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  1. KevinK

    Hobbies Aikido

    My health has improved enough for me to continue some kind of martial arts training again. I recently did about a year of Filipino "Kali" (stick, sword, and knife fighting). I've always had an interest in Japanese Aikidō, and conveniently found a dojo less than 10 minutes from my house. Been...
  2. KevinK

    [__ Prayer __] Cancer Request

    My best friend's adult son has gall bladder cancer that has metastasized. The odds are against him surviving beyond 5 years. He has a wife and young son. Would you be so good as to send up a prayer if you have a moment. Thank you.
  3. KevinK

    For Wondering...

  4. KevinK

    Heavenly Image of Jesus?

    Is this the Lord? Man captures image of Jesus shining through the clouds: 'I was enchanted' By Caleb Parke Published March 04, 2019 Fox News The sun's rays illuminated what appeared to be a glowing image of the Son of God. The awe-inspiring likeness of Jesus Christ was captured by an...
  5. KevinK

    [__ Prayer __] Dad in the Hospital

    Could use some prayers for Dad. Basically just weakened by the flu, but he is taking longer to recover than they initially anticipated. Prayers not only for his health, but his soul. Dad is an athiest.
  6. KevinK

    Bryan Melvin- Live!

    One of my favorite online preachers is now on Youtube live. (I'm Kenjhee in the Chat)...
  7. KevinK

    My New Website

    Check it out if you have a moment:
  8. KevinK


    This reminded me of the other post on whether extra-terrestrials are demonic in origin. Watch to the end.
  9. KevinK

    Where Am I?

  10. KevinK

    Atheists' Last Words...

    Some of these are dubious, for example Anton Lavey's final utterances on his deathbed may or may not have been concocted by over-zealous supporters of the faith. Then again, maybe it did happen that way. At least some must be valid, and all are chilling.
  11. KevinK

    The World Ends Today

    I don't know how I missed this. Luckily I checked the early edition. Numerologist David Meade pegs April 23, today, as the end of the world and also the day of the Rapture. The deal is this: today the Sun, the Moon, and Jupiter, which supposedly represents the Messiah, will be in Virgo. Virgo...
  12. KevinK

    1000 to 1?

    Pastor Yong Gyu Park had a Near Death Experience. He was supposedly informed that the ratio of souls that end up in Hell vs. Heaven is 1000:1 (the video lists these backwards, but you get the idea). This is an appalling statistic if true. Question: what do you think about this figure? Could it...
  13. KevinK

    [__ Prayer __] Prayer Request for Opioid Independence

    I'm throwing this out there. I'm personally caught up in the middle of the opioid crisis due to lingering pain from an automobile accident over 40 years ago. The meds certainly let me manage the pain, but I would much prefer to rely on Jesus. Can you kind souls help? Thank you all.
  14. KevinK

    Bible Study What was the Reason for Judas' Betrayal?

    Pop quiz, Christian hot-shots. :wink I'm looking for a one-word answer for the main reason for Judas' betrayal of our Savior. It's probably not the word you're thinking of, but may provide greater insight into the motivations of the world's most notorious traitor.
  15. KevinK

    [__ Prayer __] Prayer Request for Justine

    Been dealing with the big C a lot these past few years. Just found out my cousin has lung cancer again, but this time it's Stage IV. She's only in her early 50s. Needless to say we could use some prayer action. Thanks in advance.
  16. KevinK


    In the latest Star Wars movie, a character says, "Godspeed". Nice.
  17. KevinK

    Thinking about Buddhism?

    I would ask you to watch this video first.
  18. KevinK

    [__ Prayer __] Prayer Request for Mom

    Mom just found out she has a lump on her thyroid. Pre-biopsy is 50/50 whether cancer. Most of the gland will be removed. Could use some spiritual support at this juncture. Thank you. You guys helped me slip the C noose about a year ago.
  19. KevinK

    [__ Prayer __] Friend's Son has Cancer

    My best friend's son has liver cancer (90% certainty). 2/3 will be removed. If he survives, ongoing prognosis looks good. Could use some good prayer support at this time. He's an ATC in the Air Force, has a wife and son. Surgery will be on the 28th. Edit: turned out to be bile duct cancer...
  20. KevinK


    Christianity and Japan- now you've got my attention. From Martin Scorcese, Silence tells the story of two Christian missionaries who face the ultimate test of faith when they travel to Japan in search of their missing mentor at a time when Christianity was outlawed and their presence forbidden...