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There Is No Such Thing as A Future The Antichrist.


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JAG ..

There Is No Such Thing As A Future The Antichrist.
October 5, 2021

(1) Intelligent extraterrestrials have visited Earth. (2) There will be a future The Antichrist. (1) and (2) are in the same category. Both are bald assertions without a shred of credible evidence in support. Its impossible to produce even one (1) Bible verse that says there will be a future The Antichrist. There were/are antichrists (little a, plural) in the world, but there is no such thing as an evil political world ruler, in our future, to be known as The Antichrist ~ try to find a Bible verse that says that.

So where did the notion of a future evil world political ruler come from? It came from unrestrained human imaginations and speculations. By the way, various people who have predicted a future antichrist, are on record in the public square, identifying The Antichrist as being: Napoleon Bonaparte, Adolf Hitler, Henry Kissinger, Mikhail Gorbachev, Saddam Hussein, Pope John Paul ll, and Yasser Arafat ~ to name just a few of their many proven-wrong prophecies. Further identifications of The Antichrist by these folks have been microchips, bar codes, and zip codes.

Questions: Does the fact that they have been wrong every time they have publicly identified The Antichrist stop them from continuing to make more public identifications? No. And does their long history of being proven wrong cause their students to stop taking them seriously? No. It is difficult to break free from addiction to end times sensational exciting scary fear fiction ~ believing it, stimulates the blood, and stirs up the imagination and large numbers of humans are drawn to that kind of excitement.

Some have speculated that Daniel 7:8's "little horn", and Rev.13:1's "beast", and 2 Thess. 2:3's "man of lawlessness" is somehow connected to John's antichrists (little a, plural). But there is not one (1) single Bible verse in Daniel or in Revelation or in Paul's epistles that is connected in any way whatsoever with John's antichrists. Any alleged connection is nothing more than emotion-based end times dramatic sensational speculation.

The first century was plagued with false teachers. Jesus warned His disciples that "many will come in My name . . . and will deceive many." Matt. 24:5. Jesus also said, "many false prophets will arise and mislead many" Matt. 24:11. And He warned that, "false Christs and false prophets will appear" Matthew 24:24. WHEN did Jesus say ALL this would take place? He said it would ALL take place in the first century. "Truly I tell you, this generation will certainly not pass away until ALL these things have happened." Matt. 24:34. And it was in this context that John's antichrists were mentioned.
1 John 2:18 - 26
"18 Dear children, this is the last hour; and as you have heard that the antichrist is coming, even now many antichrists have come. This is how we know it is the last hour. 19They went out from us, but they did not really belong to us. For if they had belonged to us, they would have remained with us; but their going showed that none of them belonged to us.
20But you have an anointing from the Holy One, and all of you know the truth. 21I do not write to you because you do not know the truth, but because you do know it and because no lie comes from the truth. 22Who is the liar? It is whoever denies that Jesus is the Christ. Such a person is the antichrist—denying the Father and the Son. 23No one who denies the Son has the Father; whoever acknowledges the Son has the Father also.
24As for you, see that what you have heard from the beginning remains in you. If it does, you also will remain in the Son and in the Father. 25And this is what he promised us—eternal life.
26I am writing these things to you about those who are trying to lead you astray. 27As for you, the anointing you received from him remains in you, and you do not need anyone to teach you. But as his anointing teaches you about all things and as that anointing is real, not counterfeit—just as it has taught you, remain in him."
Interpretative Analysis Of 1 John 2:18 -26
John's first century readers had heard that antichrists were coming in their time of the first century. John says, "even now many antichrists have come" 1 John 2:18.
John says these first century antichrists "went out from us, but they did not really belong to us. For if they had belonged to us, they would have remained with us, but their going showed that none of them belonged to us." John's antichrists were first century Christian apostates that were at one time with John and the other Christians of the first century, but who turned against John and against Christ and became antichrists. There is no future evil political world ruler that will come to be known as The Antichrist anywhere in John's epistles or anywhere else in the Holy Bible.
These first century Christian apostates had denied that Jesus was the Christ and John says "such a person is the antichrist." John is writing this to first century Christians to warn them about these first century antichrists "who are trying to lead you astray." The antichrists (little a, plural) of the first century was an evil false-doctrinal movement and not an individual. "even now many antichrists have come." 1 John 2:18 And this movement was made up of "many deceivers" 2 John 7
1 John 4:1-6
"1Dear friends, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world. 2This is how you can recognize the Spirit of God: Every spirit that acknowledges that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is from God, 3but every spirit that does not acknowledge Jesus is not from God. This is the spirit of the antichrist, which you have heard is coming and even now is already in the world.
4You, dear children, are from God and have overcome them, because the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world. 5They are from the world and therefore speak from the viewpoint of the world, and the world listens to them. 6We are from God, and whoever knows God listens to us; but whoever is not from God does not listen to us. This is how we recognize the Spirit of truth and the spirit of falsehood."
Interpretative Analysis Of 1 John 4:1-6
John says "many false prophets have gone out into the world" (of the first century). John identifies these false prophets as "the spirit of antichrist" and says even now they are "already in the world" (of the first century.) Then John says to those first century Christians (who are reading 1 John) that they (there in the first century) have "already overcome" these antichrists because the one who is in them is greater than the one who is in the world. So? So there is no evil political world ruler in our future that will come to be known as The Antichrist ~ a notion that is imaginative speculation unsupported by any credible evidence.

