Explore the biblical proof salvation beyond this life is possible through the timeless sacrifice of Christ for the sins of the Cosmos. "God is to us a God of deliverances; And to Yahweh the Lord belong escapes from death" (Ps. 68:20) says scripture.
There is enough scripture proof to make a...
Regarding Postmortem Opportunity, I make two claims. The first is that Christians are permitted to believe that God will provide a Postmortem Opportunity to the unevangelized. The language of permission, here, has two senses: (1) epistemological—there is nothing epistemically substandard or...
When Jesus asserted Messianic authority, the Pharisees derided Him. Jesus warns ‘the Law and the Prophets were until John’, after that everyone pressing into the Kingdom accepts His authority:
Jesus prophesied the Pharisees would reject His teaching against adultery with mammon and end up in...
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