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Temporal Salvation?

When you start talking subjunctive verbs and aorist moods, etc..., you are no longer speaking to the common man.
You are having a conversion with intellects which in the end proves nothing.
You'd be much better off standing out in the street yelling "Jesus saves".
I'm pretty common. I think if a person is really interested in their Bible study, they would look things like this up and be happy to look up Greek words, meanings, parsing of verbs, etc. I see it as part of the growing process of the Christian going from 'milk to meat'.
Are you still promoting another Gospel, other than the Gospel of Jesus Christ?

What point are you trying to make?


Nobody at this Site or any of the other numerous sites that I have participated in has stressed the Overwhelming importance of Believing and RESTING in Paul’s Gospel ( yeah , look it up )— the One Given to Him by Jesus personally ......That Gospel That Jesus Promises to Save you By is this and nothing else ( I Cor15:1-4 )........ “ Christ died for your sins and rose from the grave”
That is the Only Gospel you will ever hear me’s practically everything....
Rest in it and be saved.....Add to it and “ Fall from Grace”.....Pervert this Gospel by Preaching that it is Essential but not quite “ adequate” for Salvation and go to Hell ( If one teaches a different Gospel , let him be Accursed , wrote Paul — Damned forever by God ) .....When we stand before God , He will judge us by our reaction to this Gospel . ( Paul said that “We shall All be Judged by MY GOSPEL , once again, you can look it up )

What “ Point” am I trying to make? This one.REST in the Gospel Found In 1 Cor15:1-4 or God will declare you Guilty Of “ Disobedience and UNbelief”.....VERY Serious stuff ( check out Heb 3 and 4 ) .Are we Resting in the Gospel Plus Nothing for our Salvation as commanded or are we doing the opposite —- Worrying about whether we are Saved or not , keeping one foot in Grace and the other one in Law just for a little “ Insurance”.
Sooner or later, God will test your Faith just like he did the Ancient Jews at Kadesh -Barnea.Will you take God at His Word ? Will you “ Let go and let God” and Trust the Gospel to not only be “ Essential” for your Salvation, but Fully “Adequate” For That Salvation ......or are you REALLY Trusting in your Performance, essentially trying to be “ Co-Savior”...... Are you among those who don’t fully believe in “ Nothing But The Blood” For your Salvation? With you, is it True That what you REALLY Believe is “ Jesus Saves......B U T !”...... Here is the Gist and the Truth Of The Gospel—— Jesus ALONE Saves! If you add to it with ANYTHING, you don’t really Believe it , and you most certainly ain’t RESTING in it are in BIG trouble....
What “ Point” am I trying to make? This one.REST in the Gospel Found In 1 Cor15:1-4 or God will declare you Guilty Of “ Disobedience and UNbelief”.....VERY Serious stuff ( check out Heb 3 and 4 ) .Are we Resting in the Gospel Plus Nothing for our Salvation as commanded or are we doing the opposite —- Worrying about whether we are Saved or not , keeping one foot in Grace and the other one in Law just for a little “ Insurance”.
I absolutely understand the point you are making. Let Christ do his thing in us. If we have the Holy Spirit in us, then the Holy Spirit is doing God's will.

The disconnect between believers is the revelation each one of us has been given. I think that there could be believers out there that received the Holy Spirit instantly when they heard about Jesus and what happened to him. I think they probably are walking around like infants in Christ without scripture......they kind of are stuck in that infancy. Then there are those of us who dive deep into scripture and we can mature into deeper truths.

Like I said, the disconnect is the revelation part. I understand where you are in the process and I understand where other people are in the process. Scripture will get each individual to where they will be. Maybe this is why Paul said this....

1 Corinthians 4:6-7 "Do not go beyond what is written" Then you will not take pride in one man over against another. For who makes you different than anyone else? What do you have that you did not receive?
It is you that believes in willful sin and that we do not need to be obedient to God's commands.
If this is still your opinion after all the Posts that I have submitted,there is no sense in continuing this debate......for you, it is a waste of time .....for me, I am not is time to
“Shake the dust off my feet” and move on.I only post here for the benefit of Newbies ....I use all of those “Accusers Of The Brethren” as Spring Boards to get the Truth Of Paul’s Gospel Of Grace Plus Nothing out there for those with “ears to hear” .
I think we've been hearing you quite accurately. ?
99% of Sins are “ Willful”......Serious thinkers can see that and acknowledge it and thank God that Grace trumps Sins.....always....
Nobody at this Site or any of the other numerous sites that I have participated in has stressed the Overwhelming importance of Believing and RESTING in Paul’s Gospel ( yeah , look it up )—

Ive asked you many times to provide the scripture that teaches about “resting in Paul’s Gospel of grace”.

