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Growth Can a Christian have demonic strongholds and also be in bondage even though they are saved?


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for those young believers, and elder ones too, and ones in between, who are being driven crazy by the wickedness of not just the world but the 'churches'/religion on earth/ all around us -- here's a little free book online that has helped many clearly from Scripture. those who want to hold onto the world or any of the devious ways of the scribes and pharisees (the leaven, the false teachings, hypocrisy) will not benefit -- only those who truly love truth and lay down their life before God for Him to do as He pleases. only then, WILL God use a vessel for His Own Glory and Honor, instead of a vessel of dis-honor.
protestants especially will enjoy it. they have already been partly free from the deception of anti-christ written about in Revelation(the whole book). some things(in error) are carried over though in most churches, carried like things on a camels back that prevent the camel from getting through the eye of the needle. (this is covered too, gently and thoroughly)
I used to transport mentally ill people to their doctor's appointments, so I have a little bit of experience with the works of the devil and demon possession. Can a person that is saved be demon possessed? The answer is, no, they absolutely cannot be possessed with a demon. If they are truly saved and filled with the Holy Spirit a demon cannot possess the same house. Jesus said, "A house divided against itself will not stand." (Matthew 12:25)

Jesus said this to the Pharisees when they accused Him of casting out demons in the name of Satan. Satan can't cast out Satan because if he does then he is a house divided. No spirit filled person can remain demon possessed because the power of the Holy Spirit is much more powerful that the power of the devil. I have seen this in my own life. When I was transporting demon possessed people. I would see them spitting and fuming, but when I prayed for the Holy Spirit to intervene they would stop and become silent. I have seen people try come at me and then just stop in their tracks and shake my hand and say, "I am glad to know you." This is strange stuff that can only be attributed to the work of the Holy Spirit against demon forces. I have seen this in my life for many years because I recognize the works of Satan after having worked around those who were demon possessed for many years.

Although Christians can't be demon possessed, they can be demon oppressed. Many American Christians believe that America is not plagued by demonic activity. Somehow the demons stop at the boarder with Mexico and they don't come here. That isn't true. Many American Christians are plagued with mental illness, sickness, and problems that are caused by demonic activity that they refuse to acknowledge. So they run to doctors and psychologists to solve problems that could be dealt with by confronting the issue in the name of Jesus and casting out the demonic influence from their homes and surroundings.

We fight three enemies, the world, the flesh, and the devil. We must know which we are fighting and how to overcome the issue. Jesus gave us authority over all the works of the devil (Luke 9:1). Even if we are oppressed by the devil, Jesus gave us the power over his works by the Holy Spirit. The devil is always going to try and destroy us, but we have the power to overcome and have victory. The blood of Jesus defeated the grave, the devil, and has works.
Different types of Demonic Spirits and Strongholds and some of there manifestations: spirits list.html

How do we as Christians understand our authority over these strongholds?

What is meant by binding and loosing?
I read an article on this website about how to deal with demonic spirits. I agreed with some of it, but some of it I did not agree with. Here is the article link. warfare.html

I agree with her that we need to get rid of anything that we know would be a link to the devil in our home like occult books, symbols of witchcraft, etc, but I feel the woman did not give credit to the Holy Spirit like she should have. He is the one we call upon when we need to get rid of the powers of darkness. We can't do it by ourselves, we need Jesus and the Holy Spirit to have power over evil. If we try to do battle by ourselves we will surely lose.
I started a thread in the Forum "Christian Talk & Advise" called "The Power Of Faith & Trust" (The Power Over Satan") on page 3 there is a list of area's of bondage, and prayers of deliverance. You might find it helpful. Also, There are two books written by Neil T. Anderson The 1st one is "Victory over the Darkness" and the 2nd is "The Bondage Breaker". They are great books for the subject of this thread. I have taught classes on these two books with very good results, according to people's testimonies. As a Christian Psychologist I highly recommend these two books, the information in these books, if taken seriously, will set you free!
We fight three enemies, the world, the flesh, and the devil. We must know which we are fighting and how to overcome the issue. Jesus gave us authority over all the works of the devil (Luke 9:1). Even if we are oppressed by the devil, Jesus gave us the power over his works by the Holy Spirit. The devil is always going to try and destroy us, but we have the power to overcome and have victory. The blood of Jesus defeated the grave, the devil, and has works.

