[__ Prayer __] Sick Again :(


Dramione love 3333
Dec 29, 2017
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But at least this time it isn't too bad and it won't prevent me from writing. Anyway, I guess it could be allergies, but it might be a cold too. It's hard to tell since I get pretty bad allergies in the springtime. But yeah, I have a terrible cough (along with some stuffiness) right now that's worse when I'm sleeping along with an occasional runny nose and sneezing. I'm going to ask my mother to set the vaporizer in my room tonight, especially since I have to get up early tomorrow morning for church on account of it being Palm Sunday. And speaking of my mother I really want you to pray for her while I'm at it. She probably wouldn't like me posting this but it's for her own good. She says that she's a Christian and she likes going to church occasionally with me just like I enjoy it myself, however, whenever I start discussing the matter of Christianity she doesn't want to hear about it too much which leaves me very confused. But yeah, if you would keep us both in your prayers I would really appreciate it.
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Allergy season is upon us. I hate them! I'm still recovering from my last illness. My body is still fighting some sort of bug plus my shoulder, which I injured in a January fall, is still very painful! It's better, but still hurts all day and all night long! ahhhhhhhh!
Hey Papa you're alive though at least so that's good to know lol! :lol Anyway, how about I pray for you and you pray for me? And then we both can have pop because it works wonders for the throat. :pepsican:pepsican
I think you may both benefit from a mixture of boiled water, freshly squeezed lemons and honey.
Prayers for you both too.
I'm suffering from a real bad chest infection which plays havoc with the asthma. One day we won't have all these things bothering us.
New 8" said:
Experts say it’s possible for those who have already been sick with the flu to fall ill again with a different strain later in the season.

The first flu season is winding down. However, a 2nd flu season has just begun. A different strain than the first flu season, so people are getting the flu a 2nd time this year.

Be careful out there.
I think you may both benefit from a mixture of boiled water, freshly squeezed lemons and honey.
Prayers for you both too.
I'm suffering from a real bad chest infection which plays havoc with the asthma. One day we won't have all these things bothering us.

Amen. I look forward to that day. As for now we just have to grit our teeth and bear through it. Thanks for the prayers though I really appreciate it. :) I never heard of the boiled water thing, but the vaporizer sure helped me last night. And so did the shamrock shake that I got this morning after church. Two Sundays in a row! Lol, that's bound to make anybody feel better. Feast your eyes and eat your heart out! :lol

But yeah I forgot to mention something. I definitely caught a cold because my mom has it too. The good news is that it isn't as bad as the one I got before Christmas so it shouldn't last too long. It would be nice if it went away by Easter. I was already sick on the day that we celebrate the Lord's birthday. I don't need to be sick for His resurrection day too.
The old saying " you are what you eat" is very true. The place where I get colonics at put out a McDonald's meal on a plate back in 2009. As of last month(2/18) it looks the same as it did the day they put it out! The bugs wont eat it, mold and fungus wont even touch it! Its not even considered food. If you consistently get sick, the question should be why isn't my immune system killing these viruses? Nutritional deficiencies are usually the problem.
That's true, but actually I'm usually very healthy. Having a cold twice in a year is very rare for me. I usually never get sick.
I just wanted to take this time to thank you all for your prayers. It was very nice and sunny today so I went outside a couple of times and the fresh air did wonders for me. Besides I'm nearly at the end of the cold anyway although the cough may linger for awhile, but I should be all better by Easter at this point. :)
Great news everybody! I'm pretty much well again. I still have a bit of a cough, but I'm going without a vaporizer tonight. :)
My cousin started taking a standardized herb known as Stinging Nettle , to help with his allergies. He also piles pillows behind him so that when he sleeps he sleeps at a slight angle rather than flat. This stops any mucous from rolling down the back of his throat. And it helps prevent congestion in his sinus passages.
He would get terrible coughs at different times of the day too. Racking coughs that would sometimes bend him double. An ice pack laid across the front of his throat stopped all that.
Since he started that Stinging Nettle herb that he also drinks as a tea on occasion he hasn't had near the problems.
Glad to read you're feeling better sister.
My cousin started taking a standardized herb known as Stinging Nettle , to help with his allergies. He also piles pillows behind him so that when he sleeps he sleeps at a slight angle rather than flat. This stops any mucous from rolling down the back of his throat. And it helps prevent congestion in his sinus passages.
He would get terrible coughs at different times of the day too. Racking coughs that would sometimes bend him double. An ice pack laid across the front of his throat stopped all that.
Since he started that Stinging Nettle herb that he also drinks as a tea on occasion he hasn't had near the problems.
Glad to read you're feeling better sister.

Thanks. And I never heard of the Stinging Nettie, but I do know like using the Nettie pot. :)