No looking up something that doesn’t exist.

I absolutely understand the point you are making. Let Christ do his thing in us. If we have the Holy Spirit in us, then the Holy Spirit is doing God's will.

The disconnect between believers is the revelation each one of us has been given. I think that there could be believers out there that received the Holy Spirit instantly when they heard about Jesus and what happened to him. I think they probably are walking around like infants in Christ without scripture......they kind of are stuck in that infancy. Then there are those of us who dive deep into scripture and we can mature into deeper truths.

Like I said, the disconnect is the revelation part. I understand where you are in the process and I understand where other people are in the process. Scripture will get each individual to where they will be. Maybe this is why Paul said this....

1 Corinthians 4:6-7 "Do not go beyond what is written" Then you will not take pride in one man over against another. For who makes you different than anyone else? What do you have that you did not receive?

Does the Holy Spirit do the believing or obeying for us?
If this is still your opinion after all the Posts that I have submitted,there is no sense in continuing this debate......for you, it is a waste of time .....for me, I am not is time to
“Shake the dust off my feet” and move on.I only post here for the benefit of Newbies ....I use all of those “Accusers Of The Brethren” as Spring Boards to get the Truth Of Paul’s Gospel Of Grace Plus Nothing out there for those with “ears to hear” . I sincerely desire that they learn how to REST in the Gospel —the Finished Work Of The Cross, lest God damn them for their “ Unbelief”.........Read Hebrews 3 and 4.....
What one does with the Gospel Of 1Cor 15 : 1-4 will determine you life here on Earth AND it is what God is going to JUDGE you by, Come Judgement Day.....Pray to your Father that He show you Mercy and allow you understand what it means to Rest in His Gospel.....If you are not” Resting”, you are “ Working”.....God won’t have it.....and your Eternity is at stake.....

Galatians 1:6 I marvel that ye are so soon removed from him that called you into the grace of Christ unto another gospel:
Galatians 1:7 Which is not another; but there be some that trouble you, and would pervert the gospel of Christ.
Galatians 1:8 But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed.
Galatians 1:9 As we said before, so say I now again, If any man preach any other gospel unto you than that ye have received, let him be accursed.
Galatians 1:10 For do I now persuade men, or God? or do I seek to please men? for if I yet pleased men, I should not be the servant of Christ.

Hebrews 10:26 For if we sin wilfully after that we have received the knowledge of the truth, there remaineth no more sacrifice for sins,
Hebrews 10:27 But a certain fearful looking for of judgment and fiery indignation, which shall devour the adversaries.

@Blood Bought1953 it is sad you will not accept the word of God as you have been blinded by the deceitful teachings of Hyper-Grace that teaches you can sin all you want as God has already forgiven you your sins. You go right ahead and sin willy nilly with giving no thought of repentance being disobedient to God's commands. For this God has already judged you in your willful sin and will devour you (His word, not mine). None of us are without our own faults, but now we have an intercessor being Christ Jesus who sits at the right hand of God making intercession for us before the Father as repentance is made before Him when we fall at times.

Romans 3:23 for all have sinned and come short of the glory of God

1 John 1:8 If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us.
1 John 1:9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
1 John 1:10 If we say that we have not sinned, we make him a liar, and his word is not in us.

