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Revived Roman Empire Ten Nation and One World Religion


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Hello my friends.
It's an amazing time to be alive!

When we read the scriptures in relation to the end times, we see that a revived Roman Empire and a one world religion are major prophetic signs that when we see these things beginning to come together we will know the time is near.

Jesus told us that we cannot know the exact day or hour but we are told to know when the end time is near. We were given some very specific prophecies to look for and today, even as you read this post, many prophetic events are taking shape.

I’m not going to get involved in any exhaustive study of scriptures to show for example the Daniel and Revelation scriptures which describe a revived Roman empire and the ten toes from king Nebby’s dream which prophecy about a ten division end-times world.

If you want these scriptures, I can give you them and you can read them for yourselves, but for this post I’m going to assume we are all familiar with these scriptures and go from here.

I can’t recall exactly how many times I’ve had people laugh at me in the past, when I brought up these biblical prophecies. But now people have stopped laughing for the most part, and here’s why...
Here’s an extremely interesting link my friends. It’s from the E.U. and shows a world map which is divided into ten regions!

Also, in Daniel as well as Revelation, we read about a religious figure that the scriptures describe as a false prophet. Well, there’s a huge world religious movement going on which identifies itself as The “Council for a Parliament of the World's Religionsâ€
Here’s the link...
And their mission is as follows...

Our Vision
The vision of the Council for a Parliament of the World's Religions is of a just, peaceful and sustainable world in which:
• Religious and spiritual communities live in harmony and contribute to a better world from their riches of wisdom and compassion
• Religious and cultural fears and hatreds are replaced with understanding and respect
• People everywhere come to know and care for their neighbours
• The richness of human and religious diversity is woven into the fabric of communal, civil, societal and global life
• The world's most powerful and influential institutions move beyond narrow self-interest to realize common good
• The Earth and all life are cherished, protected, healed and restored
• All people commit to living out their highest values and aspirations.

Now this all sounds like an extremely positive attitude and many people wouldn’t have any trouble with it.
However, we as Christians have to be honest and ask ourselves this question; would Jesus approve of this?

The idea of all the world’s religions becoming one big happy family is not exactly a good thing.
We cannot lose track of our mission; of the mission of Jesus Christ.
Jesus tells us that there is no other way to get to Heaven except through Him.

So when we legitimise other religions by attempting to become a melded family with them, we are actually telling other’s that Jesus is wrong, and that there are many ways to get to Heaven.
That there are many ways to worship God.
That there God goes by many different names and has many different books.
Well, I’m sorry God does not have many different disguises.
God is not Allah – God is not any of the thousands of Hindu gods – God will not accept everybody into Heaven – being a “good†person will not get you into Heaven.

Jesus Christ is God, and He very clearly told us that there shall be no other Gods besides Him.
And so what these peopel with their seemingly loving ideology are actually doing is setting up a scenario for the false prophet to step into. They are ligitimizing false religions.

This false prophet will be in a position to perform many false miracles which will deceive the whole world, and so I believe this false prophet will have to appeal to all religions in order for everyone to accept him.
I’m almost positive that this false prophet will follow right along with this satanic belief that everyone will get to Heaven, and that there are many ways to worship God.

In any case, here we have two pieces of excellent evidence of at least twp biblical prophecies developing right before our eyes!

I know that many people will scoff at this, which Jesus Himself said would happen.
2Peter 3 - knowing this first: that scoffers will come in the last days, walking according to their own lusts, 4 and saying, “Where is the promise of His coming? For since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of creation.â€

And I’ve heard the objections when we describe the prophetic conditions Jesus gave to the disciples for the end times.
In a nutshell...
There are several events mentioned in the Bible that are related to the "end times" or "last days." These last days events include the revival of the Roman Empire, the confirmation of peace agreement that establishes Israel's right to exist as a nation, Israel becomes a nation, Israel regains the Holy city of Jerusalem, increasing wars and rumours of wars, an increase in earthquakes, famine and disease, false Christs and prophets, the rise of a global dictator supported by a worldwide religious system.

