An Emoji Devotions for Sat, 11 June 2022
Topic: Spirit of The Beast
This made the dragon terribly angry with the woman. So it started a war against the rest of her children. They are the people who obey God and are faithful to what Jesus did and taught.
Revelation 12:17
The book...
The Two Phases of The Antichrist: Man of Sin and Son of Destruction
"Man of sin" (458 ἀνομία anomia). The Genitive construction" denotes a man who "is motivated by sin". As "sin is lawlessness" (1 Jn. 3:4), the miracle working False Christ is lawless, he will condone acts against God's law...
Is the mark of the beast already here? People say it is but I don't agree, people say that this RFID chip is the mark of the beast. Does anybody know what I'm talking about?
I recently chatted with a friend who lives in Australia. Apparently, in Sydney, it is no longer possible to buy bus fare with cash, at all. They use something called the "opal" card, which is similar to the "oyster" card in the UK.
Apparently it's still possible to use cash for tickets on the...
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