Free Bible's for Europe

Book Keeper

Feb 13, 2019
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I think this is a fantastic cause; spreading the words of Christ to everyone without charge. This charity, sends out FREE copies of the New Testament Recovery Version anywhere in Europe; they even pay for the postage!

I have included the link below.

I have ordered one today for myself; as soon as I receive it (estimated delivery in 4 weeks), I'll upload some photographs so you can see what it actually looks like.
The free Bible I ordered has arrived today.
I can confirm the Bible is of good quality, and as an added bonus, an additional book came with it; this is titled, Basic Elements of the Christian Life.

These Bibles are free to residents within Europe; if you know someone who requires or wants a Bible - this UK Charity provides them. They even pay for postage!


You bought it here but your reward is waiting yo there. Great all the way around, gifting the Word, quality Bible, honors the Lord and that’s not even all the things our Lord has noticed. God bless and I will be following suit:clap