REPENT - change, transform, transfigure, reconsider
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Nobody at this Site or any of the other numerous sites that I have participated in has stressed the Overwhelming importance of Believing and RESTING in Paul’s Gospel ( yeah , look it up )— the One Given to Him by Jesus personally ......That Gospel That Jesus Promises to Save you By is this and nothing else ( I Cor15:1-4 )........ “ Christ died for your sins and rose from the grave”
That is the Only Gospel you will ever hear me’s practically everything....
Rest in it and be saved.....Add to it and “ Fall from Grace”.....Pervert this Gospel by Preaching that it is Essential but not quite “ adequate” for Salvation and go to Hell ( If one teaches a different Gospel , let him be Accursed , wrote Paul — Damned forever by God ) .....When we stand before God , He will judge us by our reaction to this Gospel . ( Paul said that “We shall All be Judged by MY GOSPEL , once again, you can look it up )

What “ Point” am I trying to make? This one.REST in the Gospel Found In 1 Cor15:1-4 or God will declare you Guilty Of “ Disobedience and UNbelief”.....VERY Serious stuff ( check out Heb 3 and 4 ) .Are we Resting in the Gospel Plus Nothing for our Salvation as commanded or are we doing the opposite —- Worrying about whether we are Saved or not , keeping one foot in Grace and the other one in Law just for a little “ Insurance”.
Sooner or later, God will test your Faith just like he did the Ancient Jews at Kadesh -Barnea.Will you take God at His Word ? Will you “ Let go and let God” and Trust the Gospel to not only be “ Essential” for your Salvation, but Fully “Adequate” For That Salvation ......or are you REALLY Trusting in your Performance, essentially trying to be “ Co-Savior”...... Are you among those who don’t fully believe in “ Nothing But The Blood” For your Salvation? With you, is it True That what you REALLY Believe is “ Jesus Saves......B U T !”...... Here is the Gist and the Truth Of The Gospel—— Jesus ALONE Saves! If you add to it with ANYTHING, you don’t really Believe it , and you most certainly ain’t RESTING in it are in BIG trouble....

You have been taught a lie straight from the devil that when we sin it's no big deal as we are covered by the blood of Jesus and we no longer have to repent for our sins. How can you refute the word of God.

1 John 3:8 He that committeth sin is of the devil; for the devil sinneth from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that he might destroy the works of the devil.
1 John 3:9 Whosoever is born of God doth not commit sin; for his seed remaineth in him: and he cannot sin, because he is born of God.
1 John 3:10 In this the children of God are manifest, and the children of the devil: whosoever doeth not righteousness is not of God, neither he that loveth not his brother.

Our rest in the Lord is that profound peace that God gives to those who love and obey Him regardless of circumstances that surround us. It's a rest that calms your fears and gives you a sense of stability to face the future with confidence regardless of what trails or tribulations you will face in this world that when Christ returns we have run a good race for the prize of resting in the Lord for eternity as then our work is finished here on earth, Hebrews 4:1-13.
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Ive asked you many times to provide the scripture that teaches about “resting in Paul’s Gospel of grace”.

No looking up something that doesn’t exist.


The “ Stiff-Necked” think “ Resting in the Gospel” is something made up......You would think that those who “ Salivate” For Rules and Commands would take the Command given by God in Heb 3 and 4 and put it at the head of the-line! We are all “ Commanded” to Rest in the Gospel as the Ancient Jews were ordered to “ take the Land”
Those that REFUSED to Trust God and Trusted in the Spies who said they could not enter the Promised Land because of the “ Giants” ( God Must have missed that) were Guilty Of “ Disobedience and UNBELIEF......”
Wanna see the Modern Day equivalent of those that were “ afraid” to Trust God and Enter the Land Of Rest ? God spelled it out in Hebrews.....And He is TESTING “ Your” Faith just like He Tested theirs ....Here is how....
Had the Jews simply Trusted the God that miraculously delivered them from Egypt —- had they BElEIVED God and Trusted Him to Keep His Word, and let HIM Drive Out the Occupiers Of The Land with Hornets and “ they” would not have to do ONE SINGLE THING......They would have “ had it made” for the Remainder of their Lives....all that was left for them to do was to REST in all that had been done “ For” them by the previous Occupiers....The Sad Reality for the Jews was this—- No Faith =No Rest. Their lack of Faith cost them.....they had their chance and blew it....they all died premature deaths in an unforgiving , miserable desert......
God today is holding out a Promise for His People— Trust in His Saving Gospel Of Grace Plus Nothing and their is a “ REST” for YOU! The Gospel revealed in 1Cor15:1-4 is a Promise that makes Christianity Unique among ALL “ religions”——- It is “ what God has done for man, NOT what Man does for God”. God does not want His Children to constantly “ fuss and fret” and constantly worry about a Performance that they think will make God Happy and allow them to enter Heaven.....God is STILL looking for that thing the Jews would not give Him—- Trust. If one Starts “Trusting” to be Saved and abandons working or “Trying” to be Saved and puts his Faith In Nothing But The Blood ( The Essenes Of the Gospel ) , God has a life of peace and joy and Rest just lying out there— waiting to be grabbed!
Our Test is this —- will we muster up the Courage and the Faith to take God at His Word and obtain the Abundant Life that comes with seeing that the Gospel is not only Essential for Salvation but ADEQUATE ON IT’S OWN for Salvation......or will we insist on not really Believing in it .....we must Add to the Gospel with something that “ we” do to obtain and keep our Salvation.....
The choice is a life where “ we have it made” by Stepping Out in Faith and Resting in the Gospel Promise or do we show UNBELIEF by doubting that the Gospel Alone is enough to get the Job done......The Ancient Jews paid a terrible price for doubting God ( some say it damned them after they lived their Wretched lives in the desert) Doubt God by refusing to REST in His Promise Of the “ Good News” and you will pay a price also......Hebrews 3 shows that God considers the refusal to obey His Command to Rest in the Gospel an Act Of “ UNBELIEF”.....the biggest Fool at this Site knows the Fate Of “ UNBELIEVERS” and it Sure isn’t pretty .....I live a life of Joy and Peace that is almost beyond comprehension ! By the Grace Of God, I have Passed His Test Of Faith—- I Rest in the Gospel and “ Nothing But The Blood Of Jesus for my Salvation, how about you? God bless.....
The “ Stiff-Necked” think “ Resting in the Gospel” is something made up....

