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Self-improvement : sin ?


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Wanting to be good at something, is it a sin ? Is it a sin to compete in something ? Because the goal is to be better than your opponent, that's unavoidable. So if you want to be better than your opponent, isn't it a way to glorify yourself ? And in glorifying oneself, isn't it a sin ? How can you compete at something without having a certain pride of wanting to be good ?
This is not what Jesus meant by humble.
Do a small study on Matthew 5 the list of 8 beatitudes. Yes 8, not 9.
Humble persons are humble because they know they NEED GOD. This makes them humble,,,not trusting in their own ways, bit trusting in God instead. It humbles us in the face of such an awesome being as God.
So I'm right when I feel like wanting to win over a competitive context like sports is a sin ? When I play tennis with a friend, I shouldnot want to win, otherwise it's vanity ?
I used to be a very proud, self-centered person. Now that I've come back to God, I am trying to change that, but it seems impossible, and it obsesses me. As soon as I feel a positive feeling for myself, wheither it's from me or from others, I feel guilty. I'm like : "ok, is it a sin if I am proud for such thing, for such achievement?" When I get a compliment, I'm like "ok, should I be glad for getting that compliment, or it's pride and I'm sinning ?". When I play a sport, I'm always wondering if I'm being too proud just because of the fact that I want to win, and that I want to perform well. I think some things like " Why do I want to be good at this ? What does it change wheither I'm good or bad? If I want to perform well and I do and I'm glad for this, does it become pride ? Am I vain ?".

Also, lately I have started to train again. It had been a long time since I hadn't trained, I lost a lots of muscle and I want to regain them. But why ? Wheither I'm skinny or muscular, should I really care about that ? Ok, training is good for the health, and I like to train.. You're gonna tell me that training is not a sin because it's healthy, and since our body belongs to God we should take care of it. But honestly, I when I train, I don't think about that at all. I just like to gain muscle, gain strenght, and it gives me the feeling that I push myself and it feels good, I like it. But isn't the fact that I want to be bigger and stronger a sin ? It's not an obsession at all, it's just a hobby, but somehow I feel like I'm sinning by wanting to be in a good shape. Because you don't need to be athletic to be healthy. You can have a skinny body, and you can even be a little fat, that doesn't prevent you from being healthy and living for a longtime, if you have a good lifestyle. So with that in mind, I sincerely wonder if training is a sin.
Getting in shape is not a sin. Get a grip!
So I'm right when I feel like wanting to win over a competitive context like sports is a sin ? When I play tennis with a friend, I shouldnot want to win, otherwise it's vanity ?
You're too intent on being this humble person.
You're supposed to want to win.
Try to figure out why you feel this way.

Is it a misunderstanding from scripture?
Are you mistakingly using scripture to cover an attitude problem?

IOW, WHY do you feel this way?
Everyone on this thread said you should play to win and to do it for God.
You're too intent on being this humble person.
You're supposed to want to win.
Try to figure out why you feel this way.

Is it a misunderstanding from scripture?
Are you mistakingly using scripture to cover an attitude problem?

