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Should gays be allowed to vote?

Should gays be allowed to vote?

  • No, only traditional family members should vote.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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Why should they not be allowed to vote....they are citizens...We allow people who live outside the South to vote,,,,might as well let Gays vote too.... :P :P :P
peace4all wrote:
I dont hate christians, I hate discrimination.
therefore I hate christians who discriminate.
I hate jews, atheists, agnostics, fat people, little people, giants, republicans, anyone that tries to take away the freedom of others.

Careful peace4all, Can I suggest to hate the action and not the person? The person should always, always be loved despite their actions. It's a great way to promote peace ;)
so you love hitler?

srry but i dont think anyone can say they love hitler (unless your a nazi)

I understand what you mean, if i took hate the way you did. I use hate very liberally (what a surprise) as in, I hate homework. I hate the south. I hate bush. Although i dont usually wish physical harm or death upon homework, the south and, well, maybe not bush, i still hate it.
so you love hitler?

srry but i dont think anyone can say they love hitler (unless your a nazi)

I'm sure Jesus loves Hitler. It's what grace is all about. It's quite a revolutionary (scandolous even) way of thinking, but that is exactly what Jesus taught us. Love our enemies as ourselves.

As for me, yes, I find it difficult to love him. But he was a person and every person has worth. I am in no way condoning his deeds, or attempting to downplay what he did to wrong to others (notably the Jewish). I am in no way saying there should not have been justice dealt to him. Hitler's ideas were horrifically bent, and his actions were disgustingly wrong. Yet, he was still a person that needed help. (in a big way) The same can be said for Stalin, Saddam Hussien, Osama Bin Laden and the like.
well, the onyl reason i can jsutify jesus loving hitler, is the fact that he wasnt smited or anything..

I know, love your enemies. but love him? ahh i cant grasp it
love your enemies. but love him? ahh i cant grasp it

You can't love him on your own, you have to love him through God's unconditional love.....only through his eyes can you see Hilter as just a sinner as we all are....evil personified but still just a sinner. If he had cried out to God he could have been saved no matter what he had done but I don't think he did...he probably died in his sins....
peace4all said:
I dont hate christians, I hate discrimination.
therefore I hate christians who discriminate.
I hate jews, atheists, agnostics, fat people, little people, giants, republicans, anyone that tries to take away the freedom of others.

this is a genuine sign, where 1-2 christians can make all christians look bad.

You must be the single largest example I have ever seen of an atheist that makes all other atheists look bad. You hate, and even do so liberally.

It is disapointing, but one or two of a group can cast a bad light on the rest, and sadly, you do it so well. Not by any means are you the only one, so, I'm not trying to pick on you.

I do think, very strongly, that the concept of loving one's enemies is extremely difficult to comprehend, and even more difficult to practice.
But, even so, hu, you come off as extremely hateful to all who are opposed to your opinions. I can only give you credit for your honesty.
No, there are people that are opposed to my opinions that i love. my gf for one.
a few of my best friends are actually really really realyl christian, we just dont bring up these topics.

The peopel I hate, are people that openly discriminate because they think that is what their religion teaches them. In my opinion, NO RELIGION teaches peopel to discriminate, it just happens that humans are flawed and cannot follow properly so they do so themselves. I woudl not care if I was the ONLY atheist in the whole world. As long as people didnt tell me im wrong,and going to burn in hell, and try to take away my rights as ahuman or as a citizen, I would not care 1 bit.
Yes, just like they should be allowed to be married:
Article IV of some document said:
Section. 2.

Clause 1: The Citizens of each State shall be entitled to all Privileges and Immunities of Citizens in the several States.
Amendment XIV to that document said:
Section 1. All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.
IF you want to be so....just don't think that the Bible tells you it is condemns it and you will not get another Christian on this board to tell you any cannot be a homosexual and be a Christian.....God loves you but he hates the lifestyle you are living...if you renounce that lifestyle....and ask for forgiveness,,,God forgives you and will save you..You cannot be saved while you are still living that lifestyle.

1Cr 6:9 Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind,
Eve777 said:
IF you want to be so....just don't think that the Bible tells you it is condemns it and you will not get another Christian on this board to tell you any cannot be a homosexual and be a Christian.....God loves you but he hates the lifestyle you are living...if you renounce that lifestyle....and ask for forgiveness,,,God forgives you and will save you..You cannot be saved while you are still living that lifestyle.

1Cr 6:9 Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind,
Why should god hate it, he knew full well when he created the universe, in your approximation, that such lifestyles would exist. Are you suggesting that your deity was unable to create a universe that lacked the potential for such a lifestyle to exist? Or are you just going to say that "God's ways are mysterious and subtle" or perhaps "He is testing us so that only the good and pure may enter his Heaven" or some other cop out that makes the entire idea of divine omnipotence or omniscience logically inconsistent.
SyntaxVorlon said:
Eve777 said:
IF you want to be so....just don't think that the Bible tells you it is condemns it and you will not get another Christian on this board to tell you any cannot be a homosexual and be a Christian.....God loves you but he hates the lifestyle you are living...if you renounce that lifestyle....and ask for forgiveness,,,God forgives you and will save you..You cannot be saved while you are still living that lifestyle.