2 John 4 -11
"4It has given me great joy to find some of your children walking in the truth, just as the Father commanded us. 5And now, dear lady, I am not writing you a new command but one we have had from the beginning. I ask that we love one another. 6And this is love: that we walk in obedience to his commands. As you have heard from the beginning, his command is that you walk in love.
7I say this because many deceivers, who do not acknowledge Jesus Christ as coming in the flesh, have gone out into the world. Any such person is the deceiver and the antichrist. 8Watch out that you do not lose what we have worked for, but that you may be rewarded fully. 9Anyone who runs ahead and does not continue in the teaching of Christ does not have God; whoever continues in the teaching has both the Father and the Son. 10If anyone comes to you and does not bring this teaching, do not take them into your house or welcome them. 11Anyone who welcomes them shares in their wicked work."
Interpretative Analysis of 2 John 4 - 11
John writes to his first century readers that they are to walk in love and he says "I say this because many deceivers . . . have gone out into the world" (of the first century). John says "any such person" is the deceiver and the antichrist. John then tells his first century readers not to welcome these antichrists into their homes. So? So John's antichrists (little a, plural) were first century Christian apostates. The Bible the word of God nowhere says there will be a future evil political world ruler that will become known as The Antichrist, and the notion that there will be such a person is pure fiction with no credible Biblical evidence in support.


Regarding The Antichrist:
The word antichrist appears only five times in the entire word of God ~ Genesis to Revelation. And none of these verses say a single word about an end time evil political world ruler that will come to be known as The Antichrist ~ we're dealing here with pure imaginative speculation. Here are the five verses: 1 John 2:18,22 (see 1 John 2:18-26 for context) . . . 1 John 4:3 (see 1 john 4:1-6 for context) . . . 2 John 4:3 (see 2 John 4-11 for context.

John's antichrists are:
(1) not in our future, but in our past (the first century some 2000 years ago)
(2) not one individual, but a multitude (of antichrists-false-teachers who denied that Jesus was the Christ)
(3) not a person but a heresy ~ ( a false-doctrine movement that was active in the first century.)

Many modern end times prophets believe The Antichrist is alive today. One of them in an interview said, "In my personal opinion, he's alive somewhere right now." Compare Tertullian's assertion over 1700 years ago that The Antichrist "is close at hand."

Conclusion in the post below:

Many modern day prophets have wildly speculated that Paul's "the man of lawlessness" (2Thess.2:1-12) is a reference to The Antichrist. However, there is not a shred of credible evidence in 2 Thess.2:1-12 that connects "the man of lawlessness" to John's "antichrists" (little a, plural). Paul's "the man of lawlessness" is the first century's evil-insane Nero Caesar, who is also John's "the beast" of Revelation 13. For a vigorous argument defending this view, see Dr. Kenneth L. Gentry's He Shall Have Dominion, pages 386-394 on "the man of lawlessness." See the Subject Index "beast of Revelation" regarding Nero Caesar as Revelation 13's "the beast."

