hawkman the counter argument is a sovereign citizen
I had one of those in my church .I still talk to them but oddly they paid ad valorem and sales taxes and had a driver license and registered their car .
now I get his protest over things I had to reread it
varies by state . water grids like mine are refilled naturally by rain . wells here are replenished by rain .the drought was so bad that my job was saying we may not have enough water .
salt water intrusion becomes a problem in that .
so local churches here as mine was shouldn't be forced to pay me to read their meters .
there's taxes on that .
good luck thinking even in Florida a net meter will get you out taxation.
or a well ,septic requires a yearly 500 fee per desantis if it's the current code .
the city I work for...
let's be honest
Thomas county ga. there are more churches with cemeteries there then in my county with a population triple that size .
if a church falters it's not that hard to drive to another .
where Jaci lived was with in a mile of two churches with cemeteries .if I go out to a two mile...
not all are called .
I'm not afraid to but no one runs to be a pastor .in fact the opposite they run from the call .never met a pastor who felt the call but didn't rebel first and God not make them miserable until they listened .
would you willingly :
be called 24 seven and expected to...
I have been overeas.
the nomads don't care . besides you didn't exactly just move out when you married often you lived near and attached to your parents house .I wish I had that photo of one home so large that it was bigger then the fob and it was there generations.
Paul said that Abraham...
a presbytery ,yes but even those then if you allow a pastor then would have to be a female and in my case the pastor owned the church land ,lot and house that was on it ..if she was removed the church would simply close .
lots of local one man shows ,usually charismatic here .
you assume that greco roman culture was nothing like ours .
look up the buried brothels found in pompeii ,the statues depicted sex ,the culture of boys are for fun and women for inheritance .nearby the brothels lie massive infant grave yards
many dieties were adronyous .
I'm familiar with...
frees point.
equal but in positiion .
you can't argue that women shouldn't be sports with men then argue that a lady can be a cop
and or security guard .
elders can and do pack heat in my church .
in that context there isn't any rules .
the military has female chaplains .they also will...
if a couple is equally yoked .
then why would a husband then teach ,equip his wife if God called her to be a pastor and gifted her .
there's more to just knowing the bible . it's a drive .I met my pastor at 0615 in the dark before my job route because he asked me ,I sat in his van enjoying wa...
I know you don't believe.
the mark of beast is on the right hand and forehead.
no covid vaccine is given that way .shoulder only .usually the deltoid muscle
it seems more feasible a pace maker which actually can be intefered with by rf would be useful as an antanea
it emits shocks to correct the heart and monitors it
.then a trace of grapheme even if in the body .
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