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The Rapture of the Church ( 1 Thess. 4:13-18).


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The word rapture ( caught up physically and in ecstacy) has come into popular use today to refer to the Lord Jesus coming for His bride ( the church), to lift her up into the heavens ( v. 17). It comes from the word rapio in the Latin Bible's translation of this verse. One raptured is lifted in Love.

THe fact that the apostle refers to the believers who have died as those who sleep in Jesus ( v. 14) is a powerful consolation to those who have buried Christian loved ones. They will be with Jesus when He returns a second time.

Note that here Christ comes for His church; At Armageddon Christ comes with His church ( Rev. 19:14).

There will be a shout. For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of an archangel ( v. 16). This angel is believed to be Gabriel. His shout will awaken the dead in Christ. The sea and the earth will give up the bodies that will be raised and glorified ( John 5:25).

The trumpet of God will sound ( v. 16). This should not be coupled with the blowing of the trumpets of Rev. 8, 9, 11. Paul calls this the last trumpet in ( 1 Cor. 15:52-54), referring to the Roman army's practice of leaving a camp by three trumpet calls. Figuratively speaking, the first signaled the get ready; the second, load up; and the last trumpet was move out.

The dead in Christ will rise first ( v. 16). When He comes, Jesus will bring souls and spirits of the dead in Christ with Him, and they will enter into their new incorruptible, resurrected, glorified bodies ( 1 Cor. 15:52-54).

The rest of the dead ( the lost unbelievers) are not raised until the thousand-year ( millenial period is over ( Rev. 20:5).

Then the living believers will be caught-up ( v. 17).

Paul calls it a mystery ( a secret revealed to believers) that there will be a generation of Christians yet alive when Christ comes for His bride.

The transformed living believers will join the dead in Christ who have been raised first ( vv. 16, 17). If Christ could physically ascend into the clouds, as He did ( Acts 1:9), then believers can als
o; and they will, by the power of the Creator, who can override His own physical laws at will.

Together His Bride will meet the Lord in the air ( v. 17). That they are caught up in the clouds ( v. 17) may suggest that under cover of the earthly clouds, they will be transported as Jesus was at His ascension ( Acts 1:9) to that other dimension, heaven where God dwells in the many mansions of which Jesus spoke ( John 14:2). Others believe these are clouds of angels or saints.

May God bless, Golfjack
golfjack said:
THe fact that the apostle refers to the believers who have died as those who sleep in Jesus ( v. 14) is a powerful consolation to those who have buried Christian loved ones. They will be with Jesus when He returns a second time.

Or more likely, it is powerful evidence of the fact that when Christ returns those that are dead and buried in the earth who were believers in Jesus Christ will be raised into everlasting life.

In that we already have strong and indisputable Biblical evidence of the resurrection of faithful belivers and saints (Matthew 27:50-53) it is hard to dispute that Paul is speaking of anything other than the second coming of the Lord.

Note that here Christ comes for His church; At Armageddon Christ comes with His church ( Rev. 19:14).

It can only be considered speculative that the armies mentioned here are the dead. Most likely these are the angels that will come with Christ. (Matthew 13:30)

There will be a shout. For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of an archangel ( v. 16). This angel is believed to be Gabriel. His shout will awaken the dead in Christ. The sea and the earth will give up the bodies that will be raised and glorified ( John 5:25).

Here is a classic example of the inconsistencies and complete and utter confusion that the "secret rapture" doctrine teaches. In just a few paragraphs earlier we are told that these same risen dead come back with Christ, here we are told they are awakened by the angels trump.

They dead in Christ arise at his second coming. His second coming will be loud, noisy, sudden, and glorious.

The trumpet of God will sound ( v. 16). This should not be coupled with the blowing of the trumpets of Rev. 8, 9, 11. Paul calls this the last trumpet in ( 1 Cor. 15:52-54), referring to the Roman army's practice of leaving a camp by three trumpet calls. Figuratively speaking, the first signaled the get ready; the second, load up; and the last trumpet was move out.

However it should be noted that Christ is not coming for the Roman army, He is coming for His Bride (The Church) and many, many warnings about His second coming have been told to people.