The far fetched speculation that there is to be, in our future, an evil political world ruler that will come to be known as The Antichrist, is one element in a larger defeatist system of end times eschatological teaching that the Lord Jesus and His Christian Church FAILS to be successful in carrying out The Great Commission to "go and make disciples of all nations." You've heard of JESUS SAVES, well this defeatist eschatological system teaches that JESUS FAILS ~ that the Lord Jesus' command to His Christian Church to "go and make disciples of all nations" FAILS to be successfully carried out, even though Jesus boldly says, "ALL authority in heaven and on earth has been given to Me. THEREFORE go and make disciples of all nations." (Matthew 28:16-20) JESUS FAILS (His Great Commission fails) sends the message of pessimism and defeatism to both the whole world and worse, to the Christian Church who becomes evangelistically paralyzed when repeatedly told we will FAIL in our God assigned task to evangelize the world. Can you imagine an NFL coach spending several hours before the upcoming football game repeatedly telling his team that there is no possible way they can win. This defeatist pessimistic eschatological system repeatedly tells the Christian Church that we will FAIL to successfully carry out her Lord's Great Commission to make disciples of all nations. So? So this far fetched speculation built around The Antichrist has far reaching ramifications of pessimism and defeatism for the Christian Church. This defeatist eschatological system teaches that the Christian Church will NOT grow to become a worldwide good influence on people and nations before Jesus returns, and that human history will eventually collapse into worldwide chaos before Jesus returns, and that therefore there is no need to labor to achieve Great Commission victory worldwide for all men and all nations before Jesus returns

So? So the far fetched imaginative speculation that there will be a future evil political world ruler that will come to be known as The Antichrist ~ is a notion that is not in the best interest of the Christian church.

There will be a future coming Antichrist... as written in God's Word. Some men simply like to put a wrapper over God's Word to serve their own doctrine.

1 John 2:18
18 Little children, it is the last time: and as ye have heard that
antichrist shall come, even now are there many antichrists; whereby we know that it is the last time.

Strange how some jump... to the "many antichrists" idea in the latter part of that above verse, bypassing that first mention of "antichrist" in the previous phrase.

1. the first mention there of "antichrist" is in the singular tense. John says there they had already heard... that false one would come.
2. the second mention of "many antichrists" is in the plural tense. That's about the servants of the "antichrist".

The word "antichrist" is made up of 2 Greek words in the manuscripts; Greek anti which can mean 'instead of', or 'in place of', and Greek christos which means Christ, singular.

Thus the word antichrist simply means 'the instead of Christ'.

Is there then, an instead of, or in place of Christ individual coming before Lord Jesus does? YES! Lord Jesus specifically warned about that false one coming first, even as Apostle Paul also did in 2 Thessalonians 2! See the Matthew 24:23-26 and 2 Thessalonians 2 Scripture. Also see the Revelation 13:11 forward Scripture about that coming false one.

Once one knows what that "antichrist" idea means, then it's a simple matter of looking at a false one that tries exalt himself in place of Jesus Christ. The Scripture does not have to say that word "antichrist" every time we encounter Scripture that's pointing to a false one coming to try and play Him, as the Matthew 24:23-26 and 2 Thessalonians 2 Scripture specifically does.
antichrist is anyone who opposes God and His only begotten Son Christ Jesus. The last antichrist is the son of perdition who at the seventh trumpet will literally take his seat in Jerusalem claiming he is God within in a New World Order, Isaiah 14:12-14; 2 Thessalonians 2:1-12.

The NWO is a combination of the Jesuit militant Priesthood (Papal Rome/beast little horn in Daniel 8:23-25) and the Pontifex Maximus Pope (false prophet/son of perdition). Another name for Pontifex Maximus is Vicarius Filii Dei’ meaning the vicar or substitute or agent of God. This is why the Pope is called the Holy Father as he takes the place of God here on earth which is an abomination to the Lord as he will be revealed as the son of perdition, John 17:12; 2Thessalonians 2:3. The first six trumpets are Gods chastisements on those who refuse to repent and turn back to His grace. The whole world will be thrown into total chaos and fear as everyone his brother will turn on each other if they have not the love of Christ in them as there will be little to no resources left for survival and man will do anything in order to survive. Many will be seeking a savior type in their time of distress an uncertainty as they will bow down to this false god Pope that will promise them provision and safety, but yet rejecting the true Savior Christ Jesus, 2 Chronicles 7:14.

The Jesuit Order is not a religious order, but in its own right a self governed military order as was the old Babylonian Roman Empire. They disguise themselves as a religious order under the heading of Roman Catholicism that call themselves Christians, but are actually a Luciferians Roman Catholic system who sends their blinded to truth missionaries out into the world causing a great falling away from the true God of all creation as they preach a different gospel, 2 Thessalonians 2:3, 4. Here is a list of past and present organizations and people you can research who have been and still are controlled by Jesuit Roman dictatorship and their secret plot of world domination as they annihilate anyone who will not conform and bow down to their false gods.

