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Two things I do not understand


Total amount
I basically want to go on a rant and ask a question for fellow Christians.

1. Why do people say retard
2. Why does EVERYONE support homosexuality

On the topic of the word "retard" I am stricken with a sense of disgust. Why do people like to use this word to signify someone who is by their logic "dumb"? Do people not know how offensive it can be? And yet these are the same people who are complaining about people saying "gay" or "queer".

On the topic of homosexuality why is everyone a sympathizer to it? I don't share the belief of rejecting it because the Bible rejects it I share the belief of men are supposed to love women and that homosexuality is just wrong period. Does anyone have a clear answer as to why this is how things are?

Sorry, if I am being mean or angry but my eyes are just so irritated of seeing this does anyone have advice or answers?
I share your disgust of the word "retard"'s not a word I hear often...but I react just as strongly to "retard" as I do to "n*gg*r or f*gg*t. These are hurtful, hateful words and if one can read into the spirit and not just the letter of Christ's words in Matthew 5:22, all these words render one guilty enough for the fires of hell.

As for homosexuality...I think we are experiencing a backlash of consequences because the Church did not act correctly towards gays...and blacks for that matter. Every argument the blacks had to put forth to gain just basic human respect are the same arguments the gays are now putting forth. And, just as the Church turned a blind eye toward the abject racism that blacks were subjected to until just a short while ago...the Church is still turning a blind eye towards the struggles that gays and lesbians experience.

The bible in no way teaches us to hate gays or to tolerate violence against them. But, gays have been subjected to hatred and violence by Christians...we can't wash our hands of this...

Now we live in a post-Christian society...and we're getting a bit of our own back. Now we're the ones being treated as societal pariahs if we speak out against homosexuality in any form.
1- I do not say "retard". I don't even say "mental retardation" or "mentally challenged". To me, that someone is just "alittle slow". I never nowadays make fun of or joke at someones disability.

2- Homosexuality?. I do not "support" it in any way, shape, or form.
It is wrong in the Bible. It is wrong in my eyes. It is just wrong. Gay marriage is one of the very top things to go wrong with this country. There, my rant.
Not everyone accepts homosexuality, it just seems like it.
I'm not sure I've ever said "retard" in my entire life.

I am SO in agreement with everything you said. Maybe not EVERYONE supports "gay rights" ... but it sure seems like it.

As to "retard", I have never liked the word at all. You should ask this question on a secular forum. In fact, I think I'll do that myself.
1. Why do people say retard
2. Why does EVERYONE support homosexuality

1. I think people say this because they carelessly use words to put others down, not realizing that there is no need to put people down in order to make a point. Basically, because they lack a better vocabulary coupled with lacking a sense of care for others.

When I encounter it, I link people to this site:
R-word | Spread the Word to End the Word
But it's more than just that word - it's any "put-down" and I believe this comes from the very strong "us-vs-them" tribalism that humanity has labored under. It's made worse by religions and nations and sports and every manner of trying to define oneself as "better" other than just BEING a better person than you were before.

2. I think because more and more people are realizing that this is a natural biological condition that does not harm anyone, like left-handedness which used to be reviled and people tried to "cure" it and forced left-handers to switch. Like being albino which used to be thought of as unnatural, but we learned better.

handy said:
The bible in no way teaches us to hate gays or to tolerate violence against them. But, gays have been subjected to hatred and violence by Christians...we can't wash our hands of this...

Now we live in a post-Christian society...and we're getting a bit of our own back. Now we're the ones being treated as societal pariahs if we speak out against homosexuality in any form.

I agree that Chrisitans have to face their own past to understand their present, and that you can't wash your hands of what Christians have done in the name of Christianity.

But we don't live in a "post-Christian" world when a large majority of the population still claims membership. That's not what we live in at all. And you're not getting "a little of your own back" but rather you are being woken up to the love of fellow humans and that people are no longer willing to hate in any name, where hate includes preventing people from living their own faith.

If you are treated as pariahs for speaking out against homosexuality (and it is odd to claim this when you consider how many people are doing it and how publicly they are doing it - think Prop8), it is because the speaking out against other's beliefs and religions is a hypocrisy when you demand freedom to practice your own but wish to legally deny that right to others. Homosexuality may be very very wrong in your religion, but for you to say others may not practice a different religion because you plan to pass laws to prevent them from practicing their religion which does **NOT** condemn homosexuality... THAT is why you generate debate; it's the naked hypocrisy of the demand for your religion and the plan to oppress others from theirs.

