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On top of going way overboard with a rant,this stand-alone comment reaches pretty far.I had a feeling this subject would touch a nerve with someone,but at least be sensible about things if youre going to kick down the door with both barrels loaded.I was raised around plenty of southern whites,many of whom were highly racist and literally never saw the flags go up if a different race dared utter a word of encouragement.Ive also never witnessed anyone in christian forums sounding the alarm on such.So how about we ground ourselves in reality?

My reality is fine thanks. As to what you have witnessed on Christian forums...we all see what we want. The OP implies that whites would be unfairly called racist if they made an appeal to white voters....whether the setting is a church isn't really the point, is it?

My comments were based on how groundless this assumption is, especially in light of the fact that I have never seen it proved, nor any examples provided of this type of response from blacks. My nerves weren't touched and you would know if I fired a shot....I try not to go there.

It is simple fact that under the obama administration weve seen several examples of what was voiced earlier in the conversation.Until he came along,I dont recall churches being under pressure for speaking out to the congregation.Now all of a sudden there is the threat of legal intervention and the removal of tax-exempt status for them doing s:ermur glorious leader stands at the head of this,yet he thinks its ok to let his wife outline the double-standard by speaking out accordingly.Their own past is very sketchy to say the least having come from a background of well-known racist churches and being on record with very racist and other anti-american comments.But you never hear that discussed for long.Conveniently its forgotten.

It seems like you have personal issues with our Commander in Chief. Good luck with that but I was addressing the OP.

As far as Obama's affiliation with Jerimiah Wright....I'm sure Jerimiah got it wrong. God will bless America for all the wonderful things it has done for her citizens and overlook her transgressions against Natives, Africans, Mexicans, and the Japanese. God doesn't make nations and peoples answer for their mistakes, especially when they are backed by God Himself.

This further proves what I have seen as typical of this administration.Rarely can one criticize them without having someone spring forth to their defense waving the stereotypical race card like a neon red flag.

You got it twisted. The OP stated that if whites did what Michele did, whites would be called racists. I'm afraid the neon "reverse" racist card was already in play.. It seems like when the reverse race card is played anybody that wants to take it out of play gets shot down or bullied out of the conversation.

The point Im trying to reach here,though at length,is that many americans,white and black,recognize the mistakes,the hypocrisy,and the outright ridiculousness that is typical of this administration..and theyre tired of it.Ive met quite a few,mexican,etc etc who are sick of the circus and are chomping at the bit for November to roll around with the hopes that we see a different candidate doing a better job.The initial post wasnt about blacks trying to encourage blacks and whites not lovin was yet another average person pointing out the factual obvious. we are going to change the intent of the OP so that you can justify what you want it say. What was said, was what was stands on its own. If the poster intended to say all that you say the thread means, then they should have clarified. The OP played the race card not me.

The better question would be "Does it really matter?".No.It doesnt.Noone here stated that black,white,mexican or swahili churches shouldnt be free to share opinions or support/stand against political candidates.An observation was made and a comment offered about the factual hypocrisy of our current regime..the rest is,as they say,history.

No it doesn't matter...race did not and does not have to be an issue everytime the President or his wife opens their mouth. An oberservation was made about an hyprocrisy that hasn't been proved in the context of the which the comment was written. It really seemed petty to me in light of what Michele was saying and to the specific audience she was addressing.

If hating Obama is your thing, by all means do you. But it starts to sound ridiculous when everything he and wife do and say is demonized. I'd rather see people openly state they hate O. becasue he's black, rather than nickel and dime every breath he takes.

Hiding hatred is a sin according to scriptures. I say go for it...and be honest.

If hating Obama is your thing, by all means do you. But it starts to sound ridiculous when everything he and wife do and say is demonized. I'd rather see people openly state they hate O. becasue he's black, rather than nickel and dime every breath he takes.

Hiding hatred is a sin according to scriptures. I say go for it...and be honest.


I dont dislike our thoughtless leader because hes black,I cant stand him because hes an immoral idiot of the highest degree.The rest is your own clueless assumption.
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This article and other posts seems to suggest that [race X] votes as a block. That's not really the case.
The article is very much relevant because, it speaks about why Mrs Obama has to ask people of color to get involved. Because by her being a person of color, she knows people of color are not to trusting of politicians and with good reason.
I dont dislike our thoughtless leader because hes black,I cant stand him because hes an immoral idiot of the highest degree.The rest is your own clueless assumption.

