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  1. W

    Conspicuous absence

    I won't be edited, censored or told what I can or can't say, so I'm outta here, please delete my membership, bye
  2. W

    Conspicuous absence

    Brokendoll quote- Well, I have agreed to follow the terms, so I leave discussing the validity of the bible for another time and place --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Yes, i'm disappointed that the wimpy moderators won't allow me to correct...
  3. W

    Conspicuous absence

    Brokendoll quote-"many followers of Buddhism are also Christians" --------------------------------------------------------------------------- That does it! I'm going to have to have a cup of tea and a lie down..:) Incidentally you said you're an atheist, so tell us why you're in this Christian...
  4. W

    Conspicuous absence

    Brokendoll quote-""And although Christianity pre-dates Mohammed, why did God send an angel to inspire the Quran and found the dynamic new religion of Islam if Christianity (and other ancient religions) were all we needed?"...
  5. W

    Conspicuous absence

    Waymarker quote- "Well it (Buddhism) rejects Jesus, so that sets the alarm bells ringing for a start. Brokendoll reply- "Again, your personal opinion does not constitute an argument" --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Are you telling us that...
  6. W

    Conspicuous absence

    Not at all, it probably means you've got the wrong idea about Christianity, possibly through bad teaching at school, or bad christians who you knew.(I know plenty) Satan 'plants' his stooges in our lives to sabotage us and turn us from Jesus, and quite often they masquerade as Christians but...
  7. W

    Conspicuous absence

    Ha ha, so you're a conspiracy theorist, you'll be telling us man never walked on the moon next..:) Just as there were thousands of NASA personnel who'll testify to the truth of the moon landings, so there were thousands of people who saw and heard Jesus, including the roman army garrison..;) In...
  8. W

    Conspicuous absence

    Well it rejects Jesus, so that sets the alarm bells ringing for a start. And although Buddhism pre-dates Jesus, why did God send Jesus to found the dynamic new religion of Christianity if Buddhism (and other ancient religions) were all we needed? As regards the teachings of Buddhism, there's a...
  9. W

    Conspicuous absence

    I never said that, this is what I said- "the REAL Son of God (Jesus) has become the central figure of the world's biggest religion. See, it's a plain statistical fact. I mean, nobody in their right mind would dismiss him, and thankfully most people in the world are in their right minds..:)
  10. W

    Conspicuous absence

    Jesus said people are like trees, if they produce rotten fruit, then they're rotten. It's the same with religions, we look at them and decide whether they're rotten. Here's Christianity in a nutshell, it seems pure and wholesome to me..;)- "Love God, love one another, feed the hungry, house the...
  11. W

    Conspicuous absence

    I respect everyone of any colour or creed, but we have to be careful not to give them the false impression that we respect their religion. That's why the Bible is quite clear that we can't overdo the hob-nobbing and rubbing shoulders with them- "He who walks with the wise grows wise, but a...
  12. W

    Conspicuous absence

    Cliff Richard, Barry Manilow and Bruce Springsteen have sold millions of records around the world but their music doesn't appeal to me. Same with religions, all of them mean nothing to me except Christianity, and the fact that its the world's biggest religion is coincidental, I personally like...
  13. W

    Conspicuous absence

    You're forgetting something mate, only Jesus did stuff like this..:)- Bringing little girl back to life Bringing widows son back to life Bringing Lazarus back to life Stilling the storm Feeding 4000 Walking on sea Feeding 5000 Coin in fishes mouth Withering fig tree Big catch of fish Water into...
  14. W

    Conspicuous absence

    On the other hand we don't want to set a wishy-washy bad example that makes Christians look like wimps..;) "For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love and of selfdiscipline" (2 Tim 1:7) "Pray also for me, that whenever I open my mouth, words may be given me so...
  15. W

    Conspicuous absence

    Good mate, we'll make a Christian out of you yet..;) Now that we've established we must look outside ourselves for the truth, I nominate we look to Jesus the Son of God himself who made us an offer no sensible person can refuse- "I'll tell you things hidden since the creation of the world" (Matt...
  16. W

    Conspicuous absence

    What makes you think I haven't already learnt about Buddhism and all the other nonchristian religions? What I saw made me reject them out of hand..;) Buddha was a great thinker, but remember he was only a human giving us HIS OWN thoughts, ideas and philosophies, whereas Jesus gave us GOD'S...
  17. W

    Conspicuous absence

    Just because other religions claim to have sons of god in them doesn't mean they really ARE sons of god. That's why the REAL Son of God (Jesus) has become the central figure of the world's biggest religion, while they haven't..;) And incidentally, many nonchristian religions are just plain bad...
  18. W

    Should Christians Drink, At All ?

    Jesus turned at least 120 gallons of water to wine, and wine was also served at the last supper, so obviously booze is not evil. It's only the drunks who abuse it who get it a bad name. Incidentally at the last supper Jesus told his disciples that the next time he drank wine, he'd be drinking it...
  19. W

    Will you stand with me?

    Good for you mate..:) GOLD BERET by Waymarker Just as Army Regiments award the beige beret (SAS), green beret beret (US Special Forces) and red beret (Paras), so does God award us a gold beret if we pass his test. The only success that matters is getting through the Life Assault Course:-...
  20. W

    Conspicuous absence

    I see you're from Norway mate, sorry i don't speak Norwegian, but let me try to explain it in simple english- Jesus was the Son of God. He's only in the Christian religion. That means all other religions haven't got him, so they're meaningless. It's like if you bought a CD called 'The History...