If you just spoke out against homosexuality from the heart of your own religion, no one would debate you, no one would claim you are a hypocrite. It is the desire to pass a law to deny freedom of religion to others that makes them think there is a problem.

You don't see anyone giving you a hard time for wanting to stay virgins until marriage - and that is because none of you are out trying to pass laws to make it illegal for others.
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Just a note on my tone above - I'm not talking from anger, I'm trying to honestly answer the query.

One way of looking at this is whether you condone "Free Speech". I don't know if you do, but Free Speech "condones" my ability to blaspheme, for example. And I assume that you consider my blasphemy or mocking of the holy spirit even worse than homosexuality. I can say it in school, I can say it in front of your kids (I wouldn't, by the way, I believe that to be rude - I won't even let my kids say "Oh, my god!" because I believe that's rude to believers) but the freedom of speech condones the possibility.

So if the argument is, "I will vote to prevent non-christians from living their religion because to permit it means that I CONDONE it" then you need to chuck free speech out. Among other rights.

If you are really REALLY willing to then chuck freedom to practice YOUR religion out the door with your willingness to let others practice THEIR religion, then I honestly expect you would not like your own actions.
I basically want to go on a rant and ask a question for fellow Christians.

1. Why do people say retard
2. Why does EVERYONE support homosexuality

On the topic of the word "retard" I am stricken with a sense of disgust. Why do people like to use this word to signify someone who is by their logic "dumb"? Do people not know how offensive it can be? And yet these are the same people who are complaining about people saying "gay" or "queer".

On the topic of homosexuality why is everyone a sympathizer to it? I don't share the belief of rejecting it because the Bible rejects it I share the belief of men are supposed to love women and that homosexuality is just wrong period. Does anyone have a clear answer as to why this is how things are?

Sorry, if I am being mean or angry but my eyes are just so irritated of seeing this does anyone have advice or answers?

The use of words like retard, and stupid and such is usually done by people who don't realize how mean these things sound. We should all of us watch our mouths towards one another because we are being examined by the watchful eyes of God on a constant basis.

As for your question about queers, I can only say that that life style is supported by a sick bunch. They exist in and out of the churches, and they don't seem to be going away. Oh,,,but they will. Wait for it....
The use of words like retard, and stupid and such is usually done by people who don't realize how mean these things sound. We should all of us watch our mouths towards one another because we are being examined by the watchful eyes of God on a constant basis.

As for your question about queers, I can only say that that life style is supported by a sick bunch. They exist in and out of the churches, and they don't seem to be going away. Oh,,,but they will. Wait for it....
I think they just don't know any better. Satan always counters what God has done, in this case it's same-sex marriage. The spirit of the anti-christ is working.

1 John 2:22 Who is the liar but the one who denies that Jesus is the Christ? This is the antichrist, the one who denies the Father and the Son.

1 John 4:3 and every spirit that does not confess Jesus is not from God; this is the spirit of the antichrist, of which you have heard that it is coming, and now it is already in the world.
The use of words like retard, and stupid and such is usually done by people who don't realize how mean these things sound. We should all of us watch our mouths towards one another because we are being examined by the watchful eyes of God on a constant basis.

As for your question about queers, I can only say that that life style is supported by a sick bunch. They exist in and out of the churches, and they don't seem to be going away. Oh,,,but they will. Wait for it....


Don't forget to watch your mouth at all times!
I agree that Chrisitans have to face their own past to understand their present, and that you can't wash your hands of what Christians have done in the name of Christianity.

But we don't live in a "post-Christian" world when a large majority of the population still claims membership. That's not what we live in at all. And you're not getting "a little of your own back" but rather you are being woken up to the love of fellow humans and that people are no longer willing to hate in any name, where hate includes preventing people from living their own faith.

If you are treated as pariahs for speaking out against homosexuality (and it is odd to claim this when you consider how many people are doing it and how publicly they are doing it - think Prop8), it is because the speaking out against other's beliefs and religions is a hypocrisy when you demand freedom to practice your own but wish to legally deny that right to others. Homosexuality may be very very wrong in your religion, but for you to say others may not practice a different religion because you plan to pass laws to prevent them from practicing their religion which does **NOT** condemn homosexuality... THAT is why you generate debate; it's the naked hypocrisy of the demand for your religion and the plan to oppress others from theirs.

