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why is your religion right?


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I wish I would have noticed this thread before I started a new one! I have many questions pertaining to this subject. I do not currently practice a religion or know enough to form a belief in God, but I am very open to being convinced by what you know and accept Christianity. I have a 4 year old son, and one day he is going to ask me questions about God. The same questions I have always had. I want to make sure I am able to give him informed answers. I have a Bible, and a Quran. I have been eagerly trying to learn as much as I can about all religions in order to ensure that I have given all possibilities a thoruough investigation before telling my son something that I don't know is actually true.

I have questions of a similar to the example you've provided above, but I'm afraid the response was not helpful in reconciling them. Please do not mistake my questions as being anything more than an honest examination in search for truth.

Can the president be in two different white houses at the same time?

Can I be sure that what I find in The Bible is the right God because it says so in The Bible? It doesn't seem so, since the same line of reasoning could apply to finding Allah in the Quran, yet the two are incompatible when examining the texts. This is one of the biggest difficulties I've encountered upon beginning my search for truth.

Mohammad declares Jesus a false prophet and says that The Quran is the divine word of Allah. But both cannot be true, and looking to the texts only makes it apparent that they are incompatible.

If my son were to raise this objection to me, how can I reconcile it with reason?
I'm afraid I do not have sufficient knowledge about Islam to adequately answer your questions. Perhaps you can do some research on the internet, or listen to some speakers concerning this subject.

God Bless!
I think you have misunderstood what I wrote. I apologize if something I said offended you, that was not my intention. I was not saying that I do believe the Koran over The Bible. I was only pointing out that there is a significant population that does, and they make incompatible claims about their holy book containing truth.
Perhaps you have misunderstood me and we have gotten off on the wrong foot. As I said, I am not a Christian, nor do I claim to be any expert on the doctrines in question. As an authority on The Bible, I will defer to you, as you are the Christian, and you have no doubt found resolution to this conflict before adopting the doctrine for yourself.

OK, you want to learn, and that is good. So let's cut to the chase. Can you tell us what sorts of evidence would convince you on the merits of Christianity?

The reason I ask is that there is so much evidence available from archeology to prophecy to probability that without giving us a starting point, we are at a loss as how to begin.
OK, you want to learn, and that is good. So let's cut to the chase. Can you tell us what sorts of evidence would convince you on the merits of Christianity?

The reason I ask is that there is so much evidence available from archeology to prophecy to probability that without giving us a starting point, we are at a loss as how to begin.

Thank you for your response. I guess it is kind of a vague question, isn't it? First off, I don't question the merits of Christianity. I recognize the merits of many religions. What I want to know about is your experience. How do you know the God of Christianity is the God that exists? What convinced and continues to convince you? I don’t know very much about archaeology, and every religion seems to be fraught with prophecy, it is all a bit too confusing to me. In the end, it’s about God, and the ability to have a personal relationship with Him, isn’t it? If you’ve accomplished this, then you must have found the right religion.

It’s about what it means to live a good life, and what God wants from us. Without having some knowledge of this, it would do me very little good to trust my interpretation of The Bible or any other text for that matter. If I do not know God, how can I know what he wants from me by reading The Bible? I read The Bible now, and I feel like my interpretation of it must be wrong. It is my hope that you, and perhaps other Christians that know what God wants , can, and are willing to share with me what you know about God and what He wants.
This probably seems like such a ridiculous question to you or anybody else that already knows, but that's precisely why I think you will be the best ones to ask. I don’t think it too bold a presumption to think that you have already asked these questions, and received an answer that satisfied you enough to adopt the Christian faith. If you had not, then why did you? That may be another helpful answer.

Personally, I am seeking answers to questions out of the hopes that you’ve already asked and found answers to them. I want to know what you think. How do you know? What convinced you?

How do you know that the God of The Bible exists, and that you have a personal relationship with Him?
Thank you for your response. I guess it is kind of a vague question, isn't it? First off, I don't question the merits of Christianity. I recognize the merits of many religions. What I want to know about is your experience. How do you know the God of Christianity is the God that exists? What convinced and continues to convince you? I don’t know very much about archaeology, and every religion seems to be fraught with prophecy, it is all a bit too confusing to me. In the end, it’s about God, and the ability to have a personal relationship with Him, isn’t it? If you’ve accomplished this, then you must have found the right religion.


How do you know that the God of The Bible exists, and that you have a personal relationship with Him?