The dead in Christ will rise first ( v. 16). When He comes, Jesus will bring souls and spirits of the dead in Christ with Him, and they will enter into their new incorruptible, resurrected, glorified bodies ( 1 Cor. 15:52-54).

Again, more inconsistencies.

Seriously, what would be the purpose of leaving Heaven to come to earth to receive a glorified body? If these dead believers were already in heaven wouldn't it make better sense to grab your glorified body there, from the source, instead of returning to a corupted earth to receive it?

The rest of the dead ( the lost unbelievers) are not raised until the thousand-year ( millenial period is over ( Rev. 20:5).

Glad to see at least a few of the proper Biblical teachings are taught by this false doctrine.

Then the living believers will be caught-up ( v. 17).

Transformed, in the twinkling of an eye.

Paul calls it a mystery ( a secret revealed to believers) that there will be a generation of Christians yet alive when Christ comes for His bride.

I think Paul also talks about ther mystery of iniquity that teaches such falsehoods. When Christ returns there will be nothing left alive on the face of the earth.

2 Peter 3:10
But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up.

2 Peter 3:11
Seeing then that all these things shall be dissolved, what manner of persons ought ye to be in all holy conversation and godliness,

2 Peter 3:12
Looking for and hasting unto the coming of the day of God, wherein the heavens being on fire shall be dissolved, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat?

Catch that. The heavens themselves will be dissolved and the very elements will melt with fervent heat.

The transformed living believers will join the dead in Christ who have been raised first ( vv. 16, 17). If Christ could physically ascend into the clouds, as He did ( Acts 1:9), then believers can also; and they will, by the power of the Creator, who can override His own physical laws at will.

And when does this happen?

On the "last day."

John 11:24
Martha saith unto him, I know that he shall rise again in the resurrection at the last day.

Together His Bride will meet the Lord in the air ( v. 17). That they are caught up in the clouds ( v. 17) may suggest that under cover of the earthly clouds, they will be transported as Jesus was at His ascension ( Acts 1:9) to that other dimension, heaven where God dwells in the many mansions of which Jesus spoke ( John 14:2). Others believe these are clouds of angels or saints.

There is -zero- indication anywhere in scripture that people will get more than one chance to accept the Lord Jesus Christ and the salvation He offers.

I will just make one comment to you RND. Those who believe that the Church replaces Israel, just don't understand what the Bible teaches. I believe you are a mocker of what is true.

May God bless, Golfjack
Re: reply

golfjack said:
I will just make one comment to you RND. Those who believe that the Church replaces Israel, just don't understand what the Bible teaches. I believe you are a mocker of what is true.

May God bless, Golfjack

I concur golfjack. The Abrahamic promises were for a future people to come from his own seed (physical offspring) that would be a blessing to the world. Sometimes the translation is "seed" in the singular, and sometimes it is plural. Included in the plural promises are that these people would become many nations (nations are political and physical people no matter what kind of song and dance they do, Abraham nor God intended it any other way). These people would have many kings come "from his loins" (said of Jacob) which meant many kings ruling simultaneously, controlling the gates of their enemies (militarily mighty) and so forth.

This is why I embrace a 'British Israelite' perspective. To state that the gospel was entrusted to non-Israelite Gentiles as opposed to God's own chosen flesh and blood (whom many were converted and became the church as well) totally nullifies the whole purpose of the bible and God's (Abrahamic) plan to begin with. God started with a family, and this family was to become a nation of priests to be an example to the world. Later on, Peter calls these Christians (the people he said this to were really part of the house of Israel, the lost tribes) and Holy nation and priesthood because they were once "not my people". He was quoting Hosea said of the Israelites. But now in Christ, they are a people and these physical people embraced Christianity and taught the rest of the non-Israelite Gentile world. The apostle Paul expanded the meaning of Hosea to mean the Gentiles, but in fact, the Israelites (the ten tribes) were Gentiles. Only the Jews retained their identity. Hosea was clearly written to the house of Israel, and Peter was quoting that to Christians who were of that same house.

