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Self Righteousness


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I just want to know how having to have a continuing faith (not works) is to be considered that worthless work of self-righteousness. Chapter and verse would go a long way to convincing me.

EPH 4:30 Do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, by Whom you were sealed for the day of redemption.

JOH 5:24 “Truly, truly, I say to you, he who hears My Word, and believes Him Who sent Me, has eternal life, and does not come into judgment, but has passed out of death into life.”

1 Thess 5:19~~New American Standard Bible
Do not quench the Spirit;

If we are counting on our weak, personal faith, with all of it ups and downs, to seal us for the day of redemption. We are quenching the Spirit, and we deny what He HAS done......sealed us for the day of redemption.

They will be worthless works, because He sealed us, not our weak, personal human faith.

We would be quenching the Spirit and thus be out of the Spirit and our works would be considered as dung.
2 Corinthians 5:9-10 So we make it our goal to please him, whether we are at home in the body or away from it. For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, that each one may receive what is due from him for things done while in the body, whether good or bad.

2 Corinthians 10:17 But, "Let him who boasts boast in the Lord."

There really isn't a self-righteousness when you are born again. If it is true and good, it is the Lord's work through us. That isn't to say that I don't like myself, I like the part of myself that loves God and does his will. The rebellious part, I don't want.....and I do want it gone!

So, it is a confusing question. The self-righteous part that does God's good. The self-righteous part that wants to do my own will.....not good.
I just want to know how having to have a continuing faith (not works) is to be considered that worthless work of self-righteousness. Chapter and verse would go a long way to convincing me.

This "continuing faith" idea that you are presenting.
Does it have anything to do with verse ideas like this?...."he who endures to the end"....or' "we are justified by works".
Or is it that you have the idea that a Christian can walk away from their "faith", and lose their salvation?
What is your REASON for thinking that you need to be very careful to maintain a "continuing faith", and in your mind, what happens to you, if you dont?
This "continuing faith" idea that you are presenting.
Does it have anything to do with verse ideas like this?...."he who endures to the end"..
That is...'he who endures AND DOES NOT DENY CHRIST to the end'.

You have to NOT deny the name of Christ so that he will not deny you on that Day. Pay attention. I did not say what you probably heard. I did not say you have to 'not sin' so that you will not be denied by Christ on that Day. Good Lord, if one is lost because they sin in the common struggles of man then NO ONE will, or can be saved (that's what the damnable works gospel is all about).

We know denial of Christ, and not being faithless to Christ, is what he is talking about by this:

5 'He who overcomes will thus be clothed in white garments; and I will not erase his name from the book of life, and I will confess his name before My Father and before His angels." (Revelation 3:5 NASB)

We know from the whole counsel of scripture that it is not sin that will cause Christ to deny us before the Father, it is DENYING HIM that will cause him to deny us (Matthew 12:33 NASB). We see further evidence that 'not denying him' is the element of enduring that Christ is talking about that we must do to the end to be saved in the end:

13 'I know where you dwell, where Satan's throne is; and you hold fast My name, and did not deny My faith even in the days of Antipas, My witness, My faithful one, who was killed among you...' (Revelation 2:13 NASB)

See? He comes right out and says it is the matter of denying him, not simply sinning faithlessly, that he is talking about in regard to enduring to the end so you can be saved in the end.

I'm confident you will not be moved by these words of scripture. But I post them in the hope that some will, and they will endure to the end and be saved, and they will be a crown of reward for me, not burned up in the Judgment. But those who say you do not have to endure to the end to be saved, and some hear that and don't endure to the end, what reward is there in store for the person who does that? None, of course. Add to that, the person who does that may well be among those who are destroyed because they destroyed the body of Christ (1 Corinthians 3:17 NASB).
That is...'he who endures AND DOES NOT DENY CHRIST to the end'.


Peter denied Christ 3x.
Do you think he's in hell?

So, the prob is, if a person thinks they can earn salvation, then they will constantly try to twist scriptures to prove it.
You are one of those people
Your bible to you is a means to find a way to lose salvation.
But i have good news for you......and that is can not out-sin the Blood's ability to pay for your sin.
Its impossible.
So, if you, after you are born again, deny Christ, reject Christ, hate Christ, or whatever, it has no effect on your eternal security.