Christ is our rest and peace.

Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.”
Matthew 11:28-30

We will enter His rest when He returns and removes our enemies.

  • and to give you who are troubled rest with us when the Lord Jesus is revealed from heaven with His mighty angels,

since it is a righteous thing with God to repay with tribulation those who trouble you, and to give you who are troubled rest with us when the Lord Jesus is revealed from heaven with His mighty angels, in flaming fire taking vengeance on those who do not know God, and on those who do not obey the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. 2 Thessalonians 1:6-8

This is the rest to come. The 7th prophetic day.
The 1000 years we will reign with Christ.

The “ Stiff-Necked” think “ Resting in the Gospel” is something made up.....

The stiff necked have no scripture to back up their man made doctrine of “resting in Paul’s Gospel of grace“.

I have asked repeatedly with no such scripture.

The reason you don’t post the scripture is there is no such scripture.

The Greek word that the Bible Scholars translated as “ repent” is “ metanoia”...... it literally means

It literally means turn to God.

If a person is called to turn to God, then they are called to turn away from Satan as their lord.

The way we obey the Gospel command repent, is to confess with our mouth Jesus as Lord.

  • if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.

that if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart one believes unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.
Romans 10:9-10

You have been taught a lie straight from the devil that when we sin it's no big deal as we are covered by the blood of Jesus and we no longer have to repent for our sins. How can you refute the word of God.