If you just spoke out against homosexuality from the heart of your own religion, no one would debate you, no one would claim you are a hypocrite. It is the desire to pass a law to deny freedom of religion to others that makes them think there is a problem.

You don't see anyone giving you a hard time for wanting to stay virgins until marriage - and that is because none of you are out trying to pass laws to make it illegal for others.
Rhea, the term "post-Christian" really isn't meant to reflect how many people identify themselves as Christian as much as that in America, Christianity isn't the political powerhouse it used to be...for better or worse. There is a widening between secular and Christian influence and the secular is gaining much more ground...a trend that seems to be solidly progressing.

Again, I'm not saying this is good or bad. I think that having the Church very comfortable and cozy with politics wasn't good for either. Europe is most definitely post-Christian, and I don't think it will be all that much longer before America is wholly post-Christian as well.

The issue of homosexuality isn't a "religious" issue though. It isn't oppressing anyone's "religious" beliefs to say that gays should not marry, for instance. Mainly because there really isn't any established faith that embraces homosexuality. While there are many people of a particular faith that might embrace generally goes against the established tenants of their faith to do so. This is certainly true of the Christian faith.

However, the gay and lesbian community have, quite successfully, made glbt rights a civil rights and human rights issue. And, because America is becoming more and more secular in politics...the civil rights and human rights of glbt are being recognized more and more by both society and our government.

As a Christian, do I ever get "backlash" for my opinion that homosexuality isn't a "biological condition" that doesn't harm anyone rather than a sin issue that puts one in eternal danger as well as temporal danger...Oh yeah...I do. And, most around here will tell you, I'm pretty open and embracing of gays in general.

The backlash can be anything from patronizing "Poor deluded religious type...still brainwashed by centuries old thought...we know better now, but she just doesn't understand" to out and out vituperation...being called a homophobe and told that if I don't want a gay or lesbian minister serving me communion, I can "get out" of the church...which, since I don't, I did.

You are a bit mistaken when you say, "If you just spoke out against homosexuality from the heart of your own religion, no one would debate you, no one would claim you are a hypocrite."

My views on homosexuality is, for whatever reason a person might become homosexual, nature, nurture, experience...the bible clearly teaches it is a sin that needs to be repented of. Just like any and all other sins which we ALL...ALL...are subject to. I don't view homosexuality as being "more sinful" as any other sin...but it is still sin. I don't believe that gay marriage is any more sinful than divorce...but, just as I won't vote for policies that make divorce even easier to get than it already is...I'm not going to vote for policies that would open up gay marriage. Frankly, America will have nation-wide recognition and acceptance of gay marriage whether I vote for it or not...but, why should I vote against my conscience.

And, yes, I have been called hypocritical and worse...for these sincerely held beliefs. Not because I've ever "campaigned" against gay marriage, or any other "pro" gay policy...I never have nor will I. But, simply because I'm a Christian who is not willing to say that being gay is perfectly OK.

:) And no, I didn't think that your tone was angry at all. It's good and useful for Christians to have these discussions with non-believers.

So if the argument is, "I will vote to prevent non-christians from living their religion because to permit it means that I CONDONE it" then you need to chuck free speech out. Among other rights.

If you are really REALLY willing to then chuck freedom to practice YOUR religion out the door with your willingness to let others practice THEIR religion, then I honestly expect you would not like your own actions.
I disagree with you everyone, our Constitutional freedoms allow me to vote my conscience. Hence, when matters regarding gay rights come before me...I vote my conscience. (Which doesn't always mean I vote "no" btw).

There is a subtle message here: That it's OK for someone to "vote their conscience" if their conscience is telling them to vote "yes" for gay marriage, but it's oppressive or hypocritical for someone to "vote their conscience" if their conscience is telling them to vote "no" for gay marriage.

I am still wondering though what "religion" is pro homosexual? I've been verbally slapped by enough atheists to know not to consider atheism a religion.
Like it was said.

1 John 2:22 Who is the liar but the one who denies that Jesus is the Christ? This is the antichrist, the one who denies the Father and the Son.

1 John 4:3 and every spirit that does not confess Jesus is not from God; this is the spirit of the antichrist, of which you have heard that it is coming, and now it is already in the world.
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1) I guess "retard" is popular because mentally handicapped people don't really have a voice to stop the name calling. Anybody who is different is going to be made fun of until they get enough support to stop the nonsense.