This is a partial list of what the Jesuit Militant Priesthood has controlled from their beginning in 1540: Inquisition, Crusaders, Knights Templar, Illuminati, high level Freemasonry, Jesuit infiltration of the English colonies on the North American continent, Banksters, Vatican Bank, Agenda 21 and 2030, World Trade Organization, Bilderbergers Club, Rothschild’s, Rockerfellows, Constantine, Hitler, Mussolini, Roman Catholic Ecumenical Assemblies (RCEA) and The Global Eucharistic Community (GEC).

The Pope, Islamic Imams, Arab League and the Middle East Quartet that comprises the U.S., Russia, the EU, the United Nations and possibly China who wants in on the peace plans are working on an agreement of who will govern Jerusalem as a peacemaker between the Arab countries and Israel. When this is all accomplished Papal Rome will then have domination over all Jews/Gentiles as Papal Rome will be the official one world economic, political, military and religious governing system of a powerful worldwide dictatorship.

To make the peace plan between Israel and the Arab countries a reality the Liberal Zionists must also agree with this peace treaty. Only when the Liberal Zionists are willing to surrender then the Pope can preside over a new neutral administration with its power seat on the exact spot where God’s temple that was first built by Solomon and then rebuilt by Ezra was once located, but destroyed and stood vacant for a few centuries until the Muslims took control over the temple mount building the Dome of the Rock around 692 AD. The Christian Zionists and Religious Jewish Judaism is the only thing that holds back the last man of lawlessness (son of perdition) from taking his seat in Jerusalem.

Their secret mission will soon come to fruition in the last days before the great and terrible day of the Lord as we see during the seventh trumpet how this beast will deceive the world for 3 1/2 years forcing all into taking its mark or dye a martyr's death.
There will be a future coming Antichrist... as written in God's Word. Some men simply like to put a wrapper over God's Word to serve their own doctrine.

1 John 2:18
18 Little children, it is the last time: and as ye have heard that
antichrist shall come, even now are there many antichrists; whereby we know that it is the last time.

Strange how some jump... to the "many antichrists" idea in the latter part of that above verse, bypassing that first mention of "antichrist" in the previous phrase.

1. the first mention there of "antichrist" is in the singular tense. John says there they had already heard... that false one would come.
2. the second mention of "many antichrists" is in the plural tense. That's about the servants of the "antichrist".

The word "antichrist" is made up of 2 Greek words in the manuscripts; Greek anti which can mean 'instead of', or 'in place of', and Greek christos which means Christ, singular.

Thus the word antichrist simply means 'the instead of Christ'.

Is there then, an instead of, or in place of Christ individual coming before Lord Jesus does? YES! Lord Jesus specifically warned about that false one coming first, even as Apostle Paul also did in 2 Thessalonians 2! See the Matthew 24:23-26 and 2 Thessalonians 2 Scripture. Also see the Revelation 13:11 forward Scripture about that coming false one.

Once one knows what that "antichrist" idea means, then it's a simple matter of looking at a false one that tries exalt himself in place of Jesus Christ. The Scripture does not have to say that word "antichrist" every time we encounter Scripture that's pointing to a false one coming to try and play Him, as the Matthew 24:23-26 and 2 Thessalonians 2 Scripture specifically does.
Thank you for your interest in the thread and for your comments.

Generally people who change their views about the Christian future, do so very slowly.

When I write OP's on Christian Eschatology, one of my purposes is to look for people who are looking.

A lot of people are not looking.
And that's okay.

However there are some out there that are looking.
They are looking for a way to actually come to believe, based upon the teachings of the Bible, that
the Christian Church is going to actually be successful in carrying out her Lord Jesus' Great commission to
go and make disciples of all nations.

Postmillennialism correctly teaches that the Christian Church is going to be successful in Christianizing
the world BEFORE Jesus returns . . . however in my opinion, the very best way for the seeker to come
to know that and to believe that is to be willing to spend a few dollars and some time to study the
massive amount of Biblical evidence supporting this victorious Christian eschatology.

If one decides that one does not desire to do that, and wants to stay where he is ~ that is their choice and I respect

Then there are those who after doing their private study, still are unconvinced. We Postmillennialists try to
reach as many as we can ~ but we don't convince everybody.

But we are making steady progress.

In my view, if you are interested in a private study, the very best place to start is here:

He Shall Have Dominion: A Postmillennial Eschatology: Gentry, Kenneth L: 9781734362039: Books

He Shall Have Dominion: A Postmillennial Eschatology [Gentry, Kenneth L] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. He Shall Have Dominion: A Postmillennial Eschatology

Its a very popular book and its not cheap. You'll pay for it. $39.95 Free S/H
About the cost of one meal in a nice restaurant for 2 people.

