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  1. C

    Rules for Communion

    Yes, that all makes sense to me. In this case though, children of the same age (8-9 years) are told that unless you have been baptized, you're not allowed to take communion. Where in the bible does it say that baptism goes before communion??? That's the issue I've been trying to understand...
  2. C

    Rules for Communion

    To reply on Bob C's comments: Your comment has made me feel a bit disappointed on the church's behalf. What you say is pretty true and this is the first time I have experienced it. So for me, it took away a little bit of my confidence in the church. I'm over that feeling now though because I...
  3. C

    Rules for Communion

    Yes Handy, although Mtwildman you had some very good things to say, my main topic here was of how anyone felt about the particular church denying children from taking communion just because they are not baptized yet. I have also gone to churches where the children do not participate at all in...
  4. C

    Rules for Communion

    I see what you're saying. I do believe the church is doing some good things there and their intention is not to change the doctrine. There was no issue about I or any parent not allowing their children to be baptized. I'm not sure if the example you gave me was because you misunderstood me or...
  5. C

    Here in Arizona

    Yes, but we prefer to communte on freeways like rats racing for the cheese. :lol
  6. C

    Rules for Communion

    Thanks for your response. I did call the church and spoke with the children's pastor. He just simply said that this is what the church inforces. He went on in reading the church's mission statement to me but I did tell him that I had read the statment before heading to the church and I didn't...
  7. C

    Here in Arizona

    Hi, my name is Cynthia and I have been married for 15 years. I have two children, a 10 year old girl and an 8 year old boy. We are from California and moved to Arizona about 3 years ago due to the economy. We miss CA so much but right now this is where God has placed us and we will be obedient...
  8. C

    Rules for Communion

    Hi everyone, I've been a christian for 16 years and I'm married with two children. I have a question that has just recently concerned me in regards to communion. I just recently found out that the church we've been going to doesn't allow the kids to partake in communion unless they have...