Questions and Answers

Rollo Tamasi

Warrior for Christ
Nov 23, 2012
Reaction score
1. - What language did Adam and Eve speak while in the Garden of Eden?

A - English of course.
Everyone speaks English.

2. - What is Deborah famous for?

A - For beating up the boys and taking their job away.

3. - What instrument did David play besides the harp?

A - A custom made Fender Stratocaster hand painted (Jimi Hendrix copied him).

4. Did Solomon have a favorite wife?

A - Yeah, the one that cooked for him.

5. - What was Daniels forgotten dream?

A - I don't know, I forgot.

If you have any questions and answers, please record them here.
I have a question. Sort of related to one of yours, lol.

If King Solomon was so could he have wanted 700 wives and 300 concubines?!
Those girls got him in trouble too, distracted him from the one true God...for awhile.

How so, if he was so wise?!

I am in no way as wise as Solomon was...but even I know that girls are tough enough one at a time! Lol! (poor Solomon!)
I have a question. Sort of related to one of yours, lol.

If King Solomon was so could he have wanted 700 wives and 300 concubines?!
Those girls got him in trouble too, distracted him from the one true God...for awhile.

How so, if he was so wise?!

I am in no way as wise as Solomon was...but even I know that girls are tough enough one at a time! Lol! (poor Solomon!)

No wonder girls want to hit your car.....
If King Solomon was so could he have wanted 700 wives and 300 concubines?!

He had a good excuse not to remember any of there names. What was he even thinking. Who would want 700 wives. That would be a complete nightmare. Imagine 700 women coming to you with all there ridiculous everyday problems. It would drive any dude insane. Maybe that's why he was insane.
He had a good excuse not to remember any of there names. What was he even thinking. Who would want 700 wives. That would be a complete nightmare. Imagine 700 women coming to you with all there ridiculous everyday problems. It would drive any dude insane. Maybe that's why he was insane.
I'm going to have to lock you and Edward in a cell somewhere and throw away the key. This way you won't have to hear any woman complaining about her ridiculous problems every day.

You should be happy we need you guys!!

I'm going to have to lock you and Edward in a cell somewhere and throw away the key. This way you won't have to hear any woman complaining about her ridiculous problems every day.

It's ok. I already seen advertised for Valentine's day they will arrest people in front of there wives and release them on Tuesday, it includes camping fee, fishing licence, and beers. They come in uniform and blue lights.
It's ok. I already seen advertised for Valentine's day they will arrest people in front of there wives and release them on Tuesday, it includes camping fee, fishing licence, and beers. They come in uniform and blue lights.
Ah ha!
Take away your fishing license!
That's BETTER than putting you behind bars!
And you're a good looking guy...
How's about a nice avatar picture of you?

Adam and Eve spoke ogga bogga.
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This is why women are the way they are


One day an angel appeared to Adam. The angel said, “Adam, I’ve got great news. God is going to create something wonderful for you.” Adam said, “Oh, what is it?

The angel said, “It’s not an “it,” it’s a “she.” God is going to make something called a woman.” Adam said, “Go on.”

The angel continued, “This is going to be wonderful. This woman will be made to be a lot like you physically, only much more beautiful. She will live to serve you at all times. When you are tired, she’ll give you a massage. When you are hungry, she’ll feed you. She’ll come and bow down to you in the morning and when you return from working in the garden in the evening. She’ll live to serve your every pleasure each day.”

“In addition,” the angel continued, “she will never argue with you or complain. She wont nag you or talk back to you either. For every command you give her, she’ll simply reply, “yes master.” She’ll clean your house, and tend to your every desire.”

Adam had a sparkle in his eye and said with excitement, “Wow, that sounds amazing. I’d really like to have something like that. But what’s it going to cost me?” The angel said, “Well Adam, it’s going to cost you your right arm, and a leg.”

Adam thought about it for a while, and then replied, “What can I get for just a rib?”
Q - What do John Hagee, Kenneth Copeland, and Jack Van Impee all have in common?

A - They all went to the Vatican, got down on their knees, and kissed the pope's ring.