yes, I believe so. Is it designed to provide a journalistic account of events? No, not really. I'm not trying to be harsh...I have to remind myself of that, at times. I imagine there could also be cultural differences, as in...those culture, 2,000 years ago, had their own ways of writing, for those who were able to write, anyway. something like that, anyway. :)

We can never compare the history and the culture of those eras back then to our culture and era of today, but we can certainly know the same God and His Son Christ Jesus who are for every generation as they are the same yesterday, today and forever, amen.


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