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Ed the Ned

I have added this review on the movie by Pastor Bill Randles. I got it off the following website:

Movie Review: Twilight - An Assault on the Atoning Blood of Jesus Christ

By Pastor Bill Randles

Believers in Grace Fellowship


Why "Twilight" is spiritually fatal, and what it shows us about the state of Christian youth.

"... they will turn their ears away from the truth and be turned aside unto fables." (2 Timothy 4:4)

If someone would have told me 25 years ago, that one day a popular series of "vampire romance" books would be accepted and promoted by evangelical ministries, I wouldn't have been able to believe it. That's why I was shocked to read this article by Christian documentarian and researcher, Caryl Matrisciana & Paul Villanueva, Click Here which documents the glowing reviews of the occult book series by evangelical publications such as: Campus Life, Focus on the Family, Christianity Today, Christian Teen, and Christian Stay at Home Moms Magazine. All gave glowing testimonials, and some even suggested that the "Twilight" series could become the basis for Bible discussions and studies!

My purpose isn't to merely echo Caryl Matrisciana & Paul Villanueva's excellent article, exposing the occult roots of this book series. Rather, I have a burden to show you why I believe that this literature could have a completely soul deadening effect on those who are fascinated by its dark vision.

First of all, consider what the 'vampire' myth really is--nothing less than an obscene parody of the precious gift of God--which is eternal life through the Son of God, Jesus Christ, and by the gift of His blood, offered to God for us. To God, blood is sacred, those who drink it are an utter abomination to Him, because of what blood represents. We obtain eternal life by accepting in faith our share of the offering of the blood of Jesus, termed precious by God, ... As of a lamb without blemish and without spot (I Peter 1:19).

In the pagan myth, 'vampires' are those who obtain 'immortality' by sucking other's blood. The 'immortality' they gain, is literally a damned existence. They live in the night, they cannot endure light, they feed on the blood of innocence. Far from just a harmless thrill, Vampirism is the basis for all sorts of pagan spiritualities. Blood drinking and blood sacrifice is an everyday reality among animists all over the world.

The vampire fable is nothing less than an all out assault on the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Consider this, a young person can go to a theater on a Saturday evening and vicariously fall in love with a vampire, and his 'coven'(family), and then go to church on Sunday morning and partake of the Lord's supper. That same person on Saturday evening could conceivably root for a girl to forfeit her own mortal soul, to be the lover of a vampire, and the next morning go to church and eat the bread and drink the cup of eternal life! Can one eat at both the Lord's table and the table of demons? Did you know that this book series was 'given' to a Mormon woman in a dream, and that she was visited in a subsequent dream by the vampire figure?

"You cannot drink the cup of the Lord and the cup of demons, you cannot partake of the Lord's table and the table of demons." (I Cor 10:21)

Ah but Pastor it is only a movie! Lighten up! But this is more than a movie--it is a pagan myth which is a perversion of the only Gospel that can save us. The movie presents vampires as being attractive, in fact so attractive that the young lady in the story is willing to become a vampire to be with her lover. In order to be with her vampire lover, she submits to being an eternally damned soul! This movie skillfully plays on the emotions in such a way that the viewer pulls for the mortal young woman to be with her "lover," a 110-year-old vampire in the form of an attractive and well-mannered teen.

What the popularity of this film, even among evangelical youth, says about the state of the church is that we have forgotten what we once knew very well. That is, you can't fill your mind with all of this paganism without injuring your relationship with God. We used to know that it is very possible to "lose your soul," to so jade ourselves by constant, undiscerning exposure to worldliness, that we render ourselves unable to pray, to hear the Word, or to live for God.

We once knew that to voluntarily expose ourselves to blasphemy and sexual sin--not to mention something as blatantly spiritual as Vampirism--was something to be shunned, avoided, that it was soul deadening, and injurious to our Christian walk.