My view is Gentry's He Shall Have Dominion is well worth the $39.95.

I have bought I think about 5 or 6 copies at that price to give away to family and friends.

I will gladly fan out the filthy lucre to push forward what I am convinced is the message of
victory for Jesus' Christian Church. We really are going to Christianize the world BEFORE
Jesus returns. And Gentry's 600 + page work is a massive argument that presents the
evidence for that PLUS answers all the problem passages that at first glance, appear
to contradict that proposition.

Best Regards.

All we can do is give truth and hope and pray others will accept it. Ya can't force anything on others and it's the true seekers that will find truth as the Holy Spirit reveals it to them like he did for you and me.

I appreciate the offer of getting into that study book, but I never really read any of them as I usually get what I need from the scriptures. I have written two books myself one called My People Perish, which is a Bible study on many different topics I have written and the other is called The Unveiling which is a verse by verse study on the whole book of Revelations. If you click on Members Writings I have some of the first book there, and if you click on End Times Forum you will see a sub forum entitled Revelations and you can read my book there. I've never felt truly led to have them published yet and just use them here in the forums.

I do like what you present in your topics and read some of them, but do not always reply. God bless you Jag and keep it real brother.
I'm not post mill,

I can post the didache ,its 100 years after john .if your view was correct they would have agreed ,they don't ,they hold a pre mil view
All we can do is give truth and hope and pray others will accept it. Ya can't force anything on others and it's the true seekers that will find truth as the Holy Spirit reveals it to them like he did for you and me.

I appreciate the offer of getting into that study book, but I never really read any of them as I usually get what I need from the scriptures. I have written two books myself one called My People Perish, which is a Bible study on many different topics I have written and the other is called The Unveiling which is a verse by verse study on the whole book of Revelations. If you click on Members Writings I have some of the first book there, and if you click on End Times Forum you will see a sub forum entitled Revelations and you can read my book there. I've never felt truly led to have them published yet and just use them here in the forums.

I do like what you present in your topics and read some of them, but do not always reply. God bless you Jag and keep it real brother.
Thank you for your thoughts and for your "God bless you." I appreciate that.
And the same back to you (and to all those you love.)



This defeatist eschatological system teaches that the Christian Church will NOT grow to become a worldwide good influence on people and nations before Jesus returns, and that human history will eventually collapse into worldwide chaos before Jesus returns, and that therefore there is no need to labor to achieve Great Commission victory worldwide for all men and all nations before Jesus returns


Scripture says that the harvest is the end of the age, and Joel 2:28-31 states that before the moon is turned to blood and the sun is turned to darkness, the Spirit of God will again be poured out upon God's people, from the very young to the very old, and they will prophesy, dream dreams and see visions.

That said, my eschatology isn't defeatist in the least. We will see more souls saved during the time ahead of us than we did during all of church history up until now combined. However, while I hate to directly oppose someone you feel ministers to you, I've never been impressed with Kenneth Gentry's theology or eschatology. He is correct that Revelations was likely written before the fall of Jerusalem, as the internal context supports this, but supposing it was all fulfilled during New Testament times is illogical and highly over-spiritualized. That, and his contentions about a post-millennial hope are disconnected from the real world.

I found this on his website:
Postmillennialism teaches that Christ will return to earth after a long era of gospel progress and worldwide righteousness. As the gospel wins greater influence the world will witness a long era of social stability, economic development, and international peace. The basic structure of the postmillennial hope is as follows: First, Christ came into the world in the first century and established his kingdom, the Messianic kingdom prophesied in the Old Testament. We are in that kingdom now (the “millennium,” if you will) (Luke 17:20–21; Col 1:13). Second, he confronted and defeated Satan while on earth, through his ministry, death, burial, resurrection, and ascension. Satan is bound from deceiving the nations, so that they are open to the power of the gospel (Matt 12:28–29; Rev 20:3).

We are in a truly dreadful situation if Christ's kingdom has already been established and Satan is now bound. The nations are utterly deceived by the Devil, and their eyes are still closed to the gospel, and it is not because we are not evangelizing. It is because the Devil in not bound and is still deceiving them. The idea that Satan is already bound runs completely contrary to what the globalists are doing on the world stage (and they are Satanists and Luciferians), and the witness of high ranking Satanists who have escaped the Brotherhood to testify of just how real Satan is, and how he is most certainly not bound at the current time. Not everyone has the faith to believe in such accounts, but I see no reason not to. I was in touch just this morning with a woman who was involved in Satanism and was regularly abused by her MK-Ultra handlers from the time she was three years old. She as well as I do know very well who runs this world at the highest levels.

