I don't recall Voddie linking his sermon to the Santa Claus prosperity gospel. I saw Voddie inventing a strawman about some supposed doctrine in the church that makes Jesus sissified (in his opinion), totally ignoring the tenderhearted Jesus of the Bible who wept over Jerusalem.
He did not weep because he's a sissified romantic who can't live without us but because he is the kinsman redeemer in the romantic story of Boaz and Ruth. A picture of the ransom nature of Christ's relationship of Christ and the church that doesn't fit in well with Voddie's Reformed view of the Penal punishment model of salvation that he is defending by suggesting the romantic ransom model of salvation makes Jesus a sissified wimp who can't live without us.
You still don't have not a Scripture to back that up Mr. Bodine.
The Tenderhearted Jesus hung on that cross and was held up high
So that the Wrath of God was satisfied.
An innocent being who took the Righteous and Just Wrath of God so YOU and I can live, I think that's mighty tenderhearted enough. No sugar necessary.
And I do recall that he did address that the sissified Jesus is preach "all over the United States of America" at around 4:30-5:00? It was cut off but a little more during the sermon he mentions that all this Wrath we deserved, he should have slain us in our sleep but because of his grace, I see another day.
You're the one straw-manning Voddie as he is doing the due diligence of addressing a real problem among so called Christians and doing them a favor by not calling about specific churches or people. Jesus wept over them because he had presented them with the most miracles and they still rejected him.
And as Hebrew 10:26 says "For if we go on sinning deliberately after receiving the knowledge of the truth,
there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins, but a fearful expectation of judgment, and a fury of fire that will consume the adversaries."
He was weeping because they had known the Way but rejected it as it says in 2 Peter 2:21 "For it would have been better for them not to have known the way of righteousness, than having known it, to turn from the holy commandment delivered to them.
He was weeping because he knew that "For the wages of sin is death but the free gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord (Romans 6:23)" and as it is sin to reject Righteousness, and they rejected the free gift, so he knew the impending death.
(I can give more if you are open to receive)
That's what Jesus was weeping about. Not some human emotion known that comes and goes.
Just because you don't want to accept God's self-sufficiency and ignore everything that contradicts your worldview doesn't invalidate it. You still can't give one Scripture other than your personal opinion and view that calls Voddie's actions as a sin. His sermon was for you my friend.