Another thing the popularity of this movie shows us is the loss of the sense of the sacred among Christians. Paul warned the Christians in Ephesus, to: "Have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness but rather expose them."(Ephesians 5:11)

Where is the sense of the sacred? The idea of the sacred is that there are some things in life that are 'other,' they are above us, they are not to be 'profaned,' for they are above us. For example, marriage is sacred, so is sexuality, as well as life itself. The purity of children is to be held sacred, that is why there is a special warning to any who would cause them to stumble.

The Gospel itself is sacred. I believe that "Twilight" is a direct assault on the gospel, an obscene parody of the good news of salvation, the salvation we obtain by partaking of the precious blood of Jesus, offered as a sacrifice for us. Jesus is the one who has brought "life and immortality to light" through the Gospel. I don't believe it is possible to read or enjoy "Twilight" without spiritual defilement.

Of course we must remember, "If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness ... for the blood of Jesus cleanses us from all sins." (I John 1:79)
...Twilight is entertainment, it's not real. In my opinion, this opinion goes way overboard. If your children don't know the difference between reality and fantasy, then there is more to worry about than Twilight. Twilight does not teach a religion, it's a fantasy story. It's purely for entertainment. If someone is looking to Twilight for some kind of spiritual guidance or something, then again, there are other issues of greater importance.

By deduction of this article, then all fantasy novels, movies, video games, and other forms of entertainment are evil and attack Christianity.
I agree fully that it is a story and I believe it should remain a story. When I read the article the following section was more of a concern for me.

Click Here which documents the glowing reviews of the occult book series by evangelical publications such as: Campus Life, Focus on the Family, Christianity Today, Christian Teen, and Christian Stay at Home Moms Magazine. All gave glowing testimonials, and some even suggested that the "Twilight" series could become the basis for Bible discussions and studies!

When we start trying to understand the Bible from this story we invite the pagan pilosophies into the subject matter and taint the word of God.
kevkelsar said:
...Twilight is entertainment, it's not real. In my opinion, this opinion goes way overboard. If your children don't know the difference between reality and fantasy, then there is more to worry about than Twilight. Twilight does not teach a religion, it's a fantasy story. It's purely for entertainment. If someone is looking to Twilight for some kind of spiritual guidance or something, then again, there are other issues of greater importance.

By deduction of this article, then all fantasy novels, movies, video games, and other forms of entertainment are evil and attack Christianity.

You miss the point. Whatever you fill your mind with takes root there. There was a time when people understood clearly what was evil. Now the line is so terribly blurred as to make evil acceptable because it's just entertainment.
I am very concerned that no one is saying anything about the author's mention of the perversion of Jesus's blood sacrifice. Do you really think that's an accident?
Harry Potter is fantasy entertainment. Harry Potter at least has lessons like the importance of love and friendship and stuff like that.

Twilight is 'romance'. With vampires.
Walter, have you read the books yourself?

I have and I did not see anything within the books that could be considered a perversion of the blood Jesus shed for His people.

I have to wonder if these people aren't reading too far between the lines and seeing what they want to see in it.
Goodness, a lot of Christians need to just lighten up. If you want to be really picky, one of Edward's biggest concerns/worries is that he sees himself as a monster. Therefore, he could never go to Heaven and is on a one track course straight to Hell.

This does not "desensitize" people. These are romance novels, and the last time I checked romance between a husband and wife is a good thing. Even Edward and Bella stay pure until after they are married.
walter said:
kevkelsar said:
...Twilight is entertainment, it's not real. In my opinion, this opinion goes way overboard. If your children don't know the difference between reality and fantasy, then there is more to worry about than Twilight. Twilight does not teach a religion, it's a fantasy story. It's purely for entertainment. If someone is looking to Twilight for some kind of spiritual guidance or something, then again, there are other issues of greater importance.

By deduction of this article, then all fantasy novels, movies, video games, and other forms of entertainment are evil and attack Christianity.