But for the sake of delving into Gentry's system a little more, if you could, please tell me what Gentry's partial preterist position on 2 Thessalonians 2:7-9 is, and how he believes it was fulfilled during New Testament times. I am familiar with the work of full Preterists like in the following link below, but I would like to know specifically what Gentry's position is before commenting any further.

God bless, and thanks for sharing.

Scripture says that the harvest is the end of the age, and Joel 2:28-31 states that before the moon is turned to blood and the sun is turned to darkness, the Spirit of God will again be poured out upon God's people, from the very young to the very old, and they will prophesy, dream dreams and see visions.

That said, my eschatology isn't defeatist in the least. We will see more souls saved during the time ahead of us than we did during all of church history up until now combined. However, while I hate to directly oppose someone you feel ministers to you, I've never been impressed with Kenneth Gentry's theology or eschatology. He is correct that Revelations was likely written before the fall of Jerusalem, as the internal context supports this, but supposing it was all fulfilled during New Testament times is illogical and highly over-spiritualized. That, and his contentions about a post-millennial hope are disconnected from the real world.

I found this on his website:
Postmillennialism teaches that Christ will return to earth after a long era of gospel progress and worldwide righteousness. As the gospel wins greater influence the world will witness a long era of social stability, economic development, and international peace. The basic structure of the postmillennial hope is as follows: First, Christ came into the world in the first century and established his kingdom, the Messianic kingdom prophesied in the Old Testament. We are in that kingdom now (the “millennium,” if you will) (Luke 17:20–21; Col 1:13). Second, he confronted and defeated Satan while on earth, through his ministry, death, burial, resurrection, and ascension. Satan is bound from deceiving the nations, so that they are open to the power of the gospel (Matt 12:28–29; Rev 20:3).

We are in a truly dreadful situation if Christ's kingdom has already been established and Satan is now bound. The nations are utterly deceived by the Devil, and their eyes are still closed to the gospel, and it is not because we are not evangelizing. It is because the Devil in not bound and is still deceiving them. The idea that Satan is already bound runs completely contrary to what the globalists are doing on the world stage (and they are Satanists and Luciferians), and the witness of high ranking Satanists who have escaped the Brotherhood to testify of just how real Satan is, and how he is most certainly not bound at the current time. Not everyone has the faith to believe in such accounts, but I see no reason not to. I was in touch just this morning with a woman who was involved in Satanism and was regularly abused by her MK-Ultra handlers from the time she was three years old. She as well as I do know very well who runs this world at the highest levels.

But for the sake of delving into Gentry's system a little more, if you could, please tell me what Gentry's partial preterist position on 2 Thessalonians 2:7-9 is, and how he believes it was fulfilled during New Testament times. I am familiar with the work of full Preterists like in the following link below, but I would like to know specifically what Gentry's position is before commenting any further.

God bless, and thanks for sharing.
Thank you for your interest in the thread and for your comments.
Best Regards.


There Is No Such Thing As A Future The Antichrist.
October 5, 2021

(1) Intelligent extraterrestrials have visited Earth. (2) There will be a future The Antichrist. (1) and (2) are in the same category. Both are bald assertions without a shred of credible evidence in support. Its impossible to produce even one (1) Bible verse that says there will be a future The Antichrist. There were/are antichrists (little a, plural) in the world, but there is no such thing as an evil political world ruler, in our future, to be known as The Antichrist ~ try to find a Bible verse that says that.

So where did the notion of a future evil world political ruler come from? It came from unrestrained human imaginations and speculations. By the way, various people who have predicted a future antichrist, are on record in the public square, identifying The Antichrist as being: Napoleon Bonaparte, Adolf Hitler, Henry Kissinger, Mikhail Gorbachev, Saddam Hussein, Pope John Paul ll, and Yasser Arafat ~ to name just a few of their many proven-wrong prophecies. Further identifications of The Antichrist by these folks have been microchips, bar codes, and zip codes.

Regarding The Antichrist:
The word antichrist appears only five times in the entire word of God ~ Genesis to Revelation. And none of these verses say a single word about an end time evil political world ruler that will come to be known as The Antichrist ~ we're dealing here with pure imaginative speculation. Here are the five verses: 1 John 2:18,22 (see 1 John 2:18-26 for context) . . . 1 John 4:3 (see 1 john 4:1-6 for context) . . . 2 John 4:3 (see 2 John 4-11 for context.

