In this world, the so called successful people, are the ones, who have got high education, or a lot of money. According to the world system, if you can not make a lot of money, or can not be highly educated, you are a failure, and have not succeeded. You could be also considered not very bright...
Hi all. Over on a couple different threads the topic of Jesus and money has come up consistently so it seems worth starting a thread dealing with just that one issue. To start things off, I'd like to post a short (12 minute) video which details the issue well, though I don't mind if you'd like...
I'm curious if others see any correlation between what the Mark prophecy says about buying/selling and microchip implants. It seems likely, with the way things are moving in the world economy that "tap-and-pay" microchip technology will eventually become standardized and then almost certainly...
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