People scoff at these and say things like “there have always been wars, rumours of wars, and earthquakes etcâ€
And then they bring up all the Christian cults that have sold all their belongings and moved up to high mountain tops waiting for the second coming etc.

Two things – First off all Jesus didn’t say that as soon as we see individual events happen; He said when all these things happen at once, and with greater intensity as in the past, which is happening today.

Also, in relation to the cults – there have always been, and will always be nutcases in any walk of life.
I've had people tell me they reject Christianity because of the sexual abuse perpetrated by some priests. Well that is an extremely awful and disgusting reality, however, these same people don't have any problem say, going to a hospital or to a doctor's office, and we all know of cases where doctors have sexually abused their patience, or even worse, nurses who have purposefully injected patients with deadly doses of meds for a thrill!

In any case, the most important prophecy and perhaps the key to the rest, is that for the first time in 2,000 years Israel became a nation once again!
This is unique in the annals of human history!

Look up my friends, the Lord is coming!!!

Bronzesnake said:
In any case, the most important prophecy and perhaps the key to the rest, is that for the first time in 2,000 years Israel became a nation once again!

People really get excited when they notice the beast that was and was not is once more.
Do you get excited thinking about the beast as well?
shiloh please show us some verse in the book of ezekiel or in the ot that says the lord wont return to gather isreal and be with his people.
Shilohsfoal said:
Bronzesnake said:
In any case, the most important prophecy and perhaps the key to the rest, is that for the first time in 2,000 years Israel became a nation once again!

People really get excited when they notice the beast that was and was not is once more.
Do you get excited thinking about the beast as well?
Of course I do.
All biblical prophecy excites me, but we are living in an extreemly special time in our history because we are actually wittnesses to end times prophecy.

The scriptures you are relatting to speak of the deadly wound the anti christ receives, and then he immitates Christs resurrection by appearing to come back to life back to life.

Rev 13:3 says" And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death, and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast."

As Christians, we know the antichrist will try and immitate Jesus.
The Antichrist's Deadly Wound
After 3 and 1/2 years of public ministry the Bible prophecies predicted that Jesus would be "cut off" or killed. But thankfully, that wasn't the end of Jesus. Early Sunday morning, in resurrection power he arose to continue His ministry.

The prophecies likewise predicted that after 1260 years of it's "ministry" the antichrist would receive a "deadly wound." The Bible also predicted that eventually the "deadly wound" would heal and the antichrist would again continue his "ministry."

"And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast." Revelation 13:3

Take care my friends.

jasoncran said:
shiloh please show us some verse in the book of ezekiel or in the ot that says the lord wont return to gather isreal and be with his people.
What you dont believe the NT?

Yes our Lord will gather Israel when he returns but those who dwell in Judea now shall be cast out .
Mathew 8;11-12
And I say unto you,That many shall come from the east and west,and shall sit down with Abraham,and Issac,and Jacob,in the kingdom of heaven.
But the children of the kingdom shall be cast out into outer darkness;there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth.

Everyone knows its the Messiah that shall gather the sheep.He said himself he is to gather the lost sheep of Israel.But those children who dwell in the kingdom now were not gatherd by the Messiah.They were called by the beast .They heard his vice and the returned to him.Even those unbelieving jews who say Jesus isnt the Messiah say that Jesus isnt the Messiah because he didnt gather Israel into his own land.

Your love for the beast blinds you from the truth.
Bronzesnake said:
"And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast." Revelation 13:3


Jews from all over the world wondered after the beast.
It calls itself Israel.
PS The wounded head was wounded 2000 years ago by the Romans and the only way the beast imitates Christ is that it gathers those whos names are not written in the Lambs book of life,
that goes against what you say all the time here.

do you realize that if you go to isreal, they call themselves,israeli not jewish
a true jew is only the person froms judea!

they also call themselves hebrews. you dont speak isreali(it's hebrew or yiddish)most hear the latter.

you are confusing a national identity with the beast.

when you can show me how and when isreal rises to the point that control the whole world, convicingly
then i might accept your theory, but it aint looking good.

why would paul tells to us pray for peace in jersusalem?
Shilohsfoal said:
Bronzesnake said:
"And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast." Revelation 13:3


Jews from all over the world wondered after the beast.
It calls itself Israel.
PS The wounded head was wounded 2000 years ago by the Romans and the only way the beast imitates Christ is that it gathers those whos names are not written in the Lambs book of life,
Extremely convoluted. Revelation is a book which describes the end times - the final seven year wrath of God period which culminates with satan's destruction.

jasoncran wrote: shiloh please show us some verse in the book of ezekiel or in the ot that says the lord wont return to gather isreal and be with his people.