John's antichrists are:
(1) not in our future, but in our past (the first century some 2000 years ago)
(2) not one individual, but a multitude (of antichrists-false-teachers who denied that Jesus was the Christ)
(3) not a person but a heresy ~ ( a false-doctrine movement that was active in the first century.)

Many modern end times prophets believe The Antichrist is alive today. One of them in an interview said, "In my personal opinion, he's alive somewhere right now." Compare Tertullian's assertion over 1700 years ago that The Antichrist "is close at hand."

Conclusion in the post below:
Who then in your opinion is this singular personality Jesus warned of who at the end of the this age will perform. "the abomination of desolation " ?
And how will Satan cause this one particular antichrist to be so superior from all the multitude of other antichrists that he alone will be given the privilege of performing the " abomination of desolation " ?

" But when ye shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet..."
( Mark : 13:14 )
Who then in your opinion is this singular personality Jesus warned of who at the end of the this age will perform. "the abomination of desolation " ?
And how will Satan cause this one particular antichrist to be so superior from all the multitude of other antichrists that he alone will be given the privilege of performing the " abomination of desolation " ?

" But when ye shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet..."
( Mark : 13:14 )
Jesus does not say the abomination of desolation is a person.
The NIV translates Mark 13:14
"when you see the abomination that cause desolation standing
where it does not belong" (The NIV puts "or he" only in a footnote.)


So there is no evidence that Jesus referred to the AOD as a person.
The assertion that Jesus did say that the AOD is a person is not
supported by evidence ~ it is rather an assertion.

More importantly, even if we assume that the AOD is a person, then he
would be the Roman general Titus who invaded Jerusalem in AD 70 and
not only totally destroyed the Jewish temple but also desecrated it ~ therefore
the phrase the abomination that causes desolation. The abomination was the
desecration. The desolation was the destruction.


So my view of the abomination of desolation is that it occurred in the first century
some 2000 years ago and that it is in our past, not in our future. The abomination
of desolation was the destruction and desecration of the temple by the invading
Roman armies.

Best Regards.


Jesus does not say the abomination of desolation is a person.
The NIV translates Mark 13:14
"when you see the abomination that cause desolation standing
where it does not belong" (The NIV puts "or he" only in a footnote.)


So there is no evidence that Jesus referred to the AOD as a person.
The assertion that Jesus did say that the AOD is a person is not
supported by evidence ~ it is rather an assertion.

More importantly, even if we assume that the AOD is a person, then he
would be the Roman general Titus who invaded Jerusalem in AD 70 and
not only totally destroyed the Jewish temple but also desecrated it ~ therefore
the phrase the abomination that causes desolation. The abomination was the
desecration. The desolation was the destruction.


So my view of the abomination of desolation is that it occurred in the first century
some 2000 years ago and that it is in our past, not in our future. The abomination
of desolation was the destruction and desecration of the temple by the invading
Roman armies.

Best Regards.


You don't believe that the bible speaks to a future Temple being built that will factor into the end of this age ?
Opening post, true! No, there will be no individual person that is the antiChrist.

We are to speak evil of no man, Titus 3:2

I believe I've posted similar many times here nearly 20 years ago now.

John gave us "all" excellent advise:

"Look to yourselves" 2 John 1:8

The power of deception and our wrestling with it transpires where? Yep. Between our own 2 ears

I pray the antiChrist is destroyed every time I'm tempted by the tempter, and bring the destruction and wrath scriptures to mind, yes, to my own mind. They are my allies in battle, the power of God's Words

The final destruction will not be seen on the outside, but on the inside, when Perfection comes in FULL, to take His Seat

1 Corinthians 13:10
But when that which is perfect is come, then that which is in part shall be done away.

It can happen anytime, in an instant, in the twinkling of an eye

2 Thes. 1:
6 Seeing it is a righteous thing with God to recompense tribulation to them that trouble you;
7 And to you who are troubled rest with us, when the Lord Jesus shall be revealed from heaven with his mighty angels,
8 In flaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not God, and that obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ:

Some will have to reach for this understanding, but the vengeance and wrath scriptures are meant for personal applications, knowing that we engage the tempter and his own where? Yes, internally

Can you pick up the Sword that has been handed to you, knowing that its use is to allegorically cut you in HALF?
Opening post, true! No, there will be no individual person that is the antiChrist.

We are to speak evil of no man, Titus 3:2

I believe I've posted similar many times here nearly 20 years ago now.