When people do not understand this, and are only playing with half a deck (and half their wits as well) then all kinds of "spiritual" & church theories evolve. This is not scriptural, but the thinking and theology of man, and unholy an odious result. They twist the apostle Paul's words the way Peter warned in the scriptures.

I have no problem with the church and spiritual aspects. But I also am open-minded enough to understand that physical Israel plays a role as well. I think to some to see BOTH views like I do (instead of a limited one view) totally blows their mind and theology out the window.
Re: reply

golfjack said:
I will just make one comment to you RND. Those who believe that the Church replaces Israel, just don't understand what the Bible teaches. I believe you are a mocker of what is true.

Well, you are certainly entitled to your opinion. Bearing in mind of course that's all it is, your opinion.

Certainly nothing spoken of in the Bible.

Would you at least be willing to open you eyes to the truth?

Who is Israel? Who is the Church?
Re: reply

tim_from_pa said:
The Abrahamic promises were for a future people to come from his own seed (physical offspring) that would be a blessing to the world. Sometimes the translation is "seed" in the singular, and sometimes it is plural. Included in the plural promises are that these people would become many nations (nations are political and physical people no matter what kind of song and dance they do, Abraham nor God intended it any other way). These people would have many kings come "from his loins" (said of Jacob) which meant many kings ruling simultaneously, controlling the gates of their enemies (militarily mighty) and so forth.

Galatians 3:16
Now to Abraham and his seed were the promises made. He saith not, And to seeds, as of many; but as of one, And to thy seed, which is Christ..

Galatians 3:28
There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus.

29 And if ye be Christ's, then are ye Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise.

It is absolutely shocking how clear this is.

To state that the gospel was entrusted to non-Israelite Gentiles as opposed to God's own chosen flesh and blood (whom many were converted and became the church as well) totally nullifies the whole purpose of the bible and God's (Abrahamic) plan to begin with.

Matthew 21:43
Therefore say I unto you, The kingdom of God shall be taken from you, and given to a nation bringing forth the fruits thereof.

Isaiah 62:2
And the Gentiles shall see thy righteousness, and all kings thy glory: and thou shalt be called by a new name, which the mouth of the LORD shall name.

Galatians 3:14
That the blessing of Abraham might come on the Gentiles through Jesus Christ; that we might receive the promise of the Spirit through faith.

I have no problem with the church and spiritual aspects. But I also am open-minded enough to understand that physical Israel plays a role as well.

Anything in scripture you'd like to share?

I think to some to see BOTH views like I do (instead of a limited one view) totally blows their mind and theology out the window.

Actually when I see such falsehoods and falacies I am thankful the Lord has seen fit to give me the ability to understand what is clearly and expressly written.
Your last post and the Scriptures used, makes it so obvious that the Church is now Israel. What I notice about Dispensationalists, is, that simplistic and clear references in the New Testament just do not suffice them, they still want to go back to the shadows (O.T.) and create their scenario's and time lines, and speculate who the antichrist is and discussed the latest fictional novel.Others worry about racial linage, and a rebuilding of a temple, even though if did get rebuilt it would be destroyed at Christ's 2nd Coming (2 Peter 3:10).

I hear voices around here. I addressed you specifically but got replies from elsewhere. Actually, I was not born yesterday. In fact, I believe they are one in the same poster under a different handle because I noticed that a certain one is missing lately, and their tone and style is the same. Let's see.... I'll do the same thing here as before. There's a nice button in the upper right that I used before. There! As quiet as a new muffler. :-D
Bubba said:
Your last post and the Scriptures used, makes it so obvious that the Church is now Israel. What I notice about Dispensationalists, is, that simplistic and clear references in the New Testament just do not suffice them, they still want to go back to the shadows (O.T.) and create their scenario's and time lines, and speculate who the antichrist is and discussed the latest fictional novel.Others worry about racial linage, and a rebuilding of a temple, even though if did get rebuilt it would be destroyed at Christ's 2nd Coming (2 Peter 3:10).

Praise the Lord Bubba! I'm merely repeating what His word so clearly and marvelously says.

