Recent content by KevinK

  1. KevinK

    Theology without the bible? ....

    I can't. But that's not what I'm doing. I'm saying Scripture does not reject it. The only passage that seems to directly refute it is Hebrews 9:27, and as I said I maintain it is an ambiguous statement (and it doesn't matter whether it's in English or Greek) that may not refute reincarnation at...
  2. KevinK

    Theology without the bible? ....

    I meant on your Truth Challenge website. You reposted previous quotes from me and debated them without me even knowing until now. You even used my forum name. Not cool.
  3. KevinK

    Theology without the bible? ....

    So you thought it was fair to openly debate with someone who had no way of responding? You didn't see what I saw. It's something I'll never forget. Yes, it does seem to conflict with mainstream Scriptural interpretation. So a big part of my current journey is finding out why.
  4. KevinK

    Theology without the bible? ....

    One question, when you referenced your article, did you not realize that I was the Christian reincarnationist you quoted therein?
  5. KevinK

    Theology without the bible? ....

    I'm sure there's more, but that's enough for now. It sure is easy to dismantle someone's views when you don't give them a chance to respond.
  6. KevinK

    Theology without the bible? ....

    There sure is a lot in that article that I was never given a chance to respond to. Another, you said "Heb 9:27 doesn’t necessarily say dying only once. How does he know that?" I'm not even sure what you arguing here. If it doesn't say that, then it supports my view of reincarnation. So you're...
  7. KevinK

    Theology without the bible? ....

    Another point, I know 9:27 does not say, "only". I said I was paraphrasing. I used that exact word. Yes?
  8. KevinK

    Theology without the bible? ....

    First comment, no I don't know Greek or what hapax means. That is why I asked on this very forum if someone could provide some translation support. And actually it still doesn't matter. Whether Greek or English, 9:27 can still be interpreted as a conditional statement. You die once, and then...
  9. KevinK

    Theology without the bible? ....

    I'm reviewing it right now. You didn't tell me that I was the Christian reincarnationist.
  10. KevinK

    Theology without the bible? ....

    Well, I'm very suspicious of the first Nicene Council as a start.
  11. KevinK

    Theology without the bible? ....

    Yes, that's what I originally thought as well. Then I realized that all that passage may be saying is that after each life, there is a mandatory life review. It doesn't necessarily say that you only get one life. Furthermore, it's just the kind of passage that a manipulative editor might leave...
  12. KevinK

    Theology without the bible? ....

    I define reincarnation (not resurrection) as repeating corporeal life by being born in a completely different body. Pretty much the standard definition. No, I do not think the Bible teaches reincarnation. In fact, I have a strong suspicion that Scripture was "sanitized" of nearly all references...
  13. KevinK

    Theology without the bible? ....

    I had an out-of-body experience that involved reincarnation.
  14. KevinK

    It's Alive!

    This also happens with really fresh sushi sometimes. I had a friend tell me once. As soon as the piece of fish hit the soy sauce (which has a lot of salt), started twitching. Don't know if he still ate it.
  15. KevinK

    It's Alive!

    Nerve cells aren't so different from people. Negative inside until someone touches them. Or dumps a ton of salt on them. :biggrin2