YOU are the one doing the lying by putting false words in my mouth......Sinning IS a “ Big Deal” .
Why is that? Sinning cost God His Son . Sinning cost His Son His Life. I hope that is a “Big Enough Deal” for you and the others here who are like you.....just TERRIFIED that somebody’s gonna “ Sin” and “ get away with it”..... assured.....nobody can do wrong “ and get by”...
You seem to be offended that the Blood Of Christ covers our sins.....I suspect that it makes you Livid that “ Where Sin abounds, Grace abounds that much more. I need all the Grace that I can do you , and so does everybody in this place .....some just lack the Self-Insight and honesty to admit it....
I’ll repeat this for the 50th time—- I hate Sin.I feel terrible just by stepping on a worm.Sinning for me since I became “ A New Creation” because I actually Believe the Gospel That maintains that “ Jesus died for my Sins” has all the appeal of a Drano enema or sticking my hand in a fire.....we should all hate sin , but if all we ever DO is to think about sin and it’s awfullness, it reveals us to be “SIN” Conscience as opposed to being “SON” Conscience .....I am so impressed by what Jesus did it just seems that I don’t have enough time these days to get all bent out of shape for things that God has “ Forgotten”.....
So let’s sum it up....Sin ? Bad...... Obedience? Good. The former ( sin) does not send one to Hell, Unbelief is what causes that and a Sinning Christian gets punished here on Earth for his own good....It’s part of God’s Sanctification Program— to Turn a Believer into the Image Of His Son........The latter , ( Obedience ) does not Save......Believing that Jesus walked out of that tomb in a Resurrected Body after he died for your sins is what accomplishes That.Obedience to God will get you this lifetime AND the next....
As far as “repentance” goes ......that word means “ mind change”..... nothing more and nothing less...... If one changes his mind from NOT trusting in Jesus Plus nothing to be Saved , to actually Believing that Jesus was who He said He was——God’s Son and YOUR Savior .....that person has undergone the only Repentance that plays a part in his Salvation.Once Saved, there is a sorrow and guilt for sin that comes naturally to one that has been rescued from the Eternal Consequences Of Sin, by putting his Faith in Jesus.......Sorrow and guilt will probably play a part in your Initial Salvation Experience , But Judas was the King Of THIS type of “ repentance” and we know where he is today , don’t we? God wants us to Repent and Turn to “HIM”.....Judas “ repented” But did not Turn to God— he turned to a Hangman’s Noose..... “Turn to God , with Faith in Jesus Christ”...... that is the Way Of Salvation......Grab a KJV and show me where it says that one must “ Repent Of Sins to be Saved “ and i’ll Give you $1000 dollars....It ain’t in there ......God Bless......
Grab a KJV and show me where it says that one must “ Repent Of Sins to be Saved “ and i’ll Give you $1000 dollars....It ain’t in there ......God Bless......

Repent is the command of the Gospel.

It’s the call to turn away from Satan as your lord in which you turn to Jesus as your Lord; The Lord you are called to submit to and obey.

Grab a KJV and show me where it says that one must “ Repent Of Sins to be Saved “ and i’ll Give you $1000 dollars....It ain’t in there
You keep saying this.
I'm sure you know about this verse. I'm guessing you think this doesn't apply to us for some reason.

"Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins" - Acts 2:38

Can't wait to hear your explanation of why this doesn't apply to us.

There is no forgiveness of sin without repentance.
Not just mental repentance, but repentance from wicked deeds of the flesh (Hebrews 6:1).
YOU are the one doing the lying by putting false words in my mouth......Sinning IS a “ Big Deal” .
Why is that? Sinning cost God His Son . Sinning cost His Son His Life. I hope that is a “Big Enough Deal” for you and the others here who are like you.....just TERRIFIED that somebody’s gonna “ Sin” and “ get away with it”..... assured.....nobody can do wrong “ and get by”...
You seem to be offended that the Blood Of Christ covers our sins.....I suspect that it makes you Livid that “ Where Sin abounds, Grace abounds that much more. I need all the Grace that I can do you , and so does everybody in this place .....some just lack the Self-Insight and honesty to admit it....
I’ll repeat this for the 50th time—- I hate Sin.I feel terrible just by stepping on a worm.Sinning for me since I became “ A New Creation” because I actually Believe the Gospel That maintains that “ Jesus died for my Sins” has all the appeal of a Drano enema or sticking my hand in a fire.....we should all hate sin , but if all we ever DO is to think about sin and it’s awfullness, it reveals us to be “SIN” Conscience as opposed to being “SON” Conscience .....I am so impressed by what Jesus did it just seems that I don’t have enough time these days to get all bent out of shape for things that God has “ Forgotten”.....
So let’s sum it up....Sin ? Bad...... Obedience? Good. The former ( sin) does not send one to Hell, Unbelief is what causes that and a Sinning Christian gets punished here on Earth for his own good....It’s part of God’s Sanctification Program— to Turn a Believer into the Image Of His Son........The latter , ( Obedience ) does not Save......Believing that Jesus walked out of that tomb in a Resurrected Body after he died for your sins is what accomplishes That.Obedience to God will get you this lifetime AND the next....
As far as “repentance” goes ......that word means “ mind change”..... nothing more and nothing less...... If one changes his mind from NOT trusting in Jesus Plus nothing to be Saved , to actually Believing that Jesus was who He said He was——God’s Son and YOUR Savior .....that person has undergone the only Repentance that plays a part in his Salvation.Once Saved, there is a sorrow and guilt for sin that comes naturally to one that has been rescued from the Eternal Consequences Of Sin, by putting his Faith in Jesus.......Sorrow and guilt will probably play a part in your Initial Salvation Experience , But Judas was the King Of THIS type of “ repentance” and we know where he is today , don’t we? God wants us to Repent and Turn to “HIM”.....Judas “ repented” But did not Turn to God— he turned to a Hangman’s Noose..... “Turn to God , with Faith in Jesus Christ”...... that is the Way Of Salvation......Grab a KJV and show me where it says that one must “ Repent Of Sins to be Saved “ and i’ll Give you $1000 dollars....It ain’t in there ......God Bless......