I can only comment on the existence of God as found in the Bible. Scripture is plain that there are no other gods other than the One God who has revealed Himself in Scripture:

Jeremiah 25:6 And go not after other gods to serve them, and to worship them, and provoke me not to anger with the works of your hands; and I will do you no hurt
In the history of philosophy, there are several arguments for the existence of God:


Logically speaking the cosmological argument for the existence of God is inductive and a posteriori: the evidence is examined, and based on it a conclusion is drawn that God exists. The term cosmological comes from the Greek word cosmos, meaning “world.” This argument is based on the fact that a cosmos, or world, exists. Because something cannot come from nothing, there must be an original cause that is the reason for the world’s existence...​


As in the previous case, the teleological argument is inductive and a posteriori. Teleological comes from the Greek word telos, meaning “end.” The teleological argument may be defined thus: “Order and useful arrangement in a system imply intelligence and purpose in the organizing cause...​


The anthropological argument, which is also inductive and a posteriori, is based on the Greek word anthropos, meaning “man.” Contrary to the secular humanist who sees man simply as a biological being, the biblicist sees man as created in the image of God (Gen. 1:26–28). The image of God in man is spiritual, not physical (cf. Eph. 4:24; Col. 3:10). Man is not simply a physical being, but also a moral being with a conscience, intellect, emotion, and will...​


The moral argument is related to the anthropological argument (some combine the two) and can be seen as a further consideration of that argument. The moral argument acknowledges that man has an awareness of right and wrong, a sense of morality. Where did this sense of moral justice come from? If man is only a biological creature why does he have a sense of moral obligation? Recognition of moral standards and concepts cannot be attributed to any evolutionary process...​


The ontological argument, distinct from the preceding arguments, is deductive and a priori; it begins with an assumption and then attempts to prove that assumption. It is less significant than the preceding arguments. p 185 The term ontological comes from the Greek present participle ontos (from the verb eimi) and means “being” or “existence.” The ontological argument is philosophical rather than inductive. The argument reasons: “If man could conceive of a Perfect God who does not exist, then he could conceive of someone greater than God himself which is impossible. Therefore God exists.” The argument rests on the fact that all men have an awareness of God. Because the concept of God is universal, God must have placed the idea within man...​

Enns, P. P. (1989). The Moody handbook of theology (pp. 183–185). Chicago, IL: Moody Press.

The Bible does not use any of those things, but it assumed from the get-go that there is a God, and that all humanity is guilty if they refuse to accept the obvious: God is, and that he cares for your soul:

Romans 1:18 For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness;
19 Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God hath shewed it unto them.

[the reason for that is this:]

20 For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse:

[here is what their unbelief did:]

21 Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened.
22 Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools,
23 And changed the glory of the incorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and four-footed beasts, and creeping things
As a result, all men are held accountable to God. Notice that is not He who has to prove Himself to us, rather it is us, who are held accountable to the fact that He exists, and that He reveals himself.

The reader of the Bible is confronted with that in Genesis 1:1. Essentially the Hebrew begins "before the beginning began,God {Elohim} created" That verse is significant for many reasons.
First it speaks of creation ex-nihilio, or creating from nothing
Second it uses the plural form of one of the names of God
Third the verb translated created [bra in Hebrew] is only and always used to mean divine and special creation.

So you see, the Bible is not "anthro-centric "in that it is created for God to show humanity that He exists in many ways. Instead the Bible is theocentric because it assumes that God exists,and that He holds humanity uniquely responsible for his obdurate refusal to recognize that God exists, and that He is a rewarder to those who dillgently seek Him.

Those are somethings you will NOT see in any other "religious holy book" and that is what makes both Judaism and Christianity unique.
Personally, I am seeking answers to questions out of the hopes that you’ve already asked and found answers to them. I want to know what you think. How do you know? What convinced you?

How do you know that the God of The Bible exists, and that you have a personal relationship with Him?

I tend to agree with By Grace's reply. But add that reply describes the problem, not so much the solution to it. Although the solution is there in Rom 1 as well. Take Rom 1:21, for example; If you are asking about [blank] then you at least think [blank] is real. That [blank] is worth thinking about. Now, if blank=the creator of all things including you, then blank is worth way more than a casual thinking about right? Way more than any other [blank]. Not only that, but this blank thinks back! And the Christian God thinks back at you personally. Which knocks out a bunch of other "religions' '" teachings right there, if true. In fact, this God thinks so much about you that He lowered Himself to become human like you, suffering and dying an unjust death in the process. That's pretty dog gone loving.
However, this God not only loves you but He cannot stand the fact that you do not "glorify Him as God" nor are you "thankful". In fact, spend to much time thinking about other [blanks] and that tends to get you on His bad side too. Those sins, plus a bunch more like them, frankly piss God off. But worse, they separate you (and me) from an ever increasing personal relationship with Him, i.e. that "how do you have that personal relationship with Him" question you asked is answered by getting rid of that sins against Him problem. Cause not only is this Christian God pissed, He's patient and understanding and loving toward those that love Him truly (not falsely). Kind of like any father:). I could go on, but i could never explain the issues or the solution any better than He has. Just read any Gospel. Maybe John's. Do so with an attitude of surrender to God in all His glory, not "vainness". And recognize your weaknesses and past attitudes toward this God/Creator and you will be highly surprised of just how personal this God can be. Once you've actually submitted to Him and honestly asked Him to forgive you, that is. Pretty much like any loving father would do. It's actually not that complicated. But it is real!
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I guess it is kind of a vague question, isn't it? First off, I don't question the merits of Christianity. I recognize the merits of many religions.
Oh, and i meant to add; Who or what do you think created that glowing ball in your profile photo? The hand that seems to hold it up in the illusion of the photo or God Himself?
I posted this on another forum, but as always I want to maximize my replies.
So I was talking to someone, someone fairly open minded, but they kept bringing up the '' what makes your religion right, and other religions wrong'' argument, I brought up basic arguments against muslims, but what do you say to that?
I honestly didn't really know what to say.
i don,t have religion --i have a relationship with Christ
I posted this on another forum, but as always I want to maximize my replies.
So I was talking to someone, someone fairly open minded, but they kept bringing up the '' what makes your religion right, and other religions wrong'' argument, I brought up basic arguments against muslims, but what do you say to that?
I honestly didn't really know what to say.