IOW, WHY do you feel this way?
Everyone on this thread said you should play to win and to do it for God.
Because I know I've always had problem with pride and egocentrism. Not the kind of pride that would make me boasting to anyone and only talking about myself, but a kind of inner pride that wants to be well seen, to be loved by people, and I would dare to say to be above people, unfortunately. And I know God hates proud people, so I want to make sure that I am really humble in God's eyes. I know those sins of my heart have pushed me far away from God. I really want to be sure that I don't have this motivation of glorifying myself anymore, that I'm not my own God anymore and that I really live for God. But I keep feeling I'm not humble enough.
Getting in shape is not a sin. Get a grip!
When I wasn't living for God, I trained a lot and I took way too much pride in it. I felt like by being athletic, that made me more respectable for other people, and more attractive for girls. I felt more confident because of that. I know it's pathetic but it's true. Now I want to start training again, without those bad motivations, just for the pleasure of pushing myself, and to give myself some challenge. But even so, I can't help wondering why would I want that ? Explain me why someone would want to be in shape ? What does it changes, how does it glorify God ? Why would I want to be in good shape, and not just have the average shape ? I don't need to be strong and muscular to be healthy, I just have to have a good lifestyle. Eating well, sleeping well, exercising a little bit, but that doesn't need to be those intense training that will make me more athletic.
When I wasn't living for God, I trained a lot and I took way too much pride in it. I felt like by being athletic, that made me more respectable for other people, and more attractive for girls. I felt more confident because of that. I know it's pathetic but it's true. Now I want to start training again, without those bad motivations, just for the pleasure of pushing myself, and to give myself some challenge. But even so, I can't help wondering why would I want that ? Explain me why someone would want to be in shape ? What does it changes, how does it glorify God ? Why would I want to be in good shape, and not just have the average shape ? I don't need to be strong and muscular to be healthy, I just have to have a good lifestyle. Eating well, sleeping well, exercising a little bit, but that doesn't need to be those intense training that will make me more athletic.
Why talk about God as if He is not all that matters, such as questioning men and women, as if they have more important answers to give than God ?

If God has His eyes on someone, do you really believe they are unanswered by Him in everything they think, and feel, or they get answers all along, and if they go into any wrong path, which is against God, God will give a chastening which is unmistakable, and that is what takes pride away, plus we learn what is right with God, that way, which other people cant answer to us with, because it is entirely by God, His Spirit, and done on our body and our life. ( nobody else will know, notice, or feel what the person chastised by the Lord, knows only for themselves.)

The amount of freedom in a persons life, is either God working with them very little, or not at all. We are taught bodily exercise profits little, because even 2000 years ago it was something a person has an idea about, and nowadays it is very popular, and all things we can do for ourselves are very popular, maybe you might get the idea of what that means from the verse.

1 Timothy 4:8 For bodily exercise profiteth little: but godliness is profitable unto all things, having promise of the life that now is, and of that which is to come.
dave91, do you think Paul was committing sin when he penned this?

For I am already being poured out as a drink offering, and the time of my departure is at hand. I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. Finally, there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will give to me on that Day.
1 Timothy 4:6-8 NKJV

Or how about in this parable told by Jesus. Were the servants who strived to gain more guilty of sin?

“For the kingdom of heaven is like a man traveling to a far country, who called his own servants and delivered his goods to them. And to one he gave five talents, to another two, and to another one, to each according to his own ability; and immediately he went on a journey. Then he who had received the five talents went and traded with them, and made another five talents. And likewise he who had received two gained two more also. But he who had received one went and dug in the ground, and hid his lord’s money. After a long time the lord of those servants came and settled accounts with them. “So he who had received five talents came and brought five other talents, saying, ‘Lord, you delivered to me five talents; look, I have gained five more talents besides them.’ His lord said to him, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant; you were faithful over a few things, I will make you ruler over many things. Enter into the joy of your lord.’ He also who had received two talents came and said, ‘Lord, you delivered to me two talents; look, I have gained two more talents besides them.’ His lord said to him, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant; you have been faithful over a few things, I will make you ruler over many things. Enter into the joy of your lord.’"
Matthew 25:14-23 NKJV
Wanting to be good at something, is it a sin ? Is it a sin to compete in something ? Because the goal is to be better than your opponent, that's unavoidable. So if you want to be better than your opponent, isn't it a way to glorify yourself ? And in glorifying oneself, isn't it a sin ? How can you compete at something without having a certain pride of wanting to be good ?
Anything can be a sin, if it takes away seeking the Kingdom first, it is a sin. Mat 6:33
Because I know I've always had problem with pride and egocentrism. Not the kind of pride that would make me boasting to anyone and only talking about myself, but a kind of inner pride that wants to be well seen, to be loved by people, and I would dare to say to be above people, unfortunately. And I know God hates proud people, so I want to make sure that I am really humble in God's eyes. I know those sins of my heart have pushed me far away from God. I really want to be sure that I don't have this motivation of glorifying myself anymore, that I'm not my own God anymore and that I really live for God. But I keep feeling I'm not humble enough.
So you know this is a weak point for you.
This is why you're so concerned.
I can say that the evil one knows our weak points and will always take advantage of them.