2) I think gay marriage makes sense legally. I don't think its the best idea, it certainly isn't moral, but I don't see any secular, legal grounds on which to deny gays the right to marry or carry on as they see fit. Also, our society is a lot more relativistic and debauched than it used to be, so things like homosexuality, promiscuity, and drug abuse are going to be more OK.

A question, though...if you're not against gays because of the Bible, what do you base your belief on? Just the way things should be? I used to be gay and I stopped because God says its wrong. As I came to see things more from God's perspective, or at least obey what He had to say (always a good idea), I saw the problems with homosexuality and any form of sexual activity outside of a monogamous, heterosexual, lifelong marriage. But without the Bible, I don't see how you can be against homosexuality on moral grounds (though I can see how you could look at the statistics and decide its an unhealthy "deathstyle", given all the problems associated with homosexual activity).

I am SO in agreement with everything you said. Maybe not EVERYONE supports "gay rights" ... but it sure seems like it.

As to "retard", I have never liked the word at all. You should ask this question on a secular forum. In fact, I think I'll do that myself.

Mark, this is very true. As a Christian, it does seem like everyone is accepting of homosexuality. It certainly feels like the entertainment industry is fully on board with the agenda. :gah But, if you talk with people in conservative and/or Christian circles, you see there is a muted base of people who do not support it.

I don't support it, but I don't go around opposing it either. I will oppose it when I see it promoted within the Church, but as for the world - let them be the world, and I'll be of Christ. I also think we come off wrong when this sin is singled out so dramatically from other sins. I believe there are a lot more people who do not support it than is seems, mostly because our voices are drowned out by the media. Also, people who support it have a much more vigorous agenda than people who don't. We don't typically stand on rooftops voicing opposition to it (and I'm happy about that), but they sure seem to when they support it!

As for the word "retard", like everyone else, I believe this is a terribly ugly word, and it is used too often. I think people don't really think it through as some have suggested. They seem to use it in place of "stupid" or "idiot". It just shouldn't be casually thrown around.
Rhea, the term "post-Christian" really isn't meant to reflect how many people identify themselves as Christian as much as that in America, Christianity isn't the political powerhouse it used to be...for better or worse. There is a widening between secular and Christian influence and the secular is gaining much more ground...a trend that seems to be solidly progressing.

Thanks for the explanation, I had partly misunderstood. But I still see such a loud contribution of religion in politics lately that I find the opposite. So many of the politicians running for federal office these days are using religion as their vote-getter (or attempting it) that I really don't see the evidence of a decreasing influence. I realize Christians are becoming more a of minority in the general population, but the activists are getting louder, so perhaps it's deceiving.

The issue of homosexuality isn't a "religious" issue though. It isn't oppressing anyone's "religious" beliefs to say that gays should not marry, for instance. Mainly because there really isn't any established faith that embraces homosexuality. While there are many people of a particular faith that might embrace generally goes against the established tenants of their faith to do so. This is certainly true of the Christian faith.

I see it from a different angle. There are several Christian denominations who DO accept gay as part of their flock, and *do* have affirmation ceremonies and *do* believe that all love between consenting adults is good and god-loved. I belong to such a church. These laws seek to deny my church the right to practice their religion, which is "open and affirming".

And the right to practice *no* religion is also protected, except when people try to make one church's laws oppress that "religious grouping".

However, the gay and lesbian community have, quite successfully, made glbt rights a civil rights and human rights issue.
quite reasonably, according to the legal arguments.
And, because America is becoming more and more secular in politics...the civil rights and human rights of glbt are being recognized more and more by both society and our government.
slowly, that is true. But very many of the supporters, as I say, are NOT atheists. They are Christian secularists. Christians who believe in keeping to their own values, but who abhor the idea of regulating the religions of others.

As a Christian, do I ever get "backlash" for my opinion that homosexuality isn't a "biological condition" that doesn't harm anyone rather than a sin issue that puts one in eternal danger as well as temporal danger...Oh yeah...I do. And, most around here will tell you, I'm pretty open and embracing of gays in general.

The backlash can be anything from patronizing "Poor deluded religious type...still brainwashed by centuries old thought...we know better now, but she just doesn't understand" to out and out vituperation...being called a homophobe and told that if I don't want a gay or lesbian minister serving me communion, I can "get out" of the church...which, since I don't, I did.