You miss the point. Whatever you fill your mind with takes root there. There was a time when people understood clearly what was evil. Now the line is so terribly blurred as to make evil acceptable because it's just entertainment.
I am very concerned that no one is saying anything about the author's mention of the perversion of Jesus's blood sacrifice. Do you really think that's an accident?

I hear ya loud an clear. I'm now trying to decide if I should sing to my children rock a by baby on the tree top. I do not want them to fill their heads with this foolish test of the lord. Next thing I know, they will actually be rocking babies on the tree top.
That article is pretty silly. Some Christians can't seem to understand the concept of fantasy.

That said, I find Twilight thoroughly offensive, but for completely different reasons. It's shallow and demeans women.
Twenty Lessons Girls learn from Twilight:

# If a boy is aloof, stand-offish, ignores you or is just plain rude, it is because he is secretly in love with you — and you are the point of his existence.
# Secrets are good — especially life-threatening ones.
# It’s OK for a potential romantic interest to be dimwitted, violent and vengeful — as long as he has great abs.
# If a boy tells you to stay away from him because he is dangerous and may even kill you, he must be the love of your life. You should stay with him since he will keep you safe forever.
# If a boy leaves you, especially suddenly (while telling you he will never see you again), it is because he loves you so much he will suffer just to keep you safe.
# When a boy leaves you, going into shock, losing all your friends and enduring night terrors are completely acceptable occurrences — as long as you keep your grades up.
# It is extremely romantic to put yourself in dangerous situations in order to see your ex-boyfriend again. It’s even more romantic to remember the sound of his voice when he yelled at you.
# Boys who leave you always come back.
# Because they come back, you should hold out, waiting for them for months, even when completely acceptable and less-abusive alternative males present themselves.
# Even though you have no intention of dating an alternative male who expresses interest in you, it is fine to string the young man along for months. Also, you should use him to fix things for you. Maybe he’ll even buy you something.
# You should use said male to fix things because girls are incapable of anything mechanical or technical.
# Lying to your parents is fine. Lying to your parents while you run away to save your suicidal boyfriend is an extremely good idea that shows your strength and maturity. Also, it is what you must do.
# Car theft in the service of love is acceptable.
# If the boy you are in love with causes you (even indirectly) to be so badly beaten you end up in the hospital, you should tell the doctors and your family that you “fell down the steps†because you are such a silly, clumsy girl. That false explanation always works well for abused women.
# Men can be changed for the better if you sacrifice everything you are and devote yourself to their need for change.
# Young women should make no effort to improve their social skills or emotional state. Instead, they should seek out potential mates that share their morose deficiencies and emotional illnesses.
# Girls shouldn’t always read a book series just because everyone else has.
# When writing a book series, it’s acceptable to lift seminal source material and bastardize it with tired, overwrought teenage angst.
# When making or watching a major feature film, you should gleefully embrace the 20 minutes of plot it provides in between extended segments of vacant-eyed silence and self-indulgent, moaning banter.
# Vampires — once among the great villains of literature and motion pictures — are no longer scary. In fact, they’re every bit as whiny, self-absorbed and impotent as any human being. ... -twilight/
That was great, Menno. I've read some of the books to see what the fuss is about and I agree that those 20 statements contain some of the underlying messages of the book - and they are not good messages.

