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  1. zeke

    [_ Old Earth _] Evolution stopped after billions of years.

    Lol - does Richard Dawkins et al agree with that? Classical Darwinism is atheism - those good ol' boys don't allow god-talk and they laugh at your position. You can't reconcile atheism with theism - it can't be done. You have bought a bill of goods but you can learn from your mistake. In the...
  2. zeke


    Lol - but you just can't quite post - on this thread - that "good evidence" that proves man-chimp common ancestry - right? You have provided nothing other than similarity and similarity works well for common design. You and your one "YE creationist' are wrong. Is that about all you have? Your...
  3. zeke

    Do you have to be baptized to achieve salvation?

    Are you saying that those who are baptized are no longer capable of sin?...all people have sinned, they have fallen short of God's glory... For the record I posted we do know if he was baptized - John baptized many. He may not have been but the point is moot regarding the necessity of baptism as...
  4. zeke

    [_ Old Earth _] Evolution stopped after billions of years.

    The facts are what they are - classical Darwinism is atheism. Provine says it very well... Evolution is the greatest engine of atheism ever invented. ~ William Provine Move forward.
  5. zeke


    Appreciate the comments but they are off-topic.
  6. zeke


    You are chasing your tail. If/when you can provide the evolutionary transition between your alleged common ancestor of man and chimp then present it and we will review it for you. Remember, just because man and dead-end apes have similar thigh bones does not prove common ancestry - it works well...
  7. zeke

    Do you have to be baptized to achieve salvation?

    We do not know if the thief was baptized or not - John 'baptized many' prior to the Cross but it remains a moot point - the thief lived and died before Jesus instituted and commanded baptism as an ordinance of His church. Believers today are to be baptized to "wash away" their sins.And now why...
  8. zeke

    Do you have to be baptized to achieve salvation?

    If Cornelius was saved as the Spirit fell upon him then he was saved before Peter could speak unto Cornelius "words whereby he would be saved" and we know that "faith comes by hearing the word of God". If Cornelius was saved as the Spirit fell upon him then he was saved before he could repent...
  9. zeke

    Do you have to be baptized to achieve salvation?

    You are mistaken. Like those Jews on the day of Pentecost, Cornelius and his household were not saved until they heard the "words" by which they would be saved. Peter delivered those words, including the command to be baptized in water for the remission of sins sequentially after the Holy Spirit...
  10. zeke


    Didn't say what? Where is your evidence from science that proves an evolutionary progression from extinct ape lines to man? You appear to be having trouble defending your mythology again - yes? No surprise at all - species similarity points to a Designer. It that it or do you have anything...
  11. zeke

    [_ Old Earth _] Evolution stopped after billions of years.

    Again, Darwin went to his grave a godless man regardless of the semantics game and you can keep digging but Darwin was what he was – an agnostic atheist. While, then, it is erroneous to identify agnosticism and atheism, it is equally erroneous so to separate them as if the one were exclusive...
  12. zeke

    Salvation through Christ alone not works less any man should boast.

    could you please tell him that faith itself is one of the works of God that man must do. To say that man can do nothing to be saved is an error - man must work the works of God, i.e., man must do that which God requires via obedience to His will."Then they said to Him, "What shall we do, that we...
  13. zeke

    [_ Old Earth _] Evolution stopped after billions of years.

    Your logic is getting fuzzy. Agnostic, atheism - same ‘family resemblance’ words. Ditto above - your logic is a bit fuzzy. It is you who tries to fit Darwinism with theism - remember, classical Darwinism allows no room for supernatural forces (God). You are not there yet - your brand of...
  14. zeke


    You dance the same jig. You have provided a list of now-extinct species, waived your hands in the air and said Darwinists say these species are transitionals, therefore they are transitionals - circularity at its best. Where is your science - got any? Provide on this thread evidence from...
  15. zeke


    You continue to dance. Just admit that cannot present an evolutionary progression from extinct ape lines to man. We will understand your dilemma. It is not easy to present real science to support mythology - is it?
  16. zeke

    [_ Old Earth _] Evolution stopped after billions of years.

    Again, a godless belief system is godless any way you wish to spin it and that was the worldview of Darwin when he entered eternity. Sad for him. I am simply pointing out the truth that Provine understands quite well - evolution is the greatest engine of atheism ever invented. This fact is...
  17. zeke

    [_ Old Earth _] Evolution stopped after billions of years.

    No fudge at all my friend---atheist vs agnostic - no difference other that semantic games. Godless is Godless and Darwin died rejecting a Creator-God. I don't think he was "orthodox Anglican" at any time during his adult life - he appears to have followed in the steps of his granddaddy - from...
  18. zeke


    Is this diversion your admission that you cannot present an evolutionary progression from extinct ape lines to man other than more hand-waiving? Were you just bluffing? Please feel free to decline the challenge as you have done repeatedly. We will understand your dilemma. It is not easy for you...
  19. zeke

    [_ Old Earth _] Evolution stopped after billions of years.

    Darwin went to his grave an agnostic-atheist and classical Darwinism is atheism, thus Will Provine can easily and correctly say, "evolution is the greatest engine of atheism ever invented". Where does that leave you?
  20. zeke


    Homo erectus is an extinct hominid species. You still have not presented an evolutionary progression from extinct ape lines to man other than more hand-waiving.