I didn't say you hated O. I said "if." I made no assumptions just observations based on your own attemps to call me out for not wanting to play the race card. But please....don't lower yourself to name-calling. It's not becoming.

I didn't say you hated O. I said "if." I made no assumptions just observations based on your own attemps to call me out for not wanting to play the race card. But please....don't lower yourself to name-calling. It's not becoming.


Ive not attempted to do anything but clarify the intent of the original post and my own added comments in reference to it.I went a bit further with that by stating where I disagreed with your rant on racism which,true,I found quite ridiculous.

If you truly dont wish to play the race card,though,why the comments/accusations that everyone should just come clean about disliking the president based solely on color? Perhaps you have your own difficulties dealing with the subject matter.Noone even stated or implied anything similar what youve laid out,yet there it is..the gauntlet I expected finally dropped.We all just hate the president because hes black,at least according to you.Typical.

And if by name-calling your reference points to me labeling our leader an idiot..well he is.If youre not comfortable hearing such,then perhaps invest in some fine earplugs,because the majority of this country..not just white..would love to see him voted out.
If hating Obama is your thing, by all means do you. But it starts to sound ridiculous when everything he and wife do and say is demonized. I'd rather see people openly state they hate O. becasue he's black, rather than nickel and dime every breath he takes.

Hiding hatred is a sin according to scriptures. I say go for it...and be honest.
Here you REALLY stick your head in your anus. How long have you been such a creep?

I openly HATE Obama, and make no apology for it. I hate him because he is not an American (that is NOT a reference to where he was born, but his ideology).

But at the same time, I was an advocate of Herman Cain BEFORE YOU ever heard his name! I got introduced to Herman on his radio show on WSB, here in Atlanta in 2007. I even sent him a check as soon as he announced.

I also sent a check to Greg Sands
View attachment 2516
as soon as HE announced his candidacy. I will be sending him more money if he survives the primary, because I know the man's wife and any man she'd have if fine by me!

So, tell me again how you KNOW we hate Obama because we are racists.

Go ahead.

No, dont bother, because people like you dont' matter to me.
Ive not attempted to do anything but clarify the intent of the original post and my own added comments in reference to it.I went a bit further with that by stating where I disagreed with your rant on racism which,true,I found quite ridiculous.

Interesting. Clarifying that blacks would not likely consider it racist if a white candidate did what Michele did today was a problem for you. Clearly defining racism as something that goes beyond a, "I don't like you thing" but rather as a systematic device used to control, harass, and dehumanize others wasn't to your liking either.

If the truth about the nature of racism bothers you then, maybe you have issues to deal with. It's not a word to toss around lightly every time groups of people don't like each other. And a few lines about the horrors and effects of racism can hardly be considered ranting can it? Should we obscure the truth because it offends you?

If you truly dont wish to play the race card,though,why the comments/accusations that everyone should just come clean about disliking the president based solely on color? Perhaps you have your own difficulties dealing with the subject matter.Noone even stated or implied anything similar what youve laid out,yet there it is..the gauntlet I expected finally dropped.We all just hate the president because hes black,at least according to you.Typical.

I'm sure there are very good reason for people to [hate?] dislike the President. But the venom directed towards this President is's like as was said on CNN, "the elephant in the Rose Garden." It would be unwise to pretend that many can't stand him based soley on his race. And it would be refreshing if those that felt that way owned it. Again, not an accusation but an oberservation based on how often racism is consistenly brought into the conversation.

But of course, if someone suggests this they are, again, accused of playing the race card....predictable.

And if by name-calling your reference points to me labeling our leader an idiot..well he is.If youre not comfortable hearing such,then perhaps invest in some fine earplugs,because the majority of this country..not just white..would love to see him voted out.

Is that just guilt talking? The name-calling reference was to your clueless comment towards me. In terms of being comfortable...I am very thanks... but don't think because others refuse to speak out and be berated for their opinions that other opinions don't exist.

But of course I could be wrong...after all you speak for the majority.

Here you REALLY stick your head in your anus. How long have you been such a creep?

I openly HATE Obama, and make no apology for it. I hate him because he is not an American (that is NOT a reference to where he was born, but his ideology).

But at the same time, I was an advocate of Herman Cain BEFORE YOU ever heard his name! I got introduced to Herman on his radio show on WSB, here in Atlanta in 2007. I even sent him a check as soon as he announced.

I also sent a check to Greg Sands
View attachment 3074
as soon as HE announced his candidacy. I will be sending him more money if he survives the primary, because I know the man's wife and any man she'd have if fine by me!