What you dont believe the NT?

Yes our Lord will gather Israel when he returns but those who dwell in Judea now shall be cast out .
Mathew 8;11-12
And I say unto you,That many shall come from the east and west,and shall sit down with Abraham,and Issac,and Jacob,in the kingdom of heaven.
But the children of the kingdom shall be cast out into outer darkness;there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth.

Everyone knows its the Messiah that shall gather the sheep.He said himself he is to gather the lost sheep of Israel.But those children who dwell in the kingdom now were not gatherd by the Messiah.They were called by the beast .They heard his vice and the returned to him.Even those unbelieving jews who say Jesus isnt the Messiah say that Jesus isnt the Messiah because he didnt gather Israel into his own land.

That is your personal interpretation of the scripture brother.
The scriptures really mean that not all who call themselves Christians will be saved.
Not all who claim to be Jews will be saved either.

Matthew 7:21"Not everyone who says to me, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only he who does the will of my Father who is in heaven."

Christians and Jews are children of the Kingdom, you do know this right?
You do understand what Jesus means when He speaks of the Kingdom right?
He doesn’t mean a country brother. When Jesus speaks about the Kingdom, He is always referring to the Kingdom of Heaven – God’s Kingdom. That’s what Jesus meant when He said "The Kingdom of Heaven in upon us"

Matthew 6:9-10After this manner therefore pray ye: Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.

Matthew 5:3 "Blessed are the poor in spirit,
for theirs is the kingdom of heaven."

Matthew 5:10"Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness,
for theirs is the kingdom of heaven."

Matthew 5:19-20"Anyone who breaks one of the least of these commandments and teaches others to do the same will be called least in the kingdom of heaven, but whoever practices and teaches these commands will be called great in the kingdom of heaven. For I tell you that unless your righteousness surpasses that of the Pharisees and the teachers of the law, you will certainly not enter the kingdom of heaven."

Matthew 6:10"... Your kingdom come,
your will be done
on earth as it is in heaven."

Matthew 6:33"But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well."

Romans 11:26-27 26And so all Israel will be saved, as it is written: "The deliverer will come from Zion;
he will turn godlessness away from Jacob. 27And this is my covenant with them when I take away their sins."
That scriptures tells us that all faithful Jews will be washed clean of their sins. This includes those who very first rejected Jesus as Messiah.

If you read through Romans 11, you’ll understand that God purposefully blinded a portion of the Jews so that we Gentiles could be grafted into the root. So that we could also be included into the Kingdom of God.
Think about what would have happened if all those Jews who rejected Jesus, had have recognised Him through the many O.T. prophecies. If that had have happened then the Jewish leaders would never have pushed the Romans to crucify Jesus and the entire plan would have fallen apart.
God knew what He was doing when He Himself caused those Jews to not recognise Him.
Read Romans 11 and you’ll see exactly how God forwarded His plan.

So in the end, all faithful Jews will be washed clean because this was God’s plan right from the beginning.

I’m disturbed at this comment...
Your love for the beast blinds you from the truth.
That is absolutely uncalled for brother and I think an apology is in order.
Jason is a strong faithful Christian believer and you had no business making such as remark.

Great,another blind guild who doesnt know what an antichrist is nor does he know what the beast is.
Preach to the deaf brother because those who hear know better than to listen to you.

Rev 17;11
And the beast that was,and is not,even he is the eighth,and is of the seven,and goeth into perdition.