John gave us "all" excellent advise:

"Look to yourselves" 2 John 1:8

The power of deception and our wrestling with it transpires where? Yep. Between our own 2 ears

I pray the antiChrist is destroyed every time I'm tempted by the tempter, and bring the destruction and wrath scriptures to mind, yes, to my own mind. They are my allies in battle, the power of God's Words

The final destruction will not be seen on the outside, but on the inside, when Perfection comes in FULL, to take His Seat

1 Corinthians 13:10
But when that which is perfect is come, then that which is in part shall be done away.

It can happen anytime, in an instant, in the twinkling of an eye

2 Thes. 1:
6 Seeing it is a righteous thing with God to recompense tribulation to them that trouble you;
7 And to you who are troubled rest with us, when the Lord Jesus shall be revealed from heaven with his mighty angels,
8 In flaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not God, and that obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ:

Some will have to reach for this understanding, but the vengeance and wrath scriptures are meant for personal applications, knowing that we engage the tempter and his own where? Yes, internally

Can you pick up the Sword that has been handed to you, knowing that its use is to allegorically cut you in HALF?

Greetings, Smaller.

I sometimes have no problems with people spiritualizing the scriptures, but spiritualizing them at the expense of taking the word of God literally in its historical and prophetic context can be a tremendous mistake. Certainly there are those who misinterpret things, but discarding prophecy because of it is kinda like throwing the baby out with the bathwater. It is meant to let Christians know where things are headed, and why it is wise to choose the Lord Jesus Christ and stay close to Him. Dark times are ahead, and despite the many false predictions, the Antichrist is indeed coming. When he gets here, there are going to be a lot of people who will die. The saints need to be prepared for that fact or they could end up departing from the faith, because they were not ready to pay the ultimate price if necessary.

He shall speak pompous words against the Most High,
And wear out the saints of the Most High,
And shall intend to change times and law.
Then the saints shall be given into his hand
For a time and times and half a time. (Daniel 7:25)
Jesus declared that this world is passing away , and that Satan has been granted the power & permission to be the " Prince of this World."
Knowing that I can understand why some who have not fully anchored their HOPE in God's preeminence over all, would be fearful & want to believe that Satan's last days as Prince of this world would not involve the incarnation of evil itself in the person whom Jesus warned of that would " Come in his own name " and be warmly received by the world .
Remaining confident in the promises of God is the key to not becoming discouraged by what Jesus himself has declared is in store for this world in the person of him who will " come in his own name " .

Unchecked Copy Box
Jhn 5:43
I am come in my Father's name, and ye receive me not: if another shall come in his own name, him ye will receive
You don't believe that the bible speaks to a future Temple being built that will factor into the end of this age ?
There are only 4 views of eschatology.
They are:
~ Postmillennialism
~ Amillennialism
~ Premillennialism
~ Dispensationalism (a mutated form of Premillennialism.)

I am a Bible believing traditional orthodox Postmillennialist.
(for the record I am not a full preterist and not a Reconstructionist)

(Postmillennialists do not hold your views on a future temple to be built.)

Best Regards.


There are only 4 views of eschatology.
They are:
~ Postmillennialism
~ Amillennialism
~ Premillennialism
~ Dispensationalism (a mutated form of Premillennialism.)

I am a Bible believing traditional orthodox Postmillennialist.
(for the record I am not a full preterist and not a Reconstructionist)

(Postmillennialists do not hold your views on a future temple to be built.)

Best Regards.


So what is your understanding of who this personality is that Jesus says will one day be received by Israel in his own name ?
Unchecked Copy Box

Jhn 5:43
" I am come in my Father's name, and ye receive me not: if another shall come in his own name, him ye will receive "

Furthermore why would this personality whose coming Jesus prophesizes even be interested in being received by God's chosen people if there was no religious component involved ?
So what is your understanding of who this personality is that Jesus says will one day be received by Israel in his own name ?
Unchecked Copy Box

Jhn 5:43
" I am come in my Father's name, and ye receive me not: if another shall come in his own name, him ye will receive "

Furthermore why would this personality whose coming Jesus prophesizes even be interested in being received by God's chosen people if there was no religious component involved ?
John 5:43 does not say anything at all about a specific "personality."
John 5:43 is not on the subject of an alleged end times personality.
John 5:43 says nothing about any personality that will one day be "received by Israel in his own name."
John 5:43 has nothing whatsoever to do with my OP.

Best Regards.


John 5:43 does not say anything at all about a specific "personality."

Best Regards.


You don't believe Jesus saying " in his own name.." is reference to an individual ?

Jhn 5:43" ...if another shall come in his own name, him ye will receive "

Jesus must be talking about something, someone here , yes , no ?
What is your understanding of what he is talking about in this scripture ?


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