So, tell me again how you KNOW we hate Obama because we are racists.

Go ahead.

No, dont bother, because people like you dont' matter to me.


I won't say what I am feeling right now because I have no desire to lose my testimony and get banned from this site. Such outburts, I'd rather steer clear of....

That being said, I have never stated that those who disagree with O. are racists. What I said was it would be nice if those who hated him for his race were honest about would surely clear the airwaves and conversations for those who have real issues with his policy. Unfortunatley, making blanket commets that insuate blacks would have a problem if a white candidate urged a white church to vote plays the race card and feeds on the fear in the hearts of many.

So if you like Heramain Cain...that's your problem. But don't try to school me with name-calling because you don't like what I said. I can't stand a lot of what you say, with your know it all science background...but I've never called you a name for it.

If you've got something else to get off of your chest, I'd suggest you PM me.

And if you don't care to do me I won't lose sleep over not talking with you.


I won't say what I am feeling right now because I have no desire to lose my testimony and get banned from this site. Such outburts, I'd rather steer clear of....
But you have no problem stating such insulting crap as I quoted above.
Dont' sit there and try to take the high road with me now, it is insulting. Go back and defend what you said - if you can.

Or, retract it and apologize.

And if you have any problem with what scientific knowledge I have, go ahead and challenge me, I'd enjoy that! :thumbsup
But you have no problem stating such insulting crap as I quoted above.
Dont' sit there and try to take the high road with me now, it is insulting. Go back and defend what you said - if you can.

Or, retract it and apologize.

And if you have any problem with what scientific knowledge I have, go ahead and challenge me, I'd enjoy that! :thumbsup

If hating Obama is your thing, by all means do you. But it starts to sound ridiculous when everything he and wife do and say is demonized. I'd rather see people openly state they hate O. becasue he's black, rather than nickel and dime every breath he takes.

Hiding hatred is a sin according to scriptures. I say go for it...and be honest.

I would never consider the high road with you. Your nastiness is well documented on this forum, and you seem to get away with it. Me on the other hand...I'm sure I'd have a warning if I expressed myself. But alas there is no need're a birther, enuf said.

Apologize...nah. People have a right to disagree with and dislike, or as in the case of the most righteous Christians, hate, their leadership. But it gets silly when everything O does is criticized from the way he walks, talks...he probably can't pee straight enuf for some either. It begins to seem rather petty with no rhyme or reason...the hate seems to stem from the fact that he exists. When its gets petty, all the righteous reasons for wanting him out of the office fade. And issues like the fact that Michele urged blacks to vote take center stage.

So yeah, it would be refreshing for those who hate him for being black to be honest about it and stop hiding behind his politics. It's distracting for those who discern the difference. Then maybe some of the more serious issues could heard seriously. But this comment is not directed to anyone particular, but rather to Obama discussions far and wide including those that take place in the media.

Btw, kudos for you being smart sceintifically...if it was a subject on the get into heaven quiz, I'm sure you would pass.

Interesting. Clarifying that blacks would not likely consider it racist if a white candidate did what Michele did today was a problem for you. Clearly defining racism as something that goes beyond a, "I don't like you thing" but rather as a systematic device used to control, harass, and dehumanize others wasn't to your liking either.

Your entire argument and/or problem with the original post is about as deluded and backwards as it can get at this point.Lets review.

The point was made that its hypocritical for michelle to call on black churches for votes,meanwhile if other candidates ask their churches to do the same,someone always cries wolf and pulls the race card.

Perhaps reading comprehension isnt your strong suit,as you seem to enjoy twisting words and slinging unfounded accusations,particularly where race is concerned.

If the truth about the nature of racism bothers you then, maybe you have issues to deal with. It's not a word to toss around lightly every time groups of people don't like each other. And a few lines about the horrors and effects of racism can hardly be considered ranting can it? Should we obscure the truth because it offends you?

The truth about racism is that its one of the most ridiculous and useless aspects of any society.And,while I agree with the sentiment that its not a word to toss around lightly,I find it interesting that you do so with alarming ease..even to the point of stating that anyone who disagrees with our current pres hates him on the basis of race.Its much more effective to oppose something if you dont actively engage in what you condemn.

Also,if youre such a fan of free speech why should I temper my comments on your behalf?Could it be that you wish to silence my opinion or bully me into submission because the truth offends you?