I think this is very important, you said, "We fight three enemies, the world, the flesh, and the devil. We must know which we are fighting."

That is so true. We can cause a lot of harm to others by not knowing the difference.
Every believer is subject to the attack of the devil. He has to seek though who is weak, so don't be weak.

Devils pull on the lust already in us by our flesh, they entice but only because there is something there to pull on.

The bible does not define possessed, controlled, oppressed. Any person can give their mind over to the thoughts of the enemy by constantly disobeying the Word by NOT casting down thoughts and imaginations. I know a few believers that are in mental institution because they refused to cast down what the devil put in their mind. Any disobedience in any area of the Word can cost us.

There is a belief that a devil and completely take over someone and there are a few cases of that, but it's rare.

I have met a believer who was completely taken control of by the devil, taken captive by the devils will. Arguing about being possessed, or just oppressed is dumb, because the bible does not define it, and whatever the case, the person still needs set free regardless.
One has to ask what is control exactly?

I got caught between two opposing gang groups, no fault of my own and they were about to fight and I just said in the name of Jesus devil, enough. Both groups called me crazy white boy and focused on me, but just walked away. I stopped the spirit that was giving influence.

These folks were not like movie possessed, but might as well as been since they both were willing to harm each other over something stupid the devil was trying to set up.

Best way to defeat the devil, is just don't do what He suggest to do, and anything even remotely fear related, you cast down and don't meditate on it, but speak the word only.

You can't win thought battles with thoughts, God designed you to speak. You will lose the thought battle with thoughts every time as that is the devils realm.

We believe and faith speaks. It is Written!!! Just like Jesus showed us how to deal with that rat.
Every believer is subject to the attack of the devil. He has to seek though who is weak, so don't be weak.

Devils pull on the lust already in us by our flesh, they entice but only because there is something there to pull on.

The bible does not define possessed, controlled, oppressed. Any person can give their mind over to the thoughts of the enemy by constantly disobeying the Word by NOT casting down thoughts and imaginations. I know a few believers that are in mental institution because they refused to cast down what the devil put in their mind. Any disobedience in any area of the Word can cost us.

There is a belief that a devil and completely take over someone and there are a few cases of that, but it's rare.

I have met a believer who was completely taken control of by the devil, taken captive by the devils will. Arguing about being possessed, or just oppressed is dumb, because the bible does not define it, and whatever the case, the person still needs set free regardless.
One has to ask what is control exactly?

I got caught between two opposing gang groups, no fault of my own and they were about to fight and I just said in the name of Jesus devil, enough. Both groups called me crazy white boy and focused on me, but just walked away. I stopped the spirit that was giving influence.

These folks were not like movie possessed, but might as well as been since they both were willing to harm each other over something stupid the devil was trying to set up.

Best way to defeat the devil, is just don't do what He suggest to do, and anything even remotely fear related, you cast down and don't meditate on it, but speak the word only.

You can't win thought battles with thoughts, God designed you to speak. You will lose the thought battle with thoughts every time as that is the devils realm.

We believe and faith speaks. It is Written!!! Just like Jesus showed us how to deal with that rat.

I would define oppression as being what Paul was contending with when the woman with the demon was following him around, the demon in the woman had to be rebuked. This demon was a burden and distraction to Paul's ministry.
So I believe that a person can be oppressed in this way by a demonic presence that needs to be rebuked. That does Not mean that that presence is IN them. As it would be in the case of possession.
no worries, the disciples came back rejoicing because the demons were subject to them - they threw out the demons (everywhere they went) with the authority in Jesus' Name - and as Jesus told them they healed people of their diseases -

Luke 10 AMP Biblegateway
9 And heal the sick in it and say to them, The kingdom of God has come close to you.
10 But whenever you go into a town and they do not receive and accept and welcome you, go out into its streets and say,
11 Even the dust of your town that clings to our feet we are wiping off against you; yet know and understand this: the kingdom of God has come near you.
12 I tell you, it shall be more tolerable in that day for Sodom than for that town.
13 Woe to you, Chorazin! Woe to you, Bethsaida! For if the mighty miracles performed in you had been performed in Tyre and Sidon, they would have repented long ago, sitting in sackcloth and ashes.
14 However, it shall be more tolerable in the judgment for Tyre and Sidon than for you.
15 And you, Capernaum, will you be exalted unto heaven? You shall be brought down to Hades (the regions of the dead).
16 He who hears and heeds you [disciples] hears and heeds Me; and he who slights and rejects you slights and rejects Me; and he who slights and rejects Me slights and rejects Him who sent Me.
17 The seventy returned with joy, saying, Lord, even the demons are subject to us in Your name!
Yes to the first question, no to the second.