For those simple minded.John said the beast is not meaning when John wrote this verse the beast once was,and at the time he wrote this verse it was not.John wrote this after 70 ad and proof of this is found in this single verse.The Roman empire had already conquerd the beast(Israel)and removed it.Today the beast is once again in Judea.The seven heads are the seven hills Jerusalem sits upon.The ten kings have already given thier kingdom(Palestine)unto the beast(Israel).

But you go ahead and be ignorant of these facts.Ive seen enough prophecies forfilled in my lifetime to back up these claims.The scripture is quite simple but they often fall upon deaf ears.
jasoncran said:
that goes against what you say all the time here.

do you realize that if you go to isreal, they call themselves,israeli not jewish
a true jew is only the person froms judea!

they also call themselves hebrews. you dont speak isreali(it's hebrew or yiddish)most hear the latter.

you are confusing a national identity with the beast.

when you can show me how and when isreal rises to the point that control the whole world, convicingly
then i might accept your theory, but it aint looking good.

why would paul tells to us pray for peace in jersusalem?
The goverment voted to call itself Israel.
The beast doesnt controll the world.He controls many peoples ,nations and tongues.He controls the city called Babylon the great.

After reaching 7,406,900 inhabitants[4] according to the first data released from its 2008 census, in 2010 Israel's population stands at about 7.5 million.[3] Israel has two official languages, Hebrew and Arabic.[1] Hebrew is the primary language of the state and is spoken by the majority of the population, and Arabic is spoken by the Arab minority. As of 2008, Arab citizens of Israel comprise just over 20% of the country's total population.[271]

Population percentage for Jews, Muslims, Druze and othersMany Israelis communicate reasonably well in English, as many television programs are broadcast in this language and English is taught from the early grades in elementary school. As a country of immigrants, many languages can be heard on the streets. Due to mass immigration from the former Soviet Union and Ethiopia (some 120,000 Ethiopian Jews live in Israel)[272] Russian and Amharic are widely spoken.[273] Between 1990 and 1994, the Russian immigration increased Israel's population by twelve percent.[274] Out of more than one million Russian-speaking immigrants in Israel,[275] about 300,000 are considered gentile by the Orthodox rabbinate, because, under the Orthodox interpretation, only children to Jewish mothers are considered Jews.[276][277] Over the last decade, large numbers of migrant workers from Romania, Thailand, China, Africa and South America have settled in Israel. Exact figures are unknown as many of them are living in the country illegally,[278] but estimates run in the region of 200,000.[279] Over 16,000 African asylum seekers have entered Israel in recent years.[280] The main language amongst deaf Israelis is Israeli Sign Language (ISL).[281]

Retention of Israel's population since 1948 is about even or greater, when compared to other countries with mass immigration.[282] Emigration from Israel (yerida) to other countries, primarily the United States and Canada, is described by demographers as modest,[283] but is often cited by Israeli government ministries as a major threat to Israel's future.[284][285]
I disagree that the Roman Empire will be reivived to become the "ten kings" of Revelation.

True, we are headed for a "one world government" too fast for my understanding.

And true, when the "Beast--antichrist" sets himself up in the rebuilt temple in Jerusalem to be worshipped as "God," then their will be a one world religion: worship the beast or die.
Bick said:
I disagree that the Roman Empire will be reivived to become the "ten kings" of Revelation.

True, we are headed for a "one world government" too fast for my understanding.

And true, when the "Beast--antichrist" sets himself up in the rebuilt temple in Jerusalem to be worshipped as "God," then their will be a one world religion: worship the beast or die.
i can see this possibiblity.

shiloh, you not being a jew simply dont get the promise do you?
he told us that he would gather us back in to the land, and when the apostle john said to the lord at this time when will the kingdom of isreal be restored.

quote me the response by the lord

then we can talk.
jasoncran said:
Bick said:
I disagree that the Roman Empire will be reivived to become the "ten kings" of Revelation.

True, we are headed for a "one world government" too fast for my understanding.

And true, when the "Beast--antichrist" sets himself up in the rebuilt temple in Jerusalem to be worshipped as "God," then their will be a one world religion: worship the beast or die.
i can see this possibiblity.

shiloh, you not being a jew simply dont get the promise do you?
he told us that he would gather us back in to the land, and when the apostle john said to the lord at this time when will the kingdom of isreal be restored.

quote me the response by the lord

then we can talk.

