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  1. C

    Questions for Christians

    Ah well, Like I said, I get it wrong sometimes. Interesting though, I've been known to operate in a prophetic ministry from time to time and have had some real positive feedback regarding the accuracy of the words. But, like I've said I've gotten it wrong sometimes too. Maybe someone else...
  2. C

    Questions for Christians

    I stand corrected. My apologies, it's good to see that you actually went to the trouble to investigate the topic on NDE's. Now, if that is not enough to convince you or at least to start you wondering.....Hmm... I realise nothing but God appearing to you in all His Glory will convince you of...
  3. C

    Tough time believing in Jesus, HELP

    This is a much debated point in Christianity. Christians come up with all sorts of explanations to try and understand this issue. The fact remains that we don't know the answer. God in His wisdom decided not to reveal this part of His plan to us, so we are left wondering. But this issue is...
  4. C

    Questions for Christians

    You are correct, the link that I posted is not of a peer reviewed publication, it is in fact a organisation that keeps track of multiple peer reviewed publications. It is obvious that you did not even try to investigate the website, you just jumped to a conclusion. You can...
  5. C

    Questions for Christians

    Tell me AAA, I see you've been coming to this forum for a while now. Just to satisfy my curiosity, if you are convinced you are correct in your opinion, why did you choose to participate in a forum about Christianity? I mean, if you are convinced that Christianity is a joke, why waste your...
  6. C

    Questions for Christians

    Try Call it what you want, the fact remains that there are multiple medically confirmed accounts of people experiencing conciousness after they where declared brain dead. And there is non religious, independant medical research that proves it! The question is if you will...
  7. C

    Questions for Christians

    No AAA, I asked if you investigated NDE, and from your answer it is obvious you did not. If you went to the least bit of trouble you would have seen that there are numerous cases of people being dead for long periods of time (up to 5 days) and they came back with no brain damage! There are...
  8. C

    Questions for Christians

    Ok AAA, Time to find some common ground. There are three facts of life that nobody can dispute: 1. We are all going to die one day, 2. Generally you do not know when it is going to happen 3. Once you died you are going to be dead a lot longer than you where alive If you look at this...
  9. C

    Questions for Christians

    I feel for you man, unfortunately I do not know enough about your life to be able to give any meaningful response to your post. But what I can do is tell you a little about my life and maybe you can relate. I grew up in Christianity in a very conservative, very religious church where God was...
  10. C

    Questions for Christians

    Don't get caught up in philosophical discussions about what is real and what is not. Christianity is very simple, people complicate it. Faith(to believe in something) starts with a decision, you cannot believe in something if you do not initially decide to believe in it. Yes, initially your...
  11. C

    Questions for Christians

    Hi Nickmano, Very good questions you asked, I will endeavour to answer them without a lot of religious mumbo jumbo. Wikkepedia describes a cult as . If you look at this definition and listen to some stories of what some so called "Christians" are doing you can certianly label Christianity as a...
  12. C

    HI from Australia!

    Hi All Glad to join and I hope I can make a positive contribution to this forum!