I gather from most of your posts that you are a caring person. One conundrum that a caring person faces in a religion is that the religion may force them to say something uncaring, like, "you're going to be damned and that will be the right thing." But even though the person is caring, the statement will produce backlash - because the statement is not caring - it's condemning and judgmental. Biblical, yes, but nonetheless condemning and judgmental. So the people aren't giving backlash against you, but against the statement. One can imagine that quite a few gays, especially teens, have faced a more severe "backlash" than a Christian who is preaching eternal danger. More than being called a "hypocrite" those teens have suffered violence.

You are a bit mistaken when you say, "If you just spoke out against homosexuality from the heart of your own religion, no one would debate you, no one would claim you are a hypocrite."
You're probably right. That is too Pollyanna. You would probably still get debate, but I think very little backlash by comparison. If a person says, "I am not able to speak for the conditions of others, because my religion says no one but god can judge and what do I know of a person's heart but my own? But for me, I must reject or avoid or deny homosexuality in myself, because I feel it is crucial in my path to salvation to be free of this and every other sin", then it comes off very differently than, "you will burn in hell and that's why I am justified to use the law to force you to adhere to my religion."

My views on homosexuality is, for whatever reason a person might become homosexual, nature, nurture, experience...the bible clearly teaches it is a sin that needs to be repented of. Just like any and all other sins which we ALL...ALL...are subject to. I don't view homosexuality as being "more sinful" as any other sin...but it is still sin. I don't believe that gay marriage is any more sinful than divorce...but, just as I won't vote for policies that make divorce even easier to get than it already is...I'm not going to vote for policies that would open up gay marriage. Frankly, America will have nation-wide recognition and acceptance of gay marriage whether I vote for it or not...but, why should I vote against my conscience.
To me - the answer is obvious and full of grace; I would vote against my conscience because my conscience is religious and to vote on religion is to force my religion on non-believers. I can *USE* my conscience on myself all I want in righteousness, but to force others to obey something purely religious, is to weaken my own rights. I am often confused how the people who insist to vote their religion into law can square that with the "pearls before swine" and "turn the other cheek" and "give him also you cloak" verses, but that confusion is mine to ponder, I cannot claim to know the right of it.

:) And no, I didn't think that your tone was angry at all. It's good and useful for Christians to have these discussions with non-believers.
Thank you a million for that. It is often so hard to have a calm discussion about this without people assuming that I'm trying to change or picket or am frothing at the mouth angry. The topic itself often generates a frenzy even if the debaters are quite contemplative.

I disagree with you everyone, our Constitutional freedoms allow me to vote my conscience. Hence, when matters regarding gay rights come before me...I vote my conscience. (Which doesn't always mean I vote "no" btw).
Sometimes for me, my "conscience" is a weighing of two things. My personal beliefs, and my support of the contitution that protects our differences. Sometimes I have to vote for something I *don't* support, because I support their right to be different. Sometimes I vote for or advocate for something religious, even though I do not support religion, because your RIGHT to be religious is the thing I'm REALLY supporting. That how the "conscience" sometimes manifests.

There is a subtle message here: That it's OK for someone to "vote their conscience" if their conscience is telling them to vote "yes" for gay marriage, but it's oppressive or hypocritical for someone to "vote their conscience" if their conscience is telling them to vote "no" for gay marriage.

I would translate that as:
It is hypocritical to vote in a way that restricts other groups in ways that you enjoy no restriction
It is not hypocritical to keep to your own values and vote to ensure that others can keep to theirs
(as long as those values do not unduly come back and limit yours by existing - such as voting to protect other people's rights to spank children who are not their own, like yours.)

I am still wondering though what "religion" is pro homosexual? I've been verbally slapped by enough atheists to know not to consider atheism a religion.
United Church of Christ, is one. I won't post any links due to TOS, but search on "open and affirming church" and you will come across a world-wide directory. Here's a very partial listing:

Welcoming Gay Friendly Churches in Texas - TX

(sorted by city, denomination and then church name)

218 churches

First Christian Church Abilene Disciples of Christ
Episcopal Church of the Heavenly Rest Abilene Episcopal
St. Mark’s Episcopal Church Abilene Episcopal
Exodus MCC Abilene MCC
Westminster Presbyterian Church Abilene Presbyterian

The Episcopal Church in Parker County Aledo Episcopal

San Damiano Deanery Amarillo American Orthodox Catholic
MCC Amarillo Amarillo MCC

