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What does humanity suffer from most?

What does humanity suffer from most?

  • Lack of Wisdom

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After some thought on suffering of the human race, I have reached the inescapable conclusion that we suffer from a lack of wisdom the most. Knowledge has increased immensely for the last few hundred years....

With knowledge, humans have made giant strides in technology, conveniance, and life as we know it, making modern civilization a place of pleasure, ease, and comfort.

However, humanity has created a dark, an evil side to this as well.....with the good comes the bad. The planet could be destroyed by the people who live on it. Bombs of immense power, weapons just waiting to be misused by wicked minds. We see this already, there are fanatics who wage wars using inhuman methods....

If humans truly had wisdom in thier feeble minds, could these things come to pass. I do not beleive so. knowledge has been humanity's help, but it's misuse has contributed to it's downfall. Knowledge has a friend, His name is Wisdom. Wisdom keeps Knowledge from being misused....but why do so many accept knowledge, and not wisdom. If there is no wisdom, how can anyone be certain of the usefulness of their knowledge? How can one even be certain that the knowledge is not false, and is being given intended for misuse? Knowledge is simply amoral, like a gun. It can be used for good or for evil. This I beleive: Knowledge without wisdom will always lead to destruction.


Just my musings lately. So many accept knowledge, yet reject wisdom, and worse, the Giver of infinite wisdom? Why do so many reject the obvious, and never stop to reconsider their ideas?
I'd agree! However, there is a fine line between wisdom and knowledge. Look at Solomon, he was the wisest man recorded in history, yet he fell to his own knowledge of that wisdom. Or should we call that HUMILITY or lack thereof?
Hsa 4:6 My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge:

Sin you can recover from...lack of knowledge goes clear through to the bone....and some just can't recover... :)
Knowledge. The starving masses in Africa and India don't know how to utilize the land for better crop production. People in Africa believe that the only way to rid themselves of AIDS is to have sex with a virgin (which spreads AIDS, of course) Human suffering is definately caused more by lack of knowledge than lack of understanding. Lack of wisdom has its share, of course, but not as much, in my opinion.
The way Prilosec is disappearing off the shelves at stores across the nation I think heart burn would be close to the top of the list.
Sin produces death. Unresolved sin leads people to a lost eternity--No greater problem.
I was going to say sin but them I thought, sin is the symptom of the disease, but it is not the disease itself. You don't die from the symptom you die from the disease. The disease is not having a relationship with God and that comes from lack of knowledge.... :)
Lack of wisdom, specifically lack in the ability to think critically about ideas, opinions and situations. Thankfully, natural selection will see to raising this.
natural selection

IF nature selected the best adapted varieties to survive and to reproduce then why don't we have all wonderful and healthy people, fruit, trees, plants and things by now...we should be just about perfect after all this evolving...don't you think it has been going on for millions of years? What happened? Darwin was an idiot!

Eve777 said:
natural selection

IF nature selected the best adapted varieties to survive and to reproduce then why don't we have all wonderful and healthy people, fruit, trees, plants and things by now...we should be just about perfect after all this evolving...don't you think it has been going on for millions of years? What happened? Darwin was an idiot!

Silly girl, it's because we have competitors that have been evolving as well. The bacteria, germs and viruses are always changing in order for them to survive. We are at war with our surroundings. If God made us and loved us he certainly wouldn't have put these things here in the first place. As to longevity man lives the longest now than has ever been recorded. Please don't bring up the bible longevity as it's not provable. All the bones ever found don't lead to anyone living much beyond 35 years of age. So when you see major organs failing in the 50's 60's and seventies that is only evidence that the whole system has not yet adapted to living that long.
Genesis 1:31 And God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good. And the evening and the morning were the sixth day.

Thing were very good in the beginning and then man began devolving.

Man disobeyed God and all hell broke loose.

If man was good then we wouldn't need to be saved.

God is good and longsuffering.

The only reason we are even alive is because of God's love.

2 Peter 3:9 The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.

Two possible choices for degenerating man.

Repent and believe the gospel or perish.
Natural selection is not really shaping humanity anymore. We are changing faster than evolution can keep up with. Just about anyone can and does reproduce and their children are very likely to live to pass on heir genes no matter how fit they are.

So people with bad eyesight, low IQ, bad hearts, subseptible to cancer and have missing limbs are able to survive to pass on their genes. In days where resources were scarce, these people would be less likely to survive and their genes would die out.

Silly girl, it's because we have competitors that have been evolving as well.

Hmmm no, silly boy...It is because the theory was dumb to start with. :)

God said he did it and "it was good".....all of was all good..... :-D

Gen 1:10 And God called the dry [land] Earth; and the gathering together of the waters called he Seas: and God saw that [it was] good.

Gen 1:11 And God said, Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb yielding seed, [and] the fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind, whose seed [is] in itself, upon the earth: and it was so.

Gen 1:12 And the earth brought forth grass, [and] herb yielding seed after his kind, and the tree yielding fruit, whose seed [was] in itself, after his kind: and God saw that [it was] good.
Quath said:
Natural selection is not really shaping humanity anymore. We are changing faster than evolution can keep up with. Just about anyone can and does reproduce and their children are very likely to live to pass on heir genes no matter how fit they are.

So people with bad eyesight, low IQ, bad hearts, subseptible to cancer and have missing limbs are able to survive to pass on their genes. In days where resources were scarce, these people would be less likely to survive and their genes would die out.


Let me get your opinion on something: Should certain people not be allowed to reproduce to pass on their genes if they have negative heredity, traits, weakness, etc..? That would increase the number of healthy humans, right? Basically, should we mess with "mother nature" and let those who would naturally die out, survive and reproduce? Logically, those who are trying to alter the human race through evolutionary changes would want to. So, really, humans would be much more evolved physically if we hadn't messed with the system, right?
Darck Marck said:
Let me get your opinion on something: Should certain people not be allowed to reproduce to pass on their genes if they have negative heredity, traits, weakness, etc..? That would increase the number of healthy humans, right? Basically, should we mess with "mother nature" and let those who would naturally die out, survive and reproduce? Logically, those who are trying to alter the human race through evolutionary changes would want to. So, really, humans would be much more evolved physically if we hadn't messed with the system, right?
I am for going the other way. Eventually we will be able to weed out bad genes. We could get rid of all genetic diseases with artificial fertilization. Or maybe once fertalized, we can have viruses that will go in the fertalized egg and snip out the bad genes.

It gets more controversial from there and you could wind up with a society like the movie "Gattaca." But I think humanity will have to improve itself or else it risks falling behind its creations.
