I knew that you are a gracious and compassionate God, slow to anger and abounding in love, a God who relents from sending calamity. – Jonah 4:2
We all know the story of the prophet who was swallowed by the fish. Children are amused and enough the thought of it! Yet as adults when we take time...
I was raised in a time and in an area of the country where many men considered it manly to kill animals just for the sake of killing them. They called doing that "sport." And they taught the young boys, as they grew up, to do the same thing. They explained that killing animals was merely we...
I received a craigslist call from a strange man that showed up as no caller ID. The only words I heard from him before I hung up were "hello there, I've been molesting my step daughter everyday for..."
I was utterly disgusted and terrified just by the few words he spoke to me. I couldn't even...
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