What Are You Cooking ?

Fried chicken with Mac n Cheeze made with Vermont white chedder and velveeta :)
I had hotdogs and beans tonight for dinner. :)
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Tonight I'm getting dumplings with cookie birthday cake and ice cream!! Yum, yum! :biggrin
Do you guys have any idea what I'm eating tonight? (Here's a hint, it isn't the spaghetti)

Chicken Marsala with a side, not that its needed because the entree' is certainly enough, of Caesar salad with homemade dressing.
I'm having tacos tonight with meat and cheese on it and nothing else.

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Can you guess by the video posted above what I'm having tonight? :biggrin (sorry Rocky and Ginger)
Shouldn't we all be giving up food for Lent.

Well I can't speak for you or anybody else but I'm certainly not. I had a yummy pepperoni roll for dinner. I like to eat. Sorry, I can't help that.
Nice. Real nice. What did you have to eat for supper tonight? A great big bowl of sarcasm? Lol
LOL! I knew the sarcasm would be enjoyed by you! Momma is recovering from an Ingral Hernia Surgery so my dauhter, trying to add buk to me has been doing a lot of pasta and tonight we had that flat corkscrewed pasta and Chicken smothered in Cream Gravy. Be good but still have fun.