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Search results

  1. Memory Dust

    [__ Prayer __] Weak in faith.

    Thanks handy, I appreciate it. :) And for age I'm almost 17.
  2. Memory Dust

    [__ Prayer __] Weak in faith.

    I've been subject to quite large amount of atheists, agnostics and others views and arguments over the past few months against Christians. The results have been a depressing lack of faith in God. I pray to God daily, but sometimes I just find it hard too believe in some things that I used to so...
  3. Memory Dust

    Is baptism essential to salvation?

  4. Memory Dust

    Is baptism essential to salvation?

    Should =/= have too. Of course God wants us to be baptized, but God wants us to do allot of things that we don't do. We should be baptized, but God would not make something like that necessary for salvation. What if a new Christian from a country like Pakistan doesn't even know there's such a...
  5. Memory Dust

    Is baptism essential to salvation?

    I would like to hear what people here think. I definitely say no, and am about to do a debate on it on another website. Let me use a simple syllogism. I of course will be using more proof in the actual debate, but for now I'll just use this. When the debate starts I might post some more...
  6. Memory Dust

    New to this site.

    Thanks :) I have one question. Why can't I post in the science forum?
  7. Memory Dust

    New to this site.

    Hi, I joined this site mainly to learn more about apologetics and understanding the Christian faith. (And a few other reasons) I'm a 16 year old baptist Christian, and I hope I'll have a fruitful and enjoyable time here! :)