It is interesting these "plans" to rebuilt the Temple though. So many who think they are "praying" at the "western wall" as a remnant of the temple have no clue or understanding that Jesus clearly said in Mark 13:

Mark 13:1 And as he went out of the temple, one of his disciples saith unto him, Master, see what manner of stones and what buildings are here! 2 And Jesus answering said unto him, Seest thou these great buildings? there shall not be left one stone upon another, that shall not be thrown down.

So many people are praying to an "idol" rather than simply taking what scriptures clearly say that the Temple was completely and utterly destroyed in 70 A.D. by the Romans.

Here's a link to a web site that clearly describes what "wall" these folks are praying to. Enjoy!:

Josephus Was Not Exaggerating

"It is time for us to realize that it is the modern scholars who are wrong, not the eyewitness accounts of Josephus and Titus. Jerusalem and the Temple were indeed destroyed to the bedrock just as they relate. Regarding this, there are other sections of Josephus’ accounts to show that he was not exaggerating. Josephus was keen on telling his readers that all the walls around Jerusalem were leveled to the ground. Note his observation: "Now the Romans set fire to the extreme parts of the city [the suburbs] and burnt them down, and entirely demolished its [Jerusalem’s] walls" (War VI.9,4.)."
tim_from_pa said:

I hear voices around here. I addressed you specifically but got replies from elsewhere. Actually, I was not born yesterday. In fact, I believe they are one in the same poster under a different handle because I noticed that a certain one is missing lately, and their tone and style is the same. Let's see.... I'll do the same thing here as before. There's a nice button in the upper right that I used before. There! As quiet as a new muffler. :-D

I assure you I do not know RND, though I do agree with the majority of what he writes.
By the way, why do Jews and Christians pray to a wall that was built by the Turks and facing a very active Mosque that will be destroyed at His coming?

Tim, I didn't mean to ignore you. I pretty much agree with you, but don't know what you mean by gentiles being natural Jews. Yes, indeed, we have been grafted in. Spiritually speaking Abraham is our spiritual father. If God says that there are 12 tribes of Israerl, then they are Jews by blood. There are Ethopian Jews because David bore a son by his slave. There is the remnant, which is comprised of the 12 tribes. There are people who call themselves Jews, but many are not Jews by birth. Also, there are social Jews, and even in Israel who do terrible things. But God will determine who belongs to Him in the end, and even if He has to something in the super-natural to bring them to Israel. I don't understand what you are saying about the Brits. Maybe, you can explain position more clearly.

May God bless, Golfjack
Re: reply

golfjack said:
Tim, I didn't mean to ignore you. I pretty much agree with you, but don't know what you mean by gentiles being natural Jews. Yes, indeed, we have been grafted in. Spiritually speaking Abraham is our spiritual father. If God says that there are 12 tribes of Israerl, then they are Jews by blood. There are Ethopian Jews because David bore a son by his slave. There is the remnant, which is comprised of the 12 tribes. There are people who call themselves Jews, but many are not Jews by birth. Also, there are social Jews, and even in Israel who do terrible things. But God will determine who belongs to Him in the end, and even if He has to something in the super-natural to bring them to Israel. I don't understand what you are saying about the Brits. Maybe, you can explain position more clearly.

May God bless, Golfjack

No Golfjack. I didn't mean you ignored me. :-D Actually you reply in a normal fashion. Sometimes there are others that jump on top of the thread and the original post gets buried before the intended recipient even knows its there and may even miss it if you know what I mean. But I turned on the squelch and I don't hear that static any longer, which is all it was.

As for what I meant about Israelites being Gentiles, I embrace the two house doctrine. The house of Israel and the house of Judah, just like we had Yankees and Rebels in the United States. There were separate prophecies to each house, but the problem is when the prophecies to the house of Israel is applied to the Jew, we run into problems in the same manner if something in the history of the Yankees was applied to the Rebels.

I don't really believe that the Jews are 12 tribes, but basically 2 (Ezra 10:7-9), the same ones that comprised the house of Judah (hence, the origin of the word 'Jew'), the others being lost to history. The lost ones never returned to the land en masse in Jesus' time nor after the fall of Jerusalem later on after the gospel was launched. The judgment on those Jews were two tribes as Josephus himself stated this about the ten tribes....