St. Andrew Christian Church Arlington Disciples of Christ
Holy Comforter Episcopal Church Arlington Episcopal
St. Alban's Episcopal Church Arlington Episcopal
Trinity MCC Arlington MCC
The Life Center “TLC” Arlington Non-denominational

and those are just in Texas, and just in the cities starting with "A", and not even including Austin. Those are all churches who believe that it is right to be open to and affirm the love for and by homosexuals. So, yes, there are plenty of religions which support this. They don't need atheists.
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Civil Rights. What three groups of people are these largly made up of? Nothing wrong with some civil rights. All should be treated civil. Yet, are sinful rights to be accepted with a smile is the question. And when two are correct & one is not according to Gods law, and then we still see three of these three pushed forward as 'civil rights' in a type of yoked civil law by some of the loudest of mouthed ones of these type folks, then what Christian would not be offended?

Elijah...I agree with you! :thumbsup


You've brought up some good food for thought, but perhaps we're straying too far away from the OP...happens a lot around here! :lol

Regarding "gay friendly"'s the point...the "religion" most of these churches profess is supposed to be Christianity...but they have strayed far from what the tenets of our faith uphold as truth.

Christianity is a word that has become almost meaningless because folks use it to cover all who truly believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and the only source of salvation to a fallen world, to those who simply think He was a gentle philosopher who said some nice things about love. There's a fairly broad spectrum in between.

The Church...the Body of Christ which is comprised of all believers of all time (this would include even folks like Abraham and King David) hold certain things to be truth. Yes, there are many modern churches that are breaking away from these truths...but this is in contradiction of their "religion". As for the "Christian churches" that have embraced homosexuality...this isn't the only issue in which they have separated, not only from historic Christian tenets, but their own denomination's historic teachings as well. All the churches you listed also reject the Scriptures as the inspired and inerrant Word of God (whole 'nuther thread) and many even question the whole, "Jesus is God" idea opting instead for a sort of grayish area that makes statements like "You have to experience Jesus as man in order to understand his divinity and experience his divinity in order to understand the man." (This was something someone said at an ELCA gathering I was at. It sounds cool, but it's based in new agey thought.)

Again, I know of no "religion" that embraces homosexuality. Only splinter groups from historic Christianity and Judaism.
I think they just don't know any better. Satan always counters what God has done, in this case it's same-sex marriage. The spirit of the anti-christ is working.

1 John 2:22 Who is the liar but the one who denies that Jesus is the Christ? This is the antichrist, the one who denies the Father and the Son.

1 John 4:3 and every spirit that does not confess Jesus is not from God; this is the spirit of the antichrist, of which you have heard that it is coming, and now it is already in the world.

You simply deserve a handshake!
Rockie said:
I think they just don't know any better. Satan always counters what God has done, in this case it's same-sex marriage. The spirit of the anti-christ is working.

1 John 2:22 Who is the liar but the one who denies that Jesus is the Christ? This is the antichrist, the one who denies the Father and the Son.

1 John 4:3 and every spirit that does not confess Jesus is not from God; this is the spirit of the antichrist, of which you have heard that it is coming, and now it is already in the world.

You simply deserve a handshake!

Yep! :yes

The tricky thing is...they will look you in the eye and deny ever denying the Son or that Jesus is from God...all the while either stripping Him of His divinity...or making out that he is divine only because God divinely resides in all of us...that Jesus just knew how to tap into his "inner god" more than the rest of us...
Civil Rights. What three groups of people are these largly made up of? Nothing wrong with some civil rights. All should be treated civil. Yet, are sinful rights to be accepted with a smile is the question. And when two are correct & one is not according to Gods law, and then we still see three of these three pushed forward as 'civil rights' in a type of yoked civil law by some of the loudest of mouthed ones of these type folks, then what Christian would not be offended?

Exactly! We were never meant to be "free" according to the definition the world supplies, "free" to do what ever it is we want or even think we need. The freedom God gives, He also has given us a boundary, confined only by His great love for us and His mercy and grace. When we step outside of His boundaries, sin comes into play and the "freedom of this world" takes over, when we remain outside of His boundaries, then we become as the world, we accept what the world has to offer, and our minds are not conformed by Christ, but conformed by that which is in the world.

And those who have stepped outside of His boundaries, and claim to be believers, are only aiding and abetting the spirit of the anti-christ.


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