1Cr 6:9 Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind,
Why should god hate it, he knew full well when he created the universe, in your approximation, that such lifestyles would exist. Are you suggesting that your deity was unable to create a universe that lacked the potential for such a lifestyle to exist? Or are you just going to say that "God's ways are mysterious and subtle" or perhaps "He is testing us so that only the good and pure may enter his Heaven" or some other cop out that makes the entire idea of divine omnipotence or omniscience logically inconsistent.

It isn't up to us to question God. God says He hates it by His word. End of story.
No, there are people that are opposed to my opinions that i love.

Just some? Do you consider loving all people?

my gf for one.

Do you have a motive? Does she do anything for you that makes it easy to 'love' her? So, a sort of biased, false love is what I'm asking about.

a few of my best friends are actually really really realyl christian, we just dont bring up these topics.

What does "really, really, really christian" mean?

The peopel I hate, are people that openly discriminate because they think that is what their religion teaches them.

Like who?

In my opinion, NO RELIGION teaches peopel to discriminate, it just happens that humans are flawed and cannot follow properly so they do so themselves.


As long as people didnt tell me im wrong,and going to burn in hell

If that is where you are going towards, would you want to know?
No, i really relaly love my gf cuz of who she is, shes very artistic and has a decent sense of humor. She does happen to be semi religous, and coems froma very conservative familly (they think im a gay nazi...) But i do try to do my best to show my affecton for her.

really really really really means that 2 of them actually got me to come to a revival thing, and 1 of those 2 is currently enroled in bible study courses at a local college (hes a junior in highschool) and is planning to grow up and be a minister/pastor/ whatever.

Like the people that vote that gays dont deserve the right to vote.
The people that refuse me service because I am an atheist.
THe people that refuse me service because I wear a rainbow pin (they usually just ask me to leave the store)
the lady that verbally attacked me for helping my grandma move on teh sabbath, she kept telling me I am going to burn in hell for it because i went agains gods wishes, and she refused to reopen the door for me when it accidently shut (her appartments had doors that locked whenerv they closed) also, she apparently believes that the true sabath is sunday and was confused as to why it isnt.

I dont believein hell..

If i went aroudn tellign every single person i met that had a cross on, or a "i love jesus shirt" or any of that stuff, and i told them "hey god is fake, your a looser" would they not be mad and angry and pissed? i dont think u would want me comign by and telling u that right?

do onto others as you want done onto you.
No, i really relaly love my gf cuz of who she is, shes very artistic and has a decent sense of humor.

I'll take your word for it.

(they think im a gay nazi...)

Why would they think you're gay if you have a girlfriend?

really really really really means that 2 of them actually got me to come to a revival thing, and 1 of those 2 is currently enroled in bible study courses at a local college (hes a junior in highschool) and is planning to grow up and be a minister/pastor/ whatever.

So if one goes to a revival seminar, or does Bible study, that makes one a christian?

I dont believein hell..

I didn't ask if you did or not. Would you want to know if you were going there?

would they not be mad and angry and pissed?

I'm sure many would be.

i dont think u would want me comign by and telling u that right?

I wouldn't want you to, but I won't lose any sleep over it if you do, nor will I be angry.

do onto others as you want done onto you.

You almost have it.....
Why would they think you're gay if you have a girlfriend?

Okay, that is a good question, since I assumed you were in a Gay relationship from posts on other threads....if you are not Gay,,why are you so wrapped up in defending the lifestyle and asking so many questions about it? Just curious..
my gf (i am a boy thankyou) and i are heterosexuals. Her parents think I am gay because they are very conservative, and they cant see that a straight person might join a club called the gay STRAIGHT alliance.

everyone heres the word GAY and thinks the rest mean s"butt sex club" or somethings.

Why would i want to be told im going somewhere that doesnt exist? thats like saying "your going to guasimodo island" it makes no sense unless u believe such a place exists.

actually he is catholic (thats christian too right?) and i dont know, the whole thing where he carries a bible everywhere, does the bible studies, BELIEVES IN GOD, would make me assume he is a christian.

I dont relaly loose sleep, I usually just reverse the discrimination and let them feel and see it. I dont do it as extreme as they do, but just enough to tick them off.
everyone heres the word GAY and thinks the rest mean s"butt sex club" or somethings.

I don't.

Why would i want to be told im going somewhere that doesnt exist? thats like saying "your going to guasimodo island" it makes no sense unless u believe such a place exists.

Why is it so difficult for you to answer?

actually he is catholic (thats christian too right?)

I think some Catholics are christian.

and i dont know, the whole thing where he carries a bible everywhere, does the bible studies, BELIEVES IN GOD, would make me assume he is a christian.

So you beleive that if one carries a Bible around everywhere, studys it, and beleives in God, he is a christian? That is you beleif, correct?
This thread is nothing but ignorance. The idea is ignorant and based on superstition, fear (homophobia) hatred.

Traditional family values is a farce. Humans are not wired for monogamy. We always have and always will screw ourselves up.

The traditional family is under attack because of lust and avarice which is in turn effecting society. It has nothing to do with gay people. They are just a minority making a lot of noise because they are being discriminated against. The more you discriminate against them the more you'll hear from them.

Wake up and stop being so stupid.