...wherefore there are but two tribes in Asia and Europe subject to the Romans, while THE TEN TRIBES are beyond the Euphrates till now and are an immense multitude, and not to be es­timated by numbers."

The "Now" that Josephus talks about was in 95AD. And after the Jews were even scattered, there has not been a return to the land and regrouping until recent times, and even at that,some of the non-Jewish people that returned to the land would just claim they were the lost tribes to get admitted.

the Jews had to then answer the question, "Who is a Jew?" so as not to have an influx of Gentiles claiming Abrahamic descent.

Initially, the lost tribes were spread, at least in part, in Asia minor and other local regions which is why Peter wrote to them that they were once not a people, but now they are a people (quoting Hosea) regarding the time when these Israelites would accept the gospel. Frankly, they may not have known they were Israelites by race, being part of those lost tribes, but Peter (who was NOT an apostle to the Gentiles BTW) knew that and was quoting a time where Israel would become those "sons of God" as Hosea put it. The Jews rejected the gospel, but I believe many of these (lost) Israelites did accept it, and thus were the church.

This gets off into a large subject that I have precious little time for elaborating, but even the "Galatians" as one sees in any secular source may have been part of the house of Israel. They were the part of the Celtic peoples. So, bottom line, where did these tribes go? If one is looking for a missing person, they have to match their description the way a detective does it. Some examples of biblical descriptions:

1. They would become a great nation (Manasseh) and many nations (Ephraim) c.f. Genesis 48:19
2. Many kings reigning simultaneously.
3. Possessing the gates of their enemies (militarily mighty)
4. Appointed another place
5. Called "sons of the living God" (only one way to do that---- becoming a Christian and Christian nations)
6. They would reside North-west of Palestine in the Isles.
7. They would be known by a new (another) name
8. They would be a blessing to the whole world and a light to the Gentiles, ( a gospel-missionary people)

Frankly, this sounds like the nations that mainly embraced Christianity, but unbeknownst to themselves, they are the physical seed of Abraham and not just the spiritual seed. Some nations have tribal characteristics which some people disagree on, but is open for interpretation. Britain is characteristic of Ephraim, Manasseh is the the United States. Others, such as France is Reuben. (Now we know why there was this birth-right type struggle between French/British--- one, for example used the metric system, the other until recently, possessed the English system)

This fulfills the purpose of Abraham's descendants starting way back in Genesis 12. God would not use non-Israelite Gentile people to carry on His work. He INCLUDED the Gentiles, yes, but the covenant and responsibility is with Israel. That's their whole point in existing and if that was short-circuited, then God's plan has failed miserably.
tim_from_pa said:

I hear voices around here. I addressed you specifically but got replies from elsewhere. Actually, I was not born yesterday. In fact, I believe they are one in the same poster under a different handle because I noticed that a certain one is missing lately, and their tone and style is the same. Let's see.... I'll do the same thing here as before. There's a nice button in the upper right that I used before. There! As quiet as a new muffler. :-D
Tim, if they were, Id' know it... I can see their IP addys. Also, for the record, I despise that "ignore" button and wish Logan would make it go away. I think Christians should not ignore other posters; it shows me they have no interest in anything other than like-minded beliefs.

Nothing personal, it's just the way I feel about it. 8-)
Re: reply

golfjack said:
Tim, I didn't mean to ignore you. I pretty much agree with you, but don't know what you mean by gentiles being natural Jews. Yes, indeed, we have been grafted in. Spiritually speaking Abraham is our spiritual father. If God says that there are 12 tribes of Israerl, then they are Jews by blood. There are Ethopian Jews because David bore a son by his slave. There is the remnant, which is comprised of the 12 tribes. There are people who call themselves Jews, but many are not Jews by birth. Also, there are social Jews, and even in Israel who do terrible things. But God will determine who belongs to Him in the end, and even if He has to something in the super-natural to bring them to Israel. I don't understand what you are saying about the Brits. Maybe, you can explain position more clearly.