There are several problems I found with Twilight. One is that while Edward and the other vampires call themselves monsters and feel they are doomed to hell, there is no effort to find salvation. In fact, they are willing to bring others into their doomed existence in order to "save their lives", like doctor what's-his-face did to Edward to save him from influenza or what not. Bella, obviously, does not care about her soul either because she is thrilled at the prospect of becoming a vampire. Why? Because vampires are immortal, physically powerful, and beautiful, and she would have "love" for the rest of eternity, which, by the way, are the four things that most everyone in this world craves most. Not only that, but in Twilight, there does not seem to be any curse connected with vampirisism, except for the usual blood lust. Other than that, they can handle sunlight, (in fact, they sparkle and radiate like heavenly beings in sunlight) and while the author does not expressly say this, I assume that vampires in Twilight can also handle being in contact with something sanctified to God (holy) as in a Bible or a church.
Why is this problematic? As Christians, we look forward to heaven where we will receive immortal, incorruptible, sinless bodies and enjoy the presence of God forever. Heaven will be the fulfillment of our deepest cravings - longings that are already being satisfied to an extent as we pursue a relationship with God here on earth. Twilight, on the other hand, presents another vision of immortality that will give the main character, Bella, something that seems as wonderful, but is nothing in comparison. It is cheap and unfulfilling and is practically hell on earth. After all, both the good and the wicked will partake in the resurrection (Acts 24:15) and be given immortal bodies, but while the one body will be glorious and perfected, the other will remain twisted and corrupt. What is eternal existence apart from God? Hell. What is eternal life? To know God (John 17:3). Twilight directs people's longings to something inferior and completely opposite of what God wishes for them. That is why I find Twilight so harmful. I have actually witnessed the kinds of passions that it has stirred up in people, such that any criticism of it, especially from a Christian perspective, is met with stony silence or derision.
There is good fantasy and there is bad fantasy. C.S Lewis, Tolkien, Bunyan, and George MacDonald wrote amazing fantasy. Twilight, however, is bad. It is written badly and it has dangerous messages. I rest my case.
It's a movie and series of books folks. As some have already pointed out, it is for entertainment. Nothing more and nothing less. Lighten up!
Aero_Hudson said:
It's a movie and series of books folks. As some have already pointed out, it is for entertainment. Nothing more and nothing less. Lighten up!
And watching porn is for entertainment only and causes no problems whatsoever?

Give me a break. Even the babes in Christ among us recognizes the importance of not placing wrong influences in front of our children.
Solo said:
Aero_Hudson said:
It's a movie and series of books folks. As some have already pointed out, it is for entertainment. Nothing more and nothing less. Lighten up!
And watching porn is for entertainment only and causes no problems whatsoever?

Give me a break. Even the babes in Christ among us recognizes the importance of not placing wrong influences in front of our children.

I would classify porn a bit differently. First of all, it promotes the subjgation and ill treatment of women. Second, it has direct negative impacts on the participants of the film making in many different ways to include drug abuse, involuntary use of actors and actresses, etc. Third, millions are addicted to porn very similar to drugs and alcohol which has disasterous consequences.

Watching a love story set in a fictional environment with no sex, bad language etc. I would hardly equate to hardcore XXX porn. Night and day difference. The story is quite good and touching and in many ways is the story of the fight of good versus evil. One can use symbolism and different methods of telling this classic tale that dare I say it supports many tenants of the Bible although I am sure this was not a direct goal of the story teller or film maker.
Aero_Hudson said:
Solo said:
[quote="Aero_Hudson":1done98t]It's a movie and series of books folks. As some have already pointed out, it is for entertainment. Nothing more and nothing less. Lighten up!
And watching porn is for entertainment only and causes no problems whatsoever?

Give me a break. Even the babes in Christ among us recognizes the importance of not placing wrong influences in front of our children.

I would classify porn a bit differently. First of all, it promotes the subjgation and ill treatment of women. Second, it has direct negative impacts on the participants of the film making in many different ways to include drug abuse, involuntary use of actors and actresses, etc. Third, millions are addicted to porn very similar to drugs and alcohol which has disasterous consequences.

Watching a love story set in a fictional environment with no sex, bad language etc. I would hardly equate to hardcore XXX porn. Night and day difference. The story is quite good and touching and in many ways is the story of the fight of good versus evil. One can use symbolism and different methods of telling this classic tale that dare I say it supports many tenants of the Bible although I am sure this was not a direct goal of the story teller or film maker.[/quote:1done98t]
The definition of "entertainment" is subjective, and is determined by the individual. Where one finds Harry Potter or Twilight entertainment, others find it a way for the enemy to place his foot in the door to their children's lives. The truth of the matter is that any evil that is depicted as "okay" is wrong to parade in front of our children. Let us all refrain from letting our opinions be garnered into acceptance by a worldly understanding, but instead let the Word of God guide us into all truth.