My response is simply nothing. There is no special evidence that my religion is right, and others wrong. I simply have faith that it is, and that by living the life Jesus prescribes I will enter the kingdom of Heaven.
You will search for your entire life in vain for perfect evidence of the existence of God. You cannot know with 100% certainty that God exists.

The reason I believe? I've studied philosophy heavily, and it has convinced me that God necessarily exists. There are philosophical proofs, but they are complicated.
That's 180 degrees opposite from what Jesus says here.. you don't receive because you refuse to come

John 5::39 Search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me.

5:40 And ye will not come to me, that ye might have life.

Tell that to all of the nonbelievers and watch them laugh at you. That's not how you minister to them. Yes, I believe that the Bible testifies of God, but a testimony is only evidence...not proof.

Note: There's a difference between something testifying of God, and PROVING God.
Tell that to all of the nonbelievers and watch them laugh at you. That's not how you minister to them. Yes, I believe that the Bible testifies of God, but a testimony is only evidence...not proof.

Note: There's a difference between something testifying of God, and PROVING God.

You are confusing terms, Tristan.

The definition of "testimony" is that it is a personal account of something that happened. thus it is a subjective account on an objective event.
The definition of "proving" is an objective assessment of an objective event. It is the accumulation of those facts which leads a reasonable person to believe something is true. An example would be stating "The evidence concludes that Lee Harvey Oswald was the sole assassin of JFK.".

Believing the proof, and accepting it as truth is another matter. And that is why your statement "Tell that to all of the nonbelievers and watch them laugh at you " goes awry. What ToB is using is the doctrine of the perspicuity of Scriptures, and the sufficiency of Scriptures :

2 Timothy 3:15 And that from a child thou hast known the holy scriptures, which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus.
16 All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:
17 That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works.​
Romans 10:9 That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.
10 For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.
11 For the scripture saith, Whosoever believeth on him shall not be ashamed.
12 For there is no difference between the Jew and the Greek: for the same Lord over all is rich unto all that call upon him.
13 For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.
14 How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? and how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? and how shall they hear without a preacher?
15 And how shall they preach, except they be sent? as it is written, How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace, and bring glad tidings of good things!​

to make his point.

However, it is my opinion that this CAN be a derail, especially if the Christians decide to take this sort of a red herring, and run with it.

Tagan (who claims to be Christian) began this thread with this post:
I posted this on another forum, but as always I want to maximize my replies.
So I was talking to someone, someone fairly open minded, but they kept bringing up the '' what makes your religion right, and other religions wrong'' argument, I brought up basic arguments against muslims, but what do you say to that?
I honestly didn't really know what to say.

Then Truth Sailor (who is an admitted non-Christian) wrote this on the bottom of page one:
I think you have misunderstood what I wrote. I apologize if something I said offended you, that was not my intention. I was not saying that I do believe the Koran over The Bible. I was only pointing out that there is a significant population that does, and they make incompatible claims about their holy book containing truth.
Perhaps you have misunderstood me and we have gotten off on the wrong foot. As I said, I am not a Christian, nor do I claim to be any expert on the doctrines in question. As an authority on The Bible, I will defer to you, as you are the Christian, and you have no doubt found resolution to this conflict before adopting the doctrine for yourself.

so we have to decide where we go in this thread. I will ask for moderation's help. Otherwise we can go waaaaay of onto a tangent here.
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Whether getting off on the wrong foot or keeping an open mind the focus is still off target.
Try an open-heart and let's see where the thread goes. The Bible is God inspired. Therefore it's His testimony for the pursuit of the hearts of men.


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