I'm sure there are very good reason for people to [hate?] dislike the President. But the venom directed towards this President is's like as was said on CNN, "the elephant in the Rose Garden." It would be unwise to pretend that many can't stand him based soley on his race. And it would be refreshing if those that felt that way owned it. Again, not an accusation but an oberservation based on how often racism is consistenly brought into the conversation.

But of course, if someone suggests this they are, again, accused of playing the race card....predictable.

Correct,there are many reasons people dont like him.He was involved with racist churches.Both he and his wife have made numerous anti-american comments.He masquerades as a christian but refuses to acknowledge the traditional national day of prayer,then follows with a muslim display he was more than happy to take part in.His economical decisions are reckless.On goes the list.

True,there are many out there who dont like him based on race alone.Noone here tried to dismiss that or pretend it doesnt exist.Thats also something that to a degree he should expect considering his past affiliation with certain organizations and his own comments.

As for the comment that he has received far more intense criticism than any before him..correct.And he deserves every bit of it.Although youd rather believe again that hes a victim of color alone,such is not the case.There has never before been such an openly anti-american politician in office.The man refuses to acknowledge the pledge of allegiance.He apologizes to muslim countries for us simply being what we are and continues to undermine everything this country has stood for in years past.Despite the fact that this country was founded on christian principles and owes its prosperity to that, he has taken it upon himself to declare that we are no longer a christian country,nevermind the fact that the majority feels otherwise.He pushes legislation under the table,and when discovered makes excuses for it while making no move to reverse the process.His administration attempts to silence the church,except when he thinks it may work in his favor.And this is just scratching the surface.But go ahead,blame it on racism again..I guess thats much easier to do than own up to the fact that he is easily the most anti-american,anti-family,anti-religion and racist president this country has seen to date.His existence isnt despised,I wouldnt credit him for being that significant.His own actions have earned him the disrespect that will hopefully work against him come November.

Is that just guilt talking? The name-calling reference was to your clueless comment towards me. In terms of being comfortable...I am very thanks... but don't think because others refuse to speak out and be berated for their opinions that other opinions don't exist.

Guilt in what,pray tell? I never called you a name,so on this Ill ask that you provide a quote to back that up.I have no shame or guilt associated with the fact that while you profess to take the high road while feigning indifference,youre obviously so intent on turning this into a hate debate that youve allowed yourself the luxury of imagining comments that didnt take place.Ive openly stated that your position on much of this is quite irrational.So rest assured,Im comfortable stating that.

But of course I could be wrong...after all you speak for the majority.


Yes,you are wrong on many of your assumptions/accusations..Im glad you made room for that.

I speak only for myself here.What was stated,and twisted by yourself,is the fact that many others in the country have reservations on concerning the current state of the union.
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Your entire argument and/or problem with the original post is about as deluded and backwards as it can get at this point.Lets review.

The point was made that its hypocritical for michelle to call on black churches for votes,meanwhile if other candidates ask their churches to do the same,someone always cries wolf and pulls the race card.

Perhaps reading comprehension isnt your strong suit,as you seem to enjoy twisting words and slinging unfounded accusations,particularly where race is concerned.

I wouldn't judge other's reading skills. I clearly stated that it was unfounded to state that if a white candiate asked a white church for votes that they would be called racist...thereby removing the race card and disagreeing with the OP. Guess you missed that, huh?

The truth about racism is that its one of the most ridiculous and useless aspects of any society.And,while I agree with the sentiment that its not a word to toss around lightly,I find it interesting that you do so with alarming ease..even to the point of stating that anyone who disagrees with our current pres hates him on the basis of race.Its much more effective to oppose something if you dont actively engage in what you condemn.

Speaking again of reading comp...I never said anyone who "hates" the president does so based on race. There are many people who dislike what is going on in the country and want change. They don't like the President and they want him doesn't make them racist. That being said there are those that hate based on race (go to a tea party rally to see it in action). It would be nice if those who feel this way would own it....that way their own phychotic line of thought would not get mixed in with the normal conversations.

Why you would keep going over this when it was intended as a general comment is beyond me..I didn't call you racist. In fact, I never pointed out anyone specifically as racist. If my comment doesn't apply to you why do you keep on defending against it? Better yet, why pretend like it's not possible that this is going on? You don't think Obama being hung in effigy at rallies is a nod only to those who disagree with his policies do you?

Also,if youre such a fan of free speech why should I temper my comments on your behalf?Could it be that you wish to silence my opinion or bully me into submission because the truth offends you?