May God bless, Golfjack
Oh, He will, He will! There is Scripture in the OT that say as much. I will dig them up when I get home. Time is running short right now.
vic C. said:
Tim, if they were, Id' know it... I can see their IP addys. Also, for the record, I despise that "ignore" button and wish Logan would make it go away. I think Christians should not ignore other posters; it shows me they have no interest in anything other than like-minded beliefs.

Nothing personal, it's just the way I feel about it. 8-)

RND lives in Victorville Calif., I live in Fresno, Calif., he is affiliated with the SDA's and I am a Presbyterian. Thanks for the post.
Bubba said:
RND lives in Victorville Calif., I live in Fresno, Calif., he is affiliated with the SDA's and I am a Presbyterian. Thanks for the post.

Interestingly we would both be considered "Protestants."

We must be related.
Re: reply

vic C. said:
Oh, He will, He will! There is Scripture in the OT that say as much. I will dig them up when I get home. Time is running short right now.
I forgot all about this. :oops:

Ezek 20:33 As I live, saith the Lord GOD, surely with a mighty hand, and with a stretched out arm, and with fury poured out, will I rule over you:
Ezek 20:34 And I will bring you out from the people, and will gather you out of the countries wherein ye are scattered, with a mighty hand, and with a stretched out arm, and with fury poured out.

Jer 23:3 And I will gather the remnant of my flock out of all countries whither I have driven them, and will bring them again to their folds; and they shall be fruitful and increase.

Jer 29:14 And I will be found of you, saith the LORD: and I will turn away your captivity, and I will gather you from all the nations, and from all the places whither I have driven you, saith the LORD; and I will bring you again into the place whence I caused you to be carried away captive.

Jer 31:10 Hear the word of the LORD, O ye nations, and declare it in the isles afar off, and say, He that scattered Israel will gather him, and keep him, as a shepherd doth his flock.

It is scattered all throughout the writings of the prophets; the Lord, with a mighty hand, will gather His people and return them to their land.
I see no-one has printed the OP title's Bible passage

For context, I'll print 1 Thessalonians 4:13-5:11

The Coming of the Lord

13Brothers, we do not want you to be ignorant about those who fall asleep, or to grieve like the rest of men, who have no hope.
14We believe that Jesus died and rose again and so we believe that God will bring with Jesus those who have fallen asleep in him.

15According to the Lord's own word, we tell you that we who are still alive, who are left till the coming of the Lord, will certainly not precede those who have fallen asleep. 16For the Lord himself will come down from heaven, with a loud command, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet call of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first. 17After that, we who are still alive and are left will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And so we will be with the Lord forever. 18Therefore encourage each other with these words.

1 Thessalonians 5

1Now, brothers, about times and dates we do not need to write to you, 2for you know very well that the day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night. 3While people are saying, "Peace and safety," destruction will come on them suddenly, as labor pains on a pregnant woman, and they will not escape.

4But you, brothers, are not in darkness so that this day should surprise you like a thief.
5You are all sons of the light and sons of the day. We do not belong to the night or to the darkness.
6So then, let us not be like others, who are asleep, but let us be alert and self-controlled.
7For those who sleep, sleep at night, and those who get drunk, get drunk at night.

8But since we belong to the day, let us be self-controlled, putting on faith and love as a breastplate, and the hope of salvation as a helmet.

9For God did not appoint us to suffer wrath but to receive salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ. 10He died for us so that, whether we are awake or asleep, we may live together with him. 11Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.

Meanwhile, here's a great 2 page feature to help us all remain good friends, however differing our views may be:- :wink: ... 563#335563

Must go

God bless!

Ian :-D
I believe that the whole concept of the rapture is a misinterpretation of the Scriptures. Here is material from Bishop NT Wright on this topic:

The American obsession with the second coming of Jesus  especially with distorted interpretations of it  continues unabated. Seen from my side of the Atlantic, the phenomenal success of the Left Behind books appears puzzling, even bizarre[1]. Few in the U.K. hold the belief on which the popular series of novels is based: that there will be a literal “rapture†in which believers will be snatched up to heaven, leaving empty cars crashing on freeways and kids coming home from school only to find that their parents have been taken to be with Jesus while they have been “left behind.†This pseudo-theological version of Home Alone has reportedly frightened many children into some kind of (distorted) faith.

