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[_ Old Earth _] The Amazing Discovery of DNA


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The more scientists learn about the basic building blocks of our universe, the more convinced they become that a Designer planned it all. Some still stubbornly hold to the Darwinian theory of natural selection, but Dr. Francis Crick, discoverer of the double-helix DNA has concluded that the human genome is so complicated, it could not have merely come into existence accidentally. Of course, being a lifelong advocate of evolution, he cannot bring himself to think in terms of “God” so he set forth the “Panspermia” theory that some space voyagers seeded our planet with its various life forms.

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It is already considered basic scientific fact that we know that DNA could not have been produced by material causes. Atheists and evolutionists will go as far to claim that the missing link is from aliens who created us. All in a days work of denying the true God. :screwloose
It is already considered basic scientific fact that we know that DNA could not have been produced by material causes. Atheists and evolutionists will go as far to claim that the missing link is from aliens who created us. All in a days work of denying the true God.

That is called Panspermia or the Ancient Astronaut Theory. It is related to evolution in that evolutionists who believe that would say that the aliens or ancient gods when they arrive they will impart knowledge and they will take mankind to the next phase of mankinds evolution. Currently mankind has two strand DNA, transhumanists and those in the UFO beliefs believe that one day mankind will have three strand DNA making a human more advanced in knowledge and allowing the human to see into the spiritual realm, able to see and feel demons, aliens and have magic powers. As an atheist may say about DNA we do not know everything yet, yet when will they know everything?
That is called Panspermia or the Ancient Astronaut Theory. It is related to evolution in that evolutionists who believe that would say that the aliens or ancient gods when they arrive they will impart knowledge and they will take mankind to the next phase of mankinds evolution. Currently mankind has two strand DNA, transhumanists and those in the UFO beliefs believe that one day mankind will have three strand DNA making a human more advanced in knowledge and allowing the human to see into the spiritual realm, able to see and feel demons, aliens and have magic powers. As an atheist may say about DNA we do not know everything yet, yet when will they know everything?
Sounds like a cheesy movie that was made in the 90s and then turned into an HBO series, which promptly got canceled, and then got bought out by Sci-Fi and produced by them for a little over a decade. In that decade it would have spawned two off shoot series and a half dozen movies... :lol

I'm sorry but how can you take someone seriously who goes:

"There is no God... However we evolved from aliens that ditched us here on earth and they will one day return to make our DNA 1.5 times more awesome!"

Sounds like someone needs get back on their meds!
That is called Panspermia or the Ancient Astronaut Theory. It is related to evolution in that evolutionists who believe that would say that the aliens or ancient gods when they arrive they will impart knowledge and they will take mankind to the next phase of mankinds evolution. Currently mankind has two strand DNA, transhumanists and those in the UFO beliefs believe that one day mankind will have three strand DNA making a human more advanced in knowledge and allowing the human to see into the spiritual realm, able to see and feel demons, aliens and have magic powers. As an atheist may say about DNA we do not know everything yet, yet when will they know everything?
no the toe presume life is, you need to read up what the theory does are thinking of the theory of abiogenesis.

this will sound like the naturalistic scientists and i'm not in that group but. does the origin of the atoms have anything to do with the atomic theory?or the origins of life have to do with the toe.or cell theory and germ theory.

please, learn and read up what these theories do say.
Panspermia basically entails that life could have came to earth on a meteorite or comet. You notice how many new ''alien'' movies and ''UFO'' sightings there has been over the last decade? Well, I strongly believe that they're bracing people for this big deception. The demons will appear here and claim to be our alien creators. And suddenly the evolutionists will think that they have found the missing link.
Panspermia basically entails that life could have came to earth on a meteorite or comet. You notice how many new ''alien'' movies and ''UFO'' sightings there has been over the last decade? Well, I strongly believe that they're bracing people for this big deception. The demons will appear here and claim to be our alien creators. And suddenly the evolutionists will think that they have found the missing link.

This is part of the strong delusion mentioned in Scripture, that God will send to those that reject Jesus Christ.

Isaiah 66:
4 I also will choose their delusions, and will bring their fears upon them; because when I called, none did answer; when I spake, they did not hear: but they did evil before mine eyes, and chose that in which I delighted not.

