
  1. Cyberseeker

    Bible Study Easter According to Daniel

    A fresh look at the ‘seventy weeks’ prophecy. Jesus of Nazareth is revealed as the Anointed One who finished transgression, made an end of sins, and reconciled us to God. I bought this message to our church in Easter 2019, and have only now got it on the Internet for 2023. We were doing a...
  2. C

    Bible Study Lent Part 12 - Crucified

    Mark 15:33-34 At noon, darkness fell across the whole land until three o’clock. Then at three o’clock Jesus called out with a loud voice, “Eloi, Eloi, lema sabachthani?” which means “My God, my God, why have you abandoned me?” Mark 15:39 Then Jesus uttered another loud cry and breathed his...
  3. Cyberseeker

    Bible Study Small Town Preacher - Big Good News

    My town is small; my church is not 'big time;' I'm not 'big time.' We just preach the gospel with all our heart. This Easter the elders asked me to bring the message of Jesus' resurrection. What an honour. Here it is. Enjoy.
  4. OzSpen

    Cynicism about Jesus as an Easter 'treat'

    Today I've had an article published in a secular Australian ejournal, On Line Opinion, 'Cynicism about Jesus as an Easter "treat"'. I'd appreciate if there are any among you who is interested in interacting with me about the content of the article. Even more, I would like you to participate in...
  5. Papa Zoom

    Growth 40 Days to Easter

    So I'm starting this late. It's day 36 today. I'm counting Easter as the zero day. My goal is to share a devotional or verse that will lead up to Easter. Please offer comments or share something meaningful to you as we lead up to Easter. I'm working from this book, which you can get free...