King James Version said:
8 Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things. 9 Those things, which ye have both learned , and received , and heard , and seen in me, do : and the God of peace shall be with you. Philippians 4:8-9
Solo said:
The definition of "entertainment" is subjective, and is determined by the individual. Where one finds Harry Potter or Twilight entertainment, others find it a way for the enemy to place his foot in the door to their children's lives. The truth of the matter is that any evil that is depicted as "okay" is wrong to parade in front of our children. Let us all refrain from letting our opinions be garnered into acceptance by a worldly understanding, but instead let the Word of God guide us into all truth.

King James Version said:
8 Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things. 9 Those things, which ye have both learned , and received , and heard , and seen in me, do : and the God of peace shall be with you. Philippians 4:8-9

So, you are defining evil as consistent with fictional stories? Do you know what the story of Harry Potter or Twilight is? Have you read the books or seen any of the movies? Harry Potter for example is a classic tale of good vs. evil very similar to Star Wars or Lord of the Rings. I can honestly say that viewing these items or reading them has not influenced my behavior to study witchcraft or something crazy like that. I have been entertained, nothing more, nothing less.
Aero_Hudson said:
Solo said:
The definition of "entertainment" is subjective, and is determined by the individual. Where one finds Harry Potter or Twilight entertainment, others find it a way for the enemy to place his foot in the door to their children's lives. The truth of the matter is that any evil that is depicted as "okay" is wrong to parade in front of our children. Let us all refrain from letting our opinions be garnered into acceptance by a worldly understanding, but instead let the Word of God guide us into all truth.

[quote="King James Version":21a3mp7z]8 Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things. 9 Those things, which ye have both learned , and received , and heard , and seen in me, do : and the God of peace shall be with you. Philippians 4:8-9

So, you are defining evil as consistent with fictional stories? Do you know what the story of Harry Potter or Twilight is? Have you read the books or seen any of the movies? Harry Potter for example is a classic tale of good vs. evil very similar to Star Wars or Lord of the Rings. I can honestly say that viewing these items or reading them has not influenced my behavior to study witchcraft or something crazy like that. I have been entertained, nothing more, nothing less.[/quote:21a3mp7z]
As pointed out in my previous post, God's Word says to think on those things that are true, honest, just, pure, lovely, of good report, virtue, and praise; and the God of peace will be with you.

God's Word also says that one is not to practice divination or sorcery, interpret omens, engage in witchcraft, turn to those with familiar spirits, seek after spiritists/mediums, or be defiled by them. Deuteronomy 18:9-14; Leviticus 19:31.

A born again believer's battle is not against flesh and blood, but against the powers, worldly forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness. So take care of what you let your eyes see and your ears hear and your hands do.
Solo said:
God's Word also says that one is not to practice divination or sorcery, interpret omens, engage in witchcraft, turn to those with familiar spirits, seek after spiritists/mediums, or be defiled by them. Deuteronomy 18:9-14; Leviticus 19:31.

Good thing I don't do any of that then, huh? :)
Aero_Hudson said:
Solo said:
God's Word also says that one is not to practice divination or sorcery, interpret omens, engage in witchcraft, turn to those with familiar spirits, seek after spiritists/mediums, or be defiled by them. Deuteronomy 18:9-14; Leviticus 19:31.

Good thing I don't do any of that then, huh? :)
Great! :clap Now give heed not to promote worldly devices that condone such practices whether in a fictional setting or not.

And make sure to think and promote those things that are true, honest, just, pure, lovely, of good report, virtue, and praise; and the God of peace will be with you.


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