Free speech shouldn't lead to free insults. I could care less what your comments are...they belong to you to do with them what you wish. But name-calling doesn't prove intelligence or rightness. It's just a way to lash out and hurt someone. But by all means, we all joined this Christian forum freely, do what you think is right.

Correct,there are many reasons people dont like him.He was involved with racist churches.Both he and his wife have made numerous anti-american comments.He masquerades as a christian but refuses to acknowledge the traditional national day of prayer,then follows with a muslim display he was more than happy to take part in.His economical decisions are reckless.On goes the list.

People are entitled to their opinions....and?

True,there are many out there who dont like him based on race alone.Noone here tried to dismiss that or pretend it doesnt exist.Thats also something that to a degree he should expect considering his past affiliation with certain organizations and his own comments.

So why all of the texting back and forth when I stated openly, that I wish those who "don't like him based on race" are open about it? You just admitted it. Yet when I said it, it set you off. Is it because you thought it was directed towards you? I mentioned it, as an after thought really, because there are so many topics to cover with the goverment and our leader's effectiveness/ineffectiveness, that I find some comments too dumb to think they could be based on anything but race. But that's my opinon...or I am not allowed to have one unless I call our President an insulting name, first?

Guilt in what,pray tell? I never called you a name,so on this Ill ask that you provide a quote to back that up.I have no shame or guilt associated with the fact that while you profess to take the high road while feigning indifference,youre obviously so intent on turning this into a hate debate that youve allowed yourself the luxury of imagining comments that didnt take place.Ive openly stated that your position on much of this is quite irrational.So rest assured,Im comfortable stating that.

I'll repeat...your mention of "clueless comments" was what I was referring to. Don't worry about it though...that's not me faking anything. Should I shed a tear because we disagree, or would you feel better if I threw a hissy fit and called you a bunch of names? This is nothing to lose sleep over. I try not to name call...if that's the high road according to you and Pizza, so be it. But I did not turn this into a hate debate. Insinuating that blacks/others would call a white candidate racist for doing what Michele did is hate. If stating there is no proof to defend this statement is irrational, then I'm comfortable with stating that.

I speak only for myself here.What was stated,and twisted by yourself,is the fact that many others in the country have reservations on concerning the current state of the union.

That's really deep. Disagree with an OP by stating that the assumptions of the OP have no proof and be accused of twisting the truth. Didn't know I was on the "you can talk as much as you want as long as you agree with the masses thread."

The comments on the post have become overly personal, in my opinion. I wish it wasn't so, but it's easy for discussions of race to come to this. My own comments have not been made as personal insults, so if anyone has taken them so, let me say, I didn't intend them to be.

The OP is an excerpt from the most recent General Conference of the African Methodist Church. In Methodism, General Conferences are where business of the larger denomination is conducted, and, while worship is a big part of the Conference, it's not primarily a worship service. There are times during the Conference when well known peolple address the gathering about socal issues in general. It's not uncommon for them to discuss history of the church, and urge people to become involved to take their civic responsibilities seriously.

My concern is not about what is said at times like that, but what is said in worship services. I have heard politics discussed at AME worship services - but not often - and it's uncomfortable to see Christian worship used that way. But that is not what Michelle Obama was doing that day, during that address to the Conference. She was reviewing the proud history of the church - which necessarily was strongly shaped by slavery and civil rights - and was exhorting them to take their right to vote seriously. I see nothing wrong with that. Her full speech can be heard at

This issue of political discussions in worship aside - and it happens much less often than some people imagine - I don't see how any Christian could attend an AME worship service and not be caught up in the passion and sheer joy of being a Chrisitian that is felt there.
I wouldn't judge other's reading skills. I clearly stated that it was unfounded to state that if a white candiate asked a white church for votes that they would be called racist...thereby removing the race card and disagreeing with the OP. Guess you missed that, huh?

Nope,saw it all..including the parts where youve twisted context to fit your own interest.

Speaking again of reading comp...I never said anyone who "hates" the president does so based on race.

Oh really? Allow me.

So why all of the texting back and forth when I stated openly, that I wish those who "don't like him based on race" are open about it? You just admitted it. Yet when I said it, it set you off. Is it because you thought it was directed towards you? I mentioned it, as an after thought really, because there are so many topics to cover with the goverment and our leader's effectiveness/ineffectiveness, that I find some comments too dumb to think they could be based on anything but race. But that's my opinon...or I am not allowed to have one unless I call our President an insulting name, first?