Let me show you something, JB.
You have a mother, as im assuming you are not hatched or from Mars:)
So, you are BORN from her..
Now, go an deny that you are.
Deny it to God, Deny it to me, Deny it to a Judge, .... Deny you are birthed from your mother till your spine collapses and your voice burns out and your eyes bleed .......and you know what you have done?
And why is that?
Because you cant UNDO A BIRTH by your behavior.......= period.
So, you can deny you are your mother's, all you like, but the BIRTH cant be undone by your DENIAL.
You are HERS and you cant change it by your words of denial.

and this is the SAME WITH BEING >born again<
this is a BIRTH, that has placed you into the family of God.
And just like being birthed by your mother cant be undone by your DENIAL......neither can your Born Again position be undone by your MOUTH.:)
Isnt that wonderful?
Now you dont have to worry about it., as there is no reason to worry about what cant be done.
Peter denied Christ 3x.
Do you think he's in hell?
I don't think God denies a person instantly. He's not a legalist. His character is that of patience and long suffering. If Peter had rejected Jesus' offer at reconciliation then he'd be in hell.

So, the prob is, if a person thinks they can earn salvation, then they will constantly try to twist scriptures to prove it.
You are one of those people
Trusting Christ is not earning salvation.
You are the one who has defined trust in Christ as works that damn a person, not me, nor the Bible.

But i have good news for you......and that is can not out-sin the Blood's ability to pay for your sin.
Its impossible.
So, if you, after you are born again, deny Christ, reject Christ, hate Christ, or whatever, it has no effect on your eternal security.
29 How much severer punishment do you think he will deserve who has trampled under foot the Son of God, and has regarded as unclean the blood of the covenant by which he was sanctified, and has insulted the Spirit of grace? (Hebrews 10:29 NASB)

Let me show you something, JB.
You have a mother, as im assuming you are not hatched or from Mars:)
So, you are BORN from her..
Now, go an deny that you are.
Deny it to God, Deny it to me, Deny it to a Judge, .... Deny you are birthed from your mother till your spine collapses and your voice burns out and your eyes bleed .......and you know what you have done?
And why is that?
Because you cant UNDO A BIRTH by your behavior.......= period.
What a horrible analogy. :lol
I get a kick out of this every time someone uses it.
How does this in anyway represent the new birth? The new birth is God's Spirit joining your's, not the birth of a third spirit separate and distinct from God's and yours unlike when a husband and wife have a child.

and this is the SAME WITH BEING >born again<
this is a BIRTH, that has placed you into the family of God.
And just like being birthed by your mother cant be undone by your DENIAL......neither can your Born Again position be undone by your MOUTH.:)
Isnt that wonderful?
It would be wonderful if being born again meant a separate and third spirit was born, the fact of which--like a child being born--could not be reversed. But as we know, no third entity is birthed The new birth is simply God's Spirit joined to yours. No new spirit is created when that happens.

By definition of what the new birth is, all God has to do is withdraw his Spirit, and 'walla', no more new creation, no more new birth.
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Trusting Christ is not earning salvation.
You are the one who has defined trust in Christ as works that damn a person, not me, nor the Bible.

you are lying.
ive never said this, never implied this, and never will.
here is what i wrote.
"to him that worketh not but believeth on him who justifies the ungodly, his FAITH is counted for righteousness.

29 How much severer punishment do you think he will deserve who has trampled under foot the Son of God, and has regarded as unclean the blood of the covenant by which he was sanctified, and has insulted the Spirit of grace? (Hebrews 10:29 NASB)

This is typical twisting of the Scriptures.
Think of it like this.......lets say im witnessing to someone, and i say...."the blood of Jesus is the only way to cleans yourself from your sins".
So, i have now told an UNBELIEVER the only way to "sanctification".
If they then say....'i spit on your blood of jesus".
Then they have crucified him afresh, as they have rejected him in the present.
They have just hung him on the cross., they have just trampled grace, and they have just gone to hell as soon as they die.
Where you have missed it, is that you are not understanding that the writer is not speaking to a Christian.
Did you notice the book is addressed to the "Hebrews"?
Are you a Hebrew?
He is speaking in general to a """HE"""

What a horrible analogy. :lol
I get a kick out of this every time someone uses it.
How does this in anyway represent the new birth? The new birth is God's Spirit joining your's, not the birth of a third spirit separate and distinct from God's and yours unlike when a husband and wife have a child.

Sorry, but the New Birth is a birth....this is why Jesus said you must be "BORN AGAIN".
Do you understand what it means to be born?.....Its a birth,.....and regarding a Christian, this is not an Analogy, but its a literal spiritual birth.
If this is not something you can understand, then i can see why the mother > birth, analogy would not make sense to you.
Philippians 2:13 for it is God who works in you to will and to act according to his purpose.