Then we can talk?
You cant hear.

What is it that you dont understand?
The beast rules the pleasant land before it is restored unto Israel.
This is when the kingdom is restored unto Israel.
Daniel 7;27
And the kingdom and dominion,and the greatness of the kingdom under the whole heaven,shall be given to the people of the saints of the most High,whose kingdom is an everlasting kingdom,and all dominions shall serve and obey him.

Your love for the beast blinds you from the truth.
Bronzesnake said:
I’m disturbed at this comment...
Your love for the beast blinds you from the truth.
That is absolutely uncalled for brother and I think an apology is in order.
Jason is a strong faithful Christian believer and you had no business making such as remark.

Jason is blinded by his love for the beast which once was and then was not and now is.
Your own ignorance of the subject doesnt help matters.
Jason would rather argue against the truth rather then confess those jews who reject Christ are antichrist.He would rather point fingers at christians and call then antisemetic while those he takes up for curse Jesus name.
uh excuse me.


in your misinterpratations and so called divine revalation, ever think that its odd that you alone are the only one that calls the nation of isreal the anti-christ.

fyi i have family that may be in hell, if they havent repented before they died. both jewish.

there will be jews in hell.

i have asked that you allow me to look at the source of where you get this stuff, to which you have denied me that. only reiterated your version.

so only you have the right version of interpretation.

the anti-christ is a person not a nation, how can a nation of people sit in the temple and commit the very abomonation of desolation and yet repent?
Shilohsfoal said:
Great,another blind guild who doesnt know what an antichrist is nor does he know what the beast is.
Preach to the deaf brother because those who hear know better than to listen to you.

Rev 17;11
And the beast that was,and is not,even he is the eighth,and is of the seven,and goeth into perdition.

For those simple minded.John said the beast is not meaning when John wrote this verse the beast once was,and at the time he wrote this verse it was not.John wrote this after 70 ad and proof of this is found in this single verse.The Roman empire had already conquerd the beast(Israel)and removed it.Today the beast is once again in Judea.The seven heads are the seven hills Jerusalem sits upon.The ten kings have already given thier kingdom(Palestine)unto the beast(Israel).

But you go ahead and be ignorant of these facts.Ive seen enough prophecies forfilled in my lifetime to back up these claims.The scripture is quite simple but they often fall upon deaf ears.
You've seen nothing forfilled! :rolling :rolling :rolling
"Forfilled" is not a word in the English language. :biglaugh
Hello my friend...
Great,another blind guild who doesnt know what an antichrist is nor does he know what the beast is.
Preach to the deaf brother because those who hear know better than to listen to you.

Rev 17;11
And the beast that was,and is not,even he is the eighth,and is of the seven,and goeth into perdition.

For those simple minded.John said the beast is not meaning
How ironic that you should call me simple minded!
What does this mean in English please? “John said the beast is not meaningâ€

when John wrote this verse the beast once was,and at the time he wrote this verse it was not.John wrote this after 70 ad and proof of this is found in this single verse.
Honestly, is English your second language because this is terrible grammar brother? I’m trying to understand what you’re trying to relay here with this seriously horrible grammar.

The Roman empire had already conquerd the beast(Israel)and removed it.
Wow! The Romans actually removed an entire country!?? They must have used a huge crane and some heavy dump trucks right?

Today the beast is once again in Judea.The seven heads are the seven hills Jerusalem sits upon.
Really?? So it’s not the seven hills of Rome then?
So Israel is in Judea once again? How did they get it back, with more huge cranes and dump trucks?

The ten kings have already given thier kingdom(Palestine)unto the beast(Israel).
Please name these ten kings.

But you go ahead and be ignorant of these facts.Ive seen enough prophecies forfilled in my lifetime to back up these claims.The scripture is quite simple but they often fall upon deaf ears.
Again, you have the nerve to call me simple minded.
Seriously though. I have provided scriptures to corroborate every claim I made.
Pssst, hey listen carefully while I whisper a huge secret in your ear...I didn’t write the scriptures, this fella named Jesus did... Shhh, keep it to yourself!
So I’m not the “simple†one here you should be calling Jesus those school yard names.