It must be nice to issue accusations only to pretend it didnt happen an hour later.Most of this exchange has stemmed from your first comments on how whites condemn the blacks for encouraging each other,followed by this drawn out debacle.Since you obviously cant even put forth the honesty you call for from others,I dont see the point in recycling this argument only to have a different spin thrown on it with every reply.

Better yet, why pretend like it's not possible that this is going on? You don't think Obama being hung in effigy at rallies is a nod only to those who disagree with his policies do you?

That whats going on?The nation hates the golden child because hes brown?Im sorry but I dont buy into your pity party because quite simply it isnt true.So..when the colonists hung effigies of the king was it because he was white?There could be a red and blue striped zebra sitting in office,and with the way things are going right now his approval rating would stay at an all-time low.You say that Im hung up on the issue,but everywhere we turn youre associating unproven racial hatred
with whatever random activity in question.

Free speech shouldn't lead to free insults. I could care less what your comments are...they belong to you to do with them what you wish. But name-calling doesn't prove intelligence or rightness. It's just a way to lash out and hurt someone. But by all means, we all joined this Christian forum freely, do what you think is right.

Try applying some of this logic to yourself for a change.A comment was made,an opinion voiced.Since you truly dont care what comments hit the table you let loose with white condemning blacks for encouraging each other and proceed to build the illusion that every word spoken against the golden child is racist in origin.

People are entitled to their opinions....and?

If this is so true then why the drawn-out drama when someone voiced an opinion you didnt like?Again,apply your own standards to yourself.

That's really deep. Disagree with an OP by stating that the assumptions of the OP have no proof and be accused of twisting the truth. Didn't know I was on the "you can talk as much as you want as long as you agree with the masses thread."

Well evidently were on that thread..after all,it was you who took offense to the opinion offered and proceeded forth.I expect most of us to disagree at some point,and its even probable that these exchanges will at some point become a bit personal.It has nothing to do with suppressing those who disagree,and if were to go in that direction then lets look at who first tried to stifle an opinion,which was you.

With that said,good day.
Well, heehee, looks like I finally found a subject this forum will react to with some vehemence. The vitriol is pretty amazing. As are the comments about my OP. Will continue to monitor this thread just to see how it progresses.
Why is it that Obama called on "black pastors" for support when he chose to approve gay marriages? That wouldn't happen to be because he is black, would it? Just a thought.
My concern is not about what is said at times like that, but what is said in worship services. I have heard politics discussed at AME worship services - but not often - and it's uncomfortable to see Christian worship used that way. But that is not what Michelle Obama was doing that day, during that address to the Conference. She was reviewing the proud history of the church - which necessarily was strongly shaped by slavery and civil rights - and was exhorting them to take their right to vote seriously. I see nothing wrong with that. Her full speech can be heard at

Considering that I read the full transcript and understood her speech in the context of the organziation she was with, I get why she was encouraging people not to waste their right to vote too. This is why I found it ridiculous to assume that if it had happend with a white canadiate, people would think they would be called racist. It doesn't make sense to me. She could have made the same points with Natives or new immigrant citizens and heart of her message would have been the same.
Who is saying that its not racist for Michelle Obama to ask Black Church Members to vote for her husband?

Who is saying is racist for White politicians to ask White members to vote for them or another white politician?

I'm really interested in seeing where this originated from.
I would never consider the high road with you. Your nastiness is well documented on this forum, and you seem to get away with it. Me on the other hand...I'm sure I'd have a warning if I expressed myself. But alas there is no need're a birther, enuf said.
But you DID express yourself and you are still here.
Martyr complex denied.

So yeah, it would be refreshing for those who hate him for being black to be honest about it and stop hiding behind his politics.
Your needle is stuck. As is your mind: You insist that I am just so terrible, yet YOU are running around accusing people of being racist and hating black people 'cause of their sink color!

You look like a fool to me, and seem quite content to enforce the image.

So you can't defend your statements, you can only keep repeating them.
Hard to have a conversation with such a person, but since you made such statements, it is obvious you are not interested in a conversation in the first place.

And you are NO blessing.
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Who is saying that its not racist for Michelle Obama to ask Black Church Members to vote for her husband?

Who is saying is racist for White politicians to ask White members to vote for them or another white politician?

I'm really interested in seeing where this originated from.
It originates from those who play the "race card", like Jessie, Rev Al and Obama.

It also, I am SURE, occurred in the 50's and 60's in the "White Camp" as well. But I'm too young to have witnessed it.


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