The Holy Spirit is "working" through us. Those acts are righteous..........
Philippians 2:13 for it is God who works in you to will and to act according to his purpose.
The Holy Spirit is "working" through us. Those acts are righteous..........

it is "Christ in you, the hope of Glory". Colossians 1:27
It is a Christian's born again "state" that the NT refers to as being "in Christ". Acts 17:28
it is "Christ in you, the hope of Glory". Colossians 1:27
It is a Christian's born again "state" that the NT refers to as being "in Christ". Acts 17:28

John 14:12-23
Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on Me, the works that I do shall he do also, and greater works than these shall he do, because I go unto My Father.

I will not leave you comfortless, I will come to you.
At that day ye shall know that I am in My Father, andye in Me, and I in you.

He that hath My commandments, and keepeth them, he it is that loveth Me, and he that loveth Me, and he that loveth Me shall be loved of My Father, and I will love him, and will manifest Myself to him.

If a man love Me, he will keep My words, and My Father will love him, and we will come unto him, and make our abode with him.
Trusting Christ is not earning salvation.
You are the one who has defined trust in Christ as works that damn a person, not me, nor the Bible.
you are lying.
ive never said this, never implied this, and never will.
here is what i wrote.
"to him that worketh not but believeth on him who justifies the ungodly, his FAITH is counted for righteousness.
Is a believer thinking he has to continue in his trust in Christ to the very end a damnable work of self righteousness?
Is a believer thinking he has to continue in his trust in Christ to the very end a damnable work of self righteousness?

No, its actually the proof that a believer has not understood that you are born again and you dont have to "continue" to do anything about that fact.
God saves you......its done.
Its not a situation where you get up everyday and think....."ok, time to get saved again".
Jesus died once, you get saved once, then you go and live out your faith as a DISCIPLE that shows that "faith without works" scripture as it is actually meant for you to understand..
But you dont get born again over and over:)

Is a believer thinking he has to continue in his trust in Christ to the very end a damnable work of self righteousness?

Think of that scripture in "James", like this.

James is speaking to believers who are doing NOTHING and he calls this "dead faith"...
James says....
"now, do you see my deeds?.....see how i prove that im a Christian"?
i prove it, i show it, by my deeds.:"

Now, he is not saying....."see my works to STAY SAVED"......"see how i have to keep myself saved by my works"?

So, do you see the difference in interpretation and how significant it is?
Now let's apply that same logic, which we both agree with, to what I'm saying: If I was saved by my trust in Jesus Christ then I must continue to trust in Christ to stay saved.
The logic being applied here is - The absence of that which causes your salvation, will result in you losing that very salvation.
I'll have to agree with the logic.

But is faith in Christ the very cause of our salvation - or is faith a necessary factor unto salvation where such faith itself is caused entirely and consistently by a third cause?

If as a lifeguard, I swam towards a sinking person and decided to haul him ashore by placing a float over him, I could say that he was saved by my effort through means of a float. The root causation is just me - with the necessary accompanying factor being a float that I chose to use. Note, the float over the person too is caused by me. I could very well have decided to save him any other way - through means of a boat or through means of air-lifting him etc..but since I chose the sole means of a float, I can consistently correlate it with him being saved. For instance when I say, Every person with my float over him is saved - it is true and yet not indicative of the float being the cause of his salvation.

Of course, if my job were to simply throw a float around the sinking person, and not care if it's still around him as I drag it ashore - then I'd say it's that person's responsibility to ensure he's clinging on for dear life - a conditional placed over the float. But if I set out to save him, and guaranteed/promised that I'd get him ashore based on my ability to ensure he's always holding on to the float no matter his weakness or slip-ups, then the float serves as an indicative assurance of that guarantee/promise alone and not as a conditional. Its absence would also serve as an indicative evidence of those not being causatively saved by me.

As mentioned earlier in this thread, this is no new topic of discussion - it's simply the debate between synergism and monergism. I'm inclined to believe the latter since all causation of salvation is attributed to God alone and none to man - therein all glory to Him while the flesh is denied and decreases. least show me where God did my trusting for me so it can be known that it was not something that I did to get the free gift.
I do not cling on to the float meant for the person I'm saving, just as God doesn't do our trusting...and yet I'm the one who was the primary and sole cause for him having it as well as the continuing cause that ensures it's always over him. As to how God similarly enables a sinner to have faith is by causing him to be born again with a heart that is not rebellious against God and with a renewed spirit that now begins to understand the things of God so as to believe in the Good News of Christ. This again is the old debate of whether regeneration precedes faith or not.