What I believe you are trying to say is that any time we see the word “beast†or “antichrist†we should reinterpret the exact words of God Himself and replace them with your prejudiced misinterpretations and place “Israel†into those slots.
Ya, let’s see how this works out...

The Israel who once was, and now is not, is an eighth king. He belongs to the seven and is going to his destruction.
Even though this verse clearly describes the beast as a man, some people who are extremely ignorant of scriptures are forced to disregard such annoyingly simple word and stubbornly stick to their convoluted mistranslations because of their hate for the Jews.

Rev 4:7 And the first beast [was] like a lion, and the second beast like a calf, and the third beast had a face as a man, and the fourth beast [was] like a flying eagle.
Rev 4:7 And the first Israel [was] like a lion, and the second Israel like a calf, and the third Israel had a face as a man, and the fourth Israel [was] like a flying eagle.
Wowee! So many Israels!

Rev 6:3
And when he had opened the second seal, I heard the second beast say, Come and
Rev 6:3[/u]And when he had opened the second seal, I heard the second Israel say, Come and
see. Wow! The country can actually speak!!??This a amazing!

I’ll skip a whole bunch...

Rev 11:7 And when they shall have finished their testimony, the beast that ascendeth out of the bottomless pit shall make war against them, and shall overcome them, and kill them.
Rev 11:7 And when they shall have finished their testimony, the Israel that ascendeth out of the bottomless pit shall make war against them, and shall overcome them, and kill them.

Rev 13:1 And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy.
Rev 13:1 And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a Israel rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy.
Speaking of blasphemy... :sad

Rev 13:4And they worshipped the dragon which gave power unto the beast: and they worshipped the beast, saying, Who [is] like unto the beast? who is able to make war with him?
Rev 13:4And they worshipped the dragon which gave power unto the Israel: and they worshipped the Israel, saying, Who [is] like unto the Israel? who is able to make war with him?

Rev 13:11 And I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth; and he had two horns like a lamb, and he spake as a dragon.
Rev 13:11 And I beheld another Israel coming up out of the earth; and he had two horns like a lamb, and he spake as a dragon.
What’s this!!?? A second Israel!!??

OK that’s enough. You are simply dead wrong.
The beast is a man often being directly referred to a “he†in scriptures, if you can believe the beast is Israel, you’re lost and quite possibly can’t be helped.

The scriptures are extremely clear about who the beast/antichrist is. If you have a problem with these unambiguous scriptures then I suggest you take it up with Jesus because He says Israel is the apple of His eye, and that Israel is where He will set His Holy city down on. So when you go around slandering God’s Holy land and people, you are really taking your eternal soul into your own hands.

Take care brother. I pray that Jesus Christ, a Jew, opens your eyes.

]Rev 17;9

And here is the mind which hath wisdom.The seven heads are seven mountains,on which the woman sitteth.

The seven heads of the beast are seven mountains.
No this beast is not a man.This is giving you a location on which sits Jerusalem.

Rev 17;11
And the beast that was,and is not,even he is the eighth,and is of the seven,and goeth into perdition.

John wrote this verse in about 100ad.The beast "was"a nation before 100 ad.

The beast was not a nation in 100 ad.

Can you understand ?
jasoncran said:
uh excuse me.


in your misinterpratations and so called divine revalation, ever think that its odd that you alone are the only one that calls the nation of isreal the anti-christ.

fyi i have family that may be in hell, if they havent repented before they died. both jewish.

there will be jews in hell.

i have asked that you allow me to look at the source of where you get this stuff, to which you have denied me that. only reiterated your version.

so only you have the right version of interpretation.

the anti-christ is a person not a nation, how can a nation of people sit in the temple and commit the very abomonation of desolation and yet repent?

Ive been quoting scripture all along but you argue with the scriptures.
Those who claim Christ has not come in the flesh are antichrist.

And you would rather argue with a disciple of Jersus Christ then to agree they are antichrist.


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