If you still feel some kind of pride, then it's a sin like any other sin. God knows you. Confess it and carry on. You might get totally over this sin one day and you might not. God knows our heart and forgives us many times or we'd all be headed for hell.

it's good that you're aware of this. It's a good first step. As soon as you feel this distorted pride, confess it immediately and carry on.

You can't TRY to be humble.
You can only be yourself and confess what you don't like about yourself.
When I wasn't living for God, I trained a lot and I took way too much pride in it. I felt like by being athletic, that made me more respectable for other people, and more attractive for girls. I felt more confident because of that. I know it's pathetic but it's true. Now I want to start training again, without those bad motivations, just for the pleasure of pushing myself, and to give myself some challenge. But even so, I can't help wondering why would I want that ? Explain me why someone would want to be in shape ? What does it changes, how does it glorify God ? Why would I want to be in good shape, and not just have the average shape ? I don't need to be strong and muscular to be healthy, I just have to have a good lifestyle. Eating well, sleeping well, exercising a little bit, but that doesn't need to be those intense training that will make me more athletic.
There are a host of physical and mental benefits to exercise and there is nothing wrong with pushing yourself to do the best you can with it, as long as it doesn’t become a stumbling block for you. If you find yourself becoming proud, ask God to keep you humble, and trust me, he will humble you.

Strength is key for old age. Get strong and stay strong.
When I wasn't living for God, I trained a lot and I took way too much pride in it. I felt like by being athletic, that made me more respectable for other people, and more attractive for girls. I felt more confident because of that. I know it's pathetic but it's true. Now I want to start training again, without those bad motivations, just for the pleasure of pushing myself, and to give myself some challenge. But even so, I can't help wondering why would I want that ? Explain me why someone would want to be in shape ? What does it changes, how does it glorify God ? Why would I want to be in good shape, and not just have the average shape ? I don't need to be strong and muscular to be healthy, I just have to have a good lifestyle. Eating well, sleeping well, exercising a little bit, but that doesn't need to be those intense training that will make me more athletic.
Fine. Be fat and glorify God by eating mega stuffed Oreo cookies.
If we look for self improvement in the New test, it is done by self denial, losing our life to find it again.

We follow the example of Christ and His apostles, or we follow something else, that influences us to go on that wide path to destruction many are on.

The enemies of the cross of Christ have God as their belly, minding earthly things, instead of the conversation in heaven, ( not of earth) and that is where we look for the Saviour. ( not here, and not in the talk that people like to talk.)

Philippians 3:17 Brethren, be followers together of me, and mark them which walk so as ye have us for an ensample.
18 (For many walk, of whom I have told you often, and now tell you even weeping, that they are the enemies of the cross of Christ:
19 Whose end is destruction, whose God is their belly, and whose glory is in their shame, who mind earthly things.)
20 For our conversation is in heaven; from whence also we look for the Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ:
Sorry but I just can't see how working out and getting in shape glorifies God. When I see someone muscular and in a good shape, I don't think "Wow, this person is muscukar, glory to God.". Therefore, if I train, I won't feel like I'm doing this for God, but only for my own ego and pride of wanting to be more and more athletic and to look good. Yes, as you all pointed out, God wants us to take care of our bodies, but as I pointed out too, there's no need to be athletic to be healthy. As long as you have a good lifestyle, (eating well, sleeping well, doing a little bit of exercice) you are healthy and you will live for a longtime. So I can't help thinking that training to be strong and muscular is a sin, because it's not necessary and you can't really claim that you do that with the idea of glorifying God for the reasons I explained. I used to train and be very proud about my results, and I don't see how it could be different if I started again.