2 Thessalonians 2:
7 For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who now letteth will let, until he be taken out of the way.
8 And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming:
9 Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders,
10 And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.
11 And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:
12 That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.
13 But we are bound to give thanks alway to God for you, brethren beloved of the Lord, because God hath from the beginning chosen you to salvation through sanctification of the Spirit and belief of the truth:
14 Whereunto he called you by our gospel, to the obtaining of the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ.

I have also read that peoples DNA can be altered or damaged using terahertz radiation such is currently being used in Airports in the form of naked body scanners. But that is hard to believe since people would notice changes if that was so. But what if there is technology that could change your DNA. You would lose what God placed in you and instead be slave to some scientist who could manipulate you at his own will. It could be that these alien demons know how to change or alter or destroy human DNA but i think they would still be scared of real Christians. Perhaps that is why they haven't gone public yet, at the moment there are too many Christians to contend with.
the sun modifies our dna:lol its called skin cancer. and i'm at risk for that. uva uvb radiation from tanning puts more radiation in your body then any x ray dosage.

satan uses half truth, on a small scale(NOTE)evolution and the way stars form planetsand planets as well is happening.
the sun modifies our dna its called skin cancer. and i'm at risk for that. uva uvb radiation from tanning puts more radiation in your body then any x ray dosage.

i wouldn't say that solar radiation and xray radiation are the same thing. Xray radiation can be just as dangerous as uva and uvb. Have you ever noticed the warning signs?
i wouldn't say that solar radiation and xray radiation are the same thing. Xray radiation can be just as dangerous as uva and uvb. Have you ever noticed the warning signs?
uva and uvb are far worse. remember not even spf protects you from that. it merely reduces the damage. a tan is a reaction to that damage. x ray while more intense in burst isnt always there. remember low intensity radiation over time is bad.

the later is what gets you. besides you have a lead vest on that protects you and x rays are focused on a part of the body.
Good afternoon everyone[smile].

You all did not take heed of the advice Jasoncran gave you within his post#6.

I am not bothered by your ignorance and dark fantasies in regards to The Theory of Evolution and what evolutionists and Atheists believe, however, I do believe that if you are going to disagree with something or someone then you should at least go through the trouble of learning and understanding exactly what it is that you are disagreeing with. In doing so, you may realize that your fears and alleged enemies are but the creations of your own imagination.
If anyone is interested, I would be glad to explain how pyrimidine dimers are created in our DNA by UV (wavelength around 260nm). But what is most interesting is how we repair the DNA bases: Photoreactivation and Alkyltransferases----this mechanism ( "tanning process- production of melanine) Has God written all over it! Biochemistry is my specialty and Christ is my salvation,...I dont live in a box!
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Panspermia flies in the face of logic. If the origin of life on earth was caused by aliens then what is the origin of those aliens? More aliens? That leads to an infinite regression which is no more possible than a two-sided triangle.
Uh I got a book that asserts the same thing. Don't know what it's called off the top of my head. Its pretty scientific, written by some guy with a PhD in microbiology. Jam packed full of science junk that goes so far over my head it needs FAA clearance. The guy's premise is that DNA cannot possibility be something created by nature and that DNA must have been created by some advanced being. He concludes that the advanced being is in fact the Christian God, however he is very careful to leave it open to speculation about what exactly the advanced being is, as he wrote it as a scientist and not as a Christian.
I'll do some snooping and try to figure it out for you. I also know of another book that is just as good. I have it right here. It's called "The Cell's Design" by Fazale Rana. It is actually a far better book for a Christian than the one noted above. The one above is written by a guy who is Christian but you get the sense that he could just as easily be a Buddhist or a Muslim or a Panspermanian...

"The Cell's Design" goes and uses scripture and tries to be not just a work of science (which it totally is, judging by how little of it I understood), but an apologetic work that can be used to witness to others. Plus it doesn't just talk about DNA it talks about loads of stuff in cells.

I never read it all because the science stuff puts me to sleep but its written so that you can skip around the snooze fest.

*I am not good with science, beyond the general stuff. The only reason I passed AP Chem was because half of the answers where located in the back of the book...*


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