As followers of Christ, we know that it is a progression, and that we are instructed to endure to the end. The Lord will be with us, but it is not all handed to us at once. We are given the power to become the sons of God. There are four levels as far as I can see. Follower, friend, son, bride. How far we progress is mostly up to us. There is much talk in scripture of lampstands being removed, names being blotted out, and so forth. Here is where the fear and trembling comes in. A single concession of something worldly into a believers life opens doors for a stronghold by the enemy.
It's possible for the Enemy to have a stronghold in areas that we leave open to him. Is it possible to be a believer and be in bondage? Yes! What we casually dismiss as a bad habit can often be what the Bible calls a stronghold, but freedom is a key part of your inheritance as a believer.
It's possible for the Enemy to have a stronghold in areas that we leave open to him. Is it possible to be a believer and be in bondage? Yes! What we casually dismiss as a bad habit can often be what the Bible calls a stronghold, but freedom is a key part of your inheritance as a believer.

I think by definition habits have a strong hold.

What does the Bible call a stronghold? KJV doesn't use that word that I can find and the YLT only in the OT. Usually in a good way or of a fortified place.
Can you give me a scripture that I can look up and compare. Thanks

By bondage do you mean slavery to sin?
I think by definition habits have a strong hold.

What does the Bible call a stronghold? KJV doesn't use that word that I can find and the YLT only in the OT. Usually in a good way or of a fortified place.
Can you give me a scripture that I can look up and compare. Thanks

By bondage do you mean slavery to sin?

It's interesting when we think about a Christian who habitually sins in an area. I'd have to say they are a slave to this sin until they break free. imo Romans 6 touches on who we serve.

The most crucial factor in relation to their wicked activity is to have ground given to them. Without proper footing they cannot operate. The amount of their activity depends on the amount of space yielded to them. It is in the organ of his thought that the Christian supplies territory to evil spirits and hence there that they operate. Generally speaking, the ground in the mind which may be ceded to the enemy is of six kinds. We shall look at each of these now at some length............ "
Consequently, we can see that in all the occurrences of a believer’s life, whether special or ordinary, everything which proceeds from evil spirits strips the proper functioning from his mind. The Holy Spirit, however, never does."
It's interesting when we think about a Christian who habitually sins in an area. I'd have to say they are a slave to this sin until they break free. imo Romans 6 touches on who we serve.

While I agree with you about some habits, say someone who is an habitual eater, they are in bondage to that habit which may very well have started as a comfort crutch.
But I would not say that person is serving satan. Nor, would I say that it is demonic.
However, it is carnal, and sinful.
demons influence most people, most days.
sin does too.
refs later, Yhwh Willing.
While I agree with you about some habits, say someone who is an habitual eater, they are in bondage to that habit which may very well have started as a comfort crutch.
But I would not say that person is serving satan. Nor, would I say that it is demonic.

I think I might. It is a worldly vice and we are not to be of the world but look to God alone for our support. Oh, the subtleties of Satan! And we can't serve two masters.
Unfortunately, Satan is the ruler of this world (Jn. 12:31) and he has set up all kinds of traps, these would include, music, literature, entertainment, Arts, science, and a host of other sources. Most of these look quite innocent to the innocent, but to the alert Christian, we can see area's that if we become involved, it could become a habit, or a reoccurring practice in our lives. Although not demon controlled, they can become a stage where demonic pressure can be exerted.
Where does scripture say demons influence most people?

Look up where Paul, I think, was talking to (writing to) other BELIEVERS, and he told them that they were under the control of sin / demons/ darkness UNTIL they were redeemed by the blood of Yeshua - born again - set free.
i.e. even BELIEVERS , until they are BELIEVERS (and truly saved, not just called 'christian')
are under the control of / slaves of unrighteousness/sin/satan.
(I'll look it up later myself, again, but am out the door right now on a job.)

p.s. many BELIEVERS appear to remain under some sorts of bondage and deception even after being born again.
i.e. "appear" to be.
truthfully, BELIEVERS are set free from all power of the enemy, but many don't ever realize it, as most 'chruches' don't bother to tell them how to even recognize it. so it seems.


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