Sorry for my weird questions but this christian life is so complicated and I feel like I'm always sinning unless I pray, read the Bible or help people...
Sorry but I just can't see how working out and getting in shape glorifies God. When I see someone muscular and in a good shape, I don't think "Wow, this person is muscukar, glory to God.". Therefore, if I train, I won't feel like I'm doing this for God, but only for my own ego and pride of wanting to be more and more athletic and to look good. Yes, as you all pointed out, God wants us to take care of our bodies, but as I pointed out too, there's no need to be athletic to be healthy. As long as you have a good lifestyle, (eating well, sleeping well, doing a little bit of exercice) you are healthy and you will live for a longtime. So I can't help thinking that training to be strong and muscular is a sin, because it's not necessary and you can't really claim that you do that with the idea of glorifying God for the reasons I explained. I used to train and be very proud about my results, and I don't see how it could be different if I started again.

Sorry for my weird questions but this christian life is so complicated and I feel like I'm always sinning unless I pray, read the Bible or help people...
This entire thread reminds me of that scene in Talladega Nights where Ricky Bobby thinks he's paralyzed and all of his friends are trying to convince him that he's really not. Lol.
Sorry but I just can't see how working out and getting in shape glorifies God. When I see someone muscular and in a good shape, I don't think "Wow, this person is muscukar, glory to God.". Therefore, if I train, I won't feel like I'm doing this for God, but only for my own ego and pride of wanting to be more and more athletic and to look good. Yes, as you all pointed out, God wants us to take care of our bodies, but as I pointed out too, there's no need to be athletic to be healthy. As long as you have a good lifestyle, (eating well, sleeping well, doing a little bit of exercice) you are healthy and you will live for a longtime. So I can't help thinking that training to be strong and muscular is a sin, because it's not necessary and you can't really claim that you do that with the idea of glorifying God for the reasons I explained. I used to train and be very proud about my results, and I don't see how it could be different if I started again.
It is fine for you to believe that, but you can't put that onto others. And glorifying God with our bodies has nothing to do with what others think about our bodies; that's fully on them. I workout regularly and do it for the mental and physical health benefits, which glorifies God. Regular, moderate exercise has significant benefits for old age, including to help ward off or at least slow the progress of things like dementia, diabetes, and heart disease. It can help protect against falling or breaking something if one falls. It also helps keep one healthy and strong enough to be able to be helpful to others.

You may not be able to do it without it becoming an issue of pride, but that doesn't mean pride becomes an issue for others.

Sorry for my weird questions but this christian life is so complicated and I feel like I'm always sinning unless I pray, read the Bible or help people...
Your questions are fine. There is just much more you need to learn about Christianity and what the Bible says, as we all do in various ways. This is a lifelong process.
Sorry but I just can't see how working out and getting in shape glorifies God. When I see someone muscular and in a good shape, I don't think "Wow, this person is muscukar, glory to God.". Therefore, if I train, I won't feel like I'm doing this for God, but only for my own ego and pride of wanting to be more and more athletic and to look good. Yes, as you all pointed out, God wants us to take care of our bodies, but as I pointed out too, there's no need to be athletic to be healthy. As long as you have a good lifestyle, (eating well, sleeping well, doing a little bit of exercice) you are healthy and you will live for a longtime. So I can't help thinking that training to be strong and muscular is a sin, because it's not necessary and you can't really claim that you do that with the idea of glorifying God for the reasons I explained. I used to train and be very proud about my results, and I don't see how it could be different if I started again.

Sorry for my weird questions but this christian life is so complicated and I feel like I'm always sinning unless I pray, read the Bible or help people...
Are you looking for justification for you desire to workout from CFnet members? Seems to me that you are answering your own questions. Perhaps there is something about yourself that needs to be worked on.


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