This dramatic end-time scenario is based (wrongly, as we shall see) on Paul’s First Letter to the Thessalonians, where he writes: “For the Lord himself will descend from heaven with a shout of command, with the voice of an archangel and the trumpet of God. The dead in Christ will rise first; then we, who are left alive, will be snatched up with them on clouds to meet the Lord in the air; and so we shall always be with the Lord†(1 Thessalonians 4:16-17).

What on earth (or in heaven) did Paul mean?

It is Paul who should be credited with creating this scenario. Jesus himself, as I have argued in various books, never predicted such an event[2]. The gospel passages about “the Son of Man coming on the clouds†(Mark 13:26, 14:62, for example) are about Jesus’ vindication, his “coming†to heaven from earth. The parables about a returning king or master (for example, Luke 19:11-27) were originally about God returning to Jerusalem, not about Jesus returning to earth. This, Jesus seemed to believe, was an event within space-time history, not one that would end it forever.

The Ascension of Jesus and the Second Coming are nevertheless vital Christian doctrines[3], and I don’t deny that I believe some future event will result in the personal presence of Jesus within God’s new creation. This is taught throughout the New Testament outside the Gospels. But this event won’t in any way resemble the Left Behind account. Understanding what will happen requires a far more sophisticated cosmology than the one in which “heaven†is somewhere up there in our universe, rather than in a different dimension, a different space-time, altogether.

The New Testament, building on ancient biblical prophecy, envisages that the creator God will remake heaven and earth entirely, affirming the goodness of the old Creation but overcoming its mortality and corruptibility (e.g., Romans 8:18-27; Revelation 21:1; Isaiah 65:17, 66:22). When that happens, Jesus will appear within the resulting new world (e.g., Colossians 3:4; 1 John 3:2).

Paul’s description of Jesus’ reappearance in 1 Thessalonians 4 is a brightly colored version of what he says in two other passages, 1 Corinthians 15:51-54 and Philippians 3:20-21: At Jesus’ “coming†or “appearing,†those who are still alive will be “changed†or “transformed†so that their mortal bodies will become incorruptible, deathless. This is all that Paul intends to say in Thessalonians, but here he borrows imageryâ€â€from biblical and political sourcesâ€â€to enhance his message. Little did he know how his rich metaphors would be misunderstood two millennia later.

First, Paul echoes the story of Moses coming down the mountain with the Torah. The trumpet sounds, a loud voice is heard, and after a long wait Moses comes to see what’s been going on in his absence.

Second, he echoes Daniel 7, in which “the people of the saints of the Most High†(that is, the “one like a son of manâ€Â) are vindicated over their pagan enemy by being raised up to sit with God in glory. This metaphor, applied to Jesus in the Gospels, is now applied to Christians who are suffering persecution.

Third, Paul conjures up images of an emperor visiting a colony or province. The citizens go out to meet him in open country and then escort him into the city. Paul’s image of the people “meeting the Lord in the air†should be read with the assumption that the people will immediately turn around and lead the Lord back to the newly remade world.

Paul’s mixed metaphors of trumpets blowing and the living being snatched into heaven to meet the Lord are not to be understood as literal truth, as the Left Behind series suggests, but as a vivid and biblically allusive description of the great transformation of the present world of which he speaks elsewhere.

Paul’s misunderstood metaphors present a challenge for us: How can we reuse biblical imagery, including Paul’s, so as to clarify the truth, not distort it? And how can we do so, as he did, in such a way as to subvert the political imagery of the dominant and dehumanizing empires of our world? We might begin by asking, What view of the world is sustained, even legitimized, by the Left Behind ideology? How might it be confronted and subverted by genuinely biblical thinking? For a start, is not the Left Behind mentality in thrall to a dualistic view of reality that allows people to pollute God’s world on the grounds that it’s all going to be destroyed soon? Wouldn’t this be overturned if we recaptured Paul’s wholistic vision of God’s whole creation?


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