To have faith in a person is to assuredly know that the outcome which that person has promised to establish will be fulfilled, based on his ability to achieve/perform so. Faith, therefore, is not something I do of myself - it's rather a response that can be grown in me just by that person reassuring me constantly(as we see God's promises) and by displaying more of his ability to achieve/perform so(as we see God's works) and by giving understanding of His purposes such that we even know why it has to be as He has declared and by removing my blindness and negating my rebellion in the flesh. So we see that God both enables us and preserves us in such a response by simply what He alone does.

But as we know, no third entity is birthed The new birth is simply God's Spirit joined to yours. No new spirit is created when that happens.
I am in disagreement with the conclusion that nothing else happens apart from the Holy Spirit dwelling within us. Of course, no new spirit is Created as such, but there is a new heart(core belief system) given and the existing spirit is renewed(made alive) such that we who were in the flesh before such regeneration, are now no longer in the flesh but in the spirit (Rom 8:8-9)- such that an entire new personhood of the inner man is made alive to us. I do read the phrases "in the flesh" and "in the spirit" quite literally as denoting our souls being encapsulated by 2 very distinct natures.

It's hypothetical to guess what the state of the regenerated believer would be if God were to remove His Holy Spirit - since that would refute His purposes given that the Holy Spirit is the very pledge or guarantee of God's salvific work in us. No point assuring a believer that he will be saved as long as the Holy Spirit dwells within him and in the same breath saying the Holy Spirit may be removed any time dependent on that person's choices - that's just the old covenant which says I'll keep my end of the bargain as long as you keep yours. But the new covenant is that of promises alone and no conditionals - just compare Lev 18:5 and Eze 36:27.
Because someone who stops believing has already been saved. Even if some think later on that they need to "help" out a bit is already saved. They are just worthless works.
I'm sorry I haven't followed the entire context - is this someone who was of weak faith for a time / backsliding but still a believer or is this someone who's just walked away from Christ never to profess any more belief in Him at any point in time before his death?

If it's the latter, I feel it's more dangerous a doctrine than simply making faith a conditional. Paul exhorts us to test and examine ourselves to see if we're in the faith, meaning to confirm for ourselves if indeed God is working His salvific works in us. John mentions those who walk away were never part of Christ's body to begin with. The word 'believeth' denotes a continuous event and not just a one-time event. I believe while regeneration is a one-time event, it is affirmed so only by the continuous preservation of God - and what God begins, He completes without forsaking us. Our faith is that indicative assurance of such an ongoing work of God in us.

As was mentioned here, Christ-rejecting 'believer' is just an oxymoron.
I believe while regeneration is a one-time event, it is affirmed so only by the continuous preservation of God - and what God begins, He completes without forsaking us. Our faith is that indicative assurance of such an ongoing work of God in us.

Yes, as you are suggesting, "Salvation" is a completed transaction.
We are made partakers of God's Righteousness by faith, (Romans 5:17) , however its God the Father who begins and completes the atonement-redemption, using the finished work of Jesus on the Cross as his justification to eternally justify and thereby pardon and accept a believer.
Romans 3:21-28.
The reason Salvation cant be lost by us, is because we are not in a position to lose what we didnt do.
God saves you......its done.
Its not a situation where you get up everyday and think....."ok, time to get saved again". dont get born again over and over
Right, it's not. That's your erroneous interpretation of it.
It's about staying saved, not getting saved over and over again.

Christ's continuing ministry in heaven (Hebrews 9:24-25 NASB) is applied by faith in that ministry. That continuing ministry stays applied by that same faith.
Think of that scripture in "James", like this.

James is speaking to believers who are doing NOTHING and he calls this "dead faith"...
James says....
"now, do you see my deeds?.....see how i prove that im a Christian"?
i prove it, i show it, by my deeds.:"

Now, he is not saying....."see my works to STAY SAVED"......"see how i have to keep myself saved by my works"?

So, do you see the difference in interpretation and how significant it is?
I didn't say 'works'. I said continuing in one's trust in Christ.

Is a believer thinking he has to continue in his trust in Christ to the very end a damnable work of self righteousness?
I didn't say 'works'. I said continuing in one's trust in Christ.

Is a believer thinking he has to continue in his trust in Christ to the very end a damnable work of self righteousness?

its just a believer who has been taught something unfortunate, that is causing them to put the weight of their eternal life on themselves, where it does not belong, instead of trusting in Christ and God alone to keep them eternally secure.


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