This is a list of what you have been promoting all through this thread trying to promote the heresies of Hyper-Grace. Please give the scriptures for these points.

* You do not need to confess your sins any longer to God because 1 John 1:9 is not written to Christians

* Jesus Christ or the Holy Spirit does not come to convict you of sin

* The idea that the Holy Spirit comes to convict you of sin is a grotesque misrepresentation of repentance and that it was heathenish

* Jesus Christ or the Holy Spirit will not make you feel guilt, shame nor rebuke you about your sin

* You do not or cannot grieve the Holy Spirit when you sin

*Jesus Christ plus nothing equals everything, as you do not need to do anything to please God

* You do not need to fear God, as God is completely pleased with you because of what Jesus did on the cross

* God is not moved by anything you do, good or bad

* Jesus did not die to mortify your behavior so don't be to conscientious about sin

* Prayers for forgiveness and praying for salvation of loved ones are a waste of time because God has already saved the world. Forgiveness is not something God does, it's something He's already done.

* A repentant life is not necessary because you were forgiven when you believed in Christ

* You will not receive any extra blessings by being obedient to God

* Under this new divine revelation of grace you are free to sin because you are a saint

* Humility is considered debasement and a teaching of weakness

* Giving assurance to unrepentant sinners that they are eternally secure

You go from Christian Forums to Forums preying on those who are yet without much understanding teaching them these heresies of Hyper-Grace as you already have admitted doing so. It is you who will be held accountable before the Lord in His judgement for what you are teaching others. You refute any scripture given to you as you even refuse to give us scripture to support the things you are teaching. Satan has blinded you into believing a feel good false gospel that you are now teaching from and those of us here that are more mature in the word of God will not be duped by you and have been trying to get you to see the errors of what you teach. I know you have a heart for the Lord, but you really need to listen to what He has already taught.
This is a list of what you have been promoting all through this thread trying to promote the heresies of Hyper-Grace. Please give the scriptures for these points.

* You do not need to confess your sins any longer to God because 1 John 1:9 is not written to Christians

* Jesus Christ or the Holy Spirit does not come to convict you of sin

* The idea that the Holy Spirit comes to convict you of sin is a grotesque misrepresentation of repentance and that it was heathenish

* Jesus Christ or the Holy Spirit will not make you feel guilt, shame nor rebuke you about your sin

* You do not or cannot grieve the Holy Spirit when you sin

*Jesus Christ plus nothing equals everything, as you do not need to do anything to please God

* You do not need to fear God, as God is completely pleased with you because of what Jesus did on the cross

* God is not moved by anything you do, good or bad

* Jesus did not die to mortify your behavior so don't be to conscientious about sin

* Prayers for forgiveness and praying for salvation of loved ones are a waste of time because God has already saved the world. Forgiveness is not something God does, it's something He's already done.

* A repentant life is not necessary because you were forgiven when you believed in Christ

* You will not receive any extra blessings by being obedient to God

* Under this new divine revelation of grace you are free to sin because you are a saint

* Humility is considered debasement and a teaching of weakness

* Giving assurance to unrepentant sinners that they are eternally secure

You go from Christian Forums to Forums preying on those who are yet without much understanding teaching them these heresies of Hyper-Grace as you already have admitted doing so. It is you who will be held accountable before the Lord in His judgement for what you are teaching others. You refute any scripture given to you as you even refuse to give us scripture to support the things you are teaching. Satan has blinded you into believing a feel good false gospel that you are now teaching from and those of us here that are more mature in the word of God will not be duped by you and have been trying to get you to see the errors of what you teach. I know you have a heart for the Lord, but you really need to listen to what He has already taught.

IF these are in fact his teachings, I just don’t see